TER General Board

That's not what TER wants
Panthera12 938 reads

Reviews can be rejected for lack of juicy details. You obviously have no real concept of the way things work around here. Besides that, creativity and penmanship would be lost and Paulie wouldn't like that.

They need to figure out a way so guys can write reviews without blowback. That would stop grade inflation and actually help the really good providers. Not sure what the answer is that would work for both parties but it sure seems to be a constant problem.

It wouldn't be such an issue. TER prom queens fighting for a crown. I hear that happens. But what do I know? Not much. Sorry you guys have to hear the bitching and moaning for telling the truth. I've heard some entertaining horror stories.

There are several well know posters here who live to share with the BSC Drama Queens (and some Kings) anything that might be of a private nature.

Hiding scores would allow those pathetic tools just that much more crap to feed the Drama Queens.

Maybe not allowing well known leakers to see those scores is the answer?   Nah....they'd just create another handle and write another bunch of 10/10's for the BSC gals.

Bottom line is no system is perfect.  And here it's more of a self-policing issue.  Many of the guys know who the leakers are...and to whom they leak it to.  I'm sure many of the gals know as well who the leakers are on their side.

It's not ideal...but it's the only real option we have overall to make it beneficial for "most" of the somewhat honest in the crowd.

Posted By: SexyJaye7
It wouldn't be such an issue. TER prom queens fighting for a crown. I hear that happens. But what do I know? Not much. Sorry you guys have to hear the bitching and moaning for telling the truth. I've heard some entertaining horror stories.

!_!688 reads

From the few posts I've read, she has good intentions though. A girl who can see things from a hobbyist point of view and not go BSC over honesty is a trustworthy one. These type of girls will never make it to that "BSC Provider List" even if they tried. LOL Another one from the board I can think of right off the bat seems like skinny minnie and also MatureGFE. They both sound very mature in their actions.

I cannot see any way to deal with these number inflations other than to do away with them altogether. No dog in this fight but do understand that it is an issue that effects everyone.

And might be good. But what about a small additional anonymous comments section that is only visible to reviewers? It would be a section the guy fills in when he does the review- just a short character-limited blurb (say tweet length). It would go in anonymously and would only be visible to reviewers. It could be positive or negative.

Not to mention the paranoia element that seems to permeate as well.

Good idea...but what to do with the leakers?

BTW....there's nothing anonymous about the inet.  Even less on this site.

Posted By: SoftlySarah
And might be good. But what about a small additional anonymous comments section that is only visible to reviewers? It would be a section the guy fills in when he does the review- just a short character-limited blurb (say tweet length). It would go in anonymously and would only be visible to reviewers. It could be positive or negative.

She sucked. We fucked. It was good. I think she came. I know I did. The end. So precise! :) Please no more "treat her right fellas" Yuck! Geez..

Panthera12939 reads

Reviews can be rejected for lack of juicy details. You obviously have no real concept of the way things work around here. Besides that, creativity and penmanship would be lost and Paulie wouldn't like that.

I agree 100% about the "treat her right fellas". I, nor anyone else, should have to tell another adult to treat someone right. And if they have plans to not treat any lady right, I seriously doubt that because I put "treat her right fellas", that he'll change his intentions.

I was very saddened to see the thread about the violent asshole earlier in the week. I really, truly feel that providers are the most wonderful women. I'm not saying that to get any favorable responses from the ladies, I'm saying that because, it's because of them that I don't have to settle for one of the OTHFB club. Either way I'm paying for pussy, I'd rather just pay the cash up front, get my world rocked by a sexy, hot woman who has the skills to rock my world, and then she or I leave, fucking perfect.

I see it as shorthand for something like "I like this girl and wish her well."
Not the worst thing in the world.  Certainly every provider doesn't inspire that reaction.  It is hardly a serious instruction issued with a wagging finger hoping to keep hobbiests in line.  Kinda silly to interpret it that way IMO.  Maybe a little hokey, but who cares..

