TER General Board

That's because you didn't send a 50% deposit to PM with her
Dr Who revived 1751 reads

And clearly your lack of respect for a hooker that's now asking (as in bid price) for $ 1k to be a hooker she is clearly on drugs.  But she won't share with you either...they're all hers  LOL

She did that shit to me a few years back as well (as in PM and then "ignore").  That's OK...plenty of backchannel on this gal.  That's why she's an angry old hooker that could afford to drop 50 pounds and still be a BBW.

Not that that's a bad thing...some guys like fat.
Posted By: GaGambler
and yes I am a "John" but I don't mind looking in the mirror and seeing the reflection. That doesn't seem to be the case for many here, including you. That's why you have to wrap yourself in political correctness, and take offense to words like hooker and john.

BTW some of my best friends are hookers,  

Feliz Semana Santa, and have fun praying to your invisible friend in the sky.

Oh FWIW YOU are the one that PM'd me, not the other way around. As I said, honesty is not always a hookers best friend, you certainly don't seem to be able to handle it. Putting someone on ignore after initiating contact with them is the surest sign you are losing the argument

89Springer3382 reads

It seems to me that low-volume providers usually aren't the ones who are posting photos in the photo forum, or putting ads in the regional ads forum. BCG is one of the exceptions, as are Taylor Steele and others who post in the General forum regularly.

If my perception is correct, then am I also correct in assuming that Meet and Greets will draw the same providers who aggressively promote themselves, and not the ones who are more low-key and UTR?

-- Modified on 4/18/2014 10:01:48 AM

Means no M&G's. I could be wrong but logistically it makes sense they would avoid them.

AnotherDonJohn1423 reads

A ny M&G used to be one by the same hobbyist for many years. He would often get low volume/ less aggressive marketing ladies to come. When it was taken over by the next guy, they stopped coming because that fool invited a journalist.  

Discretion at M&Gs are paramount.  

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Means no M&G's. I could be wrong but logistically it makes sense they would avoid them.

89Springer1534 reads

Stepped on my tongue, as I so often do.

Posted By: 89Springer
It seems to me that low-volume providers usually aren't the ones who are posting photos in the photo forum, or putting ads in the regional ads forum. BCG is one of the exceptions, as are Taylor Steele and others who post in the General forum regularly.  
 If my perception is correct, then am I also correct in assuming that Meet and Greets will draw the same providers who aggressively promote themselves, and not the ones who are more low-key and UTR?

-- Modified on 4/18/2014 10:01:48 AM

Yes, you're right. Lower Volume Providers like myself, usually have no interest in going to a place to meet a bunch of guys they personally have not screened and reveal at least what they look like to them. We would rather not be recognized on the street (hence the lack of face or blurred face in photos) so it wouldn't make sense to attend a party full of who knows what might end up coming. I would venture that the aggressive girls will mainly be the ones you meet or ones who consider this their lifestyle not their work, those are the type who wear what they do almost on their sleeve and participate in all kinds of activities and events relating to adult sex work. UTR means UTR, going to a meet and greet doesn't sound very UTR does it? lol

...than by almost any provider.  When I meet someone at an L.A. M&G, there's usually no further screening because they know I've been thoroughly vetted.

There are UTR and low volume providers who do go to M&G's precisely to remain UTR and low volume.  Sometimes their clients go away and they can meet new potential clients without resorting to advertising.

Cosette1778 reads

After someone invited a journalist. But I truly would love to. Doesn't matter the volume. Some just want to converse with other like minded individuals. I thought about hosting a small dinner party, but scheduling hasn't worked out.  

I definitely think it depend on the host.

And I've met several.  Does that make them non-UTR? No idea.  As for screening, the guys I know who run M&Gs screen as rigorously as any hooker.  And there are M&Gs in NYC.  There were 4 or 5 last year through last summer and I know of at least 1 being planned for the spring.

And I've attended several M&Gs throughout the years. And I broke my boycott of the photo board about a month ago, lol.

I'm not UTR obviously but low volume, um yes!



JackDunphy1707 reads

There was a gal on one of the regional boards a while ago claiming to be low volume yet she was averaging 20 reviews a month! Maybe her sister or her mom averaged 35, so in her family, she IS low volume? Dunno.

