TER General Board

Thanks, guys, for your responses. Funny that no women replied. (eom)regular_smile
CiaraPhx See my TER Reviews 396 reads

-- Modified on 8/28/2007 9:56:42 AM

-- Modified on 8/28/2007 9:57:30 AM

I have never been much of a drinker. In fact, I never liked the taste of beer until recently (and not many of them or very often) and definitely not coffee (until I went out in the field with the military and then found Starbuck's).

I was very athletic up until a few years ago, a vegetarian for years and used to be a marathon runner (hard to believe now). Shoot! I don't know where the girdle line ends and the pantyhose begin now. Just kidding.

Anyway, lately I have found that because I am often in severe pain from past military injuries, a glass of wine helps my muscles to relax, therefore easing the pain and muscle spasms. I am in no way an alcoholic, nor do I drink every day. In fact, by most people's standards, I'm probaby a virgin. But, I must admit, I like to occasionally drink with my clients to get relaxed (but never drunk and never out of control). I am from the wine country and grew up very Irish/Italian. I have many different types of nationalities in my family so for me prejudice was not an issue or even a part of my vocabulary (thank goodness). As a young lady, I was very shy and insecure around men, although I developed quite a sense of humor and comedic timing (which has come in handy for the different artistic genres I participate in now). However, the shyness grew into reserveness when needed and also into a more confident woman. I have traveled a lot -- on my own since my early twenties -- and I truly loved the carefree lifestyle I had as a surfer girl and beach bum. I lived on some of the most beautiful beaches of southern California, northern California, in Europe and in the Mediterranean. Living in Europe also gave me the confidence to be comfortable in my own then-skinny, but toned and tanned body, as well as sample some of the delicacies of apperitifs. Sure, I partied with the best of them in Mexico with shots of Tequila, but I never really liked the taste of alcohol until I developed a taste for red wines. We were given very little as kids by my crazy Sicilian uncle who would sneek us juice glasses of the stuff, but I would only take a few sips.  However, now:  Ooh la la! So . . . to make a long story from getting longer, let's just say I drink moderately. Sometimes I won't have a drink for two weeks and sometimes I just want to go out dancing, drink shots of Petron Silver or Jagermeister and dance with my buddies (then take a taxi home). But even during those rare occasions, I can count on one hand that I might have embarrassed myself or stumbled out the door.

The moral of this story:  Think and reason what your body can consume, depending on individual health risks, if you're raising a family (which I'm not, except my kitty baby) and the ramifications on them, and know your limits. Hopefully, you will also know your designated driver.

Your body will tell you if your digestive tract is off and needs cleansing. Life is much too short, so attempt to worship your body with a somewhat healthy approach to diet and nutrition, but don't go to the grave looking like you've never had any fun. I want to be buried (or cremeted) with the biggest smile on my face and have my dad's family do their Native-American songs and dance. Then I want everyone on my Irish side of the family to put the rowdy music on and rejoice that I'm gone to a better place, because I will have the last laugh:  watching everyone else wake up with hangovers.

Just my .02 cents.

Come on . . . I dare you to share some of your comedic or horror stories of drunken fallouts.

Love & hugs,
The silly Ciara

-- Modified on 8/26/2007 10:21:51 PM

-- Modified on 8/26/2007 10:25:29 PM

One time in Montreal, after wandering lost in the city, an Iranian cabbie dropped me off on the curb. I got out and didn't see my hotel as he drove away. Furious at his apparent anti-American revenge, I drunkenly cursed him and his trickery. Then I turned around and saw my 15 story hotel at my back; I was just facing the wrong way.

You know you're drunk when you fail to notice a 15 story hotel.

ChivasFollowmeRegal540 reads

Meet me in the bar and I'll tell ya a doosie or three.
Shhhhhh do not tell FatherFollowme but I have a few good BINGO stories too ......

Thank You

Warren BT911 reads

research shows it also helps your heart.....
A glass or two a day will keep the doc away!  lol

-- Modified on 8/27/2007 8:45:04 AM

College was the worst of times for commode hugging. The silliest ritual was beer chugging contests between fraternities.  In Ohio, the beer was 3.2, so you can imagine you spent more time peeing than getting pissed.

Back in the early '80s, a friend was passed out on the bathroom floor with the door shut. He got hit in the head when friend #2 forced the door open, and then stepped on his chest, and missed and totally missed the toilet. He then proceeded to pass out on the first guy.

By the next morning, there were four guys piled on that floor in that bathroom, in various states of dress. It wasn't a large bathroom either. It was like a massacre. The way to the toilet was totally blocked. People made jokes about the Three Stooges snoring together.  

Ironically, that was before my own drinking days.

I really liked your post and it had a lot of good information.  I would also like to add that being aware of the situation is important when determining how much is apropriate to drink.  While I am not a big drinker I have ahd my moments but being out with the guys is a lot different than being on a date.  Differing amounts of alcohol are considered appropriate.  

With all that being said I would have to say most of my best stories come from the college years.  A round of century club will test anyones limits.  Century club is drinking a one ounce shot of beer every minute for one hundred minutes.  It sounds easy but I know many who have fallen in the game.

Military, surfer-girl, marathon runner, martial artist, traveler, provider extraordinaire, and I don't know how many other things.

I've got to be one of the few people who likes the taste of hard alcohol. I love beer, too. I didn't do any drinking till my mid-twenties. I did like is that it wrapped experiences in a dream-like veneer, but I really didn't like a lot of it's other effects.

Because I liked the taste, I had to be careful because I tended to drink too fast. I used to take all the stops out on special occasions-- once or twice a year. Once I was really blitzed, and was afraid I would black out meeting this lovely woman. I didn't black out often, but I was afraid of it then.  How do I make sure I don't black this out? I thought. I know! Pain! That's how I'll remember. So, without warning, I slammed the back of my hand into the top of the rail. Bong! It worked. I remembered. I had this huge painful, swollen bruise on the back of my hand, couldn't forget how I got it. Of course then, she'd have nothing to do with me. You take risks thinking outside the box-- while drunk.

These days I can't drink any alcohol due to other medical conditions. For sessions, the time is precious. I'd rather enjoy it doing other things, and remember it clearly.  


-- Modified on 8/27/2007 5:53:28 PM

I adore you, but can I have the Cliff Notes version? You lost me at "In fact"...

I drink everyday. If Mrs. L is in a foul mood (99% of the time) I drink even more. I love drinking. Most of the sexy women I've met in my life I've met drunk.

Come get drunk with me. You can tell me about your military injuries whilst I tell you about all the scars I have from doing stupid, non-heroic stuff....

-- Modified on 8/28/2007 9:56:42 AM

-- Modified on 8/28/2007 9:57:30 AM

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