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What is it about Japanese laundry detergent ads?....
mrfisher 108 Reviews 568 reads

Maybe it is turnabout?

I thought this was a great, albeit brief discussion and historical look at where our (Western culture) views on Asian sexual stereotypes are derived from.  

I've always been fascinated at why I might be attracted to a certain person, and how that can change over time, and wonder how much that is influenced by the principles of nature vs nurture. For me, real deep attraction is almost always connected to intelligence, and not just what level of degree one has, but whether or not someone has a real thirst for knowledge and understanding of the world around us. This however, is something that takes a little time to figure out. What causes initial physical attraction seems to be ever changing for me depending on where I am in my life and where I am living geographically.  

The first man I ever really fell in love with is first generation Chinese American. He is a fantastic man, and I am still friends with him and his wife to this day, over 15 years later. Since dating him, it has always really bothered me the way Asians, of every ethnic origin, are so heavily stereotyped, and mis-portrayed in media and pop culture.

JakeFromStateFarm1052 reads

Jake is shocked.  This guy always told me his wang was YOOGE, but I didn't believe him because he lies about virtually everything else.

GaGambler653 reads

Plus as leader of "The Celestials" Wu got all the pussy he could ever ask for.  

and I find it ironic that even his pigs are higher than you on the food chain. Just because "certain people" won't eat pork doesn't mean that pork won't eat you Cocksucka!!! lmao

They are all crazy horny fuckers though and love redheads  

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Jake is shocked.  This guy always told me his wang was YOOGE, but I didn't believe him because he lies about virtually everything else.

GaGambler674 reads

Wu doesn't have a TAP, Wu is a TAP (Total Asian Prick)

You really need to get more sleep, not taking all those 3 AM phone calls might be a good start.

JakeFromStateFarm842 reads

Sometimes I get to talk to hot chicks.  This one had me sploogin' in my Khakis.  Good thing I keep extra pairs at the office.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Sometimes I get to talk to hot chicks.  This one had me sploogin' in my Khakis.  Good thing I keep extra pairs at the office.

I just surprised anyone still says "oriental" to describe Asians. Poor old Jake ...

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Jake is shocked.  This guy always told me his wang was YOOGE, but I didn't believe him because he lies about virtually everything else.

JakeFromStateFarm654 reads

Duh.  It was a conscious choice.  Wu and I hate political correctness and like to tweak each other this way.  Thanks for playing, Einstein

GaGambler621 reads

Call me "Asian American" and you are likely to get a pop in the mouth.

Being called an oriental by the self identified "World's Worst Jew" doesn't bother me in the least. I think a certain someone should just scoot along and stop bowing down at the altar of Political Correctness.

..that they were very submissive sexually. When I first met my chinese wife, she was the antithesis of that lame stereotype that I had heard my whole life. Opened my eyes about both Asian women and why stereotypes are so stupid.

GaGambler828 reads

We both love Asian women, and neither one of us would be caught dead with an Asian man. lmao

I guess this stereotype is one that is supposed to affect me personally, but I have had WAY too much pussy over my life both civvy and P4P to get too worked up about this. Maybe if the only way I could get laid was on Match.com this might hit a little closer to home, but I will stick to converting women about Asian men one woman at a time. Hopefully I will convert another couple of thousand before I am done and my mission will have been accomplished.

Honestly, I have no idea how many, if any, women have rejected me due to my race, but I do remember several women (well ok, a couple) virtually raping me (Sorry Scoed) just because they had a thing for Chinese guys. It hasn't happened anywhere near as many times I would have liked in my life, but hey, I'll take what I can get. lol

Chinese wife?!!!    In that case, I'll take you up in the peephole-in-the-closet offer!

Posted By: lopaw
..that they were very submissive sexually. When I first met my chinese wife, she was the antithesis of that lame stereotype that I had heard my whole life. Opened my eyes about both Asian women and why stereotypes are so stupid.
While I was generally aware of both stereo types -- endowment of the men and the submissiveness of the women I never actually bought into either. Reminds me of a bit out of a WWII documentary about how all then new recruits showing up in the Pacific war zones were all brash and kick-ass because they though all Asian men were 5 foot 4. Then when they ran into a bunch that were all about 6 feet tall they started shitting bricks.

Also, maybe an interest in Asian, and earlier Chinese, martial arts films  it was pretty clear the women were far from submissive even if the social order was a bit paternalistic.  

I'd love to see a sequel to the MTV bit (which I would also take as pop history rather than an academic history) that presented the Asian stereo type of western men and women ;-) I think that would both be highly amusing and informative.