As every HCH wearing his XXL Wide Magnum knows, you multiply the reviews by 57.435 to get the exact number of guys she sees in a given week or month.  

Oh, I know, you'll tell me that 57 is too high. It's more like 23 or 24. Whatevs.  

But the one thing we can ALL agree on is that "lower" volume girls have MUCH less risk, STD wise, than those gross, disgusting and vile "high volume" girls. And lets not even bring up those agency girls! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!

Funny how those gals with the 500+ reviews still have a great biz. You'd think the fact that they were all covered with rashes, cankers and mouth soars would keep the average hobbyist away. Dopey hobbyists.

Are you talking to me?

Stop making sweeping generalizations.

And as far as that tired subject of what kind of person has much less risk STD wise, again another stereotype. It's what a lady does when seeing someone that puts her more or less at risk.

Have sex with the wrong lower volume lady who allows risky behavior versus a lady who is higher volume but stricter. Maybe you can figure it out.

And YES I'm extremely low volume and do not participate in risky behavior. Most would find my profile rather vanilla but I seem to be doing ok.  

-- Modified on 4/18/2014 1:57:38 PM

JackDunphy1682 reads

What did you do, cancel a few appointment you had lined up today to get that upgrade in your status? lol.

I guess your next step up the ladder is "very, extremely low volume?" Not sure what comes after that though. It might be "Nun". Or is it "None?" Same thing I guess.

And since the sarcasm flew right by you, I was making fun of the stereo type that "low volume" girls have less STD risk since none of us know what "low volume" truly is, how we can verify it or what it means since it is so arbitrary as to mean nothing.  

To a gal that has p4p sex 5x a year, they might consider you a "high volume" girl. Have you considered that my dear?

And, by your use of this "low volume" marketing nonsense, you are perpetuating the very same sterotype you are being so critical of.

Do you really think there's that much difference between "very" and "extremely" that it's worth arguing over?  C'mon, dude, have a vodka or something.

JackDunphy1735 reads

You might want to ask our girl since she felt it necessary to make the distinction, not I. All the same to me Nick.

When did you start WK-ing? lol. You HCH traitor!  

And I don't think I'm one vodka short...but maybe 7 Miller Lite's long.

How I had to remarket myself is not nonsense. And I'm not being critical of any lady's choice of how many people she sees. YOU are, with the bullshit you said about ladies with hundreds of reviews.

adverbs/adjectives is fine. You shouldn't use the same modifier repeatedly in a well-written document.

Yes, I have been a published author so I think I have some idea of what I'm talking about.

"Hi I'm an elite escort and I see 12 guys a day cuz I'm in high demand"  

As pimples said,  honesty is the best policy...  lol

12 guys really isn't all that many if you figure they are all 15 minute dates.

And you can meet some new people while you're waiting your turn!

doing as many guys as she can in a day.  I forgot her name.  

I don't know her motives other than publicity but I guess she wanted to be known as the world's biggest slut lol

JackDunphy1334 reads

But yeah, I don't need to hear she is "high volume" lol but don't pawn off this low volume crap on me.  

It never once crossed my mind about a girl's "volume." Maybe she fks 2 guys a month in the biz but 1,000 a month out of it?  

I'll never know for sure so who the fk cares? Understand the risks, put the rubber on, or not, and roll with it.

I might have agreed on more things.  :P

As for the low volume part,  as long as we don't know I guess it doesn't really matter lo

GaGambler1554 reads

but I never come off like a jackass, none of us asians are hung anywhere near like a jackass.

Holding grudges on a fuck board is the  biggest waste of time and energy I can think of. I'd even be willing to accept Turdy or Tardy here if he would ever "buy a clue" and she would ever stay on her meds.

Jack can be an asshole, that's a given, but is that REALLY such a bad quality on a fuck board??? I think not.

Yeah, ladies...you hear that?  
So, don't forget to iron those beds! ;)

One of these things is not like the other.....

Posted By: Drunken Asian
I might have agreed on more things.  :P  
 As for the low volume part,  as long as we don't know I guess it doesn't really matter lol    

BTW how did you get so jaded in such a short time here?