Along with "run, don't walk" and "we fell into each other's arms like long-lost lovers."
Gag me with a spoon.

but really, though hokey, those kind of "strength of emphasis" terms can be revealing of the overall attitude and effort of the lady.  I mean, review after review of just the same alphabet soup of positions and activities don't really add much either after awhile.  But if she creates certain "feelings" among many guys, then she must be pulling some of the right strings.  Just My opinion...

"Run don't walk to see her" lol God I hate that  

Posted By: SexyJaye7
She sucked. We fucked. It was good. I think she came. I know I did. The end. So precise! :) Please no more "treat her right fellas" Yuck! Geez...  

GaGambler827 reads

but it's fucking close. lol

Not to mention references to "my throbbing member", "we kissed like teenagers making out", "she came like a geyser" Fuck, the list goes on and on.

Panthera121169 reads

However, there are ways to mitigate the problem.

1. Multiple aliases with review capabilities. This single alias policy is bullshit and not much more then a band-aid to cover a gaping wound.  
2. Punish providers for review manipulation and threats to hobbyists. The bad behavior has been on the increase and some providers simply get away with it. Providers should be held accountable with TER.  
3. Get rid of the top 100 list. This policy is partially responsible for the review inflation and threats. (I know that it's not going to happen)
4. Increase the time allowance to submit a review to 180 days. Most reviews are going to be submitted in timely fashion so a small percentage of them being delayed for just cause is not going to hurt the system.

The concern here is less about the grade inflation because providers have other ways to get the high scores they want such as extra time, discounts and (ahem) extra services. Hobbyists are just as much if not more at fault for the grade inflation since I don't think that most of the inflated reviews are coerced. The herd mentality prevails and the snow ball rolling down the mountain doesn't get smaller. Hobbyists need to be more honest while writing their reviews and stop following the herd.

TER will never accept them.  Why?  TER is one of the few review sites that makes a ton of money.  And that's not because of these pissant boards.  It's because of the reviews.  And because they draw mongers like flies TER will do nothing to change them.  Why kill the Golden Goose?
Dream on, my friend.

Panthera12969 reads

Well, they can just sweep Panthera's ideas under the rug and it won't be the first time. However, I will settle for multiple aliases, perhaps not unlimited but more then one. Other then that you are right on the money. Meanwhile, I will just have to whittle away.

GaGambler788 reads

Then I wholeheartedly agree with you. lol

I also agree that there is not a snowballs chance in hell that any of it is going to happen, but it doesn't change that fact that they are great ideas and would greatly reduce the grade inflation that runs rampant today.

Apparently, I've been very lucky. I've never been anything close to coerced to give high scores on a review. One lady told me at the beginning of my date that she wanted to know exactly what I wanted, she said "I want this to be an experience that you'll want to rate as a 10". But she was clear in saying that she wasn't asking for a 10. Same concept as when your hotel says if you feel you can't give us an excellent rating on an email survey, please contact hotel management so that we can fix the problem.  

But never coerced. I've given a few 10's that at the time I truly felt the lady and session deserved it, and then the next lady made that experience pale in comparison. At the time of writing though, it was a 10 performance.

My ATF is the most beautiful woman that I've ever met in person, I gave her a 10 for appearance for all the reviews I wrote for her and I could only give her a 9 for performance because she doesn't do greek, even though greek is not my thing. So now it's improbable that I'll ever give another 10 for appearance, but I've had ladies since that gave as good performance if not better than my ATF.

I think this site is the best review site, and I respect the system. I want other hobbyists to know if I had a great time, so that it gives them some insight to whether they would like to see the lady, as I've been given by previous reviewers. And, I certainly want the provider to prosper at this trade so that they stay, and then I can see them again.

Posted By: russbbj

 My ATF is the most beautiful woman that I've ever met in person, I gave her a 10 for appearance for all the reviews I wrote for her and I could only give her a 9 for performance because she doesn't do greek, even though greek is not my thing.

My first review of my ATF, I gave her 10/10 and it absolutely was 10/10 each and every time. However, I made the error in my first review of saying "even though she doesn't do greek, I'm giving her a 10 for performance because she was that amazing and I'm not a big fan of greek". TER told me I had to edit the score as it didn't pass the requirements of a 10 for performance. She was an absolute gem, definitely a 10 in every regard to me.  