Single after the death of my wife eight years ago. Somewhere along the way, my thirst for knowledge turned into a thirst for pussy. Maybe the blood leaving my head so often has left me a little dumber, but I still get some great wood, so I'm good with it.

How those are formed is as complex as our individual psychologies, but nature, nurture, and/or some X-factor, there they are.

On going attraction is based on a combination of chemical attraction and socialization of each parties attitudes and abilities.

Bridging the two worlds is what makes the world go around, or stop, as the case may be

It's not always our aesthetic sensibilties that trigger the initial attraction. I am wildly attracted to intellect. Brilliant people make me horny. I believe the term is "sapiosexual". A lot of times for me, intelligence supersedes most other sexually attractive features.

I spend a moderate amount of time on various message boards. One board in particular has a  regular blogger that I have fallen madly in love with despite never seeing his face or even knowing a physical description. I often fantasize about him; visualizing just a plain male figure. I know, I'm a weirdo lol. His prose and wealth of knowledge are what specifically get my panties wet.

I'd have to think that this can only be done after some amount of time.

I love my current wife, not the least for her brilliance.  But that brilliance only shined through after a decent number of back and forth emails.  My initial reaction to her was on account of her flaming red hair, purely an aesthetic consideration if ever there was one

His capacity for knowledge and reasoning  ability was apparent from the first post I'd read. It's what initially piqued my interests. It didn't take a long time really. It's easy to determine almost right away whether or not a person is  intelligent by their writing. One or two of his posts piqued my initial interest, but after i'd read a few more albeit lengthy blog posts I was totally smitten.

But obviously most of the world doesn't work that way. I couldn't believe I was being sexually aroused by someone I'd never even seen. Then I discovered that there was a name for it. I've never been the type to focus on aesthetics. I'm most concerned with intelligence and "inner beauty" as corny and cliche as that might sound. I'm a conversationalist. A beautiful moron wouldn't interest me in the least.

on a beautiful woman works just fine for me.  Anything in particular I can say to fool you into thinking I'm brilliant?

FatVern809 reads

There are some Asian women that I find to be attractive, but I don't think sexy time when ever I see an Asian woman.  

Once you said Asian stereotype, all I could think of was the Wu-Tang clan.  

Posted By: elainaamhurst
I thought this was a great, albeit brief discussion and historical look at where our (Western culture) views on Asian sexual stereotypes are derived from.  
 I've always been fascinated at why I might be attracted to a certain person, and how that can change over time, and wonder how much that is influenced by the principles of nature vs nurture. For me, real deep attraction is almost always connected to intelligence, and not just what level of degree one has, but whether or not someone has a real thirst for knowledge and understanding of the world around us. This however, is something that takes a little time to figure out. What causes initial physical attraction seems to be ever changing for me depending on where I am in my life and where I am living geographically.  
 The first man I ever really fell in love with is first generation Chinese American. He is a fantastic man, and I am still friends with him and his wife to this day, over 15 years later. Since dating him, it has always really bothered me the way Asians, of every ethnic origin, are so heavily stereotyped, and mis-portrayed in media and pop culture.

FatVern409 reads

What I was trying to convey was, I don't necessarily view Asian women as sex objects.

under one if not all of your various handles in the last 3-4+ years? Just own it ad quit back peddling!


ROGM597 reads

Posted By: MatureGFE
under one if not all of your various handles in the last 3-4+ years? Just own it ad quit back peddling!  
I don't find Asian Women attractive either. The smell of Dead Fish doesn't appeal to me.

GaGambler482 reads

Not about Asian women of course, I LOVE Asian women (and black, white, latina et al) but since it's obvious that as an Asian guy you are self loathing, isn't it nice to know the rest of us loathe you too? ROFLMFAO

Maybe you've met the wrong Asian women?  ;)

ROGM500 reads

Posted By: hey mikey
Maybe you've met the wrong Asian women?  ;)
Is there a right Asian Woman?  I have yet to see one. But then again I don't go Goo Goo over Asian Women like you white guys do.

Imo, many Irish are drunks, Italians tend to be more emotional and speak with their hands, Asians tend to excel in math and electronics, lol.

Sure, these characteristics don't apply to all in any given racial or ethnic group, but I think even though they don't, they can apply to many of the aforementioned groups.

And how often do we apply stereotypes to geography? Northerners in the east are rude, loud and obnoxious, peeps from the Midwest are friendly and helpful, Californians are BSC. Lol. Ok, maybe "laid back" would have been better for Left coasters but you get my point.

Stereotypes arent the problem per se, it's applying that stereotype to a specific person and not seeing them as an unique individual that could be an issue.

