TER General Board

Well, at least you're now able to spell heroin right. You're welcome
inicky46 61 Reviews 2184 reads

And I'm well aware of oxycontin/oxycodone.  So what?  There are still loads of mainline addicts and the woman in question was one, so what's you point.  You argue in circles like a complete idiot, simply to argue, apparently.

So a Provider did this.............

" Instead of calling for help, ********** gathered her belongings including the heroin and needles, stepped over **********' body to finish a glass of wine and lowered the blinds to conceal the body, police said.  She showed no regard for the victim. She showed no attempt to even try to render aid or get aid there to assist him"

So this chick charged $1,000.  You would think for that kinda $$$$ she could have at least called 911 and reported a medical emergency then left.  

If you want the rest of the article just Google it.  

This does dovetail into my previous pulled post I-G-G-Y and White Gals:)  But let's not go down that road again.  Except to say many white women feel entitled.  Huh?

But anyway have to go pack for the weeklong Girls Scout camp.  (not me)


That shows some level of respect.

And didn't leave her heroin kit there....so that was more respect as LE could have thought it was his.

And WTF do you want for $ 1k?  Calling 911 is always an upcharge.  Didn't you know that?

I also have to figure she didn't see this guy as a repeat customer...hence her ambivalence.  But she did lower the shades.

You are getting so picky now.

Posted By: Ridgetucky
So a Provider did this.............  
 " Instead of calling for help, ********** gathered her belongings including the heroin and needles, stepped over **********' body to finish a glass of wine and lowered the blinds to conceal the body, police said.  She showed no regard for the victim. She showed no attempt to even try to render aid or get aid there to assist him"  
 So this chick charged $1,000.  You would think for that kinda $$$$ she could have at least called 911 and reported a medical emergency then left.    
 If you want the rest of the article just Google it.    
 This does dovetail into my previous pulled post I-G-G-Y and White Gals:)  But let's not go down that road again.  Except to say many white women feel entitled.  Huh?  
 But anyway have to go pack for the weeklong Girls Scout camp.  (not me)  

AsianManNOVA2025 reads

Saw her pic. She looks like a crackhead and still lives at home with her parents. This guy had no taste. I guess the lesson here is to stay away from SD websites.

What does this have to do with race? She could have easily been AA, Latina or Asian.

I don't judge the men here based on serial killers of hookers or thieves or pimps of hookers, can we please agree that one cunt the whole barrel of apples does not ruin? Yes, I'm a working girl, I'm also an activist, and politically and socially aware and involved. I also have another "real profession", many of us are mothers, all of us daughters and generally the more caring of our species. Before I am a hooker, or an African, or a feminist, or an activist (many a demonstrations and protests), I am a human and I would take whatever consequence came my way if it meant saving a life.

Stop the BS, White or black or asian or any ethnicity is irrelevant. Whether one's soul is still in tact is the question and had it been reversed who knows. I've administered CPR many times unfortunately and the who what or where never once crossed my mind. Stop it RT… stop posting things that would make me eat my words if you collapsed in my presence.  

PS 1g should ensure no hard drugs no? Once you're like "GREAT" about heroin, you show little care about your own well being and the she in the room may act accordingly.

Get it together...

Maybe the video evidence and self-proclamation of the deed won't convict her....who knows.

Do you think she has a TER page?

I'm guessing that the dude that died may have still given her a 9 in performance.  Posthumously of course  ;)

As for her color...that's RT's thing.  Never fails to elicit an outpouring of hate posts  LOL

Posted By: sophiaLA
I don't judge the men here based on serial killers of hookers or thieves or pimps of hookers, can we please agree that one cunt the whole barrel of apples does not ruin? Yes, I'm a working girl, I'm also an activist, and politically and socially aware and involved. I also have another "real profession", many of us are mothers, all of us daughters and generally the more caring of our species. Before I am a hooker, or an African, or a feminist, or an activist (many a demonstrations and protests), I am a human and I would take whatever consequence came my way if it meant saving a life.  
 Stop the BS, White or black or asian or any ethnicity is irrelevant. Whether one's soul is still in tact is the question and had it been reversed who knows. I've administered CPR many times unfortunately and the who what or where never once crossed my mind. Stop it RT… stop posting things that would make me eat my words if you collapsed in my presence.  
 PS 1g should ensure no hard drugs no? Once you're like "GREAT" about heroin, you show little care about your own well being and the she in the room may act accordingly.  
 Get it together...

to all these bullshit stereotypes.  