So, my past experience would suggest other than your reply, although I completely agree with your comment.

As long as other criteria is met.

Maybe the person approving your review got up on the wrong side of the bed that day! ;-)


The TER rules are that the performance score maximum is 7 unless she performs certaiin extras. Each extra can (but does not have to) increase her score by 1 point. There is a list of 5 extras (dfk, bbbj, anal, really bi, or more than 1 guy). Alm she has to do is offer (not perform) 3 of the 5 extras to be eligible for a 10.

GaGambler802 reads

There are many women who have received 10's for performance without offering greek. Either TER or you made a mistake, most likely TER. According to TER rules only three of the five "qualifying services" need to be offered in order to qualify for a ten.

If you really want to give her a 10/10 review, my suggestion is to simply write a new review, replacing the old one and don't even mention that she doesn't offer greek. Most likely your review will sail through if you don't wave that particular red flag in front of whoever approves your review and their will be a LOT less resistance than if you confront admin with their mistake.

I was fortunate to see her many times, but the first time I saw her was early in my review writing experience, and so my statement that I was giving her a 10 even though she didn't offer Greek was a red flag and it resulted in a lesson learned for future reviews.

One thing that I think they COULD do is give members access to each reviewers full review page. Usually the checklist isn't updated, so aside from the written details, there are aspects of each experience. Example, if a provider has one tattoo and no implants on her profile, but then gets a couple more tattoos and bolt-ons, that information won't automatically show up on her profile. She might update it promptly, or might take her time.

The reason this would help potential clients, IMO, centers around the fee rate. Here's my thinking on this.

Say I see a provider who charges $1K per hour. I find her to be stunningly beautiful. She graciously and seductively  greets me and the door to her swank incall plant and we have outrageously fantastic sex. At the end of the hour she asks if I'm hungry, and she takes me to a nearby steakhouse where she picks up the check. Model material, Went the extra mile: I give her a 9/8.

Now, if I saw the same woman, had the same experience, but her rate was only $400, I would have probably given her a 10/10 or at least a 9/10.

But the potential client had no real idea what any reviewer shelled out, even though that could (and maybe should) be a factor.

So you're checking out the reviews, and one says 8/8, and another 10/10, looking at the full review page of each reviewer could explain the discrepancy.

I am sure I will get the typical love I get here anymore on this post (at least until if it is pulled), but I have never seen a more pathetic group of whining babies and bitter sociopaths than the majority of people on this board anymore, and this thread is a perfect example.

God, will you just effing GET OVER YOURSELVES with how provider score inflation is the scourge of the entire hobbying world? If you really do your homework and (here's the hard part) have realistic expectations, it's pretty hard to make more than an occasional bad choice with all the information TER makes available to someone who is willing to make the effort to shell out a lousy $20 a month (and yes, there are ways for married guys to do it) to be a VIP member here. I hobbied for 11 years mainly on TER, and I can count my bad experiences on one hand. Why? Because I did my effing homework and had realistic expectations!

I have been accused many times of score inflation in my reviews, of being a white knight, a mangina, and a shill for the ladies. Truth is, I love what I have paid for here...why the funk would I pay for it otherwise? I see guys who have like 30 reviews and almost all performance scores are 7's...why would ANYONE shell out this sort of money unless they were having an AWESOME time? I have almost had uniformly amazing performances with the ladies I have seen...because I did my homework, chose ladies who sounded like they were my type, and I mostly was not disappointed. I will add that I have had many if not most of them tell me that they enjoyed giving as much as they did because they they knew how much I appreciated and responded to it.

As for looks...aside from the fact that looks are OBJECTIVE for the reviewers and we all have different tastes (and I have taken pains to say in many of my reviews that a woman I felt was a 10 was a 10 for ME, not necessarily for everyone), OF COURSE the women are going to post their best pictures. As long as it isn't blatant bait and switch (which usually becomes quite clear with a few reviews), who can blame them? Ever write a resume? As long as they are "fair representations" of the woman, if you don't go in there thinking that a woman who someone grades a 10 in looks has to be unequivocally the most beautiful woman on the planet, you should be able to be happy with it, right?

