TER General Board

"un-funny clowns?" Well, you did write the book on funny.
inicky46 61 Reviews 895 reads

Assuming the serial rape of pimped providers is funny.
Charm City, eh?  Great place for you.

Either stupid or think they're bulletproof..or likely both

-- Modified on 3/30/2014 7:12:55 PM

Never engaged in bbfs but I've met a number of providers who were ok with doing it raw if given a recent test. Some are ok with it some swear by using the cover.

In another thread, I wrote "I plan on living til I grow old and look like an asian version of Yoda. No bareback for me unless the girl and I are in a serious long term relationship or trying to make babies together or both.

Posted By: thehumanist
Either stupid or think they're bulletproof..or likely both

-- Modified on 3/30/2014 7:12:55 PM

I don’t see that big deal. While I wouldn’t do it, looking at the some of the research, the odds of getting a STD is not that high. Furthermore, most STD’s are curable and I believe the ones that aren’t, the body can fight off on its own or are treatable. Even HIV, with proper diet & exercise, will only reduce your life expectancy by maybe 5 years?

To be fair, he has a substantially greater chance of getting her pregnant then he has of catching a std, assuming she isn’t on any birth control.

That’s been said, I still wouldn’t do it, but I don’t think we need to tar and feather the guy because he would

On all boards including the ISO board. I'm sure he'll also find what he's looking for. Someone will PM him. We shouldn't pretend it's not happening out there. All we can do is be safe ourselves. At one time TER didn't allow bbfs discussion on the boards or mentioned in any reviews, but about 3 years ago that changed, which is probably a good thing. Rather than pretending it doesn't exist, this way those who offer it or seek it out can do so, and those of us who want to avoid it can figure out who to avoid. :)

Here's a recent post from the ISO board:

-- Modified on 3/30/2014 2:14:11 PM

Wow that guy was serious af about finding what he was looking for!!! however he may find some thing he's not looking for along with it smh. I haven't been on the boards a whole lot at least not as much as I probably should be. So that was just kind of shocking for me to see when I ran across it , but for some of the veterans on here it seems it's nothing new.
Be safe every one its really not worth it !!!  
Xoxo kayden

GaGambler1074 reads

Well not better about him as he seems to be looking for BBFS with every woman he sees, but so far the women, even the rather low end women he tends to see, seem to value their life more than the few dollars he offers them.

At least that says something about the good sense of most women in this business, even the so called "low end" women

on both sides (hobbyists and providers) only play safe! But we also realize not everyone else does.  
Stay safe Kayden:)

Pimpathy921 reads

Men do like pussy, and condoms aren't mandated "yet".  


We could throw rocks at the guy. Or send Dorthy over ...

Are you now in favor of BBFS in addition to pimps being able to force girls to have sex against their will?  What next, sex with minors?  Then you can run off with Udo, having hit the "Oh My God Don't Go There Trifecta."
Dream big!

Pimpathy1161 reads

These are (one so far) adults they can do what they want. Right?

Posted By: inicky46
Are you now in favor of BBFS in addition to pimps being able to force girls to have sex against their will?  What next, sex with minors?  Then you can run off with Udo, having hit the "Oh My God Don't Go There Trifecta."  
 Dream big!
I think it goes, minors? gay marriage? beastiality? cannibalism? ... I call it art.


Wrap it up.

Sometimes you made sense, but most of the time not.  It's impossible to know if you're a troll or an imbecile. Or an imbecilic troll.  My guess is, you're the latter.  But you make less sense than anyone here, even AF.  And that's sayin' something.

GaGambler795 reads

If it happens to be headed towards his home, so much the better.

Hey pImp, next bus out of town, be under it

We've got Pimpathy doing his weird dance, plus Tardy and Tardlor self-destructing before our very eyes.
The train wreck is taking place at the site of the plane crash. Was Tardlor driving?

Is driving fair? Is a carnival fare fair?  Is a toll road fare fair?  Is hobbying fair? Is the size of my pubic hair fair? Is my 1inch dick fair? Is a 6 ft clit fair?  


Is being a pimp who is forced to require two girls to be gang-raped fair?

Pimpathy657 reads

Glad I could provide you with some mental masturbation material

Pimpathy795 reads

it's pretty this time of year, I'm here. Why don't you book a trip?

Posted By: Pimpathy
it's pretty this time of year, I'm here. Why don't you book a trip?

GaGambler940 reads

I hear he benches 400 lbs just like Turdy, and it looks like he wants to "meet you after school"

I see we have another internet tough guy who can't compete with words or thoughts, so resorts to playing tough guy from behind the safety of his keyboard. Pathethic, truly pathetic. He's probably even tougher with his ho's, what a guy.

Pimpathy1049 reads

Not I.  


Nick, evidently has a problem routed in "fantasy".  

I figured he might like to discuss his problem with me face to face. I have no problem deciphering fiction, from non.  

In my eyes you two gentlemen, are nothing more than a pair of un-funny clowns.

Next time you're in charm city, holla.

Assuming the serial rape of pimped providers is funny.
Charm City, eh?  Great place for you.

Posted By: Pimpathy
These are (one so far) adults they can do what they want. Right?  
Posted By: inicky46
Are you now in favor of BBFS in addition to pimps being able to force girls to have sex against their will?  What next, sex with minors?  Then you can run off with Udo, having hit the "Oh My God Don't Go There Trifecta."  
  Dream big!
 I think it goes, minors? gay marriage? beastiality? cannibalism? ... I call it art.  
 Wrap it up.
Did you just equate gay marriage and bestiality? Fuck you. Seriously.

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