You were the one who made nasty comments about ladies who see a lot of people.

-- Modified on 4/18/2014 11:32:11 PM

JackDunphy1545 reads

I am going to explain this to you as several people have told me you are a good girl.  

I was using sarcasm Steph. I was making fun of those who look down on escorts that are considered "high" volume by their number of reviews. I see those girls without hesitation so what you think I think about them, is the opposite.

I have said numerous times, no one will ever be able to know who truly is low or high volume so I never get caught up in it. It doesnt affect who I see. Ever.  

You and other girls that have to post that your "low" volume", fine. It's a marketing strategy. I get it. I was just poking some fun at it. It's not the end of the world, its some ball busting on a fk board. That's all.


And if you READ my response to CPA and Bigpapa you'll see there's more to why I'm low volume. It's what I HAVE to do now. And I wouldn't have brought it up if the OP hadn't ask the questions he did in the FIRST post on this whole thread.

Yes because I don't know you, I thought you were BLASTING ladies with 100s of reviews and that pissed me off 'cause I know some nice ladies who see LOTS of guys.

Most of your posts make my skin crawl but it was the first time I responded to you because I took your post literally.

You made assumptions about me as well that simply aren't true. I don't run around all over the boards saying it all the time. Sometimes I put it in my ads because I CAN'T see multiple people a day and I can't even see one person a day every day for any length of time now. I had to CHANGE how I do my thang here in this secret world. NO CHOICE but to market myself differently now. Maybe I take my "job" too seriously, who knows...but I truly want my dates to really be the very best they can be and to do that NOW, I have to market myself differently now. My goal is for a short time under the right circumstances I can get CLOSE to what I could do before 2012.

There's a reason I have a big gap in my reviews and it isn't because I snagged some SD or something like that.



-- Modified on 4/19/2014 11:23:08 AM

JackDunphy1463 reads

She's now EXTREMELY low volume! lol. Maybe she got a frequent flyer upgrade?....or in this case an INfrequent flyer downgrade? Oh, I can't keep this hooker babel straight.

I might need a BiB translation, but I think that "extremely low volume" means she only has sex with herself while watching Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer with their shirts off in the volleyball scene in Top Gun. :D

It's free advertising and a hope to be named Hooker of the Month.  But how it can possibly relate to a gal's volume is beyond my feeble intellect.  I'd say you're over-thinking this one.

If they're considering giving it out for the most pussy shots I know who would have won this 3 months and running.

As for Steph...she's a nice gal and I like her posts a lot.

Now for some of the hookers like BeautyWithoutBrains babbling about not negotiating...well there's a reason she doesn't post here and stays on the newbie board.  But Steph is having fun here...and posts nicely.

At least VooDoo will explain her rationale...BeautywithoutBrains is simply posting shit up and hoping newbs can't ascertain the truth from her bullshit.

Just saying  LOL

Posted By: inicky46
It's free advertising and a hope to be named Hooker of the Month.  But how it can possibly relate to a gal's volume is beyond my feeble intellect.  I'd say you're over-thinking this one.

GaGambler1561 reads

I believe a few of the hookers that hang out on the Newbie board do so strictly to indoctrinate new hobbyists into  how to be a mangina, follow THEIR rules, and be a good little boy who does exactly as the nice hooker tells him to do.

As for Steph, I think she just failed to catch Jack's sarcasm, but I have ZERO issues with her either.

I decided to start posting there because I wanted to and guess what, some gentlemen who book those extended dates do peruse it.

I wish I could travel more but I can't and I had to change how I do business.

I had one date this week. I have one next week. I may have another one next week.

I posted in response to the OP asking about M&Gs and whether low volume/UTR ladies attend them or post on the photos boards.

I don't see many people and I do both. I'm just glad I can travel some to the cities I love and really thought I'd never see again.


-- Modified on 4/19/2014 12:23:28 AM

Seems that many gals claim to be low volume...and guys seem to like that illusion as well.

So..is low volume once a month?  Once every six months?  Once a year?

As for the hookers who post on the photo board...who knows how many dudes they see a day, week or month.

