TER General Board

Thank you sooo o much to everyone!!
Jamie.Solo See my TER Reviews 787 reads

I ended up going with American Airlines because I got a really really sweet deal of 147 round trip.  

For everyone mentioning Frontier, for some reason when I was looking up my flights- their rates were 2969 for for flights that were in the 200 range. So, I don't know why that was like that- but it was like that consistently every time I searched. But, you are all dolls for responding. This is my first time flying in a LOOOONNG time and my first time ever flying alone. So, I am a bit nervous.

Okay, I would like to preface this with- any sarcasm, or "Jokey" comments, PLEASE refrain from, as I am doing my best to inquire about something very important.  

So, my questions needed: What is the best airline to fly with? I have been seeing a lot of this "Spirit Airline" but they seem to not do the best job, after I looked over their website- I see that checking bags can be quite a difficulty, and other stuff as well that is normally included that are not, in order to "keep costs down" etc.  

So, i anyone has an experience into this airline, or let me know what the best airline is- that would b lovely and appreciated for eternity. If you want, respond here, pm me, or email me directly. My email is listed on my profile here and on my site.

Much appreciation in advance!!!!  


unless you have no bags and don't care when, or if, you get where you're going.

Who needs bags and who the hell cares when we leave?

I've actually ridden Spirit once.  I know  ;)

Posted By: Arovet
unless you have no bags and don't care when, or if, you get where you're going.

and I liked them very much.

For one thing, their flights always took off and arrived on time, something that United (Or as I call them, Untied.) never seems to have figured out.

I only carried an overnight bag, and they also charge for carrying on a bag, but I also used to get the upgraded seat which was pretty cheap, about $50 or so, and you get a very comfortable seat with lots of leg room and they would let me put my bag in the overhead bin for no extra charge.

where the seats don't recline back?They just stay in one position.
I know plenty of people were pissed off with Spirit Airlines when trying to arrive into vegas a week ago for the fight.Flights delayed they missed the whole fight majority of the people's reason for coming to vegas.
I have cousin who uses Spirit frequently she says flights are cheap but they charge for everything.
I fly only United Airlines.

I just buy my ticket with my seats...that's the whole show.

Why buy anything on a plane?  Seriously?

Only time I give a shit about food/drink is on International flights.

Why people can't occupy themselves for a few hours without drinking/eating is amazing  LOL

Posted By: jaydalee
where the seats don't recline back?They just stay in one position.  
 I know plenty of people were pissed off with Spirit Airlines when trying to arrive into vegas a week ago for the fight.Flights delayed they missed the whole fight majority of the people's reason for coming to vegas.  
 I have cousin who uses Spirit frequently she says flights are cheap but they charge for everything.  
 I fly only United Airlines.

every so often on the plane if you are flying some distance.
Especially if you have been traveling all day on connecting flights.
After flying into O'Hare you need a drink that airport is crazy.lol

I have no issues bringing my own drink and snack on board.  I won't pay a nickel for anything other than my airfare.

But I'm a cheap asshole.

Flying international is a different story.  But domestic is just too short of a flight to upgrade to 1st or business class.  And I'd rather use miles for longer/expensive flights.  I also will avoid flying with connections.

ORD is a terrific airport.  Everything runs so smooth LOL

Posted By: jaydalee
every so often on the plane if you are flying some distance.  
 Especially if you have been traveling all day on connecting flights.  
 After flying into O'Hare you need a drink that airport is crazy.lol

and/or drinks a couple of little travel bottles never hurt anyone:)
Connecting flights are such a pain.

so I can make pizza/burgers/sandwiches and sell them to the passengers.  Even considered a microwave so I can pop popcorn.  You know that no one on that flight will be able to resist freshly popped popcorn with butter  LOL

Posted By: jaydalee
and/or drinks a couple of little travel bottles never hurt anyone:)  
 Connecting flights are such a pain.

Posted By: jaydalee
where the seats don't recline back?They just stay in one position.  
 I know plenty of people were pissed off with Spirit Airlines when trying to arrive into vegas a week ago for the fight.Flights delayed they missed the whole fight majority of the people's reason for coming to vegas.  
 I have cousin who uses Spirit frequently she says flights are cheap but they charge for everything.  
 I fly only United Airlines.

No bag problems for me as I carry on.  Also do what you do with the seats...I can't sit in anyone's economy without my legs being crumpled.  So I'll upgrade for the legroom.  

Still cheaper than most UAL flights, or AA flights to McCarran.  

Posted By: mrfisher
and I liked them very much.