So what's good for the goose is good for the gander

Chauncey Gardner1917 reads

Make for shitty posts. I'm a player of color and I've seen a couple of hundred P4P ladies,  most of them white. There were a handful who wouldn't see me at all due to my ethnicity and 2 or 3 of the ones I did see were clearly uncomfortable and I cut the sessions short. But for the remaining 190 or so what I remember is often amazing sex in a variety of configurations, orifices and situations.  And whether she was pressing her tongue down my throat,  eating her girlfriend while I tapped her from behind or staring into my eyes while she swallowed my offering I just don't recall these ladies letting "stereotypes" get in the way of our fun.

awb2006 reads

Read the article today, and tried to post it in the SF regional board; just keeps getting better and better here in Northern California!

What was the guy thinking sharing a needle with a provider, what was the provider thinking doing heroin with a client-wrong - wrong -wrong!


To providers: know your clients, a Google executive is not your average client and may be tech savvy enough to serendipitously film the encounter; and the police will pursue it more vigorously  than your average John.

Heroin addict's brains work just like ours. Only they are preoccupied with using heroin.

Posted By: perfectstorm
They don't think like we do.

Drug use actually affects the brain physically, and changes the way the thought process and logic works. Of all drugs, heroin probably does this the fastest.

Then again your brain works different than ours so I don't expect you to understand this.

I'd say 85%the of the HA brain functions like most.

Nick might not be aware that pills do the same thing as heroin.

Posted By: perfectstorm
Drug use actually affects the brain physically, and changes the way the thought process and logic works. Of all drugs, heroin probably does this the fastest.  
 Then again your brain works different than ours so I don't expect you to understand this.

And I'm well aware of oxycontin/oxycodone.  So what?  There are still loads of mainline addicts and the woman in question was one, so what's you point.  You argue in circles like a complete idiot, simply to argue, apparently.

You mentioned STDs when we were addressing addict psychology.

You went down that rail, not I.

I guess a dope sniffer, or dope smoker would have acted differently?

Everything else is immateral.

Yes she is a drug addict. You made a big deal about her IV use of her drug of choice. Which should be a concern for everyone. However that in and of itself, is immaterial to her being a drug addict.

Bull shit and lies are always defeated by facts and truth.


I never addressd what took place in RT's post.

Only your comment.

Did you forget this is a fuck board.  

Reality check!

So, the fact that this is a fuck board means it's OK to fuck a mainline junkie?  Or that enough hookers are druggies that it's inevitable?
Either way, you're an idiot.  I've been with enough gals to be pretty sure some of them used pills or snorted coke.  Big difference between that and needle abuse in terms of exposure to HIV or Hep C. And I know how to find needle tracks.
Tell me, Pimpster, do you drool on your keyboard when you type this drivel?

You really think so?  

There's a slight difference, but stay on that path look enough that's the only place it leads.

FYI I've never knowingly fucked an IV drug user.  


Posted By: inicky46
So, the fact that this is a fuck board means it's OK to fuck a mainline junkie?  Or that enough hookers are druggies that it's inevitable?  
 Either way, you're an idiot.  I've been with enough gals to be pretty sure some of them used pills or snorted coke.  Big difference between that and needle abuse in terms of exposure to HIV or Hep C. And I know how to find needle tracks.  
 Tell me, Pimpster, do you drool on your keyboard when you type this drivel?

And, no, one drug does not necessarily lead to another.  Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. As for this statement:
"FYI I've never knowingly fucked an IV drug user."
First of all, neither have I.  But according to your "logic," you've probably unknowingly fucked a few. Just add that to the list of things you've done unknowingly.  I bet it's a long one.

With an alcoholic about the dangers of drug abuse.  

I live in the heroine capital of America, you may not have noticed I95 & Amtrack pass right though.

Why do you think you are not in the mix?

Do you seriously not understand the difference between drug abuse and alcoholism?  Seems not, as you also don't even know how to spell heroin.
And, no, I am not "in the mix," whatever that means, Capt. Retardo.  Love the outfit

with has fucked, and who he's fucked... and so on?

Posted By: inicky46
Do you seriously not understand the difference between drug abuse and alcoholism?  Seems not, as you also don't even know how to spell heroin.  
 And, no, I am not "in the mix," whatever that means, Capt. Retardo.  Love the outfit.  
Perhaps you are too far removed from real life to have a clue. I can't fault you for that.

