TER General Board

The more things change...
HazlEyes 6 Reviews 2302 reads

As Linux becomes more popular, especially as it moves into the desktop arena, it will become more of a target for this sort of pest.  Think Linux's better underpinnings make it impervious?  Think again - in the twisted mentality of many of the assholes that write such crap, the tougher the challenge the more they want to attack it, and anything invented by man can be undone by him as well.

Online privacy is under siege like never before. Here's what happened to me. My machine has Sygatge Pro firewall, Norton Anti Virus, Webroot Window Washer and Spysweeper. If you have any desire to keep your business to yourself, invest in these programs.

I did all the right things to preserve a snoop free machine. Washed out the cookies with WinWasher, swept for viruses with Norton, and manually OK'd every connection with Sygate. Even with this armor the Sygate detected unauthorized transmissions starting last week. My machine tried to have a secret connection with a fleabag enterprise that calls itself Invisible Advertising operating out of Las Vegas, whoever the hell they are.

The Norton scan detected a new generation trojan spyware although it was incapable of removing it or neutralizing it.

This new program is insidious because it uses a random number function to constantly rename itself so you can't locate a fixed file to delete. Lord only knows how much sensitive personal information is finding its way into a massive database quietly while you cruise the net. My gut tells me this can't be in my best interest.

In frustration I added Pest Patrol, an anti-spyware program. It found 4 programs that the other sweepers either didn't see or were impotent to act against. Pest Patrol got 'em and I breathe more easily now until the next thing comes along.

If you want to keep you personal life to yourself, use Sygate to review all outgoing links. If you don't know why your machine is trying to talk to the net, don't let it. Without Sygate, you won't be aware of the background chatter. Use Webroot Window Washer to clear your hard disk of old clutter, and unwanted cookies. Absolutely use Pest Patrol to eliminate pop ups, hijacks, and trojan phone ins.

The 'net infested with intrusions. Forget the high minded talk about respect for the consumer and the integrity of databases. The truth is nobody knows where it is filed.

Billy Boy's little toy from Redmond doesn't stand up real well in the Real World, does it?  :)


As Linux becomes more popular, especially as it moves into the desktop arena, it will become more of a target for this sort of pest.  Think Linux's better underpinnings make it impervious?  Think again - in the twisted mentality of many of the assholes that write such crap, the tougher the challenge the more they want to attack it, and anything invented by man can be undone by him as well.

Impervious?  No, nothing made by man is.  It's an order of magnitude better than the bilgewater marketed by that certain company in Redmond, though.  The reasons why could [and do] fill a book, but in the end come down to the power of peer review on one side, versus arrogance, greed and just plain bone-headed design on the other.  Don't get me wrong -- the M$ crowd are first-rate marketers.  It's just unfortunate that they're third-rate programmers.


Knowledge_Is_Power2656 reads

McAfee + Zone Alarm + Pest Patrol

Always on with once daily scans has kept my system clean (knock on wood)

Gentledude2220 reads

Follow these recommendations, and you'll be reasonably secure.

1) Keep your software patched and up to date.
This is ESPECIALLY important as it relates to core software on your machine (MS Windows and MS Office). Visit http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com
religiously. Perform the updating routines, or make sure that your computer is set to perform it automatically on a schedule.

2) Buy a little internet router. Linksys/Netgear etc. Without getting technical, think of it as putting something up between yourself and potential intruders on the Internet.

3a) Get a reputable antivirus package. Trendmicro/McAfee/Symantec. Make sure that you have a subscription for automatic updates and keep it updated religiously.


3b) Visit
and run the free online scans as often as you can.

4) Download and install Adware from:
This is one of the best anti spyware software. There is a free version and one that you can purchase. The free version enables checking the computer at discreet intervals while the other version provides constant protection.
Also check out Spybot Search and Destroy at http://www.spybot.info.

These are reasonably easy steps (and cost effective) and provide good protection.

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