The M&G that was here in ChiTown last night...the majority of those who attended don't post at all on these boards, let alone on the photo board.  And they are VERY far from UTR.  While others would indeed be considered UTR due to their lack of advertising.  I don't believe they wore masks either...and in most cases that is a very good thing.  

Why would you think that Tobi or Taylor are low volume?  Would you be terribly disappointed if you found out they are doing 3 a day?  Seems you would.

Posted By: 89Springer
It seems to me that low-volume providers usually aren't the ones who are posting photos in the photo forum, or putting ads in the regional ads forum. BCG is one of the exceptions, as are Taylor Steele and others who post in the General forum regularly.  
 If my perception is correct, then am I also correct in assuming that Meet and Greets will draw the same providers who aggressively promote themselves, and not the ones who are more low-key and UTR?

-- Modified on 4/18/2014 10:01:48 AM

I've having my first date of the week tonight for dinner and romance.

when I travel, one person a day. I used to be able to see 3 peeps a day but preferred 2. Since being back "on the job", I had to change how I market myself.

And after I get back from a trip, I pretty much don't leave the house for at least a day because I feel like I've just gotten back from a 3 a day 3-4 night trip.

But I'm still "Steph", imagine that.



-- Modified on 4/18/2014 1:21:06 PM

-- Modified on 4/18/2014 11:24:23 PM

Seems it's totally subjective.

Some dudes think that exclusivity means low volume while others figure only 3 a day "ain't all that many"  LOL

I think the thing most dudes will agree on is they don't want to pass the prior john in the hallway  ;)

Posted By: MatureGFE
I've having my first date of the week tonight for dinner and romance.

when I travel, one person a day. I used to be able to see 3 peeps a day but preferred 2. Since being back "on the job", I had to change how I market myself.

and after I get back from a trip, I pretty much don't leave the house for at least a da because I ell like I've just gotten back from a 3 a day 3-4 night trip.

But I'm still "Steph", imagine that.



-- Modified on 4/18/2014 1:21:06 PM

LucasHood1838 reads


Posted By: ChgoCPA
Seems it's totally subjective.  
 Some dudes think that exclusivity means low volume while others figure only 3 a day "ain't all that many"  LOL  
 I think the thing most dudes will agree on is they don't want to pass the prior john in the hallway  ;)  
Posted By: MatureGFE
I've having my first date of the week tonight for dinner and romance.  
 when I travel, one person a day. I used to be able to see 3 peeps a day but preferred 2. Since being back "on the job", I had to change how I market myself.  
 and after I get back from a trip, I pretty much don't leave the house for at least a da because I ell like I've just gotten back from a 3 a day 3-4 night trip.  
 But I'm still "Steph", imagine that.  
 -- Modified on 4/18/2014 1:21:06 PM

Cosette1611 reads

If I sleep with one person once every other day or 5 people a day for 3 days, does it change anything? I believe it's just a term designed to keep slut shaming alive.

JackDunphy1460 reads

Women here don't even realize they are looking their nose down at other gals in the same line of work as they.  

In other words, THEY know how to hook properly, and exactly what that weekly number of fkin johns should/shouldn't be to get the ordination of the esteemed "Low Volume" moniker.

I feel the same as the gals that use that fkin bullshit "Courtesan" label too, as if they are the truly exalted, the higher class, the "don't dare call me an ESCORT" crowd. I"m MUCH better than that!"

GaGambler1863 reads

We spent about 6 nights a week together,  I would see her appointment schedule and she would see 3-6 guys just about every day, and THEN not only spend the night with me, but have plenty of gas in the tank to fuck me both at night and then again in the morning. I guess she must have been a REAL slut, and I am most likely much better off without her.

Funny thing, we broke up over HER jealousy, not mine. Go Figure.

I guess everyone needs to look down on someone, Courtesans look down on escorts, Indy's look down on agency girls, they all look down on BP and AMP lady's who in turn I guess look down on SW's. I don't really remember who streetwalkers look down on as it's been almost 20 since I've been with one, but I imagine women who work "so and so street" look down on women who works two blocks over  on a street not as nice. lol

ever hear a girl scream loudly in bed?  not very discrete.  

most interesting sound I've heard was when a girl sounded like a loud rubber ducky when she squealed.  

too high volume for me.  LMA

First of all, no one (except the gal) will no for sure how many guys she'll see in a day.

