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there is no need to yell in large caps, wu. my advice was not for you.
inicky46 61 Reviews 444 reads

As should be fairly obvious, there are plenty of people who have no SO and no job who would still prefer not to get a call from LE.  And there's another bunch of dummies without an SO or a job who will fold under pressure simply because LE is calling them and threatening them with arrest. They would be wise to protect themselves from themselves.
My point stands.

Sorry if I'm missing something obvious here, but if there's no SO, or employer to worry about, are there other benefits?

I use a hobby phone because you never know who is going to be the guy who doesn't have boundaries. I only turn on my hobby phone when I am expecting a call. On days that I am not working it stays in a drawer. My personal phone is with me all the time. I don't want it ringing when I am with my family or having a personal day.  
Time and time again there are fellows who just cannot understand that whatever they have to say can be put in an email. They just must talk to you right now. Never caring about interrupting my life or sleep.  
The funny thing is that when I finally get to turning on the phone days have passed since they texted or left a voicemail.  

I would think that the same goes for men. You never know when a lady will become very aggressive and demand too much of your time. It is easy to turn off a hobby phone when she is blowing it up with phone calls.

I have never had a hobby phone.  Nor have I ever had a gal "blowing up" my phone, or any other problems with it.  

I know that I can block numbers from texting, but not sure about blocking calls.   Even if that did become a problem, I am pretty sure that by simply ignoring them, they would eventually stop.    

It's like playing tennis and it starts to rain slightly.   And you wait for it to let up.  Someone always asks "do you think it will stop?"   Classic answer is "it always does!"

I do a lot of business with folks in the Near East and South Asia and regardless of how many times I have the conversation that I am not to be called in the middle of the night unless somebody is dying, they insist on torturing me.   Now, when I go out with friends and family for the evening, I simply leave the phone at home.   Just two nights ago, when I returned, I found six friggin' phone calls from the same person between 10 pm and 11pm my time.   That and a bunch of e-mails asking me where I was, what I was doing, whether I was sleeping and why couldn't I call 'now'?  Of course, the other thing these folks apparently don't understand is that if they call me at 11pm, 12am, whatever, I am likely to have a few wines in me and they probably would not want me answering their questions. lol!

Well, t was a routine question, something that could have been easily asked via e-mail and which could have waited for me to reply during my morning, despite the time difference.  If it aggravates me with what I do, I can only imagine how it aggravates the lady given the nature of the service involved.   Unfortunately, it seems that the common sense gene is not so common!

fartsonhigher1539 reads

If the answer is "Yes" then there may be no tangible benefit to not giving out your "real" phone number.

They don't have to be criminals or psychos to have boundary issues. I have had to tell some of my sweetest clients that they call too much. Each person has their own idea of what is appropriate. Having a hobby phone establishes a boundary between real life and fantasy life.

fartsonhigher1495 reads

I agree with with what you have said.  

But as course and vulgar as it may sound, to me, male or female boundary issues in p4p, fall under the umbrella of "psycho."

Not to do one or the other is foolish even if you have no SO or employer.  Do you really want your number in her phone if she's busted?  Your Uncle LEO doesn't care that you have no SO or employer.

GaGambler586 reads

and I simply don't give enough fucks to bother getting a special hobby phone.

If Uncle Leo calls, which just like my other Uncles, he never seems to, I will simply tell him to fuck off, and to tell Sallysweetcrotch to call me herself when she gets out of lockup.

I don't have even the slightest worry about what LE will do to me if they find my number on a hookers phone. I am friends with so many hookers that I don't fuck, it's the least of my worries.

I have a burn phone I didn't use even when I was back in the US.  I tried the Burner ap just to see how it worked but quickly let it lapse.
But for most guys, using one or the other makes sense.  You know how much I love to be helpful.

GaGambler511 reads

YOU are the one who pointed out the LE risk, to which I replied there really is no LE risk. LE can only "out" you and try to embarrass you into confessing by threatening to tell your wife or your boss. If you have no wife, and you nave no boss, and you simply don't give a fuck who knows that you fuck hookers, there is no "legal" reason to have a burner phone. My point stands

As should be fairly obvious, there are plenty of people who have no SO and no job who would still prefer not to get a call from LE.  And there's another bunch of dummies without an SO or a job who will fold under pressure simply because LE is calling them and threatening them with arrest. They would be wise to protect themselves from themselves.
My point stands.

GaG and I just enjoy a little light sparring on occasion.  It keeps us fit, given the weak game of the piñatas here.

You're my personal piñata who are you f'n kidding haha.  

You, weak? Yes. Original? No.  

This is new and fun to watch you two though. I don't like either of you, but I'll bet on Gambler every time lol.  

T xx

Busted loose from your straightjacket again, Minnie?  Really no need to be very original with the likes of you.  You're just not worth the effort.  Now listen to the nice nursies and take your meds

Only AFTER they change your diaper ;)

T xx

Posted By: inicky46
Busted loose from your straightjacket again, Minnie?  Really no need to be very original with the likes of you.  You're just not worth the effort.  Now listen to the nice nursies and take your meds.  