You have no idea how I know what I know about drug abuse and you're not going to find out.  Bottom line: you're the clueless one, on this and most other issues.  But I don't expect you to get that any more than I expect Tidwit to wise up.
Are you "in the mix?"  Is that fair?  Did the mix exist before drugs?  Did it exist before your brain? We did get this shot of it

When in god's name are you ever gonna learn. Gotta have that last word always I see...still. You can't even grab your balls enough to bow down to an argument you clearly lost here. And are still debating like a child (as usual). I have faith in you that perhaps you'll grow up at some point during your apparent manhood once and for all and stop these constant infantile shenanigans you perform on a daily basis. I would love for nothing more than to see that some day (as well as many others here I'm sure). I have confidence it is a capable notion at some point in time.

-- Modified on 7/10/2014 4:41:57 AM

Barely a week since your last appearance.  And now you're sticking up for one of the worst trolls/rape sympathizers around.  Just an example of your obsession with me, so I'm quite flattered.

GaGambler2128 reads

but I guess you don't have to be a brook to babble, do you? lmao

Welcome back, The turdster will be so happy.

Didn't I tell you to lay off the alcohol for at least one damn day. Jesus H. Christ PimpMasterG4000.  

Are you defending your lil luv bucket again? Ya know Nick is a grown man, I believe 70yo, I'm sure he can handle himself just fine........................or can he? lol He got his ass handed to him and thensome yesterday. Twas fun to watch lol. Hey tell him I dedicated my new painting just for him, that should cheer him up a bit. It's an abstract, (oversized) painting like his ego lol, in fiery orange/red tones. Very suitable don't ya think? I haven't thought of a title just yet, but I'll let you know when it comes to me.  


-- Modified on 7/10/2014 9:39:37 AM

Again, I'm so flattered, so do keep it up.  The only thing that surprises me is that your devoted lap dog has yet to show up gurgling with joy.
I wonder where he could be?  Have you two had a falling out?

-- Modified on 7/10/2014 1:31:14 PM

before my date with the 'young' 24yo this evening. ;)

That could be fun lol.  

But don't tell your buddy Panthera. He might just have an aneurysm for Christs sake ;)

-- Modified on 7/10/2014 11:46:24 AM

every post you've made under your new handle is either directly to me or about me.  Still, I don't mind being stalked, it's good for my poor little ego. Oh, and enjoy your date with your imaginary friend.
I notice there was no response to my question about you and Rod.  Why not?  Are you not buddies and more?  Did you have a.....

GaGambler2161 reads

Do you still prefer "Vinegar and water" lol

I'm amazed how many times the overall topic of the story which this thread is about. Has come up so many times before the actual situation occurred.

Was it a premonition in to the future?

Dood, I can't even LOOK at that guy…he really freaks me out. The stuff my nightmares are made of…meow…:(

Posted By: inicky46
So, the fact that this is a fuck board means it's OK to fuck a mainline junkie?  Or that enough hookers are druggies that it's inevitable?  
 Either way, you're an idiot.  I've been with enough gals to be pretty sure some of them used pills or snorted coke.  Big difference between that and needle abuse in terms of exposure to HIV or Hep C. And I know how to find needle tracks.  
 Tell me, Pimpster, do you drool on your keyboard when you type this drivel?

I seriously doubt that you haven't fucked a hooker that didn't have some level of drug dependency over the past few years.

You may not have realized it at the time...or maybe you did know.

I'm not justifying what the hooker in the article did, but to argue that heroin was the reason seems a stretch.  The dude was going to party with her (and this wasn't their first go around), he OD'd and she bailed.  

The case will be what it will be.  I think it's more of an issue that she was cognizant enough to attempt to clean up the evidence.  She wasn't that wacked out apparently.  They do have video evidence and I suspect for those that follow the case it might be interesting to see how the prosecutor moves forward.

But if being a drug addict is your entire issue and the rest is immaterial....then you need to include anyone who drinks and drives in your statements.  And we both know there's no shortage of drunks killing people.  Shit...that crap is far more common than an apparent accidental drug overdose.

The point I was making, and I'm sure it was nick's point as well, is that the issue had nothing to do with her being a provider. Ridge was trying to blame this on providers. I know ridge is a troll and just likes to get reactions. My point is that this thing happened because she is a heroin addict, not because she was a provider. She could have been his girlfriend, some one night stand from the bar, or dome guy friend he was partying with. Heroin addicts do strange things and behave differently. It was the heroin addiction that caused this, not her providing. Many heroin addicts are sociopaths. Some were sociopaths before they became addicts. Some show sociopathic behavior because of the addiction.  

