TER General Board

Ure doing the exact same thing... Assuming. Some people think we do... Some don't. E-
sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 309 reads


she didn't ascribe the assumption to anyone at all.

she just asked our opinions about why that assumption might be out there.

this goddam board is worse than the wizard of oz,

so many strawmen all over the place.

using "all," "none," "everybody," "nobody," etc., it will almost always be wrong. (Notice I didn't say it will "always" be wrong).

In any case, many do drugs and most do weed.

...I mean if you're planning to count weed as a drug, you might as well include sugar, cigarettes, tea, and coffee on your list of "drugs".  All are mind-altering substances and more addictive than the green stuff.  Just sayin'.

And if we're judging based on illegality, then we might as well consider hobbying a drug too.  After all it's addictive & in some places it's considered illegal, depending on how you engage with it.  ;)

Many people assume that we "do drugs" for the same reason they may assume we were all abused as childred, come from broken homes, or are addicted to shopping.  Just general misconceptions & whorephobia with little basis in reality.

But hey- on average I WOULD say that we are more open-minded than most.  And maybe open-minded people are more likely to try "drugs" every once in a while.  Who knows if there is any basis in reality for the assumption, really.

Maybe this can be the subject of TER's next poll.  Err.... ok maybe not.

Posted By: perfectstorm
using "all," "none," "everybody," "nobody," etc., it will almost always be wrong. (Notice I didn't say it will "always" be wrong).  
 In any case, many do drugs and most do weed.

Posted By: Zoey Zacquery
...I mean if you're planning to count weed as a drug, you might as well include sugar, cigarettes, tea, and coffee on your list of "drugs".  All are mind-altering substances and more addictive than the green stuff.  Just sayin'.  
Let's see: from that list the only one I don't "use" would be cigarettes.  Oh, and alcohol should be on the list too!!  I "did" that one today one top of my usual morning caffeine fix & afternoon sugar fix.    
I completely agree that all of those substances are VERY addictive.  AND cause health problems.
On a side note, I'm hoping to get a medicinal marijuana script for my migraines..... until then, chocolate helps a little.  LOL.  ;-)


You might be disappointed.  
The drug of choice for migraines right now is the old anxiety depression drug amitriptyline  
Used to be prescribed strictly for depression then they found out is quite effective in blocking migraines.  
But if you get the medicinal pot I like mine in lemon flavored cookies 😉

Try fiorinal, it worked for me for a number of years. Severe migraines are the worst!

I have heard several people say that med mj is fantastic for migraines, along with the nausea that comes with them.

dude "most" is a pretty damn big blanket, too.

"most do weed" ??  maybe that blanket covers the hawaiian islands where you hobby, yeah, but not the high end ladies here in metropolis.  not saying none of them do weed, but i would be surprised if "most" of them do.

as to zoey's statement, she's right and wrong.  weed is a drug.  and so are coffee and cigarettes, etc.  and please, don't forget alcohol, which is far more destructive than weed. and, unfortunately, the above blanket statement "most do" does apply to alcohol.

i would not be surprised if most of the high end girls all over don't drink, and i would also not be surprised if a huge number of them drink to excess.

i don't do drugs or alcohol now, but believe me i did tons of both in my younger years.

in fact, i was on lsd all through college.

don't worry, i passed with flying colors!

GaGambler197 reads

I did kind of like your "passed with flying colors" but I bet you it flew right over 90% of the other reader's heads.

I agree about weed, alcohol and cigarettes and I too question whether or not "most" providers toke up is a fair statement, but I will agree that if not a majority, it's a least a substantial percentage of hookers who toke up at least every now and then as it's a pretty high percentage across all segments of society.

