TER General Board

That's how most of my late appointments worked when it was my fault.
Blowing Chunks 1469 reads

And I ended up repeating them many times cuz the girls made me feel she's flexible,  low volume,  unrushed, and not sucking a dozen other cocks all day. In fact the girls are the ones who are usually running very very late. Sometimes it pisses me off but sometimes good things do come after waiting.  

When I'm the one running very late, agency girls are exceptions imo.  If I see them knowing full well that they are usually scheduled back to back,  and I run 20-30 min late well I ask how much time we can play so that no misunderstanding exists.  If it's too short,  well I just reschedule,  if it's decent time to play then I just eat it.  

I can't remember the last time I was running as much as 30 minutes late though...  I'm usually very early.  

If it looks like it could be later than 20 minutes late or more  I have in the past simply rescheduled to a later time with ample time in between,  unless the provider is willing to wait and work with me.

If a gent books, say 2 hours and he's 30 minutes late, his appointment time still ends 2 hours after his original start time, does it not? And I give him back 30 minutes worth of donation? Is this something I need to put in the considerations section of my website (which hardly anyone ever reads apparently), or is this common practice?  

If I let him stay that 30 minutes, he will cause me to be late for my next appointment because I book one hour breaks in between, and I really need 50 minutes to clean the room and bathe. I cannot have my good reputation of being reliable and punctual spoiled by others' tardiness, you know what I mean? Am I wrong in this? Because I've irritated a few tardy gents by doing this.

Sorry this sounds so whiny.

If a hooker is late and the john pays for the entire time, she adds that time or discounts his rate commensurate with the time.

If a john is late he can either pay for the time he will be there and leave at the time that was scheduled so as not to make the hooker late for the rest of her day.

An addition, if said john is late and I have some time I can give him the full scheduled time.

I hate lateness on either side, unless there is a good reason.

-- Modified on 8/19/2014 5:31:06 AM

ROGM and I are sooooooo disappointed in you!  LMAO!

GaGambler1760 reads

MHB's are certainly allowed to use the "H" word. and we all know what a MHB you are. lol

I too am not a big fan of "lateness" but in some markets it sometimes just cannot be helped. In many cities if the hooker/john has to travel more than just a few miles a simple traffic accident on the freeway can turn a 20 minute cushion into being late by 20 minutes. Shit happens.

I try never to be late, but sometimes it can't be helped, and I think most guys will agree that when scheduling an outcall 30 minutes late is almost early for many women. lol

I think the OP's manner of handling it is seems to be a fair one, my only other advice would be if this seems to be happening often, she might try making a bigger window in between dates.

Did you really just send me an email calling me a trick. lol What does trick really mean anyway?  
I prefer to be called a "women's treat". ;)

I don't have an email address from you. I gave you my email address since you can't PM me.

So sorry I thought you were someone else. Good to hear from you.

Replying to you now.

-- Modified on 8/20/2014 10:29:31 AM

If I booked a 2:00 - 4:00, and then found that I couldn't make it to your incall until 2:30, I'd contact you and let you know. Say by email. Three responses I'd expect:

"Well, I have to leave at four, so do you want to reschedule?"

"Are you saying you only want to do an hour and a half?" [meaning I'll only put your 90-minute rate in the envelope.]

"I've booked you for two hours, so I'll be ready when you get here." [I'm then paying for two hours of your time and it's my fault I'm not there, so I'll eat it.]

What's CUSTOMARY is that you clearly let me know what you want and whatever solution you offer reflects how you feel you might be rewarded by repeat business. If I really disagree with your decision, I might cancel.

That is what I would expect to happen.

What's CUSTOMARY is that you clearly let me know what you want and whatever solution you offer reflects how you feel you might be rewarded by repeat business. If I really disagree with your decision, I might cancel.  

If I answer wrong meaning that  if you are late and I don't bend to your lateness the way you feel I should to get you to come back, you might not return, I say bye bye.  