FatVern627 reads

don't all lesbians like pussy?

If I see a lesbian, I'm going to assume she likes pussy.

JakeFromStateFarm589 reads

Try wrapping your "mind" around that concept. Put another way, a lesbian who doesn't like pussy isn't a lesbian.
And now for your educational fact of the day.  The word lesbian is derived from the Greek island of Lesbos where dwelled the ancient poetess,  Sappho, who wrote about the joys of girl-on-girl love.  As a result of her fame in the ancient world, women of her sexual preference became known as Lesbians, which literally means only, "one who dwells on Lesbos."
I had a friend from Cali whose family was actually from Lesbos and often would proclaim herself "a real Lesbian."
Today, Lesbos, which lies just off Turkey, is a major stopping point for refugees fleeing the Middle East.
There will be a pop quiz tomorrow.
You're welcome.

GaGambler560 reads

It's even less subjective than calling somebody "tall" or calling FatVern a "Fucking Moron"

Fat Vern's are morons, which would be a stereotype, or just ours?

hotplants656 reads

And, trust me Vern: You (especially you, I suspect) do not "see" 99.x% of lesbians---which would be every lesbian that doesn't fit neatly within your narrow stereotype of lesbian.

The guys already covered the obvious point that 'lesbian' is not a stereotype (any more lesbian is a 'lifestyle choice', TYVM).


Posted By: FatVern
don't all lesbians like pussy?  
 If I see a lesbian, I'm going to assume she likes pussy.

I am really turned on by women of african origin (my ATF girl friend and two of my ATF providers), red heads with freckles like my current wife, dark slim women (one of my ATF friends with benefits), blonds like my first wife, really slim women particularly if also tall, full body curvaceous women and occasionally BBWs. Oh and I really like women who seem attracted to me (even if the evidence is little and scanty), while women who clearly don't like me seem desirable. I have been attracted to some transgender women, I like aggressive women and passive women.  I have never been involved with an asian woman so I didn't include them unless it is an asian woman who seems to like me, or really does't like me or is aggressive or passive.  I do like women of any ethnic group or mixture with leftists political leanings and those who are very rightist as well.  I find women who agree withe me on capital punishment (I am against) to be appealing while those who are in favor of executions have an certain exotic appeal. Let's see, I am sure there are some other stereotypes that I find attractive but I can't think of all of them now.  
Forgive me, but as much as I try I can't over come these prejudices.

Most of the girls I see are libs and it bothers me not. My first SB was liberal, and we would talk politics, but never in a heated way. We respected each other's opinions and she was/is a great girl.

Also, most of my closest friends from college were Libs so it never made a difference in who I became friends with and that philosophy just carried over to p4p.

All I really care about is how they treat me not what lever they push in the voting booth.

-- Modified on 5/28/2016 1:55:39 PM

Interesting, You don't consider the voting patterns of the women you have sex with.  I'll have to think that over.

is for the death penalty, as long as she didn't start thinking that way right after having sex with me.

OuNoU812444 reads

Posted By: elainaamhurst
I thought this was a great, albeit brief discussion and historical look at where our (Western culture) views on Asian sexual stereotypes are derived from.  
 I've always been fascinated at why I might be attracted to a certain person, and how that can change over time, and wonder how much that is influenced by the principles of nature vs nurture. For me, real deep attraction is almost always connected to intelligence, and not just what level of degree one has, but whether or not someone has a real thirst for knowledge and understanding of the world around us. This however, is something that takes a little time to figure out. What causes initial physical attraction seems to be ever changing for me depending on where I am in my life and where I am living geographically.  
 The first man I ever really fell in love with is first generation Chinese American. He is a fantastic man, and I am still friends with him and his wife to this day, over 15 years later. Since dating him, it has always really bothered me the way Asians, of every ethnic origin, are so heavily stereotyped, and mis-portrayed in media and pop culture.

Posted By: OuNoU812
Posted By: elainaamhurst
I thought this was a great, albeit brief discussion and historical look at where our (Western culture) views on Asian sexual stereotypes are derived from.    
  I've always been fascinated at why I might be attracted to a certain person, and how that can change over time, and wonder how much that is influenced by the principles of nature vs nurture. For me, real deep attraction is almost always connected to intelligence, and not just what level of degree one has, but whether or not someone has a real thirst for knowledge and understanding of the world around us. This however, is something that takes a little time to figure out. What causes initial physical attraction seems to be ever changing for me depending on where I am in my life and where I am living geographically.    
  The first man I ever really fell in love with is first generation Chinese American. He is a fantastic man, and I am still friends with him and his wife to this day, over 15 years later. Since dating him, it has always really bothered me the way Asians, of every ethnic origin, are so heavily stereotyped, and mis-portrayed in media and pop culture.

