TER General Board

Thank you! What a sweetheart. (eom)regular_smile
CiaraPhx See my TER Reviews 786 reads


I know this happens to clients often, too, but I get tired of some men scheduling in advance and then cancelling on me the week (usually one day notice)of the appointment, because they didn't plan accordingly with their work or play time when visiting Phoenix. Yeah, I don't have to hear men responding by saying, "Well, we all need to cancel sometimes."  I know this and I really don't need to hear it. This is a business. You would still have to pay your attorney or doctor if you cancelled. Cancelling once or twice because of an emergency is one thing, but to keep cancelling when coming into town becomes extremely irritating.

We (providers) take our business seriously, too. I wish more men would realize this is a profession and not a street-walking business for us. I understand some cancellations happen, but my rule is "Three times and you're out", just like baseball. It gets frustrating going back and forth with emails for months and then the client isn't sure once he gets here if it fits in with his schedule. Twice is irritating but three times:  No way, Jose! Again, sometimes cancellations are necessary, but I am not a "fly-by-the-night" provider. I plan in advance to give the best GFE experience possible, to have food and drinks on hand, to have a spit-shined cleaned house and possibly get my nails done (if given advance notice). Many men fail to realize some of us are not with an agency and only do this part time, so when we get a cancellation it affects our schedule and business. And . . . it's irritating when someone calls me when they know I prefer email and I'm in a store and they can't make up their mind if they can see me or not and then ask questions like: Now, how much are you again? Um . . . you've had three months to read my website and ask me questions like this. Read!

Just my .02 cents. :)


reviews and site. WOW, Holey Mother of God, anyone who cancels on you is a fucking idiot.  Wow.  I wish I could go to Phoenix.


Last minute cancellations on this side suck too.  Mentally I'm gearing up for it, read all her reviews to she what she's like, maybe I've gotten something like a new toy or some chocolate, or worse, gotten an outcall, and then she cannot make it.  Or even worse, NCNS.  For me, NCNS means 1 strike and you're out, and I would imagine most ladies would do the same.

I've only had to cancel a confirmed appointment once (due to illness and with 24 hour notice), however I've been cancelled on 12 times, most were same day, and 3 were NCNS.  Perhaps I'm not always making wise selections...

So thanks to the ladies who treat this professionally, respond to their email and show up on time!  Sometimes when I'm on travel that special appointment is the one thing to look forward to on the trip!

Oh, I guess there's a matter of deposit which some ladies ask for, but unfortunately that's a dealbreaker for me.  If I ever did have to cancel last minute, I would offer something... maybe a generous tip if she could reschedule for the next day, or a Nordstroms card or something.  Otherwise, that's just rude!

-- Modified on 2/18/2008 2:03:23 PM

AzMajicman460 reads

I have to agree.. I know that I will never have the opportunity.. but...

I look at her pictures, and could only wish that I could have the honor of her in front of my cameras... WOW.. There are a few gals here in Phoenix that I would love to do a FREE photo shoot with.. but I know that they dont do this.. but Ciara is one I would almost beg to model for me. (wink)

Nothing can fuck up your day quite as much as some half-wit that you've prepared for over the past few days, calling at the last minute, and saying "How about tomorrow?" NO!!! Funny you should post this right now. That very half-wit called me this morning. Makes me wish I had the freedom to say, "Okay, Buddy, You're out." You have that freedom. Use it.

GaGambler418 reads

is too generous. If the guy gives you plenty of notice, I can understand, but more than one last minute candellation should require some type of financial renumeration.

I know I am not that generous about my time when the situation is reversed. My tolerance for NCNS is zero, last minute cancellations better come rarely and with a sincere apology. I won't put up with it and you shouldn't have to either.

It is very frustrating...

Make a date, cancel, make another date, cancel and again.. I gave one the benefit of the doubt after three.. Guess what?? He canceled...

But at least they call.. Is a time waster for sure..
Time is one thing that we can never get back..

BUT NC/NS just plain suck.. Like you two TER guys from last week.. I damn near posted your nicknames so others would know who you are.. There are just too many good men here for you lamers so fade back to CL ..

I also think, at least in the Atlanta market that it is a common LE tactic to 'call - make date - cancel - reschedule - repeat' It has happened a lot before I developed screening skills..

I've never been canceled more than once, but there was a time where I didn't find out the guy's travel plan had changed and he had to cancel until I emailed him to touch base a few days prior to the appointment.  That was irritating.

but apparently unavoidable aspect to this pursuit.

I am on the client side. Like many, a busy professional. I'm also very precise with my own scheduling. I can't tell you the number of times that a provider has contacted me 24 hours or less and told me that an arranged date is not happening.

These dates are a very high priority in my life and I move around a lot to make them happen. But I understand that the activity can by its nature be unreliable.

