TER General Board

The problem...
THEAvaStClaire See my TER Reviews 711 reads

Is that terms like hooker and whore are sort of like faggot and nigger. Sure, some people have decided to "reclaim" them and use them amongst themselves.  But I think most of us (with any sense) would agree that there is a VERY significant difference between two gay friends calling each other faggot, and a heterosexual stranger calling a gay man faggot.  Yes, there is a subset of the black population that casually call each other nigger (and variations thereof), but again, there is a very big difference when those same words are thrown around by people who aren't black.  

We can pretend that words don't matter, but the fact is they do.  And for most of the population, hooker and whore are considered derogatory terms. They're used as insults to demean women, pure and simple. Yes, there are some providers who use those words casually and they're well within their rights to do so.  In fact, if she was comfortable with you referring to her as a hooker, then more power to the both of you.  Where I draw the line is with hobbyists who feel that they too can co-opt those words and sling them around without the slightest regard for the women they're referring to.  Just as knowing people with Down Syndrome doesn't automatically give you the right to call them retards, knowing and hiring escorts doesn't automatically make calling them whores okay

RomeoValentine2063 reads

I speak the truth, I represented one lady as a hooker on the florida board a few years ago, which she absolutely called herself a hooker, so I used the same term affectionately. I was crusified by whores from all over. Is a whore a whore or not. Paint it WHATEVER color. what's the pob?

-- Modified on 8/1/2015 7:22:40 PM

In this world? Hooker,escort, whore and mow sugar baby. Who cares. If the ONLY reason a person is having sex with another is to get something then any of the above apply. Male or female.

...OTOH, I know what I am but that doesn't mean I want to have my nose constantly rubbed in it by being called a "John" or a "trick."  Those words carry a less-than-respectful connotation when read in print, regardless of the intent of the person who used them.  There are providers who refer to themselves as 'hookers' here all the time but I think that vast majority would not want to be addressed that way by the tricks on this board.


-- Modified on 8/1/2015 6:29:01 PM

Even if the intentions of the poster are good. Remember reading stuff on boards can (and is often) be taken out context and in general sounds disrespectful.  

I think it's just as distespectful to call someone a hooker, whore, etc... As calling a guy a John, trick, sausage etc...

Posted By: ladyrose317537

...I've been called is a "footlong."  MANY times.  That I don't mind.

Who are YOU to define what a gentleman is exactly? Are you a man? And even if so, is the OP or anyone who you would send this saying to your SON? Why is it the 25th rule of being a gentleman? What the fuck is the 25th rule of being a lady? If you're a lady, are you following the guidelines to "officially" certify you as one? If you're a man, saaaaame question. Or are you like many religious zealots who spend all day looking upon others but seem not to be able to follow their religious rules themselves? Btw. It doesn't matter if you do follow them yourself. That's a HINT.

Word of wisdom from my mind, not a saying from the Internet: STOP giving power to the words coming from others and become less stupid! And if you're not a man, don't talk about what being one is unless you're talking to your fucking son trick!! Shit, even if you are one. Save that shit for your seed(s) and yourself! Thanks.


Btw. I think the word provider is far nicer than those others but damn if I'm going to jump to the conclusion that someone who uses them is necessarily trying to belittle a person from them. Even so, It takes TWO to make that belittling possible and bring it full circle...does it NOT?

Ummmmm, whatever. Carry On!

You've got a typo there.  rude should be spelled m-a-l-e.

Posted By: BrooklynKallway

ValuedCustomer565 reads

My opinion - try not to use it on the boards in relationship to a specific girl UNLESS you are GA Gambler who seems to get a pass on that.  My speculation - he is a customer and knows the girl....

This is like the "N" word - unless you are a brother, you don't use that.  

OTOH, most of the girls I have seen (mostly PSE...) are OK with it BCD - but I am pretty careful to discuss it up front.  Some (the more girly GFE types) are definitely not

Even if she refers to herself as a hooker or a whore, you don't go there. If you are with a provider you have seen many times before, and you want to test whether you are really friends as well, you can try referring to her as a hooker. However, I think that she would still not appreciate it.

My current favorite is a self described hooker, I'm a self described John, we have no problem with the terminology. We both know what we are. I will say that I think she is a woman first, a friend second and a hooker third. Hooker does not define who she is as a human, only what she does for a living. I'm quite glad she is a hooker and that I am a john or I never would have met her. At some point in time our relationship will come unglued, but I will still be better off for having know her. You can search and replace whore for hooker and trick for john in this paragraph and it changes nothing.

GaGambler620 reads

Some people can use the word (like me) and get a pass for it, because virtually everyone here KNOWS I actually respect the women here no matter what the uber sensitive PC types try to convince people is in my heart. OTOH there are people here that just drip hatred and loathing for the women they pay to have sex with no matter what sugar coated word they use to by which to call them.