Dreaming of new  fancy catch phrases while she looks out the window  making sure nobody is watching

Posted By: OuNoU812
Posted By: elainaamhurst
I thought this was a great, albeit brief discussion and historical look at where our (Western culture) views on Asian sexual stereotypes are derived from.    
  I've always been fascinated at why I might be attracted to a certain person, and how that can change over time, and wonder how much that is influenced by the principles of nature vs nurture. For me, real deep attraction is almost always connected to intelligence, and not just what level of degree one has, but whether or not someone has a real thirst for knowledge and understanding of the world around us. This however, is something that takes a little time to figure out. What causes initial physical attraction seems to be ever changing for me depending on where I am in my life and where I am living geographically.    
  The first man I ever really fell in love with is first generation Chinese American. He is a fantastic man, and I am still friends with him and his wife to this day, over 15 years later. Since dating him, it has always really bothered me the way Asians, of every ethnic origin, are so heavily stereotyped, and mis-portrayed in media and pop culture.
Who ever come up with stereotypes in the adult business crack me up that's stupid sh*t I ever heard in my life.

OuNoU812393 reads

No escort trying to promote business thru Asian men? Eom  

Posted By: Fancy8888
Posted By: OuNoU812
Posted By: elainaamhurst
I thought this was a great, albeit brief discussion and historical look at where our (Western culture) views on Asian sexual stereotypes are derived from.    
   I've always been fascinated at why I might be attracted to a certain person, and how that can change over time, and wonder how much that is influenced by the principles of nature vs nurture. For me, real deep attraction is almost always connected to intelligence, and not just what level of degree one has, but whether or not someone has a real thirst for knowledge and understanding of the world around us. This however, is something that takes a little time to figure out. What causes initial physical attraction seems to be ever changing for me depending on where I am in my life and where I am living geographically.    
   The first man I ever really fell in love with is first generation Chinese American. He is a fantastic man, and I am still friends with him and his wife to this day, over 15 years later. Since dating him, it has always really bothered me the way Asians, of every ethnic origin, are so heavily stereotyped, and mis-portrayed in media and pop culture.
Who ever come up with stereotypes in the adult business crack me up that's stupid sh*t I ever heard in my life.

OuNoU812452 reads

i thought I was bored today, but these people and this thread are super bored. Geesh

Posted By: Fancy8888
Posted By: OuNoU812
Posted By: elainaamhurst
I thought this was a great, albeit brief discussion and historical look at where our (Western culture) views on Asian sexual stereotypes are derived from.    
   I've always been fascinated at why I might be attracted to a certain person, and how that can change over time, and wonder how much that is influenced by the principles of nature vs nurture. For me, real deep attraction is almost always connected to intelligence, and not just what level of degree one has, but whether or not someone has a real thirst for knowledge and understanding of the world around us. This however, is something that takes a little time to figure out. What causes initial physical attraction seems to be ever changing for me depending on where I am in my life and where I am living geographically.    
   The first man I ever really fell in love with is first generation Chinese American. He is a fantastic man, and I am still friends with him and his wife to this day, over 15 years later. Since dating him, it has always really bothered me the way Asians, of every ethnic origin, are so heavily stereotyped, and mis-portrayed in media and pop culture.
Who ever come up with stereotypes in the adult business crack me up that's stupid sh*t I ever heard in my life.

I'm in the airport right now. I see Asian men right in front of me. They're short. Americans are generally taller. Short people usually have little dicks. Women don't like little dicks or short men. Seems like facts. That's why women are not attracted to them.  

JK folks. Hehe

-- Modified on 5/28/2016 2:28:43 PM

GaGambler747 reads

Maybe if I were short with a TAP (Tiny Asian Penis) I might not be laughing so hard, but there is a certain ring of truth to what you say. A guy 5' tall is much less likely to be considered "hot" by women than a guy 6' tall. Not a cut and fast rule, but we are talking in generalities here.

bonordonor769 reads

is 5'6" and has a 10" cock...and I think he's part Asian.

Posted By: Erin Keevy
Not even a little bit Asian
Jewish is a religion, not a nationality...?

Fair enough  then people should stop telling me they are Jewish πŸ˜‰

GaGambler422 reads

I wonder how many "non practicing" Jews were sent to the ovens?

Sorry, unlike being a Christian or a Buddhist, you aren't necessarily a Jew 100% by choice. If you are born Catholic, but at some point renounce Catholicism, you don't have to worry about non Catholics labeling you a Catholic, The same can't be said if you are born Jewish. You can be 1,000% Atheist and still be a Jew.

