TER General Board

Sorry, just not my cup of tea
GaGambler 420 reads

I am much too selfish for orgies.

The closest thing I have done to an orgy was a foursome with three women, one of whom was a 100% lesbian who I did not interact with. She was a friend who wanted to bang my GF and since I had fucked two of her GF's I figured I owed her one. We hired a hooker to keep me occupied while she was fucking my GF and a good time was had by all.

But I have no desire to have an orgy with a bunch of guys, even if there was an even balance of men to women.

5 top rated ladies, nice hotel, food and Bev's made by an experienced chef, hours of zero stress?

to get some answers for your perceptions/misconceptions of what the format of some of these soirees may be. Fortunately (?), the event that I describe further down in this thread. It was a venture into uncharted waters, which sums up the hobby for me. But it was NOT the typucal orgy as you might perceive one. It was more like a sex restaurant with lots of fantastic appetizers and entrees on the menu, where you could pre-order your meal. It was quite an carnal tasting menu for me

chef1275508 reads

As long as I get to watch the fun!

Posted By: Erin Keevy
5 top rated ladies, nice hotel, food and Bev's made by an experienced chef, hours of zero stress?

Are you an exec?  

Posted By: chef1275
As long as I get to watch the fun!  
Posted By: Erin Keevy
5 top rated ladies, nice hotel, food and Bev's made by an experienced chef, hours of zero stress?

chef1275540 reads

Yup for the last 20 years, got my first kitchen at 20.  I just opened my own place this year.

chef1275429 reads

No need to fib, we're to new for any of the big guns to have reviewed us, but all the reviews we've gotten have been great.  I know we are on the Beard house's radar and it looks like I'm going to visits from forbes, Michelin,  and AAA.   My background is 4+ star/2+ Michelin star rated restaurants so I'm not worried.

Michelin starred chefs are hard to work with  trust me I know

chef1275357 reads

They definitely can be, I've worked with 3 french chefs with stars.  1 was awesome, 1 was mostly absent, and 1 was an absolute nut bag.  I still loved it, learning to perform at the highest level with 0 compromise formed into the kind of chef I am today.

GaGambler536 reads

Five hotties and me? Perhaps.

Sharing five women with four other guys? Not my cup of tea

Sharing five women with more than a one to one ratio of women to me? No Fucking Way!!!

5 hotties and me, sure. Any number of hotties and another guy in the room, meh.

Plus another thing, you didn't mention but I'm sure you have noticed this too. Usually most of the providers that advertise these soires are not ladies I have any interest in having sex with. I've seen a bunch of ads and pics for such things and while there are usually one or 2 hotties in the mix, the rest are "notties," and sometimes even members of the OTHFB club.

the one I attended was UTR with no advertising unless you were in the agencies inner circle of friends. I lucked in, I wasn't a customer but happened to inquire about getting vetted and about their M&G.  

Almost every Top 10 Provider in Boston was at the M&G as well as most Top 25 locals and then some highly rated national/regional gals attended too. Talk about a meet market.  

After I getting a glowing referral from my current favorite gal, I was sent a link to the Who's Who at the M&G with a question if I was interested in the soiree too because of the glowing referral. I was told by a previous attwndee that the prior year's accepted soiree was amazing and he believed it would be near impossible to get in the following year's soiree.  

With that in mind and an invitation in hand I immediately accepted, taking the last spot of a six and six guest list. The six ladies would make your head spin... each a 9/9 or better, young and hottt. I'd never met any of them before. All were or are currently in the $4-500 range and worth every penny. Each could be on any man's bucket list. A fantastic cast.  

I'll admit it was a bit awkward at first, being an outsider, as everyone there "knew" each other prior to the soiree. It was a"managed" affair where each guy provided his unique wish list as to "who and how" and then, as my wishes WERE granted, it was off to a private room. No swinging dicks in the same room as far as I could tell. I got my "wishes"and then some.  

I'm still a bit surprised to say without hesitation it's on my "to do again" list. If YOU were to consider attending one, I'd say you'd be best served if you really wanted to fuck ANY of the gals there. I did, ergo, no disappointments. Let's just say that being in a hot tub with two of Boston's hottest spinners, and with the two gals I requested, was worth the cost on it's own. But there was more.  

Yes, I'd repeat if the format was the same with a similar all star cast

GaGambler410 reads

back in the day a slow night at the Del Rey had a couple of hundred hotties all vying for your attention at prices a tenth of what you are talking about. I would often end up fucking four or five different chicas a day while down there.  

So this "bucket list" item was something I did about ten times a month for years, excuse me if I just can't get excited over getting a chance to "share" only five ladies with a bunch of other guys.

Posted By: GaGambler
back in the day a slow night at the Del Rey had a couple of hundred hotties all vying for your attention at prices a tenth of what you are talking about. I would often end up fucking four or five different chicas a day while down there.  
 So this "bucket list" item was something I did about ten times a month for years, excuse me if I just can't get excited over getting a chance to "share" only five ladies with a bunch of other guys.

Two ladies is ok, and even with that, I get lost and confused. I'll stick to one on one...I know my limitation..

...then there is only so much that 5 other women can do to me at any given time, so it would wind up a session with a few ladies sitting around getting paid to eat and drink.

So....no thanks

Depends, if it was local, who the ladies are, number of clients to provider and if I could my wife.

So it actually counts against my attendance. But if the other things to dine on looked edible enough, I think I could muster enough will power not to give in to temptation.

GaGambler421 reads

I am much too selfish for orgies.