There is a thing called common courtesy and I live by that regardless if I am paying or being paid. I will be fair but will not tolerate someone being an entitled jerk and not respecting my time. when he is the one that is late  

I respect a clients time and if I am at fault will rectify in a reasonable fashion.

I thought that was basically what I said. But I'm only responding to the OP from the POV of what I'd expect to happen if I had to let someone know I'm going to be late. The 3 responses would all be on my mind as ways a provider, or anyone, might respond.

If I were to let my doctor know that I'd be late, s/he might say, "Get here as soon as you can," or, "We'll have to reschedule." (probably wouldn't get into billing procedure).

Re: provider--
Would I OFFER to pay for the 2 hours? Not overtly. But if I'm running late I don't EXPECT any special treatment, but I'd HOPE for a favorable arrangement. And you know me, I'm the board fool who tends to leave a little extra in situations like that. But most men wouldn't, and IMO that doesn't make them jerks.

Who feels because he is late the hooker has to kiss his ass if she wants him to return.  

I am fair so if he is late and I can't extend I don't expect him to pay full fare, and I am okay with shortening the fee to match the time left

GaGambler1098 reads

There are women in this business who if the appointment was from 2-4 would collect for two hours, the moment he walked in the door no less, and his ass would be out the door no later than 3:59 no matter if he showed up at 2:01 or 3:45.

As with most things in life there is always a balance, and balance can usually be found if both parties are reasonable people, of course assuming both parties are reasonable is quite a stretch I know.

and yes, "demanding" his full two hours without any regard to the ladies schedule or the "next guy" is being a jerk, and rewarding a guy for being a jerk is akin to rewarding a hooker for being BSC.

That is very good of you, but I don't know if cutting the fee should be the rule. Would you want to be that fair the second or third time it happened? I guess if you let him know that you're making an exception for him, he'd get the right idea.

And if the reason he's late is that a commitment to work or whatever it is likely that his schedule will remain busy. If it's medical, say a dental appointment that takes longer than expected, then it's probably more likely it's a one-time thing.

Of course, I've never considered scheduling a session after a root canal, and don't think it would be safe. Ah, but who knows how people think?

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Who feels because he is late the hooker has to kiss his ass if she wants him to return.  
 I am fair so if he is late and I can't extend I don't expect him to pay full fare, and I am okay with shortening the fee to match the time left.  

It has been a while since someone was late a half hour and for those few that were over the years, I am not cognizant of that being a serial lateness type scenario.  

I don't suffer being taken advantage off and would stop that type of behavior if it was a repeat situation.  

Tell you what I find even more annoying is the early guy that feels if he arrives 20 minutes early and calls he gets that tacked on.  

Had a guy do this, called and asked if he could come up early and since I was ready said sure. I had the forethought to realize this and wrapped up the session at the time paid for and he had the balls to say we still had 20 minutes left. I said no, you arrived 20 minutes early, an hour is an hour, thank you and have a nice day.

If the appointment is set for 2:00, and the client arrives at 1:50, he sits behind the wheel in his parked car then walks real slowly to arrive at the door not at 1:58, not at 1:59, but at 2:00 on the dot.

Tell the the truth and SHAME the devil!!!

But if he's late and I could have booked someone who was on time, he paid only for 90 minutes, but I could have gotten paid for a full two hours, guess who doesn't get a return hooker next time a few people want the same time (which always happens). The guy who isn't guaranteed to arrive on time and pay the full rate.

The guy might be calling from work mid-morning, not enough time for her to book someone else, probably, so he has the choice of being late, eating the difference, or quitting his job. So, whatever happens, it's not likely he'll quit his job, even though it means this lady will not allow him to book the next time.

The thing is, the client doesn't have many good choices of action, so the wisest thing is to bounce the ball to her and she'll do whatever she does. Her decision, and he can only react to it

The three times this has happened not with the last date of the evening, they called 10-15 minutes before 4:30 (my 1st appt slot of the day) blaming traffic. This is Atlanta. Atlantans do not get to blame traffic unless it's bad weather, lol. Being stuck in traffic is not a legitimate excuse for being late in this city.

