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They were definitely much more passionate in general...
10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 587 reads

...not just in how they used their pussies.

So you started developing this ability at the age of 5...Lisa Lang suggested in earlier comments on this thread that Latin women may have strong skills in this particular area because they start so early. Would you agree?

I have seen and heard of women whose pussies were so powerful that they could launch projectiles. For example, at a sex show in the Red Light District of Amsterdam, I saw a woman launch a dildo from her pussy. It must have flown 15-20 feet. I have also heard of sex shows in Thailand where women launch ping-pong balls from their pussies.

Ladies, please improve my understanding of the remarkable capabilities that many local providers (or “chicas,” in local usage) demonstrated to me during a mongering trip to the Dominican Republic (DR).  

A highlight of my trip was what Dominicans call “cocomordan,” which comes from the Haitian Creole phrase for “pussy that bites.” To put it in clinical terms, cocomordan is the performance of Kegel exercises during vaginal intercourse. This clinical description, however, does not do justice to the distinctive and uniquely intense sensations that many DR chicas gave me; it would be like saying that a house cat and a lioness are the same thing because they are both felines. The “pussy that bites” metaphor is apt because it often feels like a mouth, as if she were giving me a blowjob with her pussy.

The closest that I had ever come to cocomordan before was with U.S.-based providers from Colombia. In neighboring Venezuela, they use the term “cangrejera” instead of cocomordan, hence the saying “a woman with cangrejera is not abandoned” (it has more of a ring to it in Spanish). I also dated a Cuban civilian with similar capabilities. I have also had North American providers put their Kegels to good use during FS, but it just did not feel the same or as intense as it has been with Latinas, at least for me.

The greater salience and (IMHO) quality of this technique in the region might explain why at least two Latin countries have a specific term for it. If DR chicas had TER profiles, cocomordan would be a “menu item,” like swallowing, spanking, squirting, etc. Cocomordan is so salient in the DR that they even have songs about it; see the below link to a YouTube video for one such reggaeton song, which has that term in its title. The singer says, “I like women with cocomordan...” It reminded me of the rap song “Baby Got Back.” Could you imagine an American rap song called “Baby Do Kegel Exercises?”

The song also illustrates the perception of cocomordan not as an exercise or a skill that one can acquire but a natural attribute. The singer says that he likes women “with” cocomordan, not women who “do” it. Similarly, chicas that I met in the DR indicated whether or not they “had” cocomordan. I asked some of those chicas if they did any exercises to “have” cocomordan. The word “Kegels” appeared to mean nothing to them, and the concept of “pussy exercises” seemed to strike them as odd. They believed (or acted as if they believed) that cocomordan was not something that one can acquire through exercises.  

The Haitian Creole origins of the term reflect the belief among Dominicans that cocomordan is of African origin, and that the blacker Haitians have the quintessential example thereof. I would note that, out of all the chicas that I met in the DR, the one with the most powerful cocomordan was also the blackest, but the one with the second most powerful cocomordan was even whiter than me.

So cocomordan chicas in the DR would have me believe that their pussies have an inherent, regionally distinctive quality that provides incredible pleasure. The qualitative difference in sensation and the greater intensity that I experienced there (and, to a lesser degree, with women from other nations around the Caribbean) do make it harder for me to disagree. With that said, I would welcome a more substantive, professionally informed explanation for their capabilities than “that is just how they are.”

1) Could Mother Nature have blessed the local gene pool(s) with unusually strong or controllable pelvic floor muscles? Or - Dominican women do tend to have ample lower bodies, so could they be supplementing their pelvic floor muscle movements with other muscle movements?

2) Could there be factors in the local lifestyle(s) that could cause some local women to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles without realizing it or consciously doing Kegel exercises?

3) Could it be that someone independently developed Kegel exercises long before Dr. Kegel, and her female heirs on the island of Hispaniola have since refined it to an unusual level of skill? Could they have practiced it the point that it genuinely feels natural to them? Or do they consciously protect and glamorize their trade secret by disguising it as something natural?  

-- Modified on 7/20/2016 4:30:27 PM

Pompoir, kabazzah, Sahajoli , take your pick.  It's all old news.