I didn't see nicky say anything about not fucking a drug using provider, and I certainly didn't. I know for a fact that I have fucked drug addicts, and I snicker at the guys here who say they stay away from SWs and BP girls because they are likely to be Addicts. Addiction is just as prevalent in the "high end" of this industry.

once the heat comes. They ain't going to call them, to show up.

I don't care what they say when have that little, "what if a client has a medical emergency?" thread.

But I was replying to Nick with his retort to JCA...not quantifying the OP made by RT.

Drugs do strange things to people.  Including alcohol.  If heroin makes them sociopathic...OK.  But that seems a bit difficult to swallow since many routinely use heroin over cocaine today.  If you're suggesting because she shoots up that makes her a sociopath...OK.  Your opinion.

Why this happened will be determined in court.  I trust that drugs (as in an addiction) will be part of the issue, but I doubt it will be the cause (of her conviction or innocence).  This wasn't her first rodeo with the dude, nor his (apparently) with her or heroin.

Using your logic the deceased was also a sociopath?

Posted By: perfectstorm
The point I was making, and I'm sure it was nick's point as well, is that the issue had nothing to do with her being a provider. Ridge was trying to blame this on providers. I know ridge is a troll and just likes to get reactions. My point is that this thing happened because she is a heroin addict, not because she was a provider. She could have been his girlfriend, some one night stand from the bar, or dome guy friend he was partying with. Heroin addicts do strange things and behave differently. It was the heroin addiction that caused this, not her providing. Many heroin addicts are sociopaths. Some were sociopaths before they became addicts. Some show sociopathic behavior because of the addiction.  
 I didn't see nicky say anything about not fucking a drug using provider, and I certainly didn't. I know for a fact that I have fucked drug addicts, and I snicker at the guys here who say they stay away from SWs and BP girls because they are likely to be Addicts. Addiction is just as prevalent in the "high end" of this industry.

I just needed to dispute JohnyCumStain's other idiocy about drug use. You and I can agree to disagree on that, but I have a lot of personal experience with drug abusers (can't detail how in this place).  I do think there's a huge difference between needle users and other abusers who don't use them.
Is drug abuse fair?  Is sociopathy fair?  Did sociopathy exist before drug abuse? Is JCA a sociopath? Is rape fair, even at a bachelor's party? Did bachelor's parties exist before drugs?

I almost just did use an absolute in my subject line because I first was going to post "I never use absolutes!" LOL.
 I know someone would search posts and might find one where I did! Anyway, using absolutes like "all" "none" "every" "always" "never" etc.  almost always makes a statement wrong. I definitely did not say all heroin addicts are sociopaths. I said many heroin addicts have sociopathic tendancies! This lady definitely did, by showing no remorse and just grabbing her stuff, and finishing her wine, and cleaning up and leaving.  

Yes all drugs (including alcohol) make people do weird things, though I believe heroin is the worst.

The number of heroin addicts here is minute compared to meth addicts. Meth takes a huge toll on our economy. I think over 90 % of the crime here is meth related, and many lives are destroyed because of it. In that sense it is much worse than heroin. On the other hand, on an individual basis heroin may do more harm to a user and a heroin user is probably more likely to die from an overdose. I slso believe while both are extremely hard to get off of, heroin may be harder to quit.

All tweeked up, with no place to go.

because you are on an island, and if you have a meth habbit you aren't going to be able to aford to leave.

If she was a sociopath before she began using heroin.

Her status as an active using addict, had no bearing on what happend.

You and Nicholas, look pretty silly standing there dicks in hand.

gathered her belongings including the heroin and needles

This statement speaks volumes

You are only as good as the company you keep

awb2603 reads

One more thing!  The "Surveillance Video"  unless the guy was shooting up on his boat deck, not likely in November, Mr. Google was making his own little party film.   Like I said before this is just wrong on so many levels!

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
You are only as good as the company you keep.  

Yeah butt... I can't find a place with in me to be concerned about it.

These things happen every day.

You actually create impression that you are the only one non white dude in entire world and that every single white person is out to get you.

