TER General Board

That philosphy can backfire on him, very quickly.
VOO-doo 371 reads

He should also factor in things like nail type/color, frequency and cost of hair appointments, lingerie brand, car make/model/year, dress type, etc.  

Maybe send him a 'menu' of options he can tick off. Like, if he wants brand-new La Perla lingerie, he can pay $600 extra.

If he'd prefer Fleabag Motel, though, he can deduct $100....or, maybe more to compensate for the cost of a bottle of anti-bug shampoo.

Her site clearly states 300.00 for the hour incall.

I try to book a date with her but due to my $400.00 "Post" earlier in the
week she felt she should also be given the $400.00 donation from me.  

Would you pay the extra? Should she charge me more because I saw a provider that had a higher donation?  

Hopefully, she will "Chime" in!  

Your thoughts if any

that is ridiculous.  Lots of my clients see ladies who charge more then I do and I would NEVER consider raising my rate  because of it.  Not sure where the logic in that is.

wrps07395 reads

I had a regular that I would pay $200/hour. She had a fit (got on another hobby board) that I was planning to see another provider for $300/hour and decided to jack up her price. The provider (one I had never seen before) who I was seeing for $300/hour blasted her for acting like she was my wife lol. Shortly after that she(the original $200/hour provider) went out business the market would bare her price increase.

-- Modified on 11/22/2015 3:12:22 PM

GaGambler595 reads

Certain "hobbyists" should be charged a premium due to the stupid shit they say on the boards. Personally I think a $300 surcharge should be applied to you, bringing her "special" rate for you to $600 hr

thank you, GaGambler...I appreciate that somebody gets my point:))Escalade thinks he is the God of Ter and everybody should look up to him since he is such an "experienced" hobbyists...i was trying to teach him a lesson....but it backfired and yet we have another silly threat cluttering the forum. While I know he is annoying ,he is not an evil person. I was mostly messing around with him to see his reaction and his already here talking about it...lol  

i will own responsibility for this incident but it was not about $. People who have met in person and gotten to know me, would attest to my character.  It was matter of principle.  

happy sunday everybody



Posted By: GaGambler
Certain "hobbyists" should be charged a premium due to the stupid shit they say on the boards. Personally I think a $300 surcharge should be applied to you, bringing her "special" rate for you to $600 hr

GaGambler449 reads

That is one of the dangers of running your mouth on the internet, sometimes you are going to get called on it. Good for you for teaching him a lesson.  

I have heard the same thing about Asscalade from other hookers too, "not an evil or even a bad guy, BUT" lol

Now let me try on my shiny suit of armor and do a bit of White Knighting here. Your rates are actually quite reasonable for the market you service, and your extended dates seem even more reasonable. That is "IF" you are as advertised and I have no reason to believe otherwise.

I find it hugely ironic that Asscalade would take shots at a woman on the GD board who is every bit as active as he is here, but even without hearing your side of the story, most of us knew he was full of shit. I was kind of on the fence about you, since you are relatively new here and have been posting quite a bit on the boards, but you are all right in my book after this one. Good for you. You did what is hard to do here, you stood up for yourself without coming across as a bitch, you did so under your "real" fake name, and you didn't go BSC. Kudos. I am not sure if you are even my type, but if I ever find myself in Boston, I'd shell out a grand to spend the night with you, even if we spent the entire evening laughing at board trolls. Keep up the good work.

Awwwww a love fest
Nice to see you trying to impress by now peeing sitting down.
ALSO good to know you talk about me while you are on dates.

until you know the entire story, which you certainly dont STFU!

Pay attention to the fucking post and answer the question.  
Drama is for ........ well you will see who they are?  

Raising the rates because i paid more for others?

Ugggh after 2 years of being gone, so much i still need to teach.

GaGambler311 reads

and you are providing some much needed entertainment here. I know that in the process you have become the laughing stock of the board, but that's a small price to pay for our amusement, isn't it? lmao

I hope you aren't one of those guys who gets mad because some "dumb hooker" got the best of you. I am so happy you accepted my invitation to come back here to do some of your trolling so others besides the people hanging out in Boston can laugh at your lame ass too.

and hey, it's not too late to throw your hat into the ring for SPOTY, although even with a month's time out fatgirl has such a huge lead on the field, catching him will be all but impossible, but you can still compete for "dishonorable mention" lol

I saw a provider yesterday that charged me $25 (or so I say).

That means I am telling the next $400 escort that I should pay her $25 too.    

She posts here asking if she should take it.  

That is the same logic in reverse.

FatVern423 reads

I wouldn't use my TER handle to book an appointment.  