But that presupposes that you people WANT to be happy.

The whole argument about providers bullying reviewers into keeping their reviews high is a bunch of malarkey. There may be a few isolated cases of it...there are ALWAYS bad apples on both sides of a story. But God, you people make it out that these women are like the effing Gestapo, when in reality, most are just women trying hard to make a living on their terms.  

This issue is only a "constant problem" because many, many men have a hard time accepting the fact that women can charge for their services, that they make the rules, and that every times won't necessarily be a time that is worth what they paid for it. By golly, they will show those hussies!!!

If you begin your journey looking for disappointment, you will never run out of things to take you there.

Reply however you feel...I have said my piece.

I know several of the providers that have nothing recently but 10/10 reviews, who would be accused of review manipulation.  If you were to see one these ladies, you will certainly have a great time, and the eye candy factor would be present..  But I would not review them if my review would hurt them.  Then again, I haven't written a review in several years, and have no need to at this point.   Most of the ladies I see now are old friends, so what would be the point?

Posted By: MrSelfDestruct
I am sure I will get the typical love I get here anymore on this post (at least until if it is pulled), but I have never seen a more pathetic group of whining babies and bitter sociopaths than the majority of people on this board anymore, and this thread is a perfect example.  

God, will you just effing GET OVER YOURSELVES with how provider score inflation is the scourge of the entire hobbying world? If you really do your homework and (here's the hard part) have realistic expectations, it's pretty hard to make more than an occasional bad choice with all the information TER makes available to someone who is willing to make the effort to shell out a lousy $20 a month (and yes, there are ways for married guys to do it) to be a VIP member here. I hobbied for 11 years mainly on TER, and I can count my bad experiences on one hand. Why? Because I did my effing homework and had realistic expectations!

I have been accused many times of score inflation in my reviews, of being a white knight, a mangina, and a shill for the ladies. Truth is, I love what I have paid for here...why the funk would I pay for it otherwise? I see guys who have like 30 reviews and almost all performance scores are 7's...why would ANYONE shell out this sort of money unless they were having an AWESOME time? I have almost had uniformly amazing performances with the ladies I have seen...because I did my homework, chose ladies who sounded like they were my type, and I mostly was not disappointed. I will add that I have had many if not most of them tell me that they enjoyed giving as much as they did because they they knew how much I appreciated and responded to it.

As for looks...aside from the fact that looks are OBJECTIVE for the reviewers and we all have different tastes (and I have taken pains to say in many of my reviews that a woman I felt was a 10 was a 10 for ME, not necessarily for everyone), OF COURSE the women are going to post their best pictures. As long as it isn't blatant bait and switch (which usually becomes quite clear with a few reviews), who can blame them? Ever write a resume? As long as they are "fair representations" of the woman, if you don't go in there thinking that a woman who someone grades a 10 in looks has to be unequivocally the most beautiful woman on the planet, you should be able to be happy with it, right?

But that presupposes that you people WANT to be happy.

The whole argument about providers bullying reviewers into keeping their reviews high is a bunch of malarkey. There may be a few isolated cases of it...there are ALWAYS bad apples on both sides of a story. But God, you people make it out that these women are like the effing Gestapo, when in reality, most are just women trying hard to make a living on their terms.  

This issue is only a "constant problem" because many, many men have a hard time accepting the fact that women can charge for their services, that they make the rules, and that every times won't necessarily be a time that is worth what they paid for it. By golly, they will show those hussies!!!

If you begin your journey looking for disappointment, you will never run out of things to take you there.

Reply however you feel...I have said my piece.

but then you started throwing out judgements of other people, questioning the happiness of those who only give 7s, saying concerns over bulling for scores are malarky, etc.  I say - who cares about any of that?!  If I guy gives 7s, big deal, who's to say he isn't fine with that?  And do ladies bully to inflate their scores?  Probably.  But again, it's not the biggest deal because we can still READ the actual reviews to get a sense of what happened and if the ladies photos matched-up well with her current appearance.