If he's my last appointment, I don't mind if he's late. And, if he emails a couple hours ahead of time saying he can't leave work and might be late, that's ok and I can email my last appt (7:30 slot) asking him to come 30 minutes later and offer extra time at the end to make up for it.

...because you "understand," "know he's a nice guy," and/or, "but wouldn't do it for everyone."

You know what? IRL, if I agree to meet for lunch, and the person is more than 15, 20 minutes late, I place my order. Maybe the answer is start without him. Lol

Oh, but two of them are have come back to see me several times and have never been late again; they genuinely are nice guys. The one guy that kinda bitched at me was a selfish lover anyway, so it was no skin off my back that he never contacted me again. lol

Posted By: WickedBrut
...because you "understand," "know he's a nice guy," and/or, "but wouldn't do it for everyone."  
 You know what? IRL, if I agree to meet for lunch, and the person is more than 15, 20 minutes late, I place my order. Maybe the answer is start without him. Lol

if he gave you advance notice of his being late....

give him the full 2hrs if you have it available or

*ask* him whether he wants a rebate for the lost 1/2hr - if he is a gentleman he will not....

else he booked the time and it is on him if he is late - he should understand that -

but it would not hurt to have something in your policies on this topic - if so keep it
simple and say only that when you have set aside time for a client he can only count
on that time being available -

Extend your trip and spread out your appointments. If you are in that high of demand in a particular area, extend your trip and have further time between your appointments. One 2 hr visit will pay for your room for that day and possibly the next. The rest you recoup that day or the next is essentially yours, minus meals, travel expenses, incidentals, etc. Then, the two hour dude won't be bumped, and could possibly turn into a longer engagement, or a free meal, which cuts more of your expenses, but puts more money in your pocket if 1) he extended his orig 2 hour date that he was already late for and 2) he will have a great time with you and buys you a meal, and will be more likely to glow and review and refer you. That gives you more guys seeking you for 2 hrs and increases your security of getting great appts in that area in the future. Have to consider the cause and effect of it all. Scrambling from one 2 hr appt to apease a 1 hr appt sounds crazy. If you like your business that way, and the breaks that you already have scheduled, then law down the law, cancel the tardy guy, set up rules, refund donations (crazy), and worry about the next guy. But for every guy you piss off, there may be less willing to see you later.

-- Modified on 8/19/2014 9:22:21 AM

It's my normal Friday night thing. I rush out of work at 3 to check in and get ready for a 2-hr 4:30 appt. then I get ready for another 2-hr+ at 7:30. And then I go to sleep and have another 2-hr at 9 in the morning. And that's it for the week unless a regular wants to see me another day or I get a dinner date request. I hardly ever get 1-hr requests because the 2-hr doesn't cost that much more, which is how I like it.

Two of the late gents have come back to see me and have been on-time on subsequent dates. One was pissed and questioned why I only give myself an hour between dates. I told him I give myself an hour so I could GIVE him an extra 10 minutes for showering and give myself 50 to get ready.

First let me say that I hate tardiness because it can mess up your schedule...but there are some things that we can not avoid and I know there are times when I have had to be late.

That being said....

Personally I am not high volume so I usually have time in-between appointments but having already stated that you are not (at least that's how i understand it and nothing wrong with that =))...I suggest maybe allowing more time in-between if you can....if it's happening alot then I would definately allow an extra 30mins in-between and it doesnt sound like a bad idea to allow extra time....what if the gentleman wanted to extend? And also writing something on your website sounds like a great idea to me. That way it's in writing...When I book an appointment I always ask the gentleman if he has read my website and to please review my website for all donations and any questions he may have...That might help if their not reading your site =)  
Also, when booking your appointment or if he is running late...let him know ahead of time that you have a prior engagement at said time and unfortunately can not extend his time past the time that he booked. That would avoid any awkward (at least for me) giving back of the donation  

Good Luck!!

Robert_BadenPowell1532 reads

... and I arrive at 2:30, I get to see the remainder of the play.  I still pay full price; I don't get a refund for the time I missed.  The cast doesn't repeat the first 30 minutes of the play for me.