Second, what difference does it make as long as each guy feels like he is the "one and only" for her while they are there?

A gal could see one guy a month but if she treats the guy like a schmoe, what advantage is there to her being "low volume"?

I suppose in this ad-hype infused world the term will continue on indefinitely, but there's no reason for any of us to put any store in it.

Low volume -vs- high volume??
Everyone will have a different opinion on the subject, but there are variables that lie within what makes a provider High -vs- low.......She may be with an agency that she has no control over how they schedule for her. Therefore, she could be considered  high volume. A lady that advertises on multiple sites 2-5x's a day = High volume!! the reason behind it? It is her reasons only!!  It is your choice to choose. Personally, I like to stay hidden as long as i can, but enjoy being part of the show!! I play often, and enjoy every chance I get. I have never been to a M&G and probably never will, but I am content when I do meet somebody New!!

Sorry for the Interruption...Carry on!

89Springer1582 reads

As I said in my reply to myself, I stepped on my tongue in the first post. I don't know what low volume is, and don't much care as long as I'm treated well. I don't think Tobi or Taylor are high volume. They post too often. ;)

The reason I was asking about M&G's is that there's one coming up in a major city the next state over where I've seen some providers. I'd like to see some who have good reviews and all, but who haven't posted enough (or at all) in either the photo threads or ad boards to really get a good idea of what they look like

Hopefully you'll see a listing of who's attending, or at least was confirmed at that point.

Tough to photoshop those faces as well as cellulite or fat live and in person.  Hence my "no masks worn" in my post.  But then I know quite well many of the gals who do attend those M&G's and have seen them live and in person.  And not in a M&G setting where they were still getting prettied up for you potential johns.

Still it'll give you a pretty good idea of what a gal really looks like.  As I suspect if you find some you like and they see you BCD they'll plan on wearing make-up for your encounter.

Posted By: 89Springer
As I said in my reply to myself, I stepped on my tongue in the first post. I don't know what low volume is, and don't much care as long as I'm treated well. I don't think Tobi or Taylor are high volume. They post too often. ;)  
 The reason I was asking about M&G's is that there's one coming up in a major city the next state over where I've seen some providers. I'd like to see some who have good reviews and all, but who haven't posted enough (or at all) in either the photo threads or ad boards to really get a good idea of what they look like.  

would he think that she's low volume? unless she tells her,  how would a guy know?  this kind of feels like "schrodinger's cat" again.  

some assumptions are that some agencies tend to book back to back, charging lower rate than what other girls with similar appearance scores charge,  etc

89Springer1758 reads

My favorite provider so far once told me out of the blue that she wasn't high volume. It was an answer to an unasked question, which is always curious. Her statement confirmed to some degree my suspicion that the two times I'd been rescheduled were to fit in other guys.

Although this week,  I did see a new girl with great reviews who told me she tries to see (some high number) a day.  Brutally honest too but probably cuz she's very new,  working for an agency,  and doesn't really know "low volume" yet.

She told me she'd sometimes fuck a dozen guys a day because she wanted to.  Freak of nature, y'know.  I'm crazy about her and more power to her.

It makes sense that a high volume gal would be a great provider.  How could she attract the high volume if she wasn't great?

Maybe the low volume provider is low volume because she just can't cut it.

GaGambler1640 reads

Just because she is low volume doesn't mean that she wants to be, just like I know a lot of "non profit" corporations aren't that way because they want to be.

89Springer1795 reads

I'm beginning to think that the provider who insisted she's low volume is not, but would like to be, and maybe has convinced herself she is. Too much demand, and she just can't turn away the money.

...the one Meet & Greet I've been to had a fair amount of both.

Posted By: 89Springer
It seems to me that low-volume providers usually aren't the ones who are posting photos in the photo forum, or putting ads in the regional ads forum. BCG is one of the exceptions, as are Taylor Steele and others who post in the General forum regularly.  
 If my perception is correct, then am I also correct in assuming that Meet and Greets will draw the same providers who aggressively promote themselves, and not the ones who are more low-key and UTR?

