TER General Board

Speak for yourself
GaGambler 844 reads

After doing a bit of thinking about this myself, I am willing to come off my number of 50% and concede that the OP, insensitive ass that he might be, was probably spot on with his assessment of 30% of the women being completely "undoable" at any price, even free.

That number probably falls in line with my taste in women as well. If you think that 96% of the women on TER are hot enough to fuck, that's your business and your choice, but you certainly don't speak for me. You might think a woman with an average score of a six, or even a seven is "doable" but I guess my standards are just a little, ok a LOT higher than yours, but you are a BSU candidate, so that is to be expected from the likes of you.

That said, it still does leave me with "thousands and thousands" of women that I do want to fuck, and I am willing to give you very long odds that I have sampled a lot more of them than have you.

For the record, I am quite happy with the women I choose to see, and I would never dream of starting a thread like this one, but when asked, I am not going to lie and say that I am attracted to many of the women that advertise or post here, and that includes many of the women that I consider my friends here. There are a lot of women that I am friends with who know damn well they are not my "type" it doesn't stop us from being friends though.

emsjhs20092858 reads

what percentage of the escorts that you see advertised on sites such as TER would you rate  an absolute NO WAY,  even if the pussy was free.  I'd say about 30% due to  excessive tattoos, too hairy, too chubby and just plain old and worn out looking.  used to think that I would never turn down  a BJ from a female, but now I know that I would !!!

GaGambler1165 reads

but since you are the one saying it, I'd have to say that you are being quite generous at 30%, but excessive tattoos alone would not be enough to get put on that list. While I am not a big fan of too much ink, there are several heavily tattooed  women here that  I wouldn't dream of kicking out of bed, even if one of them was a bit "cunty" lol

but back to your original question, I would have to say that my number is about 50%, but that still leaves thousands and thousands of VERY doable women here on TER, There might be a fair share of Fuglies advertising on these boards, but there are thousands of hotties as well. i for one am still a kid in a candy store, even after more than a decade of being here.

Now lets hear from the WK's and BSU's who are going to accuse us bother of being misogynists, mean, and a thousand other things, for not being attracted to members of the OTHFBC, and even worse saying it out loud.

Posted By: GaGambler
but since you are the one saying it, I'd have to say that you are being quite generous at 30%, but excessive tattoos alone would not be enough to get put on that list. While I am not a big fan of too much ink, there are several heavily tattooed  women here that  I wouldn't dream of kicking out of bed, even if one of them was a bit "cunty" lol

but back to your original question, I would have to say that my number is about 50%, but that still leaves thousands and thousands of VERY doable women here on TER, There might be a fair share of Fuglies advertising on these boards, but there are thousands of hotties as well. i for one am still a kid in a candy store, even after more than a decade of being here.

Now lets hear from the WK's and BSU's who are going to accuse us bother of being misogynists, mean, and a thousand other things, for not being attracted to members of the OTHFBC, and even worse saying it out loud.

GaGambler864 reads

Yeah right, of course I was talking about you. lol

But now that you are queen for the month, are you still going to be cunty? I certainly hope so:)

Tobi.... if you ever get tired of the Ohio snow, you could consider a trip to Hotlanta!  I can't be the only guy down here who thinks you're absolutely awesome!!  Other than you, I'd have absolutely no reason whatsoever to visit Cincy, but if you don't come here I'm going to have to find a reason to justify a trip to see you!  Just putting "2 days - Tobi Telford" on my Outlook calendar would probably not go unnoticed at my office :-)

You rock!

You could pair your trip to see Tobi with a Bourbon tour, Cinci is just north of Kentucky.

By the way, you don't go see Tobi while on a trip to take a Bourbon tour, you go on a Bourbon tour while on your trip to see Tobi. One must have their priorities straight.

Gonad-the-Contrarian1073 reads

I suspect the % of mongers using TER who are fat, fugly, smelly, crude, arrogant, inept, stupid,  and socially obnoxious with  
ED is equal to or greater than the providers on TER. BTW WTF does OTHFBC mean?

