TER General Board

Very carefully
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 415 reads

After an extensive background check!

Posted By: DaIncredibleHulk
Was it by recommendation? Did you stumble on her ad? Was it through TER?  
 I was in Vegas and she was recommended to me by a business partner. How about you?

Was it by recommendation? Did you stumble on her ad? Was it through TER?

I was in Vegas and she was recommended to me by a business partner. How about you?

on my vacation at Bimboland..

Posted By: DaIncredibleHulk
Was it by recommendation? Did you stumble on her ad? Was it through TER?  
 I was in Vegas and she was recommended to me by a business partner. How about you?

Cece runs her ads there.

How was that M & G?   Seems like you got more than your share of drama.

Run Forest....run

Posted By: macdaddy1944
on my vacation at Bimboland..  
Posted By: DaIncredibleHulk
Was it by recommendation? Did you stumble on her ad? Was it through TER?  
  I was in Vegas and she was recommended to me by a business partner. How about you?

she was trying to find an ATM and ran into me!

I guess the stars just aligned. Or maybe I was rubbing my lamp. Something like that.

I actually wanted her to vouch for me for another provider who "didnt see black guys" *sigh*  Anyway she said she would and that this particular girl was actually taking alot of her regulars.  Well I told her that she was going to be taking on another job soon and she wouldnt be available as much anymore, kinda makes sense that some folks are gonna move on.  Long story short I decided to stick with her.  Now I cant get enough of her.  Its funny because everyone always says dont fall for your ATF which I have not, but as I write this it strikes me...........is the reverse happening......hmmmm.

joecarter424 reads

I have 2 ATF's now, one recommended her friend to me who immediately became my other ATF.  They are quite different and both are quite special.
I am truly blessed and I will be forever in ATF #1's debt - it was a huge solid for both of us!  A double is being planned!

I have never look back and we still have a great time together!

-- Modified on 10/30/2014 5:13:49 AM

HandleWithCare556 reads

Not exactly sure how I found her in TER, maybe saw a new review pop up (I usually check the new reviews for my area) or maybe saw one of her pics (ad, or back when pics could be posted in local discussions). But I started reading her reviews, and they were all solid although there were only around 15 of them (she was relatively new at the time), but several were from well-known hobbyists. And the reviews consistently described experiences that I thought I'd really enjoy.  

On my first visit to her, she met me at the door with a big smile and embrace and smoldering DFK, and right then I had a feeling I'd just met my atf.

GotItWhereItCounts489 reads

Had made contact with an amazingly reviewed provider but could never connect, and then she decided to leave the biz for awhile.  A few months later she suddenly popped up on one of my instant messengers and it turned out she had a new apartment right across from where I worked.  Finally had a great first session, and we hit it off well enough that I made her UTR contact list.  She can't meet often, but its been a great ongoing thing for years.

Flame away, but a more recent fav was a BP diamond-in-the-rough that I took a chance on.  Did a lot of research and footwork ahead of time so I knew many of the usual risks weren't there, but was still nervous to tap my toe on that minefield.  Payoff was some unforgettable times, though, so sometimes an educated gamble is worth it.

Adventurer37372 reads

she was touring through and I took a chance. A few months later she moved to where I live. We see each other weekly now

AFICIONADO13389 reads

I had a last minute cancelation with a provider I had pre booked with. Everyone knows how hard it is to find a reputable lady even if you have seen her before at the last minute. So I decided to be crazy and turned to BP and found this girl in my area that was just starting out. Wow she was hot and offered one of my best GFE ever. She went on to build her reputation and eventually stop advertising there. Nothing like getting in on the ground floor of an upcoming provider and stay grandfather at a ridiculously low rate for the two years we saw each other. What are the odds of doing that again?

After an extensive background check!

Posted By: DaIncredibleHulk
Was it by recommendation? Did you stumble on her ad? Was it through TER?  
 I was in Vegas and she was recommended to me by a business partner. How about you?

so I found someone through TER who was willing to make the 3 hour one-way trip to come to me.  After doing her research and checking some of my info that she needed for screening, she arrived right on time.  She really impressed me by driving that far and by also trusting me to at least show up.   And she had plenty of outstanding reviews, so it wasn't like she even needed to go out on a limb like that.   Then when I discovered that she also had ALL of the qualities I look for in a provider, I was hooked!   It's been great for both of us ever since!

Ihaveabig1375 reads

in condom aisle at a CVS

Posted By: DaIncredibleHulk
Was it by recommendation? Did you stumble on her ad? Was it through TER?  
 I was in Vegas and she was recommended to me by a business partner. How about you?

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