TER General Board

Sorry I disagree.
scoed 8 Reviews 768 reads

This is not McDonald's. While this is just business, it is still extremely intimate. Both sides need to feel comfortable and can reject the other for any reason. Being rejected, while annoying, is a good thing as if one is not comfortable nether is likely happy.  

Now I no longer share my board information to avoid drama if I have to write a not so happy review. But if given it is legitimate to use it to screen. Even if it is to cherry pick her reviewers. Avoiding those ladies is the best thing that can happen. Learned that the hard way.  

And there is other more legitimate reasons, like if a guy is obsessed with anal play and the lady don't do that. Another is when a guy posts negative behaviors in his reviews, as an example one guy bragged how he pressured a lady into expanding her menu.

In the end anyone in this game has to have the right to say no thanks for any readon. If not we are not talking P4P we are talking a form of rape. No thank you.

-- Modified on 3/6/2015 3:26:46 PM

So i saw this provider coming to the area and i really wanted to setup an appointment so i proceeded with the scheduling system. It seems i passed the screening but she said because of my reviews she thinks we are "not a good match". I have no idea what that means and she just responded not a good match. I read her reviews and it is not like the services she provides and the reviews written about her differs than my reviews of others. I mean if my review i written about how i like S&M and she doesn't provide it then yeah it makes sense but mine is pretty normal so i am kind of confused. I understand i just let it go not like she's only provider but I am curious as to if reading possible client reviews of others is something providers do or this is one of those rare cases? And she is asian btw for those who would say she thinks she is not the ethnic type...

Winning a lottery than understanding a woman's logic. Lucky for you there are many fishes in the sea.

40Cops982 reads

Of 17 reviews, only one provider got a 10 for appearance and another a 10 for performance. You gave a lot of 7s and 8s across the categories. In this TER world those are mediocre to poor evaluations. Appreciate your candor, but very few providers are going to risk those scores which affects their rating and their brand.

...or it could be one thing she's read in your reviews and you'll never know what that is.

Many of the ladies here have said they do read the reviews of potential clients that have contacted them for appointments. I usually tell a lady new to me to feel free to read my reviews if they like whenever I initiate contact.

I didn't bother to read them, so I'll just take a guess and say that something you wrote rubbed her the wrong way. It's anyone's guess as to what that could have been, just trust her evaluation and be glad that you didn't throw away money on a date that may not have turned out to be all that fun.

Is a catch all phrase used by many escorts. It's impossible to speculate the exact reason. Time to simply move on.  

Posted By: lioil
So i saw this provider coming to the area and i really wanted to setup an appointment so i proceeded with the scheduling system. It seems i passed the screening but she said because of my reviews she thinks we are "not a good match". I have no idea what that means and she just responded not a good match. I read her reviews and it is not like the services she provides and the reviews written about her differs than my reviews of others. I mean if my review i written about how i like S&M and she doesn't provide it then yeah it makes sense but mine is pretty normal so i am kind of confused. I understand i just let it go not like she's only provider but I am curious as to if reading possible client reviews of others is something providers do or this is one of those rare cases? And she is asian btw for those who would say she thinks she is not the ethnic type...

I have rejected johns on their reviews for numerous reasons which all would have made the session unpleasant for me. It doesn't take much to turn a hooker off seeing someone. And has been spoken about on here many times, too much honesty does not pay off.

JackDunphy759 reads

Have we all forgotten that here peeps? No need to give out handles. I have never had a girl tell me she wouldn't see me if I skipped the handle/boards I played on request.

Frankly, its none of her business.

I would like to believe that an adult has enough ability to decide if they want what the hooker is selling.

It's so idiotic that some of these women babble that they "need" a good fit.  What a joke!

How any of these imbeciles think that this is anything more than P4P is the issue...hence some of these tools honestly think that they need to make a "connection"...when all the hookers simply care about is the green.

I guess the next time I make reservations at some restaurant that I should expect they do a background check and determine I might not like their ambiance.  Yeah...that'll happen  LOL

Posted By: JackDunphy
Have we all forgotten that here peeps? No need to give out handles. I have never had a girl tell me she wouldn't see me if I skipped the handle/boards I played on request.  
 Frankly, its none of her business.