White Providers can blatantly post "no blacks allowed" in their ads and then state all kinds of shit like a Black guy robbed me before, I am not attracted to blacks, blacks cause trouble, its just my preference and all other manner of bullshit and then say I AM NOT A RACIST.

This is a white gal that was involved in drugs and did A REAL FUCKED UP THING BY NOT CALLING 911.

Where am I wrong?  Was she not white, did she not call for help?

I am merely pointing at the race aspect because I want others to see the hypocritical nature of their own statements.  

So the next time the "black thing" comes up I am immediately referencing this incident

BOTH parties in this case are white.  The hooker and the john.  You could have POSSIBLY had some merit if the client was black and she specifically said "I did not call the doctor because the guy was not white"

You remind me of someone I know who no matter what we are talking about will shift the conversation to racism and discrimination.

Someone will say "the sky is blue" and he will respond with "Oh yeah, it is blue,  blue for YOU white people.  For MY people it has never been blue because we are discriminated against.  When WE look at the sky it is not blue ... and if it is then we are not allowed to look at it"

At once point I could not hear that BS anymore so I politely pointed out that "my" people were slaves waaaay before "his" people.  We just happen to have gotten over that shit.  All the new shit we had to deal with (Romans, Inquisition, Pogroms, Holocaust) kinda kept us otherwise occupied.

So get off the "race horse" - there are groups of people who have been and still are facing harsh consequences (even DEATH)  due to discrimination.  Being denied a blow job because some blondie does not do chocolate is truly not that important.  

Talk to me when you walk into your school and see a sign stating "Tomorrow we will cut throats to all the russians and the jews".  Especially if you happen to be BOTH.

Or when you can't go to the college you want to because all colleges have official "no more than 10% of students can be jewish" quota.  

Or when your grandparents are ethnic russians and ukrainians and as result denied all social benefits because they have moved in particular country AFTER 1939.  

Or when your grandfather who lost 5 brothers at WWII is declared an occupant and a war criminal and has to watch parade of local Waffen SS "veterans".


I find it erotic that when a women can discuss historical issues.  I just sprouted a huge erection.

Do you do Greek?


The op is indeed a troll and his point is not valid as far as race is concerned…but watch it sister. I'm African and as chance would have it am also related to Russian Jews (from Belarus mainly), let's not not play the "who suffered more" game. It's a lose lose. In trying to talk sense into a retard your racial panties are showing little bit. Let it go. Black people have only been allowed to DRINK FROM THE SAME FAUCET in this country 50 years. 50… 10 years of Genocide is nothing to thumb one's nose at but I'd wager we will never be able to tally the amount of Africans who died in OVER 200 YEARS OF SLAVERY…followed by another 100 of fighting for equal rights… No more than 10%??? Well that's better than "if one of you enter we'll hang you on the spot." Just saying...

Now back to your scheduled programming.

Posted By: JustAGal
BOTH parties in this case are white.  The hooker and the john.  You could have POSSIBLY had some merit if the client was black and she specifically said "I did not call the doctor because the guy was not white"

You remind me of someone I know who no matter what we are talking about will shift the conversation to racism and discrimination.

Someone will say "the sky is blue" and he will respond with "Oh yeah, it is blue,  blue for YOU white people.  For MY people it has never been blue because we are discriminated against.  When WE look at the sky it is not blue ... and if it is then we are not allowed to look at it"

At once point I could not hear that BS anymore so I politely pointed out that "my" people were slaves waaaay before "his" people.  We just happen to have gotten over that shit.  All the new shit we had to deal with (Romans, Inquisition, Pogroms, Holocaust) kinda kept us otherwise occupied.

So get off the "race horse" - there are groups of people who have been and still are facing harsh consequences (even DEATH)  due to discrimination.  Being denied a blow job because some blondie does not do chocolate is truly not that important.  

Talk to me when you walk into your school and see a sign stating "Tomorrow we will cut throats to all the russians and the jews".  Especially if you happen to be BOTH.

Or when you can't go to the college you want to because all colleges have official "no more than 10% of students can be jewish" quota.  

Or when your grandparents are ethnic russians and ukrainians and as result denied all social benefits because they have moved in particular country AFTER 1939.  

Or when your grandfather who lost 5 brothers at WWII is declared an occupant and a war criminal and has to watch parade of local Waffen SS "veterans".



GaGambler1982 reads

It states on your profile that you are "Indian".