GaGambler831 reads

and OTHFBC refers to the Over The Hill Fat Broad Club. You might recognize a few of their members right here on the GD board. lol

So why do need to put down the mongers instead of defending the ladies? Is it because there is a certain ring of truth to what the OP has to say?

Old, fat, married guys paying for sex is hardly a surprise, Old fat women getting paid for sex is a bit more of a surprise to many. Not to me, but I have been here for a LONG LONG time, very little surprises me any more, it doesn't make any of those things less true, just no longer surprising to me.

Perhaps the OP is one of the types of mongers I described. And who says a monger always has to agree with another monger, especially when that monger doesn't know SFS? lol

... there is a hat for every head. Human nature is adaptable and tomorrow is another day.

What you find unattractive may very well be something that gets another guy off...

Ever had a BJ from a woman with no teeth? Don't knock it until you try it


That's a dark alley in Cracktown I don't want to find myself in, and if I do, there's a self inflicted gunshot soon to follow.

Who said anything about Crack Hos. What about these?

Posted By: MrTwister
 That's a dark alley in Cracktown I don't want to find myself in, and if I do, there's a self inflicted gunshot soon to follow.

Gum job?

Posted By: OnlyLiveTwice
... there is a hat for every head. Human nature is adaptable and tomorrow is another day.  
 What you find unattractive may very well be something that gets another guy off...  
 Ever had a BJ from a woman with no teeth? Don't knock it until you try it!  

client_number_9550 reads

I'd never turn down free pussy. Nor would I ever outright disqualify for tatts, cushion for the pushin, old age etc.  

Those ladies tend to be like Avis: they try harder. Whether I cough up 6 bills for the privilege is another matter, but all other things being equal if it's freaky, clean and consensual I'm going in.

-- Modified on 2/15/2015 2:14:51 PM

::start fat tattooed broad rant::

im obviously in the tattooed, fat broad club and quite frankly being in the club gives me a particular clientele because duh. Obviously I'm not marketing myself to people who aren't into fat tattooed broads, nor does that segment of the population interest me work wise.  I don't bitch about my inability to capture that part of the market.  So instead of bitching about all the ladies you wouldn't fuck with a 6-foot pole for free, why not find the ones you would fuck and call it a day?  

If the number of broads you wouldn't fuck for free is only at 30% of what you find, the odds are indeed stacked in your favor. Stop complaining about the minority, start paying for the majority you'd like to fuck.  


::end fat tattooed broad rant::

TwoMints841 reads

While the FTBs aren't necessarily my cup of tea, I wouldn't say I wouldn't.  I could just close my eyes, like at home, and think of someone else or concentrate on the feeling. Visuals aren't everything. I mean, do you make out with your eyes open?  If she's really into it, I'll get into it enough to finish but I'd probably want a very wide menu.


Posted By: MissErinBlack
::start fat tattooed broad rant::  
 im obviously in the tattooed, fat broad club and quite frankly being in the club gives me a particular clientele because duh. Obviously I'm not marketing myself to people who aren't into fat tattooed broads, nor does that segment of the population interest me work wise.  I don't bitch about my inability to capture that part of the market.  So instead of bitching about all the ladies you wouldn't fuck with a 6-foot pole for free, why not find the ones you would fuck and call it a day?  
 If the number of broads you wouldn't fuck for free is only at 30% of what you find, the odds are indeed stacked in your favor. Stop complaining about the minority, start paying for the majority you'd like to fuck.  
 ::end fat tattooed broad rant::

why would you pay for something you're not going to be into? Fuck that. Life is too short. Not to mention,no one is obligated to increase menu offerings just to get you to part with your money. I don't offer dudes who aren't into fat tattooed broads more for their money.  

There's too much available to bitch. There's too much available out there to spend money on things you don't really like.
Not to mention, expecting a fat tattooed broad to be SUPER INTO a session when you're not into it? That's tough.  My fat does act as extra padding, but the "i'm really not into this girl" vibe pierces through that.  I know, I know. Hard to imagine, right?  