The review system doesn't produce uniform results because of those factors and others.  But you know what?  Who the hell cares!  It still produces good enough results to help us make informed decisions.  We are all grown up and can filter information and know how to use it to help us make decisions.  I thought that THIS was where you were going with those first 2 paragraphs.  But then you kind of just picked a side and threw your own judgements into the mix.  Oh well.

Force clients to do it right and read the reviews.

I think a lot of the ills would be taken care of that way.

Maybe a few people on here would even learn how to read!

Loosen the restrictions on juicy details so that reviewers don't have to be so specific as to what transpired during the meeting. The primary purpose of reviews is to establish/confirm legitimacy and that can be done with reviewers simply providing the basics without divulging details that would identify him to her. This doesn't effect the guys who want to write the novella, it just provides cover for those who want to be more discreet.

-- Modified on 10/31/2014 6:15:03 AM

man do I agree with this! Why I don't write reviews. I only wrote one and I had to change it like 50 times until it was approved, each time they required more and more of the fucking 'juicy details'. It was awkward and uncomfortable. It felt like they wanted a boiler plate review..so I gave em one. Like who really cares what you did? Did she look like her ads, was she cool, was there anything noteworthy..good or bad. The rest is fruity. It should be a check box system with a small area for comments, limted to so many characters. When reading reviews....you scan for key words and the rest is just creepy.

GaGambler595 reads

The necessity of providing "juicy details" to the point of writing a letter to the Penthouse forum is what turned me off about writing reviews when I first came on this board about a decade ago, and nothing has really changed, except for the fact that review manipulation is at an all time high.

It's just not that hard to get your first review approved.  It sure as hell didn't take me that long.  And, while I agree with GaG that there are far too many "novelists manqué" it's possible to do a reasonably useful "Juicy Details" without running off at the mouth.
Oh, and GaG, you're entitled to your opinion but I note for the record you've never written a single review. Thank God for the First Amendment!

Gone will be much of the impetus for gaming the system through intimidation of "blowback", paid or arranged shills, orchestrated review moratoriums, cherry-picking, etc.  

  Before a retired, septuagenarian, LA based hobbyist began computing a top 100 list for the LA region around 2003 a provider's record simply spoke for itself. When the "mathesar report" appeared with a top rated 100 providers intense competition immediately ensued both testing and revealing the ethics of those at the "top". As much as the mathesar report was initially regaled it was soon found to be a cancer in the community and was protested by many until its creator stopped its annual publishing about 3 years later.  

 Naively the new owners of TER revived the "mathesar" report on a national level upon taking control a few years ago. Ever since; savvy, or artfully managed new(?) providers have been gaming this painfully unsophisticated aggregate formula for both personal ego and profit. It rewards skullduggery and punishes the innocent. And it has so tainted the system overall that savvy hobbyists routinely ignore or avoid the "Top ten" altogether

Pink is already taken so you will have to figure out new color and enough suckers to sign up. Signing would not be problem since, there is sucker born every minute.

-- Modified on 10/31/2014 5:29:43 AM

And overall would be a takeaway. It's just another piece of information, a data point that you can use as you want.

If someone is dumb enough to just look at scores (or worse a single score) and take that for gospel, then they have no one to blame but themselves if they end up disappointed.

Scores are a great triage tool. If I see 3 or more reviews and scores below 6, I might read them for entertainment, but I already have enough information to pass on that provider.  

Many reviews don't really match the score -- guys will gush about how beautiful she was, how obliging and open, with nothing negative to say and then give a 6/7 score while others give 10/10 if the provider managed to open the door without injuring everyone. To each their own but it all paints a picture. Taking away the scores solves nothing. We'd end up with more threads like this about lack of detail/too much detail, how it's all objective, (insert endless circle jerk arguments here), etc.

The same issues apply to movie or restaurant review sites but which would you really use - one where you can tell at a glance if a place is a shithole and at least narrow down your selections or one where you have to do CSI-level research to guage what the experience would be like?

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