I will agree that no one wins the "who is the biggest victim" game, but it is only fair to point out that people of African descent hardly have a monopoly on it, and that it's really counterproductive to harp on one's "victim status" at every opportunity.

who have been just as persecuted in distant and not so distant past.  

Some of the examples I've included in my previous post took place within last 20 years.  And you are correct, it is impossible to estimate how many americans (and europeans) of african descent died during 200 of slavery.  Just like it is impossible to estimate how many people have died in slavery throughout the human history.  Slavery was not invented 300 years ago -slavery as an institution and social norm actually existed in every single country in the world since before there were any countries.  Lets not forget about the Irish slave trade which began when James II sold 30,000 Irish prisoners as slaves to the New World. By the mid 1600s, the Irish were the main slaves sold to Antigua and Montserrat. At that time, 70% of the total population of Montserrat were Irish slaves. There is great book that talk about the Irish Slave Trade in detail.  It is called "White Cargo: The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America"  by Don Jordan and Michael Walsh.

In some countries slavery has not been abolished till early to mid 20th century.  Among these  countries are Qatar (1952) UAE (1964) Saudi Arabia (1962).  I am not kidding - our favorite business partners had legal slavery until 60s!

But even today we have people  around the world facing death threatening prejudice.  As is right NOW.  

Several people were literally CRUCIFIED there this month.  I mean fuckin nailed to the cross while crowds cheered and videotaped it.  Women can be stoned to death in numerous countries TODAY.  Being gay or bisexual will get you death sentence TODAY.  Slavery may have been abolished in Qatar but people are not allowed to leave the country without their employer's permission.  The estimated number of deaths from upcoming construction for World Cup 2022 is right now said to be 100,000 workers.  I am pretty sure I've missed a group or two.

Is racism still real obstacle for non white americans?  Yes. But not everything should be blamed on racism and past.  And not every racist is white.  RT is prime example.  

Like I said - I agree with you that nobody wins the "who suffered more game" but RT's constant bitching about racism while making most racist remarks ever is getting on my nerves.  And compared to someone dying on a cross, his "white whores won't fuck me" complains are a bit ....  trivial.

Ok Ok lady :) I admit I breeze over this place so if he's been at it for years I wouldn't know.
PS I was offered an all expense trip to SA recently and was like ummmm…no. I'd stumble off the plane, scotch on my breath in a dress just a liiitle too short talkin bout "where's the weed at". Dead on arrival.

Posted By: JustAGal
who have been just as persecuted in distant and not so distant past.  

Some of the examples I've included in my previous post took place within last 20 years.  And you are correct, it is impossible to estimate how many americans (and europeans) of african descent died during 200 of slavery.  Just like it is impossible to estimate how many people have died in slavery throughout the human history.  Slavery was not invented 300 years ago -slavery as an institution and social norm actually existed in every single country in the world since before there were any countries.  Lets not forget about the Irish slave trade which began when James II sold 30,000 Irish prisoners as slaves to the New World. By the mid 1600s, the Irish were the main slaves sold to Antigua and Montserrat. At that time, 70% of the total population of Montserrat were Irish slaves. There is great book that talk about the Irish Slave Trade in detail.  It is called "White Cargo: The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America"  by Don Jordan and Michael Walsh.

In some countries slavery has not been abolished till early to mid 20th century.  Among these  countries are Qatar (1952) UAE (1964) Saudi Arabia (1962).  I am not kidding - our favorite business partners had legal slavery until 60s!

But even today we have people  around the world facing death threatening prejudice.  As is right NOW.    

Several people were literally CRUCIFIED there this month.  I mean fuckin nailed to the cross while crowds cheered and videotaped it.  Women can be stoned to death in numerous countries TODAY.  Being gay or bisexual will get you death sentence TODAY.  Slavery may have been abolished in Qatar but people are not allowed to leave the country without their employer's permission.  The estimated number of deaths from upcoming construction for World Cup 2022 is right now said to be 100,000 workers.  I am pretty sure I've missed a group or two.

Is racism still real obstacle for non white americans?  Yes. But not everything should be blamed on racism and past.  And not every racist is white.  RT is prime example.    

Like I said - I agree with you that nobody wins the "who suffered more game" but RT's constant bitching about racism while making most racist remarks ever is getting on my nerves.  And compared to someone dying on a cross, his "white whores won't fuck me" complains are a bit ....  trivial.

when the Reaper comes.  