Maybe old news but it still is a wonderful feeling when a woman is capable of doing that. I have longed searched for a provider with those skills and only really found 1 that was close to talented in that area. Unfortunately she would use her skills not so much for my pleasure than to hurry my orgasm so I would finish quicker. I realize it takes a commitment for a woman to develop those skills, and I am sure that, or just not knowing about it, is the reason a lot of women don't have that capability.

I understand that, but was just answering the OP's  third question. Having learned about it, the benefits for me range from great to meh.  For civvie life, it's great. Though, oddly, I benefitted more during lesbian sex from it than hetero.

Some providers do know about it (if you google things like "Pompoir escort", you see a few advertising for it) and some do it without realizing it's a thing to be learned.From a provider perspective, the financial benefits are dwarfed by those from working on looks, personality, service, and other menu items that are easier and less time-consuming to acquire. As you noted, you may be able to use the 3 vaginal rings to get the client closer earlier, but most clients catch on to this quickly. Lol Some actually want the sex to go on longer than usual bc of it.

-- Modified on 7/20/2016 3:58:37 PM

Thank you for familiarizing me with the term "Pompoir" and other terms like it. I will definitely look into them. The hidden agenda behind my post was to find providers who could give me cocomordan-like sensations without traveling to the Dominican Republic (I live in New York), so those terms will definitely be useful in my search.

I believe that many, if not most, hobbyists would find this technique immensely appealing, although I suspect that many of them do not know what they are missing. I thus believe that the development of this skill would be an extremely worthwhile investment for a provider, comparable to looks, personality, and other menu items. To give you a personal example: one of the U.S.-based providers from Colombia who has this skill is the only provider that I have ever seen more than 4 times in my several years as a hobbyist. I would estimate that I have seen her at least 20 times, i.e. 5 times more than any other provider in my entire mongering history.  As they say in Venezuela, "a woman with cangrejera is not abandoned." I have since moved to another city and do not get to see her as much as I used to, and I am hoping to find another provider with similar skills in New York.  

Could you elaborate on how and why some providers do cocomordan/pompoir without realizing that it's a thing to be learned? That seemed to be what most of the girls in the Dominican Republic were doing, or at least what they told me.

Also, could you elaborate on how it benefited you more in your civilian life in general and in sex with women in particular?

I know some do something in the vein of Pompoir that formed somewhat naturally (aka without reading about it or doing the exercises) because I met another who did it and truly was unaware of terms. She just messed about with her muscles early on when she became sexual in her adolescent and they wound up developed. Also, clients have told me they've had girls do it (albeit, it was the general movements but not as developed) without knowing there was an actual term and practice for it. It's possible some were lying, but I doubt it's everyone.

As for civvie f/f sex, there are two ways it can add some fun and diversity:

>You can press your opening against the area surrounding another woman's clit and use the outermost muscles to sort of pulsate and create a feel of very light suction. I don't know exactly what the other woman feels, but they seem to enjoy it not so much to orgasm, but for pleasure in between or leading up to orgasms. It's not really a "getting off" thing, I think, but sometimes pleasure, visual aspects, and intimacy without that pressure is more enjoyable at that time.

>Another thing is if you use a double-ended toy, the movement makes it more fun (IMO) and versatile. Particularly the ability to expel and pull.  

I say civvie life bc I have never tried those things during a doubles or couples session, so I wouldn't know how the adding STD precautions would affect that.

I do suspect that some of the chicas in the DR learned this technique in order to get guys to finish quicker. In my case, though, that application of this technique worked to my advantage. I had been fucking my brains out over the course of a week and often found it difficult to finish before I grew too tired, so these girls put their cocomordan to good use at that point and gave me pops that were unusually powerful because my cock was so sensitive and we had both worked so hard to produce them.

a cock that bites back ....lol

As I mentioned at earlier point on the thread, I imagine that a U.S.-based provider could generate a lot of repeat business with such skills. The first provider who used such skills on me has gotten 4-5 times more repeat visits from me than any other provider in my mongering history, and I am in the market for more providers with such skills.

