TER General Board

The one about "Global Warming" is priceless.teeth_smile
JackDunphy 369 reads

And now we just found out this week we are heading into an ice age. LOL

P&T are the best!

I was watching late night television while sipping on a few Bourbons and the advertisement for Cyvita came across the TV, two free samples of male performance enhancement. Well I can't speak to the effectiveness of the product yet because I haven't had the opportunity to use it. But, I'm getting 2-3 calls per day about more male enhancement products. I'm embarrassed that I fell for this, as I'm well aware that NOTHING in life is free and that if something sounds too good to be true, it is. Even if the product works as advertised, the hassle of the calls makes it not worth it.  

So, allow my stupidity to be a lesson to you.

PussyLipGloss395 reads

Posted By: russbbj
I was watching late night television while sipping on a few Bourbons and the advertisement for Cyvita came across the TV, two free samples of male performance enhancement. Well I can't speak to the effectiveness of the product yet because I haven't had the opportunity to use it. But, I'm getting 2-3 calls per day about more male enhancement products. I'm embarrassed that I fell for this, as I'm well aware that NOTHING in life is free and that if something sounds too good to be true, it is. Even if the product works as advertised, the hassle of the calls makes it not worth it.  
 So, allow my stupidity to be a lesson to you.

JoelGoodsen400 reads

... and until it subsides no additional products are necessary lol.

They blew apart the BS myth that those products work.  I mean, really?

I threw out the free samples of generic Viagra that were sent to me in US Mail from who knows where numerous times.

Thanks for the post, though...

GaGambler317 reads

and a great show it was. I absolutely love Penn and Teller, and they blew apart and called bullshit on many sacred cows, not just dick pills.

And now we just found out this week we are heading into an ice age. LOL

P&T are the best!

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