So don't hire a lady, any lady, you're not into and expect that she make up for you not being into her.  It sets everyone up for failure.  

Also, I do make out with my eyes open.  So there's that.

-- Modified on 2/15/2015 10:38:12 AM

"So don't hire a lady, any lady, you're not into and expect that she make up for you not being into her.  It sets everyone up for failure."

^^^^ So much fuggin' yes!

Awesome, on point response!


Likely part of his 30% group, since I'm 37 and probably qualify as "too old" in his book.

-- Modified on 2/15/2015 12:30:36 PM

I could never have said it better, doll!    

Something I say to clients when they start whining that there are so very few attractive locals:  No matter what type a woman is, there will always be people who will think she is GORGEOUS and are searching for exactly her type!

So to the original poster: those 30% you wouldn't touch for free are ALL someone's dream girl!!!

...about the lack of tact of this thread, posting it here for providers to see too (what's the point to that?).
Now if this question was asked on the Reviewers Only board that would be a little different, and perhaps I'd even weigh-in with an opinion, but here?  No way - just not cool.  It's like bad-mouthing someone or their family etc., when they are standing right in front of you

...he couldn't have said this on the RO board.  

Hobbyist preferences are apparent when you see where and how they spend their money. When I see a dude asking for a particular service that I offer, and then see that he only sees 20 yr old spinners, I don't respond. Because duh.  

some are open about their preferences and there's nothing wrong with that.  Shit, I honestly prefer it.  It levels the playing field, and sometimes respectability politics get involved ("i may not pay to fuck her, but at least she's smart!").

Dudes who don't spend their money on me obviously aren't my target market.  End of story.  Don't like the way something looks or is advertised? Don't buy it.  It's not a difficult concept.  But to turn around and bitch about it when you haven't purchased a service in the first place? GTFOH.

 "UGH. 30% of all these women aren't women i'd fuck and i'm so upset about it that i have to post about my upset-ness on a fuck forum".  

Because the OP up there expects that ALL THE WOMEN EVER should be attractive to him? Because his estimate of 30% is THAT UPSETTING? Jeez.  if he gets upset about shit as trivial as women he wouldn't pay to fuck, i can imagine how upset he gets at important things, like systemic racism, rape-culture, misogyny, Boko Haram, ISIS, all those college students who were brutally murdered in Mexico, what the Russian re-invasion of the Crimea really means, Constitutional fortitude in an age of electronic information, and Jon Stewart leaving The Daily Show.

I think you might be over-analyzing all this...
It's just locker room-type guy talk IMO.  And guys do sometimes formulate ridiculous hypotheticals (you've seen many of them here no doubt).
Hell, if I spent 5 seconds thinking about it (I haven't), I could come up with a percentage for this.
Perhaps you could too, if you were asked say, what % of guys who come to see you would you "do" for free in civvie life.
Hey, guys are dopes, we just all have varying degrees of dopiness in us.  The OP perhaps got a bigger share than most.  The best we can hope for is that we pick up a little civility somewhere along the way, and that our dopiness stays within the lovable or somewhat endearing range.

I'm really just being obnoxious about this because it's a hilariously true representation of privileged entitlement from lots of different perspectives including what I assume to be a male perspective and a consumerist perspective.  

Locker-room talk is certainly a thing, and I get that.  Hell, I have my own locker-room talk about work and life with other ladies and other people in my life.  

But you now what I (and a lot of reasonable people) don't do? Shit on services that they've never utilized or spent money on.  Its akin to leaving a shitty yelp review about service at a sushi restaurant you didn't eat at because you hate sushi.  Because you hate sushi, all sushi restaurants are bad.  It's a "duh" moment.  

My job isn't about how many clients i'd fuck for free as a civilian. Let's be honest.  that percentage would be 0% because I don't fuck clients in my civilian life; i fuck civilians.  

And quite honestly, I don't really ascribe to dudes being dumb and dopey.  Nope, not an excuse.  Men are incredibly capable creatures that have the ability to be smart, wise, intelligent, and sometimes genius.  While i know your use of those words to describe men is supposed to illicit a level of forgiveness and sympathy from me, that rationale doesn't fly with me and does not excuse the OP from the ridiculousness of his post.  