Personally, my drug of choice presently is booze, but I've done enough drugs of all kinds to last me several lifetimes, including tripping away during my teens, but by the time I was around twenty I had lost my taste for Psychedelics, but I still liked my Peruvian Marching Powder for at least another decade or so until I tired of it as well.

bigguy30269 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
I did kind of like your "passed with flying colors" but I bet you it flew right over 90% of the other reader's heads.  
 I agree about weed, alcohol and cigarettes and I too question whether or not "most" providers toke up is a fair statement, but I will agree that if not a majority, it's a least a substantial percentage of hookers who toke up at least every now and then as it's a pretty high percentage across all segments of society.  
 Personally, my drug of choice presently is booze, but I've done enough drugs of all kinds to last me several lifetimes, including tripping away during my teens, but by the time I was around twenty I had lost my taste for Psychedelics, but I still liked my Peruvian Marching Powder for at least another decade or so until I tired of it as well.

If anyone could study this I'd be surprised if they couldn't show that the use of drugs among providers isn't all that different from women of similar ages in other walks of life.

The assumption that 'all' providers do drugs is tied in with the cliche that all providers are trafficked or abused, it's a way of denying that anyone could choose to enter sex work if that choice wasn't automatically impaired by external pressures or addiction.

It's also convenient to blame drug use as a reason rather than a financial need, be that money to live or money to pay for medical expenses, education or any number of other reason

Just as with almost any other profession, some people do and some don't. There's a stereotype out there though. All or most SW's are probably on something. In my own personal experience, drug use among strippers is significantly higher than the general population. But the type of providers hanging out around here? I don't know if broad, general statements could be made.

What brought this on? You get accused of something?

I deal with something similar. Some people think all fat people are supposed to be jolly.

But much of our culture's attitudes and biased views come from Hollywood, who almost always portray a hooker as a drugged out POS of a person.

If we eliminate SW from the mix of providers, as I think that group probably does do illegal drugs to a higher percentage than the population at large, I still beleive the TER style girl is more likely to do drugs than the average civie.

I say that bc it seems to me that the likelihood of drug use, among any group, goes up if the person is a) younger and b) has expendable cash.

Now this is just a hunch on my side and anecdotal at best. I have no idea if this is true or not.

But honestly, what difference does it make?

Doesnt the judge and the attorney and the cop and the accountant all do "drugs?" Sure, it may come in liquid form like scotch or vodka or beer, but aren't they all personality changing substances that can wreak carnage if not used properly?

GaGambler398 reads

Availability and cash flow are the two major reasons, not anything to do with "morals"  

Or at least they are more likely to smoke the "good stuff" just like the guy who owns the car dealership is more likely to drink a single malt Scotch  than the PBR his mechanics have to settle for.

Now the other group of women that are REALLY most likely to be druggies are strippers. I have known a LOT of strippers in my life and while not ALL of them did drugs, the percentages were staggering.

Everyone smokes weed except me.I don't smoke just a preference.But I do love to drink.I like cognac!Drinking is fun!I'm 21 and still getting used to the fact that I can buy alcohol without having my friends sneak it for me lol

GaGambler173 reads

I don't have anything against weed or those that smoke it, I just quit enjoying it a long long time ago and simply stopped smoking it. I will confess to loving a decent XO cognac.

A drug is any substance other than food, that when inhaled, injected, smoked, consumed, absorbed via a patch on the skin or dissolved under the tongue causes a physiological change in the body

Sugar, tea etc have no business in this conversation. Now if ur talking about addiction, that's different. People do get addicted to all kinds of things including sex, TER and so on.  

I believe the question was about providers doing drugs, mind altering shit. Get it together people. Geesh

I'm addicted to login on this damn site and reading all this somewhat useless nonsense and useful info people post on here.  

Don't do drugs, I dont drink, if I sip wine is because I don't like it in my house when someone brings it, so I share it with other people. But I nurse one glass for hours. Probably never finishing it.  

I'm addicted to decorating, that's why I decorate twice a year or move once a year.  

I don't believe all providers do drugs, strippers are more prone to that because they are exposed to douchebaggery a little more than us.

and I am an addict!

Yes, a dunkin donuts coffee addict, so severe that I once dug my truck out of 6 feet of snow at 5 am to get it!!  

*hangs head* lo

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