And, as for diapers, at your age these are more appropriate for you

being so damn predictable. It took you that long to figure that out and post a damn photo of diapers LOL? Come on Nick, that's just weak. See what I mean lol?

Anyhow, you're just not quick or smart enough bud and on top of it, you're just not my type lol. While you both fully admit you're assholes, at least Gambler's just a tad better looking and he's got BBBG....Bigger Balls and Better Game than you any day of the week I'm afraid.  

But............I can be 'your' private dancer ;)

T xx

And less game, and he's on hiatus for a while.  But please stop recycling my lines and try to come up with some of your own. Hint: telling everyone how smart you are when your batting average is hovering at zero ain't gonna cut it.

Tay Tay ;)

 And where in the world did I ever say I was smart? I believe I said you weren't "smart enough". That could mean a whole gamut of things. But  if you say so, ok :) I'll take it. First compliment ever I think lol.

The only thing that is ever recycled here are John's and ladies. I would be embarrassed to recycle your lame ass lines  lol, but nice try.  

Sleep well xxoo

Tay Tay

That's just like your little missing cabana boy to do.  Did you learn it from him? Along with other tid-bits? And you've been telling us how smart you are for years.  To the point where you've descended to self-parody, especially considering your so-far-below-the-Mendoza-Line batting average.  You are clearly beneath embarrassment.
Take your meds, for god's sake.

-- Modified on 3/26/2015 10:23:32 PM

-- Modified on 3/26/2015 10:32:53 PM

fartsonhigher1372 reads

Most people can't. They don't have the knowledge, the skill, the experience, or the fortitude in dealing with skilled LE questioning.

Right now there is a nationwide push in local LE, working in conjunction with FBI and Homeland Security to setup dragnets specifically targeted at men. The goal is twofold: Media attention, which involves public shaming even no charges can be brought, and arrest statistics for Grant acquisition, even when no charges are made.

These sweeps are being performed even in towns with under 50,000 population that have ZERO literally providers.

This mufti-agency, nationally coordinated situation is unprecedented and in full swing. The behind the scenes efforts now include prosecutor and policing groups promoting legislation that allows undercover police to have sex with providers. The scenario is that after the sex comes and arrest whereby the provider is NOT booked through normal channels to avoid her appearing on public record. She is dealt with as a victim with legal deferment. As such, however, her phone has all data pulled, email, text, phone logs (even deleted items) with no warrants required. That info is gather and used even if the provider is not coerced into "flipping."

My point is this: Men have been routinely stopped outside of massage parlors and questioned. It is mind-blowing how many guys just admit they have had sex right out of the gate. They are released and it gives LE enough legal basis to move forward. You can find buried news stories about this, but usually it is not even news since it's the police Media Liaison that contact the media about this stuff to make it news in the first place. So what's the point of this?

That strategy is now being reversed and used on clients. This is a mulch-country, (yes) politically motivated directive under the guise of reducing (exaggerated or non-existent) "Human Trafficking" through reduction of demand by targeting clients and criminalizing the buying of sex instead of selling it.

Oh and...
Thanks a lot Sweden, you fucktards, for pushing your new age liberal social agendas on the rest of the world. :

Ugh, I shouldn't be shocked by this but I still am. The utter pointlessness and malice of it is hard to fathom. I think future generations will look back on this kind of stuff as we do the burning of witches.

However I only use them when TOFTT with BP gals and stuff like that. I am also single and self employed, so no issues there with SO or work. I have never worried about LE getting a lady's phone and finding my number on it. What are they going to do with my number anyway? I have also been doing this since before the internet and cell phones, when we used to actually use land lines to call escorts and answer ads, and like GaG with 30 plus or 40 years of doing this, and no LE issues, don't have the paranoia of some other people. The only reason I use GV or a burner app is to prevent possible BSC gals from blowing up my phone. If contacting a new Unknown gal off of BP or something like that, then I do it from my "hobby app.  All my regular providers have my regular phone number.

-- Modified on 3/26/2015 12:57:02 PM

I prefer the Hushed app on my iPhone which gives you all of the benefits of a burner phone without having to carry an extra phone and/or explain it if it is discovered by a wife or SO. The app gives you a separate number and texting capacity. The phone number has a distinct ring tone that is different than your regular ring tone. I would suggest that you make sure that your phone is password protected.  

BTW, any concerns about LE retrieving actual phone numbers from a provider's phone and using them to make a criminal case against clients are misplaced. The fact that a providers has your phone number is proof of absolutely nothing other than that she has your phone number. It doesn't prove that you ever met her or that you or see engaged in P4P. It is certainly not evidence of solicitation for prostitution or any other crime.

The problem is, as I pointed out above, far too many guys will panic and give themselves up.  Which is why Hushed or Burner are best for many people who feel they can't trust what they'd do under such circumstances.
I'm not worried about it

your real phone can be tracked to your real identity.  I had my hobby phone blown up by a bil collector for bills that weren't mine.  I was glad I was able to wipe the slate clean.  Until the hobby is legal, I'll comtinue to use a hobby phone of some kind.

I use two phones. Escort phone and personal phone.

-- Modified on 3/27/2015 4:32:37 AM

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