TER General Board

The copywriter could have had more fun fooling around…
CorbinCandor 592 reads

…with the wording to make “exited” make sense:

Plain Jane TER Exited Stage Left,

Bombshell TER Entered Stage Right,

The Next Hot Move is Only a Click Away.

It’s Smart & Sexy.

Come play with it!

Skyfyre708 reads

Very poor job of cropping the picture. I can see only half the model with her head and eyes all got cut off.

Either some editor needs new glasses or a remedial course in Photoshop 1A.

How can I be expected to get "exited" with such a poor quality edit job? LOL.

"According to Jobs's official biography, 'Jobs insisted that he wanted 'different' to be used as a noun, as in 'think victory' or 'think beauty.'" Jobs also specifically said that "think differently" wouldn't have the same meaning to him. Also, Jobs wanted to make it sound colloquial, like the phrase "think big.""

I can't stop laughing at this....new ter....ha lol

Why is it you can't stop laughing at this?

Experience you have with rolling out new versions of interactive websites, but I haven't seen ANY that didn't have a few initial problems that get corrected over the first few weeks as they are brought to the company's attention by its users.  Having had the opportunity to sample the new beta version a month ago, I think you will be more than impressed with the improvements once the complete conversion takes place.  With that said, there are bound to be glitches that we may find humorous, but I think bashing the people trying to give us a better user experience serves no useful purpose except to make you look a little peevish.

Your right of course and I apologize to TER.
This web site is a behemoth and it will be a process.
And apparently I am the only on that saw the thing that gave me a chuckle.

I repeated it out loud and I was pretty funny.

As far as the MOBILE Beta version? I REALLY dislike it. I'm using a Samsung Galaxy 6 and TER 1.0 and 2.0 are easy to view. 3.0 does something weird to the message board layout.

Combined with the word "it," in the text?

I noticed that, as well.

-- Modified on 2/11/2017 1:06:42 PM

Actually, I think the editor got carried away creating the ever coveted "thigh gap," and basically committed female genital mutilation in the process!

I don't see a c.  It didn't excite me.

…with the wording to make “exited” make sense:

Plain Jane TER Exited Stage Left,

Bombshell TER Entered Stage Right,

The Next Hot Move is Only a Click Away.

It’s Smart & Sexy.

Come play with it!

FeedTheDog287 reads

I thought the pretty girl was holding her dick.

What it looked like earlier...

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