I guess it is like the "N", but I disagree that you have to be a black person in order to use it. Non Black people "can" use the word, but my advice is, you better REALLY know how, when and where you use the word, OR you better only say it around your closest friends (both black or white" or you are liable to lose both some friends and some teeth learning how properly to use the word. One small hint, If you are not black, and you have never run with an all, or mostly black crowd, it's unlikely that you can safely use the word. Come to think of it, the same goes for the word hooker. lol

So wait a minute....  are you saying I shouldn't find a black provider and call her a n####r whore?

Posted By: GaGambler
Some people can use the word (like me) and get a pass for it, because virtually everyone here KNOWS I actually respect the women here no matter what the uber sensitive PC types try to convince people is in my heart. OTOH there are people here that just drip hatred and loathing for the women they pay to have sex with no matter what sugar coated word they use to by which to call them.  
 I guess it is like the "N", but I disagree that you have to be a black person in order to use it. Non Black people "can" use the word, but my advice is, you better REALLY know how, when and where you use the word, OR you better only say it around your closest friends (both black or white" or you are liable to lose both some friends and some teeth learning how properly to use the word. One small hint, If you are not black, and you have never run with an all, or mostly black crowd, it's unlikely that you can safely use the word. Come to think of it, the same goes for the word hooker. lol

ValuedCustomer599 reads

she's starting a BJ.....  It will improve her enthusiasm.  Also you may get to figure out what caliber she prefers....

Posted By: BigBoyPants
So wait a minute....  are you saying I shouldn't find a black provider and call her a n####r whore?  
Posted By: GaGambler
Some people can use the word (like me) and get a pass for it, because virtually everyone here KNOWS I actually respect the women here no matter what the uber sensitive PC types try to convince people is in my heart. OTOH there are people here that just drip hatred and loathing for the women they pay to have sex with no matter what sugar coated word they use to by which to call them.  
  I guess it is like the "N", but I disagree that you have to be a black person in order to use it. Non Black people "can" use the word, but my advice is, you better REALLY know how, when and where you use the word, OR you better only say it around your closest friends (both black or white" or you are liable to lose both some friends and some teeth learning how properly to use the word. One small hint, If you are not black, and you have never run with an all, or mostly black crowd, it's unlikely that you can safely use the word. Come to think of it, the same goes for the word hooker. lol

Is that terms like hooker and whore are sort of like faggot and nigger. Sure, some people have decided to "reclaim" them and use them amongst themselves.  But I think most of us (with any sense) would agree that there is a VERY significant difference between two gay friends calling each other faggot, and a heterosexual stranger calling a gay man faggot.  Yes, there is a subset of the black population that casually call each other nigger (and variations thereof), but again, there is a very big difference when those same words are thrown around by people who aren't black.  

We can pretend that words don't matter, but the fact is they do.  And for most of the population, hooker and whore are considered derogatory terms. They're used as insults to demean women, pure and simple. Yes, there are some providers who use those words casually and they're well within their rights to do so.  In fact, if she was comfortable with you referring to her as a hooker, then more power to the both of you.  Where I draw the line is with hobbyists who feel that they too can co-opt those words and sling them around without the slightest regard for the women they're referring to.  Just as knowing people with Down Syndrome doesn't automatically give you the right to call them retards, knowing and hiring escorts doesn't automatically make calling them whores okay

very well said...plus i believe if someone refers to us as just whores and hookers do not only demean us, but demeans themselves, as well...as for myself, i do not refer to you all as johns or tricks...i do not look at you as just a wallet...i look forward to spending time with my clientele, not just what happens or not happens outside the bedroom...i and many many others here are true companions and we deserve respect...just my opinon

PussyLipGloss530 reads

Posted By: THEAvaStClaire
Is that terms like hooker and whore are sort of like faggot and nigger. Sure, some people have decided to "reclaim" them and use them amongst themselves.  But I think most of us (with any sense) would agree that there is a VERY significant difference between two gay friends calling each other faggot, and a heterosexual stranger calling a gay man faggot.  Yes, there is a subset of the black population that casually call each other nigger (and variations thereof), but again, there is a very big difference when those same words are thrown around by people who aren't black.  
 We can pretend that words don't matter, but the fact is they do.  And for most of the population, hooker and whore are considered derogatory terms. They're used as insults to demean women, pure and simple. Yes, there are some providers who use those words casually and they're well within their rights to do so.  In fact, if she was comfortable with you referring to her as a hooker, then more power to the both of you.  Where I draw the line is with hobbyists who feel that they too can co-opt those words and sling them around without the slightest regard for the women they're referring to.  Just as knowing people with Down Syndrome doesn't automatically give you the right to call them retards, knowing and hiring escorts doesn't automatically make calling them whores okay.    

