TER General Board

The problem with lastpass
BenneeProfane 98 Reviews 422 reads

and all of these password managers is that you are locked out of your own accounts if you don't use the software.

Let's say you use lastpass on your personal computer to manage your access to TER. But you are on vacation and didn't bring your computer. You can't get into your TER account.  

Same thing with every other service you use

I thought this brief video on how to hack proof your password would be of interest.

I learned a few things I hadn't know before

I want to devour Jennifer Lawrence's body!
Damn, did I say that or think that?

Good hints

JakeFromStateFarm374 reads

Another tip:  don't use the same password for every account.

program like Last Pass or KeePass. They allow you to generate a strong random password for each website you visit, and remember them. All passwords are maintained in an encrypted file, that requires a Master Password to access. A Master Password may be a paragraph from a favorite book or stanza from a favorrite song... long, random and very difficult to crack.

Most also offer two factor authentication, where you need both the Master Password (something you know) and something like an encrypted USB key or a yubi key (something you have).  

Most offer support for all of you devices, and they are inexpensive. Much easier to use than you might imagine.

No, not NSA-proof, but a random hacker or basic LE tech will be powerless to access your devices.

It was suggested to me by a friend who works for the cyber security department of a well know bank.  

The other thing that he failed to mention, is that you should never use the same password twice. So if you are using the example that he suggested of a sentence, you might also add in the first three or the last three letters of the website you are on. Making it an easy algorithm to remember.

Is this an easy process?  

Posted By: MasterZen
program like Last Pass or KeePass. They allow you to generate a strong random password for each website you visit, and remember them. All passwords are maintained in an encrypted file, that requires a Master Password to access. A Master Password may be a paragraph from a favorite book or stanza from a favorrite song... long, random and very difficult to crack.  
 Most also offer two factor authentication, where you need both the Master Password (something you know) and something like an encrypted USB key or a yubi key (something you have).  
 Most offer support for all of you devices, and they are inexpensive. Much easier to use than you might imagine.  
 No, not NSA-proof, but a random hacker or basic LE tech will be powerless to access your devices.

Last Pass is easy to set up, and has great customer service, from my personal experience. It's made to be used by people who are not tech savants.

Awesome because a savant I am not lol

and all of these password managers is that you are locked out of your own accounts if you don't use the software.

Let's say you use lastpass on your personal computer to manage your access to TER. But you are on vacation and didn't bring your computer. You can't get into your TER account.  

Same thing with every other service you use

Not really true.  You can take it with you.  Just install LastPass on your Android (and probably iPhone) and take your passwords with you.  Same account with the same security.  You can also set up a hobby account that is different from you regular account so that your SO can poke and not find.

Because even with a great password, hackers can still your discover your password by tracking the keystrokes on your personal computer/laptop.  

With that being said, be careful of the sites you visit and the emails that you open. You could be unknowingly downloading malware that allows hackers to view everything going on in your computer screen.

Posted By: mrfisher
I thought this brief video on how to hack proof your password would be of interest.  
 I learned a few things I hadn't know before.  

Good advice, but I have my own system for creating passwords that I can recall easily, and to date, no one has hacked me.   Even if I was married, I would not divulge.   This goes to the grave...which is a long way off, hopefully.  

Make sure you have robust and redundant security software, run it thrice weekly, and guard your SSN and other secrets so that only God knows them other than you.  The best defense is a good defense.

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