IMO your only responsibility in these circumstances is to fulfill your end of the agreement.  You agreed to a session ending at 4:00, for a certain price.  

Now, if you want to go above and beyond your agreement, e.g. extend the session past the original end time because you have time to do so, or refund part of the donation, or make some other arrangement agreeable to the client... that's totally up to you.  Such gracious acts encourage long-term customer loyalty.

I didn't buy a ticket and there's no theater full of people who got there on time and are expecting the curtain to go up.  So long as you've communicated with her in advance, the options of the other posters are fine.  Shit happens on both sides and reasonable slack needs to be cut.
And, yes, your last sentence is correct.

Robert_BadenPowell1640 reads

The analogy holds in that a contract, with offer and acceptance, is in place in both cases. Both sides are expected to uphold their end of the agreement. If one side is unable to do so, the terms can be changed if both parties agree.

Unless you don't think client/provider sessions qualify as business transactions?

Communicating lateness is good, but doesn't create more time in the provider's day, change her schedule, or excuse lack of planning by the client. But as you said, shit happens; unforeseen events occur.  

And I think I was clear that it would be a good idea if the provider could cut the late client some slack, if she's in a position to do so.  It's the gracious thing to do, and smart business practice, if the provider may want to see the client again.

I never said the idea behind your post was wrong, just that you picked a lousy analogy to hang it on.  And, yes, it's still a lousy analogy, your retort not withstanding.
Now be a good scout and stop whining or we'll dock one of your merit badges.

Robert_BadenPowell1419 reads

I'm simply trying to have a civil discussion on the topic of the thread.  

But I understand it's impossible for some people to do that... they can't seem to get two levels into a thread without resorting to personal snipes.  

C'est la Vie.

GaGambler1154 reads

You hurt his wittle feelings. lmao

He-cunts are such sensitive creatures.

But perhaps your lofty intellect was unable to remember back that far in the thread.  That does it, Bobby!  I have revoked your Merit Badges for Knot-Tying and Campfire Building.  Please remove them from your sash and mail them back to National Headquarters.
Your next assignment is to earn Merit Badges for Sense of Humor and Removing Pole From Ass.  :)

Robert_BadenPowell1190 reads

... read the posts you're going to refer to before posting your reply.  And read for comprehension... don't just skim over posts, thinking about your next insult or lame joke that has nothing to do with the thread.  Then you'd realize, for example, that I didn't say your initial response was off topic.  

And one more bit of friendly advice... if you're going to keep up the lame jokes about Scouting, at least get them right.  For example, you won't be able to revoke my Knot-Tying and Campfire Building Merit Badges because there are no such Merit Badges.  

As for my earning other Merit Badges, did you know that Scouts can earn Merit Badges only until their 18th birthdays?  

But just so you know I do have a sense of humor, I promise to laugh at all your jokes from now on... as soon as you tell one that's funny.  :D

And one more thing... I welcome spirited discussions with anyone/everyone here, including you.  But if all you and your "buds" want to do is dish out personal digs, you can go find someone else with whom to have your fun... until your mums call you inside for bedtime.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to practice some bowlines and hitches at the campfire.

Please eat your pablum and go to bed. But not before you send your Merit Badges back. But be sure to keep your Major Douchebag Merit Badge.  You've really earned that one.  In spades.

Those who debate here...debate. It has nothing to do with sensitivity I'm afraid. You called me this yesterday too for whatever reason and I giggled. Id be happy to refer you to the dictionary for the definition, but I don't think we really need to go there. (Yes I'm giving you props here). I'll say it again...some of us have a passion and drive inside us, don't mistake it for anything else than what that is. And don't label it other things either. Not my fault your a lil bland at times. :)

As to the rest of your post, it has so little to do with my comments on this thread I'm left speechless.  And that is hard to do.
Now return to your regularly-scheduled babblings.

velvet_hammer1689 reads

a lady when you show up?  "Before we start I must tell you that I consider this a strictly business transaction that is governed by Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) regulations, do we have a contract that you accept then?"