The "boys will be boys" argument is nonsense.

-- Modified on 2/15/2015 1:13:09 PM

...because you do have me pegged "smart, wise, intelligent, and sometimes genius" - damn you are good girl! :o)
Hey, I just takes things with a light spirit.  I don't know the OP, but while dopey, in bad taste, and out of place, I don't ascribe much more meaning to it than that.  Now if he was actually going around leaving fake bad reviews for ladies (the parallel to your Yelp restaurant review hypothetical) then that would be beyond the pale.

He got under your skin, which ultimately is why I think his post was bad, it was an unnecessary insult at an unspecified 70% of the provider community.  But go back to my hypothetical to you.  Remove the label "client" if it helps, and think about that question.  I would guess if you thought about it, you could could come up with a % of guys who visit you that you theoretically would have found attractive enough to have fun with if you had met them in a different setting (i.e., not as a client).  Or, maybe not, maybe this way of thinking is foreign to you when in provider-mode??  But it just seems like you would have had SOME guys you spent time with who you thought "damn, he was cool, and sexy too - just my type..."  Even if it's only 1% lol.  No?

I'm a short guy.  So women make judgements about me without knowing me (often don't respond to my wonderful witty emails on Match.com).  Yet when I meet women in person my "success rate" so to speak is much much higher.  So if some guy throws a hypothetical out there, who cares, just like I've learned to not let others' shallow judgements get under my skin so much.  They just don't matter.  I don't take it personally, because it ISN'T personal - they don't know me.  Life is too short to let things like this affect us.  Just my opinion anyway...

But, I'm of the opinion that while we all might have certain levels of shallowness, that shallowness need not present itself under the basis of "boys will be boys".  Admit to the shallowness as an adult, and face the consequences.  But, just because one admits to being shallow doesn't mean that all is okay.  

At the end of the day, the OP is ridiculous, and the boards have left little for me to comment about in the last week.  So I took it and ran. People can critique me and poo-poo feminism all they want (thanks, Stickythong), but whatever.  It's a discussion board, right?

...just civilly discussing, at least that is my take, and I hope you agree.
We may not come to the same conclusions, but hey, I don't expect that - and gave up on trying to convince everyone to agree with me years ago lol. (I'm generally thrilled just to acheive a peaceful co-existence!)
Sure, "boys will be boys" or a myriad of other similar ready-made excuses for different societal groups can be used to dismiss bad behavior.  Not justifying using that as a justification for egregious acts, just as a means of understanding human nature and intent, etc.  As I get older, I let a lot more roll off my back, and in the process I've come to reaiize that not everything had the malace behind it that I may have originally thought.

Hope you stick around.

I absolutely understand what you're talking about.  When I was younger, I used to let a lot more bother me than i do now.  With age comes grace, they say?  

Needless to say, I can be pretty ungraceful, and when I get a bee in my bonnet, I'm not shy about it.  

I appreciate the discussion nonetheless, and do know that I'm not going to convince anyone with a wildly different world view than me that my view is correct.  Especially not on a fuck forum. Discussion for discussion's sake is always fun though, and on occasion I hope to maybe give someone pause to consider another point of view. :

there's probably a 1%. Probably.  But that 1% would have never met me in real life because we don't come from the same demographic. I was sought out for a specific purpose, and wouldn't have met that person in the civilian world because people seeking out p4p of the nature that I offer don't generally hang around in immediate or extended social networks (not to my knowledge, anyway).  

So, while there might be a very slim minority that i would actually do outside of a p4p manner, p4p is the only way I'd have met them in the first place.  

In my case, it's a catch-22.

...if we approached you in a bar, grocery store, etc.?  See, you are tougher than the OP?  Ha ha.  :o)
Just kidding of course - but that low of a % is interesting.
But I get what you say about the opportunity to meet different people, that has been a BIG part of the pleasure of this hobby for me - meeting so many smart, interesting, independent (and yeah beautiful) ladies and getting to know them just a bit.  Ladies I would never have met otherwise.  People and their stories do fascinate me...

