TER General Board

The author is a doctor?!
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 552 reads

Him being a male is actually irrelevant given the sweeping generalizations and massive leaps in logic. Certain things can be supported by science, but this dork is spewing all kinds of random shit and presenting it as fact. Let's just hope that he's not a native English speaker and that something was lost in translation (unlikely, but I hate to think that anyone gave this dude a doctorate of any kind).

I wonder why he picked 40 as the "creepy threshold." 40 isn't even middle-aged nowadays.
Posted By: Fearghas
Author was a Turkish doctor named Dag. A guy. This thing is six years old.  
 Anyways, I'm not in the age group under discussion, but I agree with you.  
 Since this was written by a doctor, I wonder what Doc Joe says.

While I love men, I sure appreciate  
A healthy appetite and a sane mind.
No crazy trips to Greece. Or hard core fetishes.  
No acting here. Or I would be acting on Camara.  

What's your input on this?

GaGambler876 reads

I can't believe I got almost halfway through that piece of shit obviously written by an member of the OTHFBC, or at least I hope the author was an OTHFB. If it was a man who wrote that drivel, he is the automatic winner of the BSU award, no need for anyone else to even enter.

I have to confess, I only got through as much of the article as I did looking for the authors name. Please tell me a woman wrote this and not some ball-less wonder pretending to be a man.

Author was a Turkish doctor named Dag. A guy. This thing is six years old.

Anyways, I'm not in the age group under discussion, but I agree with you.  

Since this was written by a doctor, I wonder what Doc Joe says.

Him being a male is actually irrelevant given the sweeping generalizations and massive leaps in logic. Certain things can be supported by science, but this dork is spewing all kinds of random shit and presenting it as fact. Let's just hope that he's not a native English speaker and that something was lost in translation (unlikely, but I hate to think that anyone gave this dude a doctorate of any kind).

I wonder why he picked 40 as the "creepy threshold." 40 isn't even middle-aged nowadays.

Posted By: Fearghas
Author was a Turkish doctor named Dag. A guy. This thing is six years old.  
 Anyways, I'm not in the age group under discussion, but I agree with you.  
 Since this was written by a doctor, I wonder what Doc Joe says.

All be it bad advice, a twenty two yo would say live fast die young.  

Now that's creepy.

According to the internet, yes, he is a doctor. He's from Turkey so I'm going to guess English is not his first language, but that's just me following stereotypes. I didn't bother to go so far as to find out where he got his degree or even what discipline. He could be a physicist for all I know.  

I wish I could think of an instance of the idiots on big bang theory discussing mid life crisis so I could add a link.

If I were a degenerate pig, I'd say he chose 40 because he was 40(ish) when his wife caught him screwing around. But I'll leave that to Gag. LoL. I only read the first couple paragraphs, so I can't really comment.

"Self serving feminist ?"
How so?
It speaks clearly. It also speaks about middle aged weman.

That is pure drivel. Calling it "feminist crap" is a compliment!


It's a load of crap.  

Why should anyone live their life to please others or to make others comfortable for their own insecurities.

-- Modified on 3/25/2017 10:41:15 AM

It exposed itself as a theist article lacking in real science. All opinion based in belief has zero credibility.


Why is it that the men say it's not true?!  
It also speaks about women. And the hormones that go off balance.

Posted By: micktoz
It exposed itself as a theist article lacking in real science. All opinion based in belief has zero credibility.  

Yeah, mixing in theist mumbo jumbo among science throws the science credibility out the window. Whether the science is good or not. The article is an opinion piece with some science mixed with religious opinions added in. To believers, it sounds like science.

Why should women have rights? It's only opinions, and not facts that brought upon human rights.

Let's see science explain this one.

Skyfyre594 reads

Just a lot of psycho-babble full of innuendos and stereotypical conjectures and assumption without any basis or scientific data to back up.

In short pretty much garbage! Most probably written by a bitter homely-looking middle-aged spinster (LOL)

If you can't hold your own here, then you go down to the minors.  Having other peoples posts removed that you don't like is chicken-shit and wastes other people's time.  

I bet you ask for this one to be removed, too.  

Escuse you?  
I didn't ask no one to remove anything.

You did it to yourself.
Did you forget what you typed?

TER has guidance. You disrespected someone.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
If you can't hold your own here, then you go down to the minors.  Having other peoples posts removed that you don't like is chicken-shit and wastes other people's time.    
 I bet you ask for this one to be removed, too.  

Don't remove it unless you ask them to by whining in a "report a post."  Don't try to BS that someone else did it.  If you're going to put up something provocative or controversial, you should be able to take whatever heat comes with it. That's what grown ups do. If you can't, you should STFU and stay off of this board.  If you're a provider with the princess syndrome, no wonder your scores are down. That's that disrespect, it's fact.

