TER General Board

To dream the impossible dreamteeth_smile
Fridays117 27 Reviews 1999 reads

That both my sons grow up to be healthy happy and successful people, while my wife suddenly loses 75 lbs, works out like a motherfucker and has massive surgery to correct the damage she's done to her body, not to mention tightening everything up and deciding that she loves sex and wants it 3 x a day and enjoys giving BJ's at least every other day..  All this while I miraculously lose 30 lbs of fat, gain back 20 lbs in muscle and win the lottery for $35 or $40 million all while staying healthy and eating whatever I want until I reach old age at 90 and drop dead with delicious booze in my belly and a warm beautiful gal's mouth on my cock (after I've just cum for the last time).  How's that for impossible.

0603450onThe3052 reads

I thought since the silliest day of the year is coming to a close and obviously we've had our fun here...maybe we could take it to a bit of a serious side (yes, even on here). I'm enjoying a beautiful sunset off my deck and of course it got me thinking...as always. So I thought I'd write and ask.......

If you could have anything at your heart's content...aka your 'dream'...what would it be?

If you have already fulfilled your dream(s), would you care to share?

I happen to believe there's a dreamer in all of us whether we aware that we are a one or not. Without dreams, I suppose many say there's no point to life. And for the dreams that have already been achieved, will there always be another one waiting in the wings.  

Are we all simply insatiable creatures?

Maybe the point is that it's never supposed to end, our dreams that is, for the minute they do, what else is there really.............

-- Modified on 4/1/2014 3:22:13 PM

professionally and with family.  To have a long healthy life filled with much joy and minimal disappointments.  

While I have enjoyed spending time with many wonderful ladies, I do know that someday that will end when the equipment no longer works as it once did.

But if you played your usual game and didn't look beyond the subject line you would have missed a somewhat serious response.
First of all, I like the idea of your subject.  It's different and interesting.
Second, I'm not going to give you any details of my life or dreams.  I'll only say I've led a blessed life, reached many of my dreams (which were not small ones) and am incredibly fulfilled.  And I'm not talking about the little game that brings us to this board, which is tangential to me.  Suffice to say I've done more with my time than most.
But what's happened to me in this world also qualifies.  GaG made the point when we were sitting by the Pacific in Jaco a few weeks ago.  Paraphrasing, he said, "for most guys, this world is a fantasy they get to visit from time to time.  But you an I get to live in it full time."
The other great thing that's happened to me is, in large part thanks to TER, I've become part of a circle of like-minded friends who've done a lot together.  Some of them post here, some don't. They include men and women. It's a very rewarding benefit I never expected when I dipped my toes here a few years ago.

-- Modified on 4/1/2014 7:30:44 PM

People with whom I can share details of my life sometimes can't believe the things that have happened to me.  And it's not just that I've let things happen. I've been privileged to have more epiphanies in one lifetime than most and I've been able to act on most of them.
As for this little world, the list of friends I have here is too long to post but they know who they are.  And when I say friends, I don't say it lightly.  For the most part, I'm talking about people I met on this and other boards who I came to know personally, face to face.  We've done so many things together that the stories would be hard for most to believe.
It's an honor and a privilege to know them, and have them include me in their lives.

Freebies from providers if you had ONE Dream?


When one stops dreaming...they are dead

0603450onThe1471 reads

dramatically LOL on this fine evening.  

Hey stranger, how are ya?

That both my sons grow up to be healthy happy and successful people, while my wife suddenly loses 75 lbs, works out like a motherfucker and has massive surgery to correct the damage she's done to her body, not to mention tightening everything up and deciding that she loves sex and wants it 3 x a day and enjoys giving BJ's at least every other day..  All this while I miraculously lose 30 lbs of fat, gain back 20 lbs in muscle and win the lottery for $35 or $40 million all while staying healthy and eating whatever I want until I reach old age at 90 and drop dead with delicious booze in my belly and a warm beautiful gal's mouth on my cock (after I've just cum for the last time).  How's that for impossible.

and I'm referring to: Taylor Swift!!  :D


Seriously though,  I'd like unlimited liquor delivered straight to my frig.  Not my door step, my frig! Cuz doorstep's too far for a lazy ass like me.  I want it delivered to my frig.  lol

I think I have everything I need in order to be happy.  Knowing me,  too much of anything, I get tired of it quickly and tend to move on away from it.  So having anything to my hearts content may not necessarily be a good thing because then I won't get to really appreciate it as much or miss it as much.  I'm happy where I am.  

I wouldn't mind spending a few months with Taylor Swift though. :)  

-- Modified on 4/1/2014 8:03:56 PM

Why not liquor delivered straight to your mouth!?!

Taylor Swift would look nice in a maid outfit. hahahahaha!!!!


Sorry I just couldn't resist!