Oh wait, do the ladies then share the details about the transgressions of other "clients" with you at that time or after your contractual time has been completed?  You do remember that you informed us all that you are such a grand man that the ladies confide their business travails with other "clients" to you.  Hmmm, do you charge them as a legal consultant then, since as you say, it is business?

Posted By: Robert_BadenPowell
The analogy holds in that a contract, with offer and acceptance, is in place in both cases. Both sides are expected to uphold their end of the agreement. If one side is unable to do so, the terms can be changed if both parties agree.  
 Unless you don't think client/provider sessions qualify as business transactions?  
 Communicating lateness is good, but doesn't create more time in the provider's day, change her schedule, or excuse lack of planning by the client. But as you said, shit happens; unforeseen events occur.  
 And I think I was clear that it would be a good idea if the provider could cut the late client some slack, if she's in a position to do so.  It's the gracious thing to do, and smart business practice, if the provider may want to see the client again.

Robert_BadenPowell1694 reads

But as with other P2P interactions, there's more to it than just the business aspect. At least that's the case for me. I don't doubt others will disagree.

Ladies can be late too.
Also, the prudent thing for both parties is to accept realities of life and build this into their hobby model.
Ladies should learn to roll with the occasionally late guy, as long as he is respectful, and guys should not take cancellations personally and apply the "move on" adage without a second thought.  If neither party can handle the aforementioned scenarios without major stress, then it's probably time to reassess one's approach to things.

All of Mr.Powells posts here arguing this argument are spot on. Not quite sure what you're smoking today.

 (psst, smoking's not good for you Nick, I would recommend quitting if I were you. I care about your well-being afterall)

-- Modified on 8/19/2014 12:53:58 PM

Actually, the only smoke around here is emanating from your keyboard.  Some also seems to be coming out of your ears, my little rump roast. :)

These ladies are performers, plain and simple.  You think when you show up they really are just dying to have sex with our fat sweaty asses?  You think they are really our girlfriends.  TER even grades on "performance".   You are paying her to perform, notwithstanding you're not holding a ticket.  It's even possible you are waiting in line to get in, although the queue is not that evident or obvious.  She starts the preformance with make-up and getting her head in the game to fuck our lousy asses and make it sem like we are gods gift to women.   Not a perfoRmance you say.   As a long time veteran of the performing arts myself, I hold emphatically that what these ladies do, is indeed a performance, even though it is an audience of one.

That said, if there is a reasonable accomodation to be made due to lateness beyond one's control, then it certainly should be made, if for no better reason than its all part of the play.

Posted By: inicky46
I didn't buy a ticket and there's no theater full of people who got there on time and are expecting the curtain to go up.  So long as you've communicated with her in advance, the options of the other posters are fine.  Shit happens on both sides and reasonable slack needs to be cut.  
 And, yes, your last sentence is correct.

And, yes, I'm well aware it's a performance.  Still, I believe his analogy is far from perfect, though if he'd made his own case as well as you did I'd probably have just let it go.  I would also hope you wouldn't have gotten your panties in a bunch the way Bobby did. :)

My panties generally stay unbunched unless I have a special request from my provider.  Not buying the bad contracts essay answer though.

On another note, if you and Taylor ever do hook up, I suspect love will blossom from Magic multicolor mushrooms and there will be unicorns crapping rainbows and kittens in the sky.  🍄

stalks me, sedates me and ties me to her bed.  I have nightmares about this, so thanks for reminding me

Your refusal is already well-known (and still quite a relief!) but you know well I'd never, ever see you either.  Along with virtually every other male who reads this board.
You are some slick, little marketer aren't you, my little lunch meat?

Posted By: inicky46
Along with virtually every other male who reads this board.  
That's quite an absolute statement. You sure about that? You and 'Mr. Who down in Whoville' must be collaborating as of late. (He has been a lil feisty lately, you should have a chat with him). But WOW, you must know a lot of guys, I mean thousands and what EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM is thinking. That's quite impressive Nick, even for you. How about we just say 'virtually every other male who POSTS on this board'. That sounds a lil more doable don't ya think?

