TER General Board

TER is cisgender oriented
LoveSashaEvans See my TER Reviews 130 reads

You know... Adam and Eve. They believe that their male users are straight males who are into things that any other straight guy would be into.

SupportForYou1636 reads

Have you ever hired a male escort?  If yes,  will you review them ?

I don't see any review for male escorts here - do TER  not allowing them?  why not if they will be separate from women escorts :)  

Sometimes I like men on men action.... For women is like - women on women action and TER is posting them here... why is so big NO for reviews for men?

ROGM368 reads

Because TER isn't the site for male escort reviews.

SupportForYou293 reads

ohh come on... they have reviews for TS and TV so why not do separate section for male ?

... but I'd like to think that if there are any who prefer male then they will speak up. I just don't think that there are any here.

GaGambler284 reads

TER is not stupid, 99% of the men, and I am pretty sure at least that many of the women are NOT interested in having gay guys discussing gay issues on these boards. nor are we interested in having gay reviews here.

I don't barge onto gay sites with my hetero agenda, it's not too much to ask the gay guys to return the favor.

but I would just not go to that board.  

There aren't many Male escorts and I feel that is because it is quite easy for a gay/bi guy to go to any gay bar and pick a willing guy up.

I am sure there are guys who want someone just for no Drama/BS and would partake in the Hobby for those reasons (and have a quality experience that seeing a provider offers), however it doesn't seem to be a trend.

I really wouldn't care to read that sort of board but wouldn't care if there was one. I'd just avoid it.

Posted By: GaGambler
TER is not stupid, 99% of the men, and I am pretty sure at least that many of the women are NOT interested in having gay guys discussing gay issues on these boards. nor are we interested in having gay reviews here.  
 I don't barge onto gay sites with my hetero agenda, it's not too much to ask the gay guys to return the favor.

I just think some of you feel better making assumptions and putting other's in boxes. I do not see why this subject keeps popping up or why someone always has to say something stupid about it. It never pops up in a good light either.  

1. There are female hobbyists too. That does not restrict them from just seeing male escorts. Many women see female providers.

2. Being a male escort does not make one gay. I have seen them only offer their services to females, the few I have ever come across. Yes, some market to guys. Not all.

3. Seeing a TS does not make a guy gay. Being with a Man makes one gay or bisexual. Me pegging a guy does not make him gay. That just makes him straight and wanting to enjoy his G Spot. It's there for a reason! I really think it's the guys who can't seem to get over "the OMG I might be gay if I do this" issue. The ones who want to use their biggest orgasm spot are the ones who have far better sex then those who want to act like it may make them gay.  

4. Seriously there are plenty of females who see TS providers. There are variations of how a TS wants to be identified. Some MTF are still not transitioning to female or have just started. You may feel that you are seeing another man.  

However there are several out there that look better than women and in reality, it is very much like being with another women who has a strapon on. Yes, for me it was just the same as being with any hot lesbian female. Why any guy would even remotely think in his head that that same lady I saw was making him "gay/being with another guy" is just stupid. I assure you it was not even a little like being with a man.

I guess I am much more open to pleasure and not having a hang up on my sexuality.

If a guy isn't into pegging, I could understand not wanting to be with a TS as there is the assumption that that may happen. But why not enjoy your G Spot?

OMG I was with one. Oh no! I liked it and will do again. Some of you have the stupidest hang ups. Just enjoy sex.

Being gay means wanting a life with the same sex. Bi means a life with either. Being straight means a life with the opposite sex. I said "life". Sex is fucking sex.

souls_harbor316 reads

Hetero male escorts are as lonely as the Maytag Repairman.  There is really no market for it.  Even the Chippendale dancers that ladies go to see are mostly gay.  (Guys that spend inordinate amounts of time on their appearance are invariably light in the loafers.)  

So male escorts on this forum would mostly be gay seeking gay clients.  There's really no reason to mingle the two populations as they have nothing in common.

Plus fairness has nothing to do with it...  it is the TER bottom line that matters.  Which population mix maximizes their income.   Since the straight population is numerically larger that the gay population, it seems pretty obvious which they would choose.

You made three points I agree with here.  Probably won't happen again until Haley's comet returns.  

Apparently you aren't paying attention to current events, SH.  With more women in high-paying CEO positions, who don't have time for traditional dating, but have lots of money, the demand for straight male escorts has skyrocketed.  Just because the trend hasn't reached the Twin Cities yet doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.

They are only catered to reviewing females. All the questions about boobs,  pussy, services.  TER would have to create completely different platform to review male escort.  I guess if there would be enough demand they would do so.

You know... Adam and Eve. They believe that their male users are straight males who are into things that any other straight guy would be into.

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