-- Modified on 4/1/2014 11:02:21 PM

"I'm getting a beer for my awesome boyfriend from the frig"

JackDunphy1195 reads

Two chicks at the same time, man.

Nowadays, my "dream" is to be happy and productive living the life I have and forgetting the life I wanted.

That'll be too cryptic for some of you. Sorry. Suck it up.

And, I wish more people would talk about themselves this way. With every forum I join, I am ever curious about the people behind the keyboards. Seeing the same folks day after day, including tiny little details about things they do or things they like, I can't help but wonder who they are. Not their names, but who makes up the person inside.
An escort review site is probably not the best place to develop those curiosities about the patrons, as our acquaintanceships or friendships are probably only temporary.  However, knowing people and what makes up those people is something that has always intrigued me.

To answer your questions, Taylor....I want to grow old disgracefully. I want to be one of those old broads that my boys have to tell people in a hushed tone, "Don't listen, she's just old." I want to be that old bitch speeding through the mall in her electric wheelchair, cigarette hanging out of her mouth, colostomy bag flapping in the wind, yelling at teenagers "Out of my way, cocksuckers!" not giving a shit she can't smoke in public in 2060.

But, before that.......I am going to create long-lasting financial stability for my family and never be in the desperate position I was born in, lived in and thought I would die in.

0603450onThe1322 reads

appreciate all thoughts and comments, for there is no right or wrong answer here ever, only expression fairly debated with an argument or opinion. Still wish it could've been done with a lil less 'gaming' but I'll take what I can get.  

The point of all this is to open your mind to perhaps think differently than what our minds are already telling us. We would all be content living in our own lil bubble shut off from the world if we didn't want to hear what others had to say whether it was good or bad, because sometimes what others have to say can be paramount in changing our own lives with one simple word. And that comes full circle in perhaps allowing us to dream or see a dream that we knew was never there.  

An interesting contradiction I had noticed before I bid you all sweet dreams for the evening and it sounded great in the shower in my head, but I'm not sure I worded it correctly here as I've been posting all day and taking classes as well as a gazillion other things, so my brain is a bit fried now. Hopefully it will convey just what it is I am really trying to say. Bear with me............

'Dreams' to me are about things that haven't necessarily happened yet...the future if you will. They are about 'forging' ahead and not looking back. Take in note, I am a lady here. Now, this forum (male driven) is the complete opposite of that process. The conversation here typically is about reliving the past over and over and not pushing forward or 'changing' or very little of it if it does. I'm being broad here.  

I believe this stems from one constant thought process here on each side, lady vs guy. And that is this. The men of this world, (some not all) have possibly lost their 'dreams' which may be in part why they are even here to begin with.  Their dreams may no longer be present in their lives or something is clearly missing in that capacity of fulfillment in which dreams typically play a 'role'. Now that 'role, in this world is played by us, the ladies. Maybe, just maybe, we contribute in getting back those dreams for you that are lost, if only for an hour or two or even a day, however brief or long it may be. Now it can almost look like a salvation in part, if you will in a way. And dreams to me are much like salvation. They allow us to want more, need more and feel more fulfilled even if they haven't been attained yet.

Now on the flipside with the ladies here, (some not all) are not technically living their dreams 'yet'. We are here trying to attain those dreams of and for our future. I have to believe that is why some of us are here. And in a sense, you are our salvation in allowing us to somehow finally attain those dreams, whatever they may be.  

We are fulfilling a past 'dream' for you (your salvation), and you are fulfilling a future 'dream' for us (our salvation). So you see, it's almost like a partnership here. You are about 'reliving' the dream, while we are about the dream that hasn't been lived yet. Ya get me?

Now I warned you, hopefully that makes some kind of sense on some level LOL. And on that note....I'm exhausted, it's time for sleep for me. Sweet dreams everyone. Until we meet again ;)

He started bombarding me with PMs calling me names.  I really do have better things to do than respond to his inane natterings.  You really need to find yourself a better circle of friends, if you can.

0603450onThe1642 reads

you know nothing about me to say those words. I go about life on 'my own', always have and always will. My choice. This forum and the people on it, is a collaborative effort of people chatting, nothing more.  

#2, I will read your posts when this craziness stops. It can only stop with you Nick. When it does, I'd be happy to address you. I don't care nor do I have time to worry about what happens behind the scenes. You are responsible only for what 'you' yourself post, no one else. So take responsibility for it. Then and only then, will this 'forge' ahead.  

Thank you for your seemingly 'few' words of actually contributing to the thread at hand.  

And yes, I am 'different and interesting' and I'll take that as a the first compliment from you...ever.  

Good day.