Posted By: escalade1964
Her site clearly states 300.00 for the hour incall.  
 I try to book a date with her but due to my $400.00 "Post" earlier in the  
 week she felt she should also be given the $400.00 donation from me.  
 Would you pay the extra? Should she charge me more because I saw a provider that had a higher donation?  
 Hopefully, she will "Chime" in!  
 Your thoughts if any?  

May I ask.....


escalade1964 is not my real name in life. LO

FatVern340 reads

I guess you have forgotten what you posted about.  

I doubt you ever visit the ladies you contact on line. You seem like someone who is a time waster, but that doesn't effect me, so have fun.

it was matter of principles....  


i said all i had to say above...
i do not up-charge or have hidden costs....it was just trying to teach this chatter box a lesson and he got all pissy ..

he complained in his early post that upscale high end providers should be more professional in terms of scheduling , but 400 for an hour of duo is super cheap for Boston area...it is not high end..high end providers charge over 1k for an hour of duo...can somebody who is familiar with Boston prices please attest to this? thank you....

let the truth be know

I am completely in agreement that he deserved a little comeuppance for some of his posts.  

And if you check out some of his reviews, more than one lady had a rate of $400 per hour.    

And kudos to you for being so upfront!!  When someone who has a board persona I dislike attempts to schedule with me, he usually finds that I'm unavailable.  It's a lot cleaner than dealing with the situation you now have, where he feels the need to rail about it on a public forum.  Very brave of you to take that risk!  :-)

When someone exhibits such a strong inclination to blab about providers, perhaps even in a nit-picking way, he leaves himself open to getting messed with and/or refused appointments.  A surcharge is exactly what should be instituted when taking on the risk of a public retaliation.  

Remind me I owe you a few drinks whenever we're in the same town!  ;-)


Thank you, Debbie.  

You are just as brave for being openly supportive of me and not hiding behind alias.  

Hope to meet you one day in person.


Posted By: DebbieNoonerGirl
I am completely in agreement that he deserved a little comeuppance for some of his posts.    
 And if you check out some of his reviews, more than one lady had a rate of $400 per hour.    
 And kudos to you for being so upfront!!  When someone who has a board persona I dislike attempts to schedule with me, he usually finds that I'm unavailable.  It's a lot cleaner than dealing with the situation you now have, where he feels the need to rail about it on a public forum.  Very brave of you to take that risk!  :-)  
 When someone exhibits such a strong inclination to blab about providers, perhaps even in a nit-picking way, he leaves himself open to getting messed with and/or refused appointments.  A surcharge is exactly what should be instituted when taking on the risk of a public retaliation.    
 Remind me I owe you a few drinks whenever we're in the same town!  ;-)  

would book her based on this thread alone if I ever found myself in Boston. Like Gambler said, it doesn't even matter if she's my "type". Although in my case she is. She's female. Go get 'em Octavia

I totally support Octavia's actions.  

I feel she has every right to charge more due to TWO separate, associated risks.  The first is the risk she would be taking by seeing such a loud-mouthed, prone-to-public-whining kinda guy.  The second has to do with hosting in-call at an apartment, versus a hotel.  

My point there was that a private in-call location can have more risks than an anonymous hotel. Most obviously, being a stationary target rather than a moving one.

Sometimes when there is a higher risk, a higher price-tag applies.  That's all I was saying.  :-)


-- Modified on 11/22/2015 12:45:47 PM

I thought the risk you were alluding to was challenging the board troll in public and taking the risk of alienating potential clients.....

mea culpa

Yes, 4 Franklins will not get you two supermodels in our fair city (MA).

Escalade was probably having some fun at your expense. He is very capable of subtle irony when the mood strikes him.

thank you

Posted By: OnlyLiveTwice
Yes, 4 Franklins will not get you two supermodels in our fair city (MA).  
 Escalade was probably having some fun at your expense. He is very capable of subtle irony when the mood strikes him.  

Hi! I can't attest to it but if you go into the Boston forum and read the "Friday" thread Sinbad1952 recently had a due, if I saw this correctly, Boston Meg AND Boston Alex.  This date was for three hours!  

So NO, his sense of pricing is a little bit "off"

400 isn't possible for a duo even in NC! He's nuts!

Posted By: octavia.lexa
he complained in his early post that upscale high end providers should be more professional in terms of scheduling , but 400 for an hour of duo is super cheap for Boston area...it is not high end..high end providers charge over 1k for an hour of duo...can somebody who is familiar with Boston prices please attest to this? thank you....  
 let the truth be known  

he says because i host of out-of-apartment i should only get 300, other escorts charge and deserve more because they host out-of-hotel.


yes i understand, hotel might be nicer environment than an apartment even though it adds to overhead but it is just such a general statement that cannot be applied to every provider as some kind of formula..

Having hosted out of a private location, I can tell you that the associated risks should carry a premium.  