Think what you want to think.
I'm far from a princess.  Did you know that. Those that call themselves "princess" are actually manipulators.
So before you go putting labels on me. Study the true meaning behind the word.  
These princess like woman feel entitled.... they get away with things, simply because their men allow them to.
 Just like with little kids. When parents don't put their foot down.  
So, this doesn't fit me. I'm resilient. You can't  knock me down.  Lost my home in 2009 when economy went down and I am just like the stock market.  I bounce right back up. Hehehehe.  
See, you get hurt and use mean words.  
I'm not a baby.
Ask the moderators why they took them down.  
I have nothing to hide.  
You didn't like what it reads! So don't get upset at me.
Then you try to hurt someone by speaking about reviews.
Please! Im not one that allows someone to make me feel anything. I have self control.  

FYI, Those numbers are based on fbsm  
I wonder why the low rates. Lol...I dont jump through hoops that's for sure.  
What I do to my friends, how they feel is what matters. A return customer is a compliment.  
You have no idea who  I am all you have is reviews. You don't know my true essence . You sound angry and jaded by the way.  

On another note. A man Can go see  A young lady wearing the sexiest lingerie advertise with great grammar and turn around and be a flake. Or simply not take in consideration that he is a business man and Juggled his agenda to make that appointment with her.  
So you see,  
With me they're getting top-notch and a real sensual massage. With out all the drama. Those numbers are only numbers to me. They don't define me.  

So you can do all the talking you want.  
Your only looking worse by the min.  

Iv was here since 1999-2002, when a man found me on Gio cities. He asked if I didn't mind having a review.  hehehe  
Don't you just love having a brain that works so you can remember your memories. I sure do.  
Thats the main reason I placed that article. It was on a man's health magazine.  
If you knew me, you would know I study the brain. Lol and enjoy reading things on the subject.  

Ok back to where I left off.  I was introduced to TER and that other old board... Doggie Dog, board.  
right before i started modeling for trade shows in 2003-2006. After my contract terminated I got back in and decided to do fs. So if you or others try to use the reviews to make me feel some kind of way? Good luck!

My life is well balanced.  I decide with who and get paid. Less drama.  
So it's a win win.  
Best of luck to you.  

I pray you find joy in your life.

GaGambler374 reads

You seem to be all too aware of why they pulled the post not to have been the one to have done the RAP.

I will agree it's very unlikely you have a "princess" complex. You are much more reminiscent of a bitter old queen than a Princess if your reviews and board posts are any indicator.

Back to your OP and the linked article (if I can even call that self serving tripe an "article). Women like you are EXACTLY why I see the much younger women who haven't been jaded by the fact their looks have faded and their life hasn't turned out like they had hoped.

JOY in my life, only her name wasn't Joy, but what we did together was.  Anything interesting happen in rub-and-tug-land today?  I see I missed some interesting threads.

I've seen whole threads disappear before my posts ever saw approval.

Removes a whole thread because of prohited links or references, or the debate gets too heated, or names have been mentioned in a prohited way, that's one thing. When a thin-skinned provider can't take the heat on a thread SHE started and targets certain posts to be removed, because they might be unflattering, yet factual, it's entirely different. When you've been here more than ten minutes, you'll see what I mean.

-- Modified on 3/25/2017 8:47:23 AM

First of all, my mind is a powerful as ever. I was instrumental in getting our highly intelligent, tyrannical boss removed. I’m considered a hero at work. That took a sharp mind. What’s killing me is not my brain, but my goddamn prostate.  

Secondly, I’ve definitely slowed down sexually. Where I used to hobby once a week,  it’s now down to once or twice a year. It’s all good. I don’t have anything to prove sexually, least of all to myself. I simply take the next phase of life, whatever it is, and live it to the fullest. I don’t need to bang a 20something hottie to sustain my manhood. A 14,000 foot peak will do nicely.  

Thirdly, some of us older gentlemen seek out much more than just sex. We seek out true connections. And it’s only the true connections that can give you a girl friend experience. That’s because your connections actually become extended girl friends. In my experience the only way to have such a chance is to see older women. It’s not a sure thing, and there are always exceptions, but the odds increase if your ages are closer together. Because the hobby is so expensive, and I wish to use my money wisely, I seek out beautiful milfy mature ladies.  

Lastly, I think TER should change the name of the 60 and over board to the Creepy Old Man Board (COM). The humor wouldn’t be lost on me. Although, while I am over 60, I’m not really that creepy. Except to my old boss.

"women experience a loss of judgment during their middle-aged years."

... hence I guess this explains the posting of this article.  I cannot imagine for the life of me what you might have been expecting by posting this here lol.  

Women are socialized from childhood to care more about what others think than is healthy.  I guess I was born without that gene because I have never cared what others think and live my life as I wish.  All aspects of my life are complete because I don't let others opinions hold me back. Far too many women constantly need validation from both men and other women to feel valued and that's just crazy.  