Don't dream about me tonight.  


Not a who from the Dr. Seuss children's books

I like my version of a 'Who' better. So there. Blah. Anyway, what's going on with you?

-- Modified on 8/19/2014 9:47:45 PM

As for the rest, I'll be happy to put it to a vote.  Any guy (besides Tiddy) who finds your board posting attractive and wants to date you, please step up and say so.
Beuhler???  Beuhler?????

-- Modified on 8/19/2014 10:07:04 PM

have a point, as far as the posting that is. I thought I was just being kind of cute and funny but I can see it's all in my own lil imagination as notta one person gets it here LOL. Oh well, I guess I'll have to admit you are right. And yes, I guess the joke is on me then. Awww shucks, you can't win'em all, now can you? But I did try, so do I get an 'A' for effort at least? Thank you Nick for setting me straight. You seem to enjoy that job immensely. ;)

Umm, for the record, the 'dream' much like anything else I post is supposed to be silly and sarcastic, not really much more than that. I would never, ever assume you of all would ever actually dream about someone like me let alone much else, at least you shouldn't be, now should you? Just be sure not to order that roast beast sammich tomorrow, and remember, lunch meat is very, very bad for you.

*sighs and signs*  
              friendless and dateless TS 2014

The problem is, we do.
Do you enjoy running into walls head first?  Seems like the answer must be "yes."

-- Modified on 8/20/2014 8:05:07 AM

CubaGooding_Sr1393 reads

nitrates, fillers, and other things that are just not good to digest. Oh wait, is that why you called Taylor that?

cashorcredit1459 reads

As a client I would take the 30 minute loss. She may have another client scheduled right after me so I would respect her time.

Also it depends on the provider and the client... some providers if they have nothing else scheduled for the day they may let you slid on being late

JackDunphy1384 reads

so you don't cause your next gent any issues and deduct the 30 mins cost from the late john. That's just smart business, imo.

This is how you handled this matter I believe and I think that should be your policy going forward as well, except if the same guy does this to you routinely.

GaGambler1403 reads

If you have an hour window between clients, and the first runs 30 minutes late, why not extend his time by 15 minutes or so, still giving yourself 45 minutes to "get fresh" for your next date, but still giving your two hour client almost 90% of the time he would have gotten if he had been on time? This way instead feeling like he got "gipped" on his time, he should come away feeling like he got something extra.

Remember, this is a service business, and getting bitchy with your clients, even if they deserve it, is not the way to build a thriving business.

I'm sure I can swing 45 minutes. Especially since most gents are in the parking lot at the appt time, not knocking on the door at the appt time.

And, then I don't feel obligated to give any of the donation back. :)


GaGambler1197 reads

but every once in a while you can coax a relevant and helpful comment out of me. lol

and you are right, you most certainly should not feel obligated to give any of the donation back in this scenario. Hey, he might even give you a tip for the extra time if he's a good guy.

Just remember, being late doesn't make someone a bad person, it's how he/she deals with it when it happens.

Ok, that was my last helpful post of the day, I need to go find a troll to whack. After all, I do have a reputation to uphold you know:)))

And I ended up repeating them many times cuz the girls made me feel she's flexible,  low volume,  unrushed, and not sucking a dozen other cocks all day. In fact the girls are the ones who are usually running very very late. Sometimes it pisses me off but sometimes good things do come after waiting.  

When I'm the one running very late, agency girls are exceptions imo.  If I see them knowing full well that they are usually scheduled back to back,  and I run 20-30 min late well I ask how much time we can play so that no misunderstanding exists.  If it's too short,  well I just reschedule,  if it's decent time to play then I just eat it.  

I can't remember the last time I was running as much as 30 minutes late though...  I'm usually very early.  

If it looks like it could be later than 20 minutes late or more  I have in the past simply rescheduled to a later time with ample time in between,  unless the provider is willing to wait and work with me.