 Dieing in a bed surrounded by loved ones is a nice dream; but for most it is ONLY a "dream".

skarphedin2030 reads

O, Death
 O, Death

Won't you spare me over til another year
 Well what is this that I can't see
 With ice cold hands takin' hold of me
 Well I am death, none can excel
 I'll open the door to heaven or hell
 Whoa, death someone would pray
 Could you wait to call me another day
 The children prayed, the preacher preached
 Time and mercy is out of your reach
 I'll fix your feet til you cant walk
 I'll lock your jaw til you cant talk
 I'll close your eyes so you can't see
 This very hour, come and go with me
 I'm death I come to take the soul
 Leave the body and leave it cold
 To draw up the flesh off of the frame
 Dirt and worm both have a claim

O, Death
 O, Death

Won't you spare me over til another year
 My mother came to my bed
 Placed a cold towel upon my head
 My head is warm my feet are cold
 Death is a-movin upon my soul
 Oh, death how you're treatin' me
 You've close my eyes so I can't see
 Well you're hurtin' my body
 You make me cold
 You run my life right outta my soul
 Oh death please consider my age
 Please don't take me at this stage
 My wealth is all at your command
 If you will move your icy hand
 Oh the young, the rich or poor
 Hunger like me you know
 No wealth, no ruin, no silver no gold
 Nothing satisfies me but your soul

O, Death
 O, Death

Wont you spare me over 'til another year
 Wont you spare me over 'til another year
 Wont you spare me over 'til another year


Read more: Ralph Stanley - O Death Lyrics | MetroLyrics

CRACK IS WHACK!!!! But come on couldn't it have at least called the EMTs to assist him, Christ sakes he is human, even if he was a crackhead.... Everyone deserves assistance... DAMN COLD BLOODED!!! Wowowowowowowoowowowowow!!!!!!!!   PEOPLE FUCKING AMAZE ME!!!

hotplants2081 reads

And how you'e gotten this so twisted-up, that you've turned this into not only a character flaw of all providers but a white people thing too, is no surprise.  

But, if some rich guy (black-white-purple with polka dots) with a LOT to lose, found himself in the same situation, what do you suppose the chances are that he would be calling 911 to bring the EMT's + police when he realizes he has an OD'd (possibly already dead) hooker on his yacht, with whom he has  just been shooting heroin?  

My guess is: no one would have ever heard this story.  



-- Modified on 7/9/2014 4:02:30 PM

-- Modified on 7/9/2014 4:17:49 PM

Bitch be floating in the water. Like in that Bruce Willis movie Unbreakable.

Posted By: hotplants
And how you'e gotten this so twisted-up, that you've turned this into not only a character flaw of all providers but a white people thing too, is no surprise.  
 But, if some rich guy (black-white-purple with polka dots) with a LOT to lose, found himself in the same situation, what do you suppose the chances are that he would be calling 911 to bring the EMT's + police when he realizes he has an OD'd (possibly already dead) hooker on his yacht, with whom he has  just been shooting heroin?  
 My guess is: no one would have ever heard this story.  


 -- Modified on 7/9/2014 4:02:30 PM

-- Modified on 7/9/2014 4:17:49 PM


This is for RidgeTucky

On a side note, heroine was big in my little town during high school, and even if you don't believe actual science, I can tell you first hand that heroine addicts are never the same, and don't think like the rest of us. Given the situation, and given what was going on, I really don't think we should be making any character judgements.  

I find it especially disturbing that this happens to us all the time, and yet the reactions even within our community are so different...

A guy's mother dies, and he meets who he thinks is the woman of his dreams at the funeral. He then goes out and kills his sister. Why?

I agree with the fact heroin will change your brain chemistry post use for ever. Never disagreed there.

This is also true for every substance that enters your body.

The point I never got around to making was, the majority of heroin addicts, along with other substance abusers(we could debate what constitutes abuse, until we both need a drink). Their brain's chemistry is abnormal from the beginning.

IsorokuYamamoto1883 reads

Heroine? Why are you back again?  

Posted By: OhCharlie
On a side note, heroine was big in my little town during high school, and even if you don't believe actual science, I can tell you first hand that heroine addicts are never the same, and don't think like the rest of us. Given the situation, and given what was going on, I really don't think we should be making any character judgements.  
 I find it especially disturbing that this happens to us all the time, and yet the reactions even within our community are so different...  
 A guy's mother dies, and he meets who he thinks is the woman of his dreams at the funeral. He then goes out and kills his sister. Why?

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