For one thing, their flights always took off and arrived on time, something that United (Or as I call them, Untied.) never seems to have figured out.

I only carried an overnight bag, and they also charge for carrying on a bag, but I also used to get the upgraded seat which was pretty cheap, about $50 or so, and you get a very comfortable seat with lots of leg room and they would let me put my bag in the overhead bin for no extra charge.

I just flew it one way to Chicago and the other way was Southwest. World of difference. The only reason I did it was because the time was suitable for me. They have terrible track record of being late.  But at the same time they are dirt cheap. So if money is issue for you, go ahead. They do try to upsell you, so at the end of the day it may not be as cheap as advertised.  Right before landing they also tried to sell everyone on their Mastercard...lol..

That's the real problem.

Did you guys have to push the plane off the tarmac too?

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
I just flew it one way to Chicago and the other way was Southwest. World of difference. The only reason I did it was because the time was suitable for me. They have terrible track record of being late.  But at the same time they are dirt cheap. So if money is issue for you, go ahead. They do try to upsell you, so at the end of the day it may not be as cheap as advertised.  Right before landing they also tried to sell everyone on their Mastercard...lol..

MDW is the only way to fly into Chicago. ORD blows goats. And Spirit does too. The only airline that didn't offer cash refunds for flights canceled due to 911. I got hosed. Fuck them.

Flitcraft750 reads

Used to be you had better odds getting out of Midway than O'Hare, but I don't know if that's still true.

Frontier has fresh baked cookies... Oh hush, just throw the shit up. Flew to Denver with Frontier and it was the most memorable flight ever, except for the Pilot at Southwest asking if anyone was going to do a lap dance. Fun times. My two ATFs. Hate Delta because of the ATL hub... hate US because of the Charlotte Hub... after 5 pm on a connecting weekend flight, you're not going anywhere. That is from the staff.

How you beeeeeen. The board was meh without some personality. Are you back for awhile?

Posted By: London Rayne
Frontier has fresh baked cookies... Oh hush, just throw the shit up. Flew to Denver with Frontier and it was the most memorable flight ever, except for the Pilot at Southwest asking if anyone was going to do a lap dance. Fun times. My two ATFs. Hate Delta because of the ATL hub... hate US because of the Charlotte Hub... after 5 pm on a connecting weekend flight, you're not going anywhere. That is from the staff.

I've read a lot of books about flying.  
  It would be great if  I could afford to travel by airline, I'm not afraid of heights
   When I travel out of town I take the bus, where people are sociable and easy to meet, unlike, from what I've heard, obnoxious jerks flying first class.  
   Why do airlines  make regular people walk by all those stars when boarding I'll never know.
 If I was in charge I'd put first class snobs in the back where they belong.  
  A big  advantage to bus travel, you will never return to the station and miss an appointment at your destination because some second rate first class drunk, belittled a flight matron.
If I could afford to  fly, I'd find an airline that does not  sell alcohol, like Egypt Air.  

Posted By: Jamie.Solo
Okay, I would like to preface this with- any sarcasm, or "Jokey" comments, PLEASE refrain from, as I am doing my best to inquire about something very important.  
 So, my questions needed: What is the best airline to fly with? I have been seeing a lot of this "Spirit Airline" but they seem to not do the best job, after I looked over their website- I see that checking bags can be quite a difficulty, and other stuff as well that is normally included that are not, in order to "keep costs down" etc.  
 So, i anyone has an experience into this airline, or let me know what the best airline is- that would b lovely and appreciated for eternity. If you want, respond here, pm me, or email me directly. My email is listed on my profile here and on my site.  
 Much appreciation in advance!!!!  

If Southwest flies from the town you're in to the town you're going to, look no further. Fares are competitive. They don't nickel and dime. The crews have a sense of humor. And their on time numbers are good.

If so, I'd suggest United since Chicago is their "hub".  And if you're not a United fan, perhaps Delta might also work well -- especially if you are flying to one of their "hubs".  I think both fly to more than 300 different cities.  I have also flown Southwest many times and Spirit a few times.  Of these, I've had much better luck with Southwest.  In my experience, Spirit and most other discount-type airlines are not nearly as nice as United or Delta... but they are typically cheaper.

Even saw a replica of "Butch" O'Hare's F4F.  Lots of food choices for lunch.  I also love the bathrooms with the automated toilet seat covers.  I love Chicago.

nom_de_plume763 reads

... for all the perks.  It doesn't make them the "best" airline, but the best for me (they also control my home airport) and overall they do a good job.

But that aside, I really like Southwest.  They have a logical boarding process that avoids the crush at the gate, their flight attendants have a sense of humor, and their fares are reasonable.  Plus they fly to the smaller airports like Midway and Love, which can be convenient.