A 2 hour customer is or should be considered a good customer.  I agree he should accept the loss as it's his fault he can not be there for the time he booked.  I understand that you have gone to lengths to have time to refresh mind & body and I commend you for it.  Under these circumstances, with a good customer, I think you should gently say you have "somewhere to be" and hope you could extend a few minutes past the 2 hour point.  He will love you for it...  and probably you have clients run over 10-15 pretty often.  So in actuality, you are only giving what you might have done anyway.  
You will be a little rushed in your refresh time.  But you have treated a premium clint with kindness which he will likely repay.  

Posted By: GaGambler
If you have an hour window between clients, and the first runs 30 minutes late, why not extend his time by 15 minutes or so, still giving yourself 45 minutes to "get fresh" for your next date, but still giving your two hour client almost 90% of the time he would have gotten if he had been on time? This way instead feeling like he got "gipped" on his time, he should come away feeling like he got something extra.

Remember, this is a service business, and getting bitchy with your clients, even if they deserve it, is not the way to build a thriving business.

The only hang up I have is. The gentleman has already committed to a specific time. Therefore it is the clients responsibility to be on time. However the client shouldn't pay for the time isn't there.  

Now I seldom repeat with the same lady, which leaves your theory blowing in the wind, in relation to clients whom do not repeat.

Your fourth sentence is unintelligible.  The next one is just hilarious.  You seldom repeat with the same lady? Who else would you repeat with? A different one?
Admit it.  English is your second language.  Or maybe your third?

is an independent provider or works through a scheduling agency. When a lady works for an agency she is on the agencies time. That is why it is important for the customer to know whose time his appointment is on.

That way the client can make the appropriate decision to either keep the scheduled appointment - try to reschedule for a later time - or cancel his appointment.  

There are only so many hours in the day.

bonordonor1522 reads

He contracted for a specific time frame for companionship. If he is late, she is not obligated to extend his time and should not have to answer as to why or take less than the agreed upon fee. She shouldn't have to say "I have another client", "I have a doctor appointment", I'm getting my nails done" or "My BF doesn't know I do this and he is coming over to fuck my brains out".

If the provider is late, she has the obligation to fulfill the time obligation or offer a discount for the time not spent and the client has the option of agreeing or not seeing her.

Pussy is the most intimate commodity on the planet and cannot be compared to any other anything! It is the center of the universe (or at least mine). If it weren't for these beautiful, awesome ladies there would be a lot more angry miserable dudes.

bonordonor1348 reads

I have a fucking clue! I don't understand the mentality of the johns that think women in the profession are a piece of meat. All the ladies that will fuck a stranger (old, fat, smelly and ugly) for money should be respected for what they do and treated no less respectful with their time than your mechanic, attorney, accountant (not really sure this one is relevant) or doctor. BTW, show up 30 minutes late in front of a judge and see where that gets you!

JackDunphy1366 reads

NOBODY forces these gals to fuck old, fat, smelly and ugly johns. They CHOOSE too so stop with that nonsense.  And many of these gals are making a helluva lot more money per hour than any judge, that's for sure.  

Does that mean they should be disrespected in session? No, but some things do go with the territory and one of them is being fair and reasonable with a client who is paying her the big bucks and be understanding that things outside of our control come into play to make us late on occasion.

Is that too much to ask, Mr. Suck Up?

-- Modified on 8/19/2014 2:57:32 PM

JackDunphy1331 reads

People run late in life. Sure, the girl can stick to some "verbal contract" and jam it up the guy's (i.e. customers) ass in an illegal activity I suppose, but how does that help the girl?

Isnt the decent thing to do AND smart business thing to do, is work with the guy, maybe take off a 1/2 hour and not charge him for it so maybe he turns into a repeat client, writes her a nice review possibly, tells his buddies bc she is a cool chick, etc?

Just b/c we "can" do something doesn't mean we "should" do something. Jamming the terms of an agreement down someones throat b/c maybe they hit traffic, were running late at work, had a flat tire, etc hardly ever makes good business sense for the gal in the long run.

If a man is booking 3,4,5 hours I appreciate it enough to schedule in a way that allows me to pretty much say fuck the clock.  