Really, I'm just picky because if I'm going to fuck someone in civilian life, it's not going to be a one-night thing.  If it were just a one-off fuck, I'd say 20-30% of my clients, easily.  But I'm not a "hit it and quit it" gal. :)

Stickythong879 reads

Posted By: MissErinBlack
I'm really just being obnoxious about this because it's a hilariously true representation of privileged entitlement from lots of different perspectives including what I assume to be a male perspective and a consumerist perspective.  
 Locker-room talk is certainly a thing, and I get that.  Hell, I have my own locker-room talk about work and life with other ladies and other people in my life.    
 But you now what I (and a lot of reasonable people) don't do? Shit on services that they've never utilized or spent money on.  Its akin to leaving a shitty yelp review about service at a sushi restaurant you didn't eat at because you hate sushi.  Because you hate sushi, all sushi restaurants are bad.  It's a "duh" moment.  
 My job isn't about how many clients i'd fuck for free as a civilian. Let's be honest.  that percentage would be 0% because I don't fuck clients in my civilian life; i fuck civilians.  
 And quite honestly, I don't really ascribe to dudes being dumb and dopey.  Nope, not an excuse.  Men are incredibly capable creatures that have the ability to be smart, wise, intelligent, and sometimes genius.  While i know your use of those words to describe men is supposed to illicit a level of forgiveness and sympathy from me, that rationale doesn't fly with me and does not excuse the OP from the ridiculousness of his post.    
 The "boys will be boys" argument is nonsense.  

-- Modified on 2/15/2015 1:13:09 PM

Stickythong649 reads

You left off white. Only white males have entitlement and privilege in our society. That was in the lecture.

Posted By: MissErinBlack
I'm really just being obnoxious about this because it's a hilariously true representation of privileged entitlement from lots of different perspectives including what I assume to be a male perspective and a consumerist perspective.  
 Locker-room talk is certainly a thing, and I get that.  Hell, I have my own locker-room talk about work and life with other ladies and other people in my life.    
 But you now what I (and a lot of reasonable people) don't do? Shit on services that they've never utilized or spent money on.  Its akin to leaving a shitty yelp review about service at a sushi restaurant you didn't eat at because you hate sushi.  Because you hate sushi, all sushi restaurants are bad.  It's a "duh" moment.  
 My job isn't about how many clients i'd fuck for free as a civilian. Let's be honest.  that percentage would be 0% because I don't fuck clients in my civilian life; i fuck civilians.  
 And quite honestly, I don't really ascribe to dudes being dumb and dopey.  Nope, not an excuse.  Men are incredibly capable creatures that have the ability to be smart, wise, intelligent, and sometimes genius.  While i know your use of those words to describe men is supposed to illicit a level of forgiveness and sympathy from me, that rationale doesn't fly with me and does not excuse the OP from the ridiculousness of his post.    
 The "boys will be boys" argument is nonsense.  

-- Modified on 2/15/2015 1:13:09 PM

Posted By: emsjhs2009
used to think that I would never turn down  a BJ from a female, but now I know that I would !!!
I'll assume what you were trying to say is that 'everyone's taste is different'.  Still, in addition to what you say above, there may be a second revelation in store for you based on what seem like some pretty degrading comments;  that being:  

"you may also have thought that no provider would ever turn down a chance to reply to your email, call, or text; but now I'm guessing some might.

I think I found the OP's match.com photo:

All that on a fucking twin bed, and he thinks he's sexy. I saw people like that in my rear view mirror a week ago Thursday, rolled down my window at the state line stuck my hand out and flipped the bird.

He just needs some plugs, an extreme fit class, shitload of waxing, a good disarming, a smidge of self respect, lobotomy...right as rain.

Senator.Blutarsky738 reads

Here are the number of ladies within each appearance score range from TER reviews for the U.S. You can draw your own conclusions based on where you'd draw the line.  