-- Modified on 4/18/2014 10:01:48 AM

I screen very well.  I don't just let anyone attend.  And that includes ladies.  

Anyway, I have had new ladies in the biz attend and very well known and established ladies attend.  My co-host for several Meet and Greets was Kate Oconner who is considered 1 of the finest LA providers.  Do UTR ladies attend?  Most likely not.  Or they wouldn't be UTR.  Now, low volume or low key providers that's a different story.  I've had attendance from those types of ladies all the time.

Bottom line, discretion is paramount.  No business is conducted at the party.  Phone numbers are exchanged, emails exchanged, that kind of stuff.  But nothing more than that.

Hope this answers your question


Best way for them to meet people.  Why would you assume anything. Nothing in this world is like you assume

The M&G's bring the same guys & gals who post on the boards.  The ones that I had attended were disappointing.  I will not be attending anymore.  As a provider lots goes into attending with out of pocket expences.  Most are looking to grab & kiss every provider who attends because they feel we are there to be fondled for free.  lol The worst is no gents offering to buy a girl a drink.  Last 1 I attended my twin & I have bought a few items to eat only to have the guests assume it was all provided for by the M&G.  For the guys to go it is a steal of a deal at the small price they pay.  I would not recommend it for the providers.

GaGambler1825 reads

You charge a $1,000 a fucking hour and you are all butt hurt because guys that don't make a tenth of that won't buy you a drink??? Give me a fucking break.

and please don't try to turn this on me, I have hosted a couple of M&Gs myself, and I didn't even bother to charge anyone. I sprang for the whole thing out of my pocket with nothing to gain, but a good time. The thing that pleasantly surprised me was the fact that although I made it known that the only thing I asked for was for everyone to have a good time, the majority of both the guys and the ladies either brought a bottle of booze, a pot of something yummy to eat, or asked where the jar for them to leave something towards the cost of the party was. BTW, there was no such jar. I didn't ask for either the guys or the ladies to contribute a dime, but it was a real pleasure to see almost everyone offer.

I don't know what kind of cheapskates you were surrounded by, but my experiences were the polar opposite. Maybe it's a matter of reaping what you sow?

as far as food and drink goes, and the gals get in free.

As for fondling, I got a few pretty good fondles from gals, but neither I nor any guy I know be so gauche as to fondle a gal.

They've always been a very good time.

I've been to about a dozen and none of them were remotely like what you describe.
1) Virtually none of the other males were board posters.
2) Every one had an open bar and ladies drank free.  The guys each paid $100 to cover the food and drink. And there was plenty of both.
3) While the rules were different at some of the parties regarding sexual activity there was no, repeat no, unwanted ass-grabbing.  The men I know will certainly grab an ass (or boob) but only if it is offered to them.
Bottom line: you are hanging out with the wrong people.  And please don't assume all M&Gs are like the ones you've had the misfortune to attend.  I've never been to a single on that fits your description.

Posted By: Madame Patricia
The M&G's bring the same guys & gals who post on the boards.  The ones that I had attended were disappointing.  I will not be attending anymore.  As a provider lots goes into attending with out of pocket expences.  Most are looking to grab & kiss every provider who attends because they feel we are there to be fondled for free.  lol The worst is no gents offering to buy a girl a drink.  Last 1 I attended my twin & I have bought a few items to eat only to have the guests assume it was all provided for by the M&G.  For the guys to go it is a steal of a deal at the small price they pay.  I would not recommend it for the providers.
I hosted the M and G's that Patricia attended.  Oh, and BTW, 90% of the time when she asked for an invite, she never attended.  Or at least I think she is talking about mine.  I don't know of any other M and G's in LA except for the ones I attended.  There have been a couple in San Diego, but they were very small and very private.

Bottom line, this is the first I have every heard of this happening.  She never once said a thing about it.  And I know lots of guys who bought ladies a drink.  In fact it was encouraged.

Bottom line, I gotta go get dump truck.  Gotta pick up a large load of BS.

Oh, and Patricia, u will never receive an invite from me in the future.  One is coming up that I will be hosting.  Don't even try to attend.  U will not be welcomed.


