TER General Board

The best brand is Vindaloob. From Goa. -e-
skarphedin 1017 reads


If anyone is anticipating an intimate moment, hygiene should not even be an issue. But, unfortunately it is. Are men not aware that circumcised or uncircumcised is an issues for many women?

I only dip my uncut dick in chicken curry on weekends...LMAO

Never been a real problem with anyone expect one or two women who by rule did not suck uncut penis w/o condom. I have almost always got BBBJ as long as the girl provided one.  

Just because its a problem for you, doesn't mean its for everyone...

I'm uncut and I'm meticulous with dick. I always shower about an hour before a meeting and then when I'm there I ask to use the washroom and give it another soapy cleaning. I also have noted it on my info on another website.

-- Modified on 9/3/2014 10:07:07 AM

If I can smell it, on goes a cover, cut or uncut.  I will say the uncut ones are the worst and have had to cover those up more often than a cut one.

Easy to see you're no lady. Chocolate tastes better than anything. Sorry Curly but can't stand curry, taste or smell.

Curry, on the other hand, is so fucking good. Indian food is my kryptonite.  

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Easy to see you're no lady. Chocolate tastes better than anything. Sorry Curly but can't stand curry, taste or smell.

Homewrecker1269 reads

Since this topic has been brought up lately a lot, it must be a lack of consideration on the man's part to not be as clean as the Gods. Cleanliness Is next to godliness.  

How often are bad reviews posted about a smelly provider? It happens and for good reason.  Nobody enjoys a smelly snatch or ass hole.  This can be a sign of some medical issue or just plain dirty nasty girl! Same applies to the opposite sex.  Yeast and bacteria grow, and stink and is not healthy for anybody to smell, taste or even see.  

FYI most gents that claims to be as fresh as a flower are usually the ones that are as fresh as a fart.  
Toss some bubbles and soap around your rectum and pull back your skin around your cock, it stinks!  

Then, instead of a hazmat suit and a CBJ, you'll be worshipped with a nice long BBBJ and a happy hooker!  

Please feel free to leave the skid marks on the washcloth then toss it on the floor, anything is better than those shit stains on clean sheets.  

C'mon this is not elementary school! Or is it

This is the best nut sack soap.
Fucking expensive for soap, but it makes your balls smell like almond cookies.
Your welcome.

to the point I would scratch the skin right off. I changed my diet-dropped the yeasty foods, and haven't had itchy balls since.

Posted By: Homewrecker
Since this topic has been brought up lately a lot, it must be a lack of consideration on the man's part to not be as clean as the Gods. Cleanliness Is next to godliness.  
 How often are bad reviews posted about a smelly provider? It happens and for good reason.  Nobody enjoys a smelly snatch or ass hole.  This can be a sign of some medical issue or just plain dirty nasty girl! Same applies to the opposite sex.  Yeast and bacteria grow, and stink and is not healthy for anybody to smell, taste or even see.  
 FYI most gents that claims to be as fresh as a flower are usually the ones that are as fresh as a fart.  
 Toss some bubbles and soap around your rectum and pull back your skin around your cock, it stinks!  
 Then, instead of a hazmat suit and a CBJ, you'll be worshipped with a nice long BBBJ and a happy hooker!  
 Please feel free to leave the skid marks on the washcloth then toss it on the floor, anything is better than those shit stains on clean sheets.  
 C'mon this is not elementary school! Or is it?  

as issues of hygiene are not exclusive to males or clients....  this is one of the reason that I very much like Asian providers.   I believe as they do that cleanliness - before and after - is healthier and reduces risks....

when I see other sorts of providers I shower before the date and then get a quick john-shower of the privates and rear end before action -    

I am UC and European - I am not accustomed to European or Asian women thinking anything of it really.   But I am a clean freak - whether I am dating at the moment or not....

when a gentleman is uncut and seems to think cleaning the outside of his penis is enough.  Some never pull back the skin to clean under and it makes for the most horrific smell not to mention being completely unclean.  There are even guys who CAN'T pull that skin back, it just won't go because it has NEVER been pulled back.  You can get infections and all sorts of things from that not to mention it is not safe to put that thing into someone, anyone's mouth really for a BBBJ.  Why?  Because you can pass infections into your partners mouth not only for her to enjoy but everyone else.

Sorry boys if we can't pull back the skin and get it clean ourselves if you don't then a BBBJ ismore then likely out of the question.  

Is it a majority?  No, I would say it is about a 50/50 shot if someone who is uncut is really spotless down there.  If we can't fix it then yes some will be disappointed if they are not offered the same services another who was spotless was.  Sucks but is our health here.  It makes no sense to do something and then potentially end up with a Dr bill greater then the amount of the visit.  

I have had guests who are spotless, smell wonderful and then I get down there and the smell makes me gag and hits me like a 2 by 4 to the face....  Thank goodness it is a rarity though(less then 1/4 of the time)

If you were talking 2-3%, that's a rarity, but nearly one in four? Yikes! You are truly doing God's work by servicing these poor schlubs.

Moonbeem McSwine, I just messed up the whole thing.

-- Modified on 9/3/2014 3:13:35 PM

....with uncut men even after they've showered.  Most of the men I have been intimate with in and outside of the hobby are circumcised but even when I meet an uncut guy the smell/cleanliness issue is usually taken care of. I have no problem sending a guy back to the shower as necessary. I semi-jokingly tell them to 'lather, rinse and repeat' (if I have to send them back).

I have been really lucky too...but when is my luck gonna run out? HAHAHAHA!

I had only one smegma incident, but I wasn't a provider then. He was my SD.

Every natural gent I've had other than him was so fresh and clean. Everybody has been actually. And, if they weren't when they first walk in, they ask to use the shower without me asking.

Posted By: TrulyMsMocha
....with uncut men even after they've showered.  Most of the men I have been intimate with in and outside of the hobby are circumcised but even when I meet an uncut guy the smell/cleanliness issue is usually taken care of. I have no problem sending a guy back to the shower as necessary. I semi-jokingly tell them to 'lather, rinse and repeat' (if I have to send them back).

Skyfyre842 reads

Sorry no. I thought $$$ is an issue for many, if not all women especially those who sell sex.

Part of the ritual is to excuse myself to the shower (every time)... An extra 30 seconds to make sure everything is clean is no hardship...

Agree with a previous poster - this ain't elementary school...

That, this question has been asked a gazillion times on this board..  

Here is clue for you.

Circumcised or uncircumcised, when it comes to hygiene, either you got it or you don't. You can post your beef with one of you clients on this board and take Full Page ads on your home town paper and every major news paper, put an Facebook or whatever, not fucking thing is going to change.

You know what is pisser, women coming on here posting this hygiene shit based on one of their recent not so hygiene experiences. If you you are regularly having this so called hygiene problem, then you are doing something's terribly wrong.

Aren't I saying the same thing. Try a class on reading comprehension.

Not unlike the johns bitch fests over s smelly pussy, NC/NS or anything else really. The ones who do this don't/won't get it and those that are decent and clean and respectful have to hear it over and over.  

And since when is it a hookers deal if guys show up dirty?

Gebas1039 reads

just take half glass of vodka or absent and perform bbbj, will clean without any problems everything.

Kids don't do this at home without your peasants permission.

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