Too many people are some weak-minded fools. Period. I really don't know how the fuck most of you have survived in this world if "words" matter sooooooooo much. How the fuck are you still breathing?!!! Huh. Tell me that. How in the living a thousand fucking Hells are you all still breathing if words matter so much? Fucking perspective is fucked up I say. Anyone who says such doesn't know what a hard time is I say. Doesn't know what it means to have your life truly in the balance.

Use whatever words you want to. You are not defining me nor stopping me from breathing. That's all any "sane" person should care about. I'm sorry. Words unfortuantely have become too important in this world, especially in America. I will agree there but until you do the FULL analysis of why that's the case, in my mind, you are LOST. So, deal with you being lost instead of dealing with what the fuck is coming out of someone else's mouth.

I've said this before and I will say it the fuck again.....You first and foremost, have to have respect for someone else's mind to give a flying fuck of what is coming out of their mouth as far as what is deemed or could be deemed "disrespectful". Thats a fact. Now I ask you, why the fuck would you have such respect for their minds to even give them a moment of your focus.

How are you all still breathing?........Perspective

the issue is.. when something is done on repeat, it starts to become truth. it doesn't matter how much control one has over their mind.

pay attention to your day. you do what you have always done. its a routine.  

we are born and taught in our western world to eat with a fork.  
we visit other countries and wonder why people eat with their hands.  

if you just visit that country for a month, you will come home and eat with your fork again.
if you move to that county, you will eventually combine the two and maybe even move to just hands.

if one person in passing says, "you are ugly" you move on and don't think twice about it.
if you hear from your mother every day that you are ugly, you believe it.
some turn that in to good and show her, some turn that in to bad and their lives are ruined.  
either way, you are reacting because you believe it.

the mind is a very strong thing and when it hears things on repeat it starts to believe them.  

some may say that people are sheep, but thats because they are only focusing on what others do that maybe doesn't have a direct effect on them. i.e., ... for me i am not in to reality tv. i think americas obsession with it is pathetic, to say the least. however.. in focusing on that i am still guilty because even having a thought on it is due to the fact that i am raised to believe that i am opinionated and have opinions on everything.

people that follow practices like buddhism and etc are the few that are exempt to this as they have found such peace that they do not even let their minds have control. its very rare to find this in the western world.

There are no exacts in this world. So I agree with you on the Buddhists and most of the western world but there are indeed those of us in the western world with strong minds who refuse to allow others to define us or bother us with what they say or think. Refuse to be defined or bothered by labels. Trust me on that! If you're still breathing, I'm not going to listen to too much you have to say. Especially if it's negative. I do listen to people and love learning from others but negative things is not the type of learning I seek. Lol. I'm just going to laugh and wonder why the hell you're not concentrating on yourself. While also realizing quickly that you are truly not happy with YOURSELF. I've never met a person who is truly happy with themselves who tries to belittle another with words and/or actions. Never. The two just dont go hand in hand. They just don't. So why am I going to listen to another communicating negative things who is not happy with themselves and it's obvious. I mean that's crazy as hell to me. How am I going to allow those people to define me or bother me?  

Your points are more than understood by me though. Sincerely. Thanks for the response!

Posted By: Alyssa Marie
the issue is.. when something is done on repeat, it starts to become truth. it doesn't matter how much control one has over their mind.  
 pay attention to your day. you do what you have always done. its a routine.  
 we are born and taught in our western world to eat with a fork.  
 we visit other countries and wonder why people eat with their hands.  
 if you just visit that country for a month, you will come home and eat with your fork again.  
 if you move to that county, you will eventually combine the two and maybe even move to just hands.  
 if one person in passing says, "you are ugly" you move on and don't think twice about it.  
 if you hear from your mother every day that you are ugly, you believe it.  
 some turn that in to good and show her, some turn that in to bad and their lives are ruined.  
 either way, you are reacting because you believe it.  
 the mind is a very strong thing and when it hears things on repeat it starts to believe them.  
 some may say that people are sheep, but thats because they are only focusing on what others do that maybe doesn't have a direct effect on them. i.e., ... for me i am not in to reality tv. i think americas obsession with it is pathetic, to say the least. however.. in focusing on that i am still guilty because even having a thought on it is due to the fact that i am raised to believe that i am opinionated and have opinions on everything.  
 people that follow practices like buddhism and etc are the few that are exempt to this as they have found such peace that they do not even let their minds have control. its very rare to find this in the western world.

GaGambler584 reads

IMO, the weaker the mind the more susceptible to the opinions of others one will be.