Sorry you took this reply, so personally.  I have attended M&G's in other states besides CA.  Never assume.  Thanks for the negative response.  I already stated I will not be attending anymore M&G's, so why post I will not be welcomed?

lol very funny!  Happy Easter & God Bless everyone!

FYI- not all M&G's are free food & drinks.  My tribute was never the issue in this thread.  I simply answered the ? honestly.

GaGambler1431 reads

The more you post,  the more I get that you don't really like the men you meet here, but I guess for a grand an hour you've learned to fake it, Well most of the time at least, this doesn't seem to be one of those times.

As for honesty, honesty is not always a hookers best friend. I doubt that it is yours.

I would say your right honestly.  If you refer to all providers as hookers, than I do not consider you a respectful gentlemen & sorry you do not grasp the fact that some of us have the freedom to pick, and choose who they entertain.  I feel sorry for the gals who have to rely on catering to jerks to pay their bills.  Post on, so you can stay on top as the #1 poster here on TER.  I have better things to do with my time today it is Easter & postivity is always better, than negativity.

GaGambler1663 reads

and yes I am a "John" but I don't mind looking in the mirror and seeing the reflection. That doesn't seem to be the case for many here, including you. That's why you have to wrap yourself in political correctness, and take offense to words like hooker and john.

BTW some of my best friends are hookers,

Feliz Semana Santa, and have fun praying to your invisible friend in the sky.

Oh FWIW YOU are the one that PM'd me, not the other way around. As I said, honesty is not always a hookers best friend, you certainly don't seem to be able to handle it. Putting someone on ignore after initiating contact with them is the surest sign you are losing the argument

And clearly your lack of respect for a hooker that's now asking (as in bid price) for $ 1k to be a hooker she is clearly on drugs.  But she won't share with you either...they're all hers  LOL

She did that shit to me a few years back as well (as in PM and then "ignore").  That's OK...plenty of backchannel on this gal.  That's why she's an angry old hooker that could afford to drop 50 pounds and still be a BBW.

Not that that's a bad thing...some guys like fat.

Posted By: GaGambler
and yes I am a "John" but I don't mind looking in the mirror and seeing the reflection. That doesn't seem to be the case for many here, including you. That's why you have to wrap yourself in political correctness, and take offense to words like hooker and john.

BTW some of my best friends are hookers,  

Feliz Semana Santa, and have fun praying to your invisible friend in the sky.

Oh FWIW YOU are the one that PM'd me, not the other way around. As I said, honesty is not always a hookers best friend, you certainly don't seem to be able to handle it. Putting someone on ignore after initiating contact with them is the surest sign you are losing the argument

I pm you lames to get you to respond, so I can ignore you.  You have nothing positive to offer this board.  You use your board posting as a negative influence to bully the hookers who see your sorry selves.  I am not a BBW, and have never been fat, or large, & I am not a drug user, so direct your slanderous remarks to another.  I am not amused.  TER is obviously you boys is life & I feel sorry that you have no real substance besides this board.

The fact is that you boys are jealous.  You wish you had a pussy because you want to be hookers & that is a fact.  I have never referred to my clients, or friends as Johns.  You boys have no respect.  Have fun continuing to saturate this general discussion board with you baloney.  

Posted By: ChgoCPA
And clearly your lack of respect for a hooker that's now asking (as in bid price) for $ 1k to be a hooker she is clearly on drugs.  But she won't share with you either...they're all hers  LOL  
 She did that shit to me a few years back as well (as in PM and then "ignore").  That's OK...plenty of backchannel on this gal.  That's why she's an angry old hooker that could afford to drop 50 pounds and still be a BBW.  
 Not that that's a bad thing...some guys like fat.  
Posted By: GaGambler
and yes I am a "John" but I don't mind looking in the mirror and seeing the reflection. That doesn't seem to be the case for many here, including you. That's why you have to wrap yourself in political correctness, and take offense to words like hooker and john.  
 BTW some of my best friends are hookers,  
 Feliz Semana Santa, and have fun praying to your invisible friend in the sky.  
 Oh FWIW YOU are the one that PM'd me, not the other way around. As I said, honesty is not always a hookers best friend, you certainly don't seem to be able to handle it. Putting someone on ignore after initiating contact with them is the surest sign you are losing the argument

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