But in your instance if you were 30 minutes late you would make it up to him right?
So why the fuckity fuck would you reimburse him for YOUR time that HE fucked off???
I'd be like that's on you, however if he came in humble and of the same mind I'd rock his socks off and next time give him some overtime lovin.  

It's not the time nor the money it's the entitlement that irks me about it. You could have taken another 30 min to primp, grab a bite, have a drink at the bar, tickle your twat, watch something entertaining…

The man who comes in saying sorry I'm late and expecting nothing gets everything, keep me waiting half an hour then come in and ask for it on the back end or even tackier for 30 bucks compensation off???

The best way to train a person to always be late, is to make sure the person suffers no consequences for being late.

Oh, yeah for sure if he's got me for a dinner date, he's the only one I'm seeing that day. I usually spend the night even OTC if I've seen him before (but, I am actually sleeping).

I don't really care about time that much, unless it's going to make me late. But, yeah, I sit there and watch cat videos on YouTube after the last guy has gone home. So, what do I care if he stays longer? LOL

I've only been late twice, but yes I definitely made up for it.

The times I gave back 30 minutes worth, they didn't ask for it. So, it wasn't anything like that, Sophia. But, I am going to take Gambler's suggestion and extend 15 minutes passed the scheduled end time, and keep the whole donation. And, I'll just have to eat my supper in the bathtub. HA!

Posted By: sophiaLA
If a man is booking 3,4,5 hours I appreciate it enough to schedule in a way that allows me to pretty much say fuck the clock.  
 But in your instance if you were 30 minutes late you would make it up to him right?  
 So why the fuckity fuck would you reimburse him for YOUR time that HE fucked off???  
 I'd be like that's on you, however if he came in humble and of the same mind I'd rock his socks off and next time give him some overtime lovin.  
 It's not the time nor the money it's the entitlement that irks me about it. You could have taken another 30 min to primp, grab a bite, have a drink at the bar, tickle your twat, watch something entertaining…  
 The man who comes in saying sorry I'm late and expecting nothing gets everything, keep me waiting half an hour then come in and ask for it on the back end or even tackier for 30 bucks compensation off???

earthshined1526 reads

you have another appt after when he calls to say he's late?

he doesnt know if you're free after either so he should ask as well.

communication solves problems.

Not sure if you saw my post. When they called about the traffic going to make them late, I suggested we have a 90min instead since I had another appointment.

Posted By: earthshined
you have another appt after when he calls to say he's late?  
 he doesnt know if you're free after either so he should ask as well.  
 communication solves problems.

And ALL our time is valuable - including mine.
I've been 10 or 15 minutes late before - but the longer date delays of 30 minutes or an hour or longer have been due to ladies.  While it can be frustrating, I've handled with grace I think - why start a date with a bad vibe?  Now if I was running really late, I would feel bad as hell, and wouldn't necessarily expect to be able to keep the same date length - but I'd also greatly appreciate if the lady reciprocated with the same understanding that I've shown others.  If she insisted on full pay for a lesser time?  I honestly don't know how I'd react to that.  But I do know that this would be a bad start to the date and would really decrease my chances of enjoying it.  And I can guarantee you that I wouldn't repeat with her.  Having said all that, this is hypothetical to me, because I've never been that late.  I think it's about both parties showing EQUAL respect for each other - in all ways.  I'm no better than any lady I meet with, but also, her time is no more valuable than mine.

Rush to get ready for the next appointment. So I'd have less time to get ready, but it happens sometimes. Instead of having an hour to leisurely prepare for the next appointment, I would have a half hour. So I'd just take a quick shower, quick cleanup, and makeup and hair touch up....but usually it's not a problem because I'm pretty low volume....but basically yeah, more time to rest in between is preferable, but you don't always have that luxury.

from my point of view, to worry and argue about 30 minutes of time is just not worth the trouble.  Most of us has spent a significant amount of money in this hobby, so to haggle over 30 minutes of time is just nuts.  If the lady is nice enough to accommodate you as above mentioned--great!  But if not, live and learn and plan more time next time.

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