And it takes practice. There are several names for it and it is not unique to Latin America. My wife learned of it under the name Pompoir from a Tantric goddess before we me. She works her Kegels several times a day to be able to do it repetitively when she works. She also can cause her pussy to mimic an "O" on command using similar techniques. Few America woman can do it as we don't talk about sex and what it could be and how we can improve. As a culture we are prudes. And Kegels existed for thousands of years in India. As for your other questions I don't travel so I don't know.

So were those hookers in the Dominican Republic lying to me? (GASP!)

I figured that it might not be unique to Latin America, it is just that I have only encountered it in any potent form among Latinas (perhaps because I spend so much time with Latinas).

So it also exists in Tantra...I have always been curious about Tantra and now have another reason to check it out. Thank you for the tip

So it doesn't mean they are lying. I mean you can learn how to fight by taking a class in a dojo or in the military or you can lean by doing. There is an erotic art call "bondassage" that is trademarked and taught in classes. Yet many women have the same skill set through experimentation. My wife is one of them. She developed that skill on her own though play. You could say she came by it naturally and it wouldn't be a lie. Those ladies are likely very sexually open and likely pron to experimentation. Plus they likely have plenty of opportunity to practice. They likely just did it playing around, found it worked and progressed naturally. A learned skill can come self taught and feel natural.

wrps07639 reads

Is to never over rate them. Some fuck too much and have loose pussies.  They will cheat behind their husband/boyfriend back in heart beat. Be careful lol.

Ouch so your subject line just reminds me of an episode of Scream Queens regarding a vagina with teeth, which is a folk tale. Lmao ;)

assion women have this ability - those who can come - that is natural spasms which make it sweet an then woman wants more and more and she masturbates  

That is just as kegel .
I did it form age of 5  
 So I have it.

Women you saw  are just more passion - everybody knows that southern nations are more passion then northern .. not always of course .. but generally emotions are stronger and more passion.

so those women developed that when they are fucked by nice cocks  .. pussy - is alive member and lives also a bit separately form mind - just as your cocks ... passion women  did  learn how to control it from  
 masturbations and regular passion sex.
 as up to me that is ONLY way..
My Rita can squeeze a toy that it will fly out as a bullet.. be careful - i can "shoot" you with my personal toys :)

As well as I can easy to push out cock which is not enough firm - or just start spams and literally Rita will do it as vacuum pump to make it harder.

Of course , if you can feel it with condom on
 Female condoms are enemies for that function  
 that are for those  who just gave vagina - relax vagina and do nothing let him just Fuck .
as soon as Rita will spasm and" bite"  
I cam take condom off your dick and hold it that you be not able to pull it out .
 Fun.. a lot of fun .

[email protected]

...not just in how they used their pussies.

So you started developing this ability at the age of 5...Lisa Lang suggested in earlier comments on this thread that Latin women may have strong skills in this particular area because they start so early. Would you agree?

I have seen and heard of women whose pussies were so powerful that they could launch projectiles. For example, at a sex show in the Red Light District of Amsterdam, I saw a woman launch a dildo from her pussy. It must have flown 15-20 feet. I have also heard of sex shows in Thailand where women launch ping-pong balls from their pussies.

Can do the same ( shoot a dildo on few inches )-yet i do not book for those particular skills - as true intimacy state of soul gives me more rewarding dates  then those porno skills.

Passion is the best make up for a woman and that does not cost any money  t have it.

yes, age 5 ..just happened for me - I have had right GF :)  Now I am not a bio - just curious more about true exploration of soul intimacy with woman and men then pure porno.

I think - not every woman and not every girl would develop it - it has to be inborn passion
Latinos have it more as south nations ,  would say - or may be just because they not trying to be politically correct always and are truly free .
 I am latino inside :) alwaus wonder  - ma be  am a latino ? yet I never dated latino men eeven for business ..
and would bone scarred to explore dancing scene there alone.. yet I do dance as latino goddess.  
Shoot dildos form pussy ??
 That is easy and is just circuses - I am way ore then that ( but including that too

I remember reading about in Penthouse Forum back in the '70's, but never encountered it until I started hobbying.  Two ladies I know can Kegel, and all I can say is wow!

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