I think many of us reject the overwhelming percentage of lies that are told to us on a daily basis. Let's start with Political Correctness for example, I have been told for the better part of a decade that I am supposed to be offended by the term "oriental" the same as I guess you are now supposed to be offended if someone calls you "black" I reject this train of thought completely no matter how many times it's repeated. I also reject religion, faux patriotism, and a host of other things that have been pounded into most Americans heads for generations.

As for belittling people, I am sorry, but I have a very low threshold for tolerating stupidity, and call it a character flaw on my part, but I also have a weakness for calling out stupid behavior or ideas when I hear them. Hey, no one is perfect, right?

I am really talking about belittling a person that in no way has said anything or said anything to you or it's just coming out of the blue sorta speak. You know. Kind of like what the thread is about I suppose. Names, labels, words, thoughts if indeed intended to belittle a person I suppose. Now as far as reacting to something someone says or does, ummmmmmmmm, Im not going to act like I'm a saint. Anyone can check my history up here. If you say something I see as dumb, oh yeah, I have no problem clowning you for it. HARD!!!!!! Lmao. Am I necessarily trying to belittle the person, no, but damn if I'm not basically belittling what they said, thought, or admitted to doing. Yeah, agreed. I try to be nice to even those folks though but I have my rough moments within myself containing my disgust and amusement. I do. You're a little more harsh than me at times I would say but hey, no one is perfect, right!!! Haha

GaGambler572 reads

Damn son, I guess I need to step up my game before people start accusing me of getting soft. lol

but if you are talking about the threads that start off with "Why are hookers so stupid?" or anything else of the kind, yeah I am with you there.

In this fast paced world that we live in everyone doesn't stop to smell the roses as often as they should..

While I don't let people that are irrelevant to my life really effect my life on a daily basis, it does happen. And too much. I mean.. This is my career.. And when someone comments negatively and it has a rippling effect, I do have to take notice of it. As long as I find a mental balance to not let it consume me.. But that's a fine line and hard to always stay balanced.

Look at a "10/10" nowadays.. That image is exactly that, an image. A photoshopped photo off a sports illustrated swimsuit magazine. So people tend to think that's a 10/10 because that's what we are told to think. I mean a provider review on TER can have her score dropped because she doesn't do certain acts, so we are led to believe that to be a ten one must do those acts.

We believe that cream makes coffee taste good.

We believe many things because we are told on repeat that it's true.

It's very hard to find someone who can step back and ignore that.. I think it's damn near impossible to find someone that can ignore that all of the time. Sure we can say "that doesn't hurt my feelings" over and over and start to believe it, but at one of those times we may be tired.. Hungry.. Something can be off balance that we just cave to the misery.

You know.. When I was younger, say even up to my mid 20s.. I would make so many asinine comments.. "Look at her shirt.. God who told her that looks good?" Now.. Nah. I have even noticed that I don't mock or make fun of people. It's been great, in the last ten years 1/100th of the people have annoyed me compared to the total of my "previous" life. :)

This mini convo made my day. It helped me focus on my positive energy which I can never overdo.

Thank you! :)

even there, we as a nation, as a society needs to start teaching children to have a thicker skin. To have more confidence in themselves. To know that no other human and what they say, can or should define them. It's a scientific fact that words cannot define you unless you choose for them to. Labels are included in this. With that said, I will only agree that this is a major issue amongst our youth and kids have unfortunately killed themselves because of it. Now why they killed themselves, why the truly killed themselves, is a deeeeeep complex analysis and discussion. Personally, I do not think its being analyzed in FULL. I have a soft spot for kids though. So I will agree with you that words are powerful for them. It's unfortunate but true and waaaaaay more understandable than for an adult. I have absolutely no respect for a supposed adult, a supposed grown/mature SOUL who allows words to have such power over them. No respect whatsoever. Same level of respect I have for anyone who truly intends to hurt someone from words. Both, get no respect from this soul. I'm sorry!

At least I for one hope you and everybody else who can't see the entire point will. Hope you all see sooner than that. I like you and your posts. Not that it matters but I agree with you a great deal. Just can't fully on this subject. Let them ppl think and say what the hell they want, even if it's truly comes from a bad intended place. Trying to re-shape people's minds and thus speech regarding such is tomfoolery and misplaced energy in my opinion. That's a damn minute to hours to days out of LIVING and for what? Because of something someone "says". Nah. Just nah. Words aren't killers. Minds and actions are killers. The recipients minds and actual actions from TRUE mean misplaced folks. Fuck a damn word or label.

take your belly aching bullshit and keep it yourself.

If you are too damn stupid to realize what to and what not to call another human being, you deserve what you got.

do you work seasonal part time as Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny at shopping malls ?

You must really ever repeating stupid questions.  

Better than your stupidity spray

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