But please don't say "It can only stop with you Nick." You should know that's bullshit.  Both you and your pal Tardy perpetuate all this be responding to each and every "poat" I put up.  You're pretty bad but not as bad as Tardwell.  I've never seen anyone on this board like him, crying, screaming, sobbing, writhing and flailing.  And failing.  Even resorting to PMs to yell at me some more.  As bad as you may think I am, at least I've never resorted to that.  He's completely ludicrous and seems not to know it.
I can't help but play "Whack-A-Tard" with him.  My bad.  But all he needs to do is STFU.
Last, I did not say YOU were "different and interesting." I said your thread was and I stand by that. But it wasn't the first time I've complimented you.  Far from it. You just have a poor memory because, truth be told (stealing GaG's line) it's been a while.
You know for a fact I've been friendly to you at times.  Then you blow it by getting on your high horse and acting like a know-it-all. I hope you can break that pattern.

0603450onThe1903 reads

My brain just doesn't calculate words like that directed to me on any level, jokingly or not. Any man anywhere who enjoys calling a woman names, can't and won't earn my respect. Period. Funny, guess who the last guy was who called me a 'dummy'......exactly. Ha. Like I have time for that crap. He's dateless I'm afraid.  

And no I didn't read the whole post, only saw that one line LOL. I am capable of having selective vision just as men have selective hearing. I do it all the time with things I don't want to 'see'. I'm a Pro at it. ;)

And yes, I am well aware YOU didn't say 'I' was 'different and interesting.' I think you are clearly incapable of any compliment directed towards me. Ever.  

Giddyup ;)

-- Modified on 4/2/2014 8:20:44 AM

First you say I "lost you," implying you didn't read my post after that but you go on to quote back to me something I wrote at the end of it.
Not content with that, you say I "am incapable of any compliment." Yet, all I did was correct your twisting of what I wrote.  If you want me to compliment you, twisting what I write is the wrong way to get it.

-- Modified on 4/2/2014 1:27:08 PM

Oh shit! Sorry forgot you were being serious on this thread. It's only mid day April Fool's day, here! ;)

I want my old job back the one I was good at before I got laid off.
I want my house back, the one I built with my 2 hands that was taken from me when I got laid off.
I want the fiancé back that left me when I lost my job and house.
In short I want my life back.
 Sweet dreams.

-- Modified on 4/1/2014 7:59:44 PM

0603450onThe1527 reads

I thank you for your honesty and heartfelt answer here. I will admit, as I go about my day today, your words may haunt me a lil bit for I can feel your pain in your few words. To lose so much is something that some here may have experienced, and some may have not. I can relate to you on many levels personally myself. But somehow even in your few words, I can feel you have a sense of hope. At least I hope you do. That dreams can and do come true if one continues to be persistent in keeping your goals in mind and focused. For some of us, things have never been handed to us on a silver platter and we have to work everyday to get to where we need to be. It can beyond exhausting at times, but also exhilarating.  

Dreams are a 'solo' entity essentially, it's up to us to achieve them ourselves, but they may include many or few around us once they have been achieved. I do believe, if you put in that time and hard work.......your dreams will come true and in your case, I hope.........again.

RokkKrinn1600 reads

I would give away all that I have, and gladly return to relative poverty, if I could also be a young man again, and (key point!) retain all the knowledge and wisdom I've acquired over the course of my life.

The chance to get a fresh start, yet so much more aware of the potential pitfalls and land mines that are out there...mmm.  What an intoxicating concept.

Too soon old, too late smart....

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to beat that old saying?

0603450onThe1194 reads

post. I loved your words here so thank you for sharing. And yes of course it would be nice to beat the old saying but I am not one to ever look at my past to be honest. I look at what's in my lap today and what 'should' be in my lap tomorrow. Ask anyone who knows me, I literally don't remember last week. No joke, I am pretty certain I block it out by choice. I refuse to let the 'past' cloud my brain instead of all the good things that 'could' happen. I don't have time to try to relive or change what has already happened, that is the impossible and far too time consuming. That prevents us from allowing us to get to where we need to be, hence our 'future' dreams. But what we can do is what you stated, take what we've learned from the past and use it to better our future thru our knowledge and wisdom gained from those times.  

But Rokk, it seems as though you are in my 'relive' bucket yourself. Trying to 'relive' your past is unfortunately for some who want to, just not something we can do. The hands of time make that simply impossible I'm afraid. Why not take that 'intoxicating concept' and grab on to where you are now in life at whatever age you are and form new dreams. For me, there's not one day that goes by that I'm like, I'd like a 'do over'. Waking up to fresh ideas, a new start is something that drives me. And hey, I'm no spring chicken in my 40's but I sure as hell ain't old LOL. I'm just starting the second half of my life is how I see it, and that excites me to no end. I hope you can heed your own advice and realize you have beautiful dreams ahead of you, not behind you, and that all may have not been lived, just yet.......

But only you can do that.

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