The closest thing I have done to an orgy was a foursome with three women, one of whom was a 100% lesbian who I did not interact with. She was a friend who wanted to bang my GF and since I had fucked two of her GF's I figured I owed her one. We hired a hooker to keep me occupied while she was fucking my GF and a good time was had by all.

But I have no desire to have an orgy with a bunch of guys, even if there was an even balance of men to women.

to the dude count, and I'd go. Life's too short not to live a little - I'd like to have the experience of an orgy.

I have a hard enough time grabbing an hour or two a week on a Friday daytime.  Hours (multiple) would stretch my availability (and my budget) at the best of times, but I am sure these things are set up for an evening or overnight in which case I will be home with the spouse.  As much as I want and need sex outside marriage, I still dont want to lose my family over scheduling.

Also, as a pudgy guy I wouldn't necessarily be the one the gals flocked to, and if I'm paying I like to be the center of attention.  I can jerk off to porn at home for free.

And finally as a straight guy, while not necessarily intimidated by having 4 or 5 other cocks in the room, or even at the other end of the same gal, I don't know how I would react.  I have done a FMF threesome but never more than that with multiple people around.

I do know that in porn I have seen shots of two guys in the same vagina or ass or mouth even rubbing their cocks together and that simply isnt my scene.  You stay in the mouth, you in the ass, I'll take the pussy.  Or any other combo, just not together in the same hole, just ew.

Orgy is such an expansive concept, but sometimes there gotta be rules

and all our meals are prepared so we don't even need to leave the suite, well that would make for an interesting weekend. Add another dude and I'll pass, I'm greedy that way.

Anything shorter than 48 hours would be just too many choices to make and not enough me.

Doubles is my limit.  

Posted By: Erin Keevy
5 top rated ladies, nice hotel, food and Bev's made by an experienced chef, hours of zero stress?

quite different than an orgy. But I guess it can be an orgy too if it's set up that way. I went to a soiree and didn't see a sausage all night. I did see a lot of buns for my sausage tho. And a very nice FFM too ... that M might be yours truly ... 😉 Ya heard of double meat on the bun ... well reverse that

But not interested, not even for a BJ.

-- Modified on 8/4/2016 1:57:05 PM

Obviously, this is a better way to go. But since the 2nd lady would cause instant death, I'll have to take a pass. Besides, I'm assuming the hours part multiplied by 5 ladies would run in the 20 grand range. That much missing from my account would also cause instant death. It's hard enough hiding 400 at a time.

It only takes one overly aggressive alpha male or one over lubricated participant to ruin an otherwise memorable experience. The variety of formats that a group activity can take place is numerous and quite fun. However, I believe you need to screen all of your attendees for demeanor and compatibility, demeanor for the males, and compatibility of the providers with each of the hobbyists. Not easy for sure.
 I wouldn't want to be in a format with other males in close proximity during play time for sure, nor would I be interested in a format where there is competition for attention on  the part of the hobbyist with another hobbyist for a certain provider or for one provider and another provider for the attention of a certain hobbyist. A round robin perhaps!
 Knowing Erin, she has given careful consideration to important variables and her posting is indicative of her provocative imagination.

only hit half the robins in the allotted time. Next time, I might request some private time after the soiree with someone I'd  
like to see another day. You see a lot ypu don't see in a review  
or in photos. A meet and greet with much less clothing.

I would be in for sure as long as the ratio was equal so no sausage was left in the cold!

Posted By: Erin Keevy
5 top rated ladies, nice hotel, food and Bev's made by an experienced chef, hours of zero stress?

This thread deserves at least one 100 percent hell yes answer.

souls_harbor419 reads

I never had real interest in two or more girls at a time.  The only "fantasy" about two women was as an excuse to bring in someone new that the old gal wouldn't object to.   It remained a fantasy because suggesting another gal to the old battle ax was likely to endanger my life.

But if two new gals were offered to me, I really wouldn't be very excited about the prospect.  It would seem too distracting.  I like to zone in on a gal, explore everything about her, burn her into my mental VCR.

That would be too much for me to handle. I'm honest with myself. Time one-on-one with a nice girl is what I enjoy the most.

I remember the first of the infamous EWS parties in Florida.  A month before, I saw the post on the M&G board, and after checking out the website, found that the list of ladies was like an all-star ballot, including several ladies that I had seen multiple times.  Although it was pricey, I decided WTF, I can do this, and made my travel plans.  Was it worth it?  F*cking A...

The next one in Vegas was even better, and my game expanded further still.

Been to a few since then in places far from home, and in my backyard, and always had a blast.  Will I do this again?  Probably...

Fromundamyeyes372 reads

8 guys with 11 women when I went.  The ladies have to really get along and the guys have to be open minded.  Playing with that many ladies over 4 hours is so much fun. The energy is amazing.  
Having someone to direct traffic and keep drinks and condoms at hand really helps.  
I will do it again.

I agree! My lady friends are the best and we all get along with each other famously. ❤

The considerations for me would be cost, interest level in the ladies attending, and male to female ratio.  I can ignore other sausages in close proximity, but too many would weird me out (unless they belonged to T-girls).

Never done it but would like to maybe?

As a former enthusiast in the swinger scene, I've found that orgies are an experience like no other that is completely separate from a one-on-one affair. One can't replace the other... and I really like having *both* in my erotic repertoire :)  

Sure, there will be some things there that you're interested in, some things that you're not interested in, and (my favorite) things you didn't *know* you were interested in until you see it! This lifestyle is all about exploration for me, and the energy of the group and the prior erotic experiences they bring into the event make it an excellent platform for discovery.

I've only been in one orgy in *this* arena, but I'm very much looking forward to more :)  

~Mme X~

Absolutely! Very well said X! Can't wait to see you and the ladies together again 💋

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