That's true.  
When we're True to ourselves  
no one can knock us off balance.

I see plenty on Instagram showing off their bodies.
For validation. Here is espected. Men fall for looks. Men are natural hunters.
While women ? Well we like to hear sweet nothings.  
Two diferente creatures. Yet, we fit and procreate. That's why we're here.  

So  on this note. I'll say make "love not war! "

There's more to a woman that just skin.
We have strengths, skills, talents.  
A beautiful caring heart. Compassion, emphaty and so much more that makes us wonderful.  
We're all individualistic .

Some of us women are hunters too. At least I am. But Then again I don't fit the traditional woman role model anyway!

You too?
Oh brother!

those men that call ladies "feminists."  
Is only because your projecting something about yourself.  
In reality you (the rude ones) are just jaded.  
Can have nothing nice to say. Have you noticed your post.  

Ok, ok,  Important  observation.  

How many men have wives that have left their keys in the locked car?
Or better yet, they can't find the car they parked in a parking lot?

Have you asked why?
Do you not care about her?! To figure why she did that?
Do you not care? Was it that she had a lot going on. On her to do list that she forget the keys?  
Or she was running on auto pilot. That she didn't notice until she went to the door?!  

Exactly! why I posted this! it happens to both genders.  
Not my fault you read what you wanted to read. And took offense to the silly word calling for older men.
I find myself attracted to wiser, sexy salt pepper hair. My best lovers ave been between 38-55.  

I was just sharing.  
So good luck throwing me under the bus.  

The first signs of hormone unbalance. Or dementia Is forgetfulness.  

Oxox Not! Hehehe

... actually, I think there were some valid points... and some very invalid ones too.  I was commenting on the wisdom of posting it here.

... now where did I put my keys ;)

The first signs of hormone unbalance. Or dementia Is forgetfulness.  

Actually, it's saying "unbalance", when you mean "imbalance"

make (someone or something) unsteady so that they tip or fall.
a lack of symmetry, balance, or stability.

lack of proportion or relation between corresponding things.
"tension is generated by the imbalance of power"
synonyms:disparity, variance, variation, lack of harmony; More

Oxox Not! Hehehe

Words  should be chosen for the exact  meaning. Not because they are "close enough" and sound kinda the same.

Posted By: Vivianna Love
You too?  
 Oh brother!  
 those men that call ladies "feminists."  
 Is only because your projecting something about yourself.  
 In reality you (the rude ones) are just jaded.  
 Can have nothing nice to say. Have you noticed your post.  
 Ok, ok,  Important  observation.  
 How many men have wives that have left their keys in the locked car?  
 Or better yet, they can't find the car they parked in a parking lot?  
 Have you asked why?  
 Do you not care about her?! To figure why she did that?  
 Do you not care? Was it that she had a lot going on. On her to do list that she forget the keys?  
 Or she was running on auto pilot. That she didn't notice until she went to the door?!  
 Exactly! why I posted this! it happens to both genders.  
 Not my fault you read what you wanted to read. And took offense to the silly word calling for older men.  
 I find myself attracted to wiser, sexy salt pepper hair. My best lovers ave been between 38-55.  
 I was just sharing.  
 So good luck throwing me under the bus.  
 The first signs of hormone unbalance. Or dementia Is forgetfulness.  
 Oxox Not! Hehehe

Posted By: Vivianna Love
While I love men, I sure appreciate  
 A healthy appetite and a sane mind.  
 No crazy trips to Greece. Or hard core fetishes.  
 No acting here. Or I would be acting on Camara.  
 What's your input on this?  

Why do you have a Radio Shack and all mine are closed?

Posted By: JackDunphy
Why do you only own one dress?  
 Shit. I don't know.


While I respect your position and that we are all individuals with different opinions, I cannot say (as a full service provider) that I am acting. Some of us ladies love our trips to Greece, fetishes, and other hobby explorations. I discovered my sexual interests long before discovering the hobby!  Now, it's wonderful to have men (yes, many over 40 and with life experience) come to me with their fantasies and explore them together.  I perosonally love matured men and always have.  

In regards to this article...  To age is a privilege, something I celebrate in myself and in others.  I don't think many of my male endeavors would either. :)  I feel frustrated when I read articles that slap labels on men or women. We are all different. Some men have many partners while some enjoy only one. Some young men love older women and some matured men love younger women. And, same goes the other way you can put it. To label something that by human nature is so broadly varietal is limiting. We are only exactly who we are, as unique and creatively expressive  individuals. We are all free to live happy and healthy sex lives whenever, at any age, with whomever, and for however long we desire. :) I scrap the psychobabble and live freely.  

Happy hobbying!

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