I've got tons of miles with them and they've been treating me quite well.  So far this year I've flown for free round trip First Class to Costa Rica and back, then to a midwest city rendezvous with an adorable little fuck buddy.  All flights were on time and well run.  One rough landing though, but I lived.

where you most frequently travel from and to.

I've had great luck with all three.  I fly 3X per year from the east coast to the west coast and have never had a problem with any of them.  FYI, I've found that the cheapest domestic fares are found on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and usually it is best to get them about 45 days ahead of time.  Inside a month and the prices start to climb.  Good luck and happy travels.  :)

Hieronymus930 reads

I travel a lot. Domestically I stick with Southwest if they go where I need to be. No fee surprises, they usually leave and arrive on time, their planes are newer and clean, and their web site is easy to navigate. When traveling coast to coast I will do United, American or Delta depending on availability of nonstop flights and times. I consistently have a better experience on Southwest, though.  

Posted By: Jamie.Solo
Okay, I would like to preface this with- any sarcasm, or "Jokey" comments, PLEASE refrain from, as I am doing my best to inquire about something very important.  
 So, my questions needed: What is the best airline to fly with? I have been seeing a lot of this "Spirit Airline" but they seem to not do the best job, after I looked over their website- I see that checking bags can be quite a difficulty, and other stuff as well that is normally included that are not, in order to "keep costs down" etc.  
 So, i anyone has an experience into this airline, or let me know what the best airline is- that would b lovely and appreciated for eternity. If you want, respond here, pm me, or email me directly. My email is listed on my profile here and on my site.  
 Much appreciation in advance!!!!  

Welcome to the TER General discussion board.  
This is a moderated forum dedicated to discussing the hobby, erotica, and sex related subjects.  

Just kidding, of course.

I also like Virgin, but they fly to very few cities, but when I do go to the left coast, I try to fly on them.

Preferred because they are the two dominant airlines out of Newark Liberty that fly to destinations of interest.  Frequent Flyer miles add up, and allow for price reductions or first class upgrades every so often.  Works for me.

That being said, I am glad that Southwest is coming to EWR soon.  From everything I hear, they are the best US carrier...

depends on where you are based out of and how much you fly. Since you're form Chicago, AA and United make the most sense, unless you want to do Southwest. AA has a MUCH better frequent flyer program than United. Also, now US Air has joined with AA, giving you lots more scheduling options. And if you can get one of their credit cards you can get a lot of bonus miles. I have upgraded to business class on every AA flight I have taken for over a year

GaGambler884 reads

I was Platinum on Continental the year they were bought out by United and watched a decent airline turn into a total piece of shit in a single year. I still have 60,000 miles with United, enough for a free first class ticket to Latin America, but I still won't fly them, even for free.

I do fly AA quite a bit, living in Dallas doesn't give me a lot of choices, although I do still fly Delta sometimes, I am close to a million miles with Delta so I do like to maintain status with them.

And for those people too cheap to fly first class, good for you. I think about you the same way as I think of people who like to fuck old fat broads, "More hotties for me" As much as I fly I absolutely HATE to fly coach and out of the  hundred or so legs I fly on an average year, I doubt more than 2-3 are in the "back of the bus"

I ended up going with American Airlines because I got a really really sweet deal of 147 round trip.  

For everyone mentioning Frontier, for some reason when I was looking up my flights- their rates were 2969 for for flights that were in the 200 range. So, I don't know why that was like that- but it was like that consistently every time I searched. But, you are all dolls for responding. This is my first time flying in a LOOOONNG time and my first time ever flying alone. So, I am a bit nervous.

Very well noted cheapskate and consumer affairs advisor. If a cheapskate like him won't fly with Spirit, I would avoid them (and I do).  They even charge for carry-on bags.  


Posted By: Jamie.Solo
Okay, I would like to preface this with- any sarcasm, or "Jokey" comments, PLEASE refrain from, as I am doing my best to inquire about something very important.  
 So, my questions needed: What is the best airline to fly with? I have been seeing a lot of this "Spirit Airline" but they seem to not do the best job, after I looked over their website- I see that checking bags can be quite a difficulty, and other stuff as well that is normally included that are not, in order to "keep costs down" etc.  
 So, i anyone has an experience into this airline, or let me know what the best airline is- that would b lovely and appreciated for eternity. If you want, respond here, pm me, or email me directly. My email is listed on my profile here and on my site.  
 Much appreciation in advance!!!!  

it was an offer for a gangbang.   ;)

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