1-1.9 =      359 (  0.2%)
2-2.9 =      858 (  0.5%)
3-3.9 =   1,990 (  1.2%)
4-4.9 =   5,704 (  3.4%)
5-5.9 = 18,428 (10.9%)
6-6.9 = 22,380 (13.3%)
7-7.9 = 63,680 (37.8%)
8-8.9 = 41,127 (24.4%)
9-9.9 = 12,013 (  7.1%)
10     =   2,113 (  1.3%)

bonordonor795 reads

I was just too lazy to do the research. Less than 4% aren't doable. And, I might add, according to your research, there are 168,652 reviewed ladies. So, the statement about "of the thousands and thousands of ladies that advertise on TER, I would do half of them" which is still thousands and thousands, doesn't hold water. Especially since a review is not a lady advertising on TER!

I appreciate your diligence.

GaGambler845 reads

After doing a bit of thinking about this myself, I am willing to come off my number of 50% and concede that the OP, insensitive ass that he might be, was probably spot on with his assessment of 30% of the women being completely "undoable" at any price, even free.

That number probably falls in line with my taste in women as well. If you think that 96% of the women on TER are hot enough to fuck, that's your business and your choice, but you certainly don't speak for me. You might think a woman with an average score of a six, or even a seven is "doable" but I guess my standards are just a little, ok a LOT higher than yours, but you are a BSU candidate, so that is to be expected from the likes of you.

That said, it still does leave me with "thousands and thousands" of women that I do want to fuck, and I am willing to give you very long odds that I have sampled a lot more of them than have you.

For the record, I am quite happy with the women I choose to see, and I would never dream of starting a thread like this one, but when asked, I am not going to lie and say that I am attracted to many of the women that advertise or post here, and that includes many of the women that I consider my friends here. There are a lot of women that I am friends with who know damn well they are not my "type" it doesn't stop us from being friends though.

bonordonor781 reads

the truth sometimes. Did I ever tell you my cock is 10 inches.................................in circumference? lol

GaGambler878 reads

but I still maintain that my percentage of women on TER that I would not do even as a free pickup in a bar has got to be right around 30%, but unlike the OP, I choose to dwell on the 70% that I will do and not the 30% that I won't. It doesn't make his statement any less true though, and as I predicted, he is being taken to the woodshed over it.

What I do find surprising is that you seem to be the only one trying to take me to task for my remarks. I expected a lot harsher reaction from the OTHFBC and the BSU's who patronize them, but so far at least, only you.

GaGambler737 reads

This is hardly a scientific test and granted the sample size is quite small, but check out the photo board. Today there are I think 21 different ladies showing off their stuff today. If any one of those women would make your DNS list, you would be right at your 4% mark, even two would double that percentage.

Without naming names as that would be rude and hurtful, tell me how many women on todays photo board you would have no interest in, even for free? I can assure you there are a LOT more than one that would make my "would not fuck" list, a LOT more.

For the record, although there are several women that do nothing for me sexually on todays photo board, there are a few that are smoking hot IMO. I am not going to name ANY names, hot or fugly, because if I state publicly which women I find hot, it doesn't leave a lot of guesswork to figure out which women I don't find attractive at all, and my goal here is not to hurt anyone's feeling by calling them old, fat, or ugly, but simply to point out that the OP might not have been so far off after all.

TwoMints796 reads

I'd do them all. Might need a few drinks first with the one lady.  One lady's photo was terrible, I can't see how she though it was a good idea, but she did have excellent "scores", so without more research, I wouldn't say I wouldn't.  I've never been so fixated on one look or body shape, that it precludes me from seeing those that don't fit that profile.

Posted By: GaGambler
This is hardly a scientific test and granted the sample size is quite small, but check out the photo board. Today there are I think 21 different ladies showing off their stuff today. If any one of those women would make your DNS list, you would be right at your 4% mark, even two would double that percentage.

Without naming names as that would be rude and hurtful, tell me how many women on todays photo board you would have no interest in, even for free? I can assure you there are a LOT more than one that would make my "would not fuck" list, a LOT more.  