JakeFromStateFarm560 reads

As for Hitler, you are right that he saw Jews in racial and not just religious terms.  Even Jews who had converted to Catholicism were gassed, including Irene Nemirovsky, a well-known writer.  She'd even been accused of being anti-Semitic, but Adolph gave not one shit.

GaGambler627 reads

What would Hitler say?

and yes you can be a really, REALLY bad Jew, but only one can be the "world's worst"  In the famous words of Duncan Macleod of the Clan Macleod "There can be only one" lol

I dumped him because his cock was way too big...he was Italian πŸ˜‰

It seems that racial integration has progressed in recent decades, and it is truly regrettable if Asian men are not considered attractive by American women in general.  
BTW "Lily" is hot as fuck and I could care less whether she knows how to cook or do laundry.  : )

-- Modified on 5/28/2016 4:42:50 PM

GaGambler791 reads

The problem was, all she could do was suck laundry:)

Yeah, it was bad, but not half as bad as some of the jokes fish has told here. lol

How can he be a "secret" if you had a T-shirt made?  Did you photoshop him into a black dude, or what?

It's just a play on secret agent man   not really a secret at all lol

When I posted I had just returned from a session, so all of the blood that left my brain to make wood had not yet returned, and I missed your pun.

On a somewhat related note, just thought I'd add to the discussion the recent (strange? offensive?) Chinese commercial for Qiaobi detergent...

But don’t get me started on those damn Norwegians – bunch of lutefisk-eating bastards.

As for me, I'm attracted to all women, regardless. Without making any judgements, and solely based on a lifetime of experiences in the hobby, I've had to the most problems, fakes, flakes, stalks, no shows, tardiness, upsells, anger for seeing other women, and general indifference from one ethnic group, caucasians. All other races, and or nationalities combined have been perfect, without issue. Case in point was my last two sessions. The caucasian lady received a rating of 37/100 (lowest all time for an internet date, not counting no shows). The asian lady received a 95/100. One will get a return visit. One won't. That's not to say I'll exclude all caucasians from any future encounters. My three closest connections were all caucasian. Which brings a new stereotype question about which ethnicity/nationality is most connective on internet hobby sites.  

One should not make judgements based on my experiences. I would venture to guess there are gentlemen out there who have had completely the opposite experience.

This is really interesting and explains a lot of my life growing up.  I am actually South Korean and was adopted by my white American parents.  Growing up I was always the token asian guy at most school functions or activities or when I would go out to bars/clubs with my mostly all white friends.  I did notice in the media and in my life in general most white women didn't find Asian men very attractive.  There was always that one exception though and it seemed that she already had her "token" asian bf.  I always thought it was me, maybe I'm not attractive enough or maybe it was because I was too stocky or my round asian face.  For a period of time It was a really difficult time for me.  I'm not trying to get symphony from anyone here because I'm sure we all had our share of struggles and misfortunes in life but about 10 years ago I found something similar to this video and at the time it was like a light bulb going off in my head.  I do agree that most stereotypes evolved from things that occurred in the past and for whatever reason they seem to continue to perpetuate and this happens in all cultures and races.  I have come to accept (mostly) who I am and that fact that I'm Korean.  Recently I have realized that it's actually cool to be Asian and I have taken a certain pride in being Asian like I never have before in the past

Physically a good fit - because I am short - and personality-wise too very often.  The hobby introduced me to some amazing Thai women especially.  They opened up to me in surprising ways.  Love the ladies from the Land of Smiles! (and outside the hobby now too)

I don't know about the size of Asian guys and I don't care. I do know that Asian women have the smallest tightest pussies on the planet. That's not a stereotype, that's an observed fact, and it's a very GOOD thing!

With all do respect has that been your experience? If so that's great but painting a broad brush to include all Asian women would be by definition a stereotype, no?

Posted By: atfsearcher
I don't know about the size of Asian guys and I don't care. I do know that Asian women have the smallest tightest pussies on the planet. That's not a stereotype, that's an observed fact, and it's a very GOOD thing!

Yes my experience. I love it when a super tight little asian babe says "Oh you too big!", but then she screams "Yes harder harder!" as I pound it home as hard as I can. Well I guess I wasn't too big.

For finding Asian women attractive, and a turn on sexually. I grew up in a very white bread area. Even though I am more worldly now, I still find Asian women more feminine. Not docile, just more feminine, which is very attractive to me. Sex is also a very mental thing, and if you are more turned on by Asian women, the sex will be more enjoyable.

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