Not to mention, there are guys who dislike hotels (some feel they're indiscreet) and instead seek out ladies who have an apartment for in-call.  Whether or not it is your home or merely your "office" is irrelevant.  Many of those clients would be inclined to pay more for that level of comfort.  I know, because I've had guys offer me more $$ if I'll let them visit me at my home instead.  

Keeping up an apartment for in-call dates is more work than simply rolling into a new, fresh hotel room and lighting a few candles.    So yeah, you should charge whatever you feel is fair.  

If someone doesn't agree with your rates, he should move on to someone whose rates DO seem fair to him.  

Oh and in case anyone's wondering: my rate to visit me in my home is $10K for a half-hour, and you have to wire it to me in advance.  Double if you cancel.   :-P


Maybe if you had those little soaps he could steal from your bathroom ...

Posted By: octavia.lexa
he says because i host of out-of-apartment i should only get 300, other escorts charge and deserve more because they host out-of-hotel.  
 yes i understand, hotel might be nicer environment than an apartment even though it adds to overhead but it is just such a general statement that cannot be applied to every provider as some kind of formula...  

VOO-doo372 reads

He should also factor in things like nail type/color, frequency and cost of hair appointments, lingerie brand, car make/model/year, dress type, etc.  

Maybe send him a 'menu' of options he can tick off. Like, if he wants brand-new La Perla lingerie, he can pay $600 extra.

If he'd prefer Fleabag Motel, though, he can deduct $100....or, maybe more to compensate for the cost of a bottle of anti-bug shampoo.

How much for floating condoms in the toilet for him, and where do I send the money? LOL

Posted By: VOO-doo
He should also factor in things like nail type/color, frequency and cost of hair appointments, lingerie brand, car make/model/year, dress type, etc.  
 Maybe send him a 'menu' of options he can tick off. Like, if he wants brand-new La Perla lingerie, he can pay $600 extra.  
 If he'd prefer Fleabag Motel, though, he can deduct $100....or, maybe more to compensate for the cost of a bottle of anti-bug shampoo.

VOO-doo331 reads

I'd charge $1k minimum, plus the cost of the condom. But, it's dependent upon brand...if he wants flavored/colored/special brand/special material, that's extra. If he wants extra condoms visible in the trash, that's also extra...

Due to the fact that this service requires specific pre-arranged circumstances, I'd require a deposit of at least $500.  

Oh, wait, I forgot!! I can't even flush the toilet until he leaves. $200 extra...$400 if I really have to pee.

VOO-doo398 reads

Personally, I wouldn't have said anything. I'd just be 'busy' AKA DNS you (reason: Drama Llama), as I'm generally disinclined to have sh** like this posted about me.

Octavia just did/said what few of us would actually have the guts to do/say.

Only in my imagination would I ever speak to a board poster that way in a professional email...but, in my imagination I'd find it absolutely riotous and relive it over and over again...

I really hope that Octavia enjoys the replies to this thread...and hopefully, the uptick in business :)

-- Modified on 11/22/2015 11:04:56 AM

She'd have my business. She already has my admiration. 😃

GaGambler363 reads

In this case it's he that got the BSC label stapled to his forehead.

It's hard for a woman to stand up for herself around here without looking like a bitch who the guys will worry will turn on them too. That's why she deserves so much credit. She reminds me of how TS Sasha earned the respect of almost everyone here, even the guys who wouldn't be caught dead with a TS themselves, she did it by taking herself too seriously, but still making her point. I think Octavia has done the same today. Good for her.

i have met her in person when she was visiting Boston....she is intelligent, fun to talk to and very down-to-earth...the quality of hers posts attest to the depth of her character... she is #AmericasSweetheart


Posted By: GaGambler
In this case it's he that got the BSC label stapled to his forehead.  
 It's hard for a woman to stand up for herself around here without looking like a bitch who the guys will worry will turn on them too. That's why she deserves so much credit. She reminds me of how TS Sasha earned the respect of almost everyone here, even the guys who wouldn't be caught dead with a TS themselves, she did it by taking herself too seriously, but still making her point. I think Octavia has done the same today. Good for her.

I really appreciate everybody's support and understanding. I honestly did think everybody is going to turn on me and trash me. I am glad people understood where I was coming from in this situation.  

I am not mad at his about ranting on me publicly. After all, he was respectful and did not mention my name and left it up to me. Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes and use bad judgement at times in the heat of argument, it is important to be able to take a step back and reevaluate the situation. I do believe Escalade is not a mean person, he is just straight up annoying at times and likes attention and validation he gets on here. We all crave that a little, but creating 10 new threads every day on the forum is probably not the way to do it. I do hope he falls in love (another civie, gym or hobby romance) soon and this board will get some rest from him.

i do wish to know who is the $400.00 an hour duo, #BestValueInBosto

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