As far as a guy who cancels out on you repeatedly, the obvious answer is do whatever the market will bear. If you can blow him off without damaging your business, do so. If not, the situation sucks, but you just need to make do.

I didn't say the guy cancelled on me at the last minute. I don't know why that statement became apparent in this post. However, this guy had a hard time committing to me while I was in Chicago (found that with many Chicago guys), but then wanted to see me again in Phoenix. Cannot commit yet and made it seem like it was just a casual commitment, but I've been replying back and forth with him for a few months. If it's just casual, then I'll never commit. Guys, you must realize this. I do not take "a maybe" as an appointment. You will not get a confirmed date. Don't try to pawn it off afterward as a casual commitment. I take my job very seriously. If it's a "maybe" then you'll probably never see me. I hate it when men say, "Well, I don't want to commit if you can get another date," after two months of planning. That's poor planning, and now I don't care if I I ever see him. :(


Pasted from an email:

"Hi Ciara,
I apologise if this is a repeat message.  I sent you a message a couple of hours ago, but now do not see it in my "sent" message box.

Thursday sounds good....probably mid-afternoon.  Exact time depends on the logistics of getting to/from you location and one other thing I have scheduled for earlier that day.  How about if I give you a call earlier in the week and we can firm up a time.  I'll be staying on the north side of Phoenix, around the 101 and Hwy 51 interchange.

One hour of playtime suits me.  Getting acquainted over a drink before hand sounds very appealing....as long as it doesn't infringe on our time afterward.  My tastes range widely....I am easy to be with and am easily pleased....in a lot of different ways, as you will discover.  I legitimately live up to my nickname.  I'm assuming 26 roses still applies.  No allergies that I know of.

Unfortunately, I will have access to email for only another hour or so....its now 4PM CST.

Feel free to call me; I am the only one who uses this phone.

Looking forward to seeing you next week."
This is just one message sent to me over a couple of months. We talked over the phone and firmed up the date. We even settled on a time, but was waiting for him to contact me with a hotel room number. Does this sound like a "maybe appointment?"  I hate showing this message, and I would not normally do this -- and no one knows who it is -- but I'm tired of guys who cannot figure out what they want and waste my time. If you're reading this (client), please do not contact me again. You've lost out! I don't have time for games, nor do I wish to continue to talk to you while you try to figure out your schedule. And all of this was only for an hour appointment. Geesh! :)  No offense, but you guys don't get cancelled on half as much as we do. No way, Jose! The only reason I'm posting this is because this is getting tiring.


-- Modified on 2/18/2008 7:34:12 PM

-- Modified on 2/18/2008 7:35:24 PM

Needless to say, it's pretty rare to see another guy's e-mail.

Thought – could you have said to him that, given the demands on your schedule, you could not confirm your availability unless he committed to a specific time? If he refused to do that and went elsewhere, you would've saved yourself a lot of aggravation.

I've spent a lot of money on fancy management consultants who tell me to be a lot firmer and less flexible with prospective clients. Low and behold it does seem to work. You snare the good ones and the ones who are not worth your time take less of your effort.

(Trying to be helpful)

He just wasn't sure about his plane being late, etc. I'm very good at screening, but it doesn't help with people with bad time-management and lack of concern for my schedule. I've been doing this for at least six years, so it's not necessarily new, just getting tired of some of it.  So . . . I'm venting to hopefully make some of the other non-professionals out there aware of us not wanting to take crap anymore. :)


I'm sorry these jerks don't know how to treat a lady.  I know the very next time I get to Phoenix, you will be contacted with a definate date/time in mind.  Be safe.

I get three phone calls from him today trying to rearrange a meeting at the last minute for today. So . . . I rushed home from downtown Phoenix to be ready, then he called and said he didn't want to fight rush-hour traffic on his way back from the appointment. Hello! There's always traffic in Phoenix. The story goes on and on -- very tiring, but now he's saying he doesn't want to burden me with Thursday (our original time and day).  Do these men have a clue?


You are absolutely correct. I think three is a bit excessive. I am an executive that works six + days per week though, so I do have to cancel here and there, although I try not to. My career has to come first, as it give sme the C notes that I give you.

That being said I run a tight schedule, and have only rescheduled on two providers this year (out of 10 or so..), both of which I was very nice to and got them scheduled later.

My only suggestion is to tighten up the reigns. You make the rules girl. This is YOUR business. Just say hey, you've got one no call pass -- for new clients.. (unless it's a regular that you trust)

Make it clear you won't tolerate a lot of this, and from what I've seen you can demand this your very beautiful (may sound harsh but if your very attractive and beautiful you can pull this off much easier than the alternative.. Much like the Mercedes sales person talked me into the higher down payment where as if it were the Ford Focus I would have left the lot..)

Jsut don't take crap off of people, but balance it with your business. . (obviously I have not been a provider -- but as a director of marketing I know abit about how people's brains work..)


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