For the record, although there are several women that do nothing for me sexually on todays photo board, there are a few that are smoking hot IMO. I am not going to name ANY names, hot or fugly, because if I state publicly which women I find hot, it doesn't leave a lot of guesswork to figure out which women I don't find attractive at all, and my goal here is not to hurt anyone's feeling by calling them old, fat, or ugly, but simply to point out that the OP might not have been so far off after all.

It's kind of scientific. It's a good gauge. I would not 'do' 8 of them for free. The rest were all really hot. So, 40%? Sounds about right.

half full or half empty?

I can respect your decisions about who you'd like to bone. It's up to you!!

Why would you concern yourself AT ALL with those you do not prefer, let alone take the time to write an insulting post?

More than half empty, perhaps? Tourettes?

Thanks for sharing. It was special.

open.mind678 reads

It appears, either from their own comments or from posts they have made to the 60 and Over Board, that approximately 30% of the gents who congratulated Tobi Telford on her ascension to Miss TER in the thread further down, are hobbyists Ms. Telford would “rate an absolute NO WAY.” That's not due to bodily decoration, lack of grooming, failure to stay fit, a hard-lived life, or anything else they could do anything about. It's simply because they are over the arbitrary age of 55. There is no question that both the OP and Ms. Telford are entitled to make decisions about whom to see on any basis they choose, arbitrary or otherwise. Nor even any question that each of them is entitled to trumpet their biases to all the world. It is less clear to me why it is, exactly, that one must be excoriated for doing so while the other gets a free pass and is celebrated. Oh, wait. She's pretty.

Posted By: emsjhs2009
what percentage of the escorts that you see advertised on sites such as TER would you rate  an absolute NO WAY,  even if the pussy was free.  I'd say about 30% due to  excessive tattoos, too hairy, too chubby and just plain old and worn out looking.  used to think that I would never turn down  a BJ from a female, but now I know that I would !!!

It's because I'm not a dick about it.  

Posted By: open.mind
It appears, either from their own comments or from posts they have made to the 60 and Over Board, that approximately 30% of the gents who congratulated Tobi Telford on her ascension to Miss TER in the thread further down, are hobbyists Ms. Telford would “rate an absolute NO WAY.” That's not due to bodily decoration, lack of grooming, failure to stay fit, a hard-lived life, or anything else they could do anything about. It's simply because they are over the arbitrary age of 55. There is no question that both the OP and Ms. Telford are entitled to make decisions about whom to see on any basis they choose, arbitrary or otherwise. Nor even any question that each of them is entitled to trumpet their biases to all the world. It is less clear to me why it is, exactly, that one must be excoriated for doing so while the other gets a free pass and is celebrated. Oh, wait. She's pretty.  
Posted By: emsjhs2009
what percentage of the escorts that you see advertised on sites such as TER would you rate  an absolute NO WAY,  even if the pussy was free.  I'd say about 30% due to  excessive tattoos, too hairy, too chubby and just plain old and worn out looking.  used to think that I would never turn down  a BJ from a female, but now I know that I would !!!

hat percentage of the johns that a hooker might see  on sites such as TER would rate an absolute NO WAY,  if they were not paying?  I'd say about 90% due to  excessive body hair, too fat, too dirty and just plain old and worn out looking.  I used to think that I would book most tricks , but now I know that I would not!!!  

So emjhs2009, how many hookers would fuck you for free? There is a reason you are here and paying. And even more hilarious, eve those fat old boards are still getting paid to fuck ...are you? Didn't think so

bonordonor652 reads

another 9% are just clean cut, young, skinny assholes. And no, I agree, "em junior high school class of 2009", isn't getting paid to fuck.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
 what percentage of the johns that a hooker might see  on sites such as TER would rate an absolute NO WAY,  if they were not paying?  I'd say about 90% due to  excessive body hair, too fat, too dirty and just plain old and worn out looking.  I used to think that I would book most tricks , but now I know that I would not!!!  
 So emjhs2009, how many hookers would fuck you for free? There is a reason you are here and paying. And even more hilarious, eve those fat old boards are still getting paid to fuck ...are you? Didn't think so.  

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