JackDunphy737 reads

And they don't need a "good fit." That's bullshit as you well know. They need a good review. LOL

Anybody being honest here would tell you this guy got gigged because his scores are too low.

Rod said it so it must be true!

I am concerned, heavily concerned that I am not alone with a guy who wants to pound me into the mattress for 59 minutes roughly because he feels it is his right.  

I have every right to determine how my body is handled in this business. Because the guys who are gentle and take 10 minutes are vastly different from the pounders who want the 59 minutes. I determine what I can handle therefore it behooves me to see the right type of client.

Of course I am a consumer in real life, that is a stupid question. However there is nothing I have ever come across that is even close to this in regard to what is expected by a myriad of different types of men with a myriad of different expectations.

JackDunphy787 reads

Nothing new there. If a guy is pounding you, tell him to stop.  

If he doesn't provide all his review history and board posts, don't see him.  

You have every right to do so. Just like I have every right to choose the path of least resistance screening option that the gal accepts.

No need to make this more complicated than it is.

you have boundaries and desires as does a hooker, how about we both follow what works for us and leave others to their own choices and be done with it.  

You did start to complicate this earlier on when you went off on about how you the consumer gets what he wants and that hookers should not bother with "a good fit". That is where I came in commenting on why I need a good fit and that paying or not, I get the last word on what happens to my body.

You sure do seem quite obsessed over the reviews  LOL

So...I see a new OP has asked about seeing those BP gals.  Are you now suggesting that you don't "have" reviews because you have to keep running?  Or are you just making up some nonsense to support your argument?

I guess johns that would see you would never dream of writing a review here, or on the myriad of other sites.  How do you get them to cease that practice?

I do seem to recall reading reviews of yours...somewhere...far far away  LOL

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
I am concerned, heavily concerned that I am not alone with a guy who wants to pound me into the mattress for 59 minutes roughly because he feels it is his right.  
 I have every right to determine how my body is handled in this business. Because the guys who are gentle and take 10 minutes are vastly different from the pounders who want the 59 minutes. I determine what I can handle therefore it behooves me to see the right type of client.  
 Of course I am a consumer in real life, that is a stupid question. However there is nothing I have ever come across that is even close to this in regard to what is expected by a myriad of different types of men with a myriad of different expectations.

At least it would have some value to me.

Oh...and I have my own system for finding what I want.  

Have YOU had the "not a good match"...ever?

Posted By: Dr Who revived

 Have YOU had the "not a good match"...ever?
How about it?

I don't recall saying that...but it does tell me more about you.

I'm sorry that you're that jilted john.  I'm sure she'll keep on telling you that you're the best.  Just keep on paying her.

I guess you must be the outlier here...or you don't see any hookers.  I'll guess you've seen a few however...and fell for one.  And now you realize that you've been played the fool.

Cheer up...there's another one just around the corner...seriously.

The guys I have rejected because I read their reviews would have had a not so fun time with me had I  seen them. I prefer a good fit, not because I am worried about a shit review, because they don't concern me. I am concerned that I am what a guy wants and I do not want to be alone with a dissatisfied guy pissed because I will not allow or I stop something that is uncomfortable.

I am not the type of hooker who will suck it up and deal with something unpleasant. I will stop whatever it is at any point. His time is then spoiled. If I know that john q trick likes to pull hair or spank I avoid and hope that he finds a hooker that will at the most enjoy this and at the very least allow it.  

I see where you are coming from and many ladies will suck it up and perform or put up with whatever for the one session because they are afraid of a bad review, or their self esteem is so low they won't say no. Whatever the reason, this I guess is the type you hope for in not allowing a hooker to see how you are in the bedroom. You do know that the scope of how a guy hobbys is vast and some ladies are not suited to certain types of BCD activities or personalities? Of course you do, because Jack you are not an ignorant man. I can' imagine how awful it would be to be with a woman who is clearly uncomfortable. Or is this something you don;t care about and punish with a bad review? I guess that is what some guys do if they don;t get their way in a session and who are not allowing a hooker to see his sexual proclivities and personality BCD. Hey, I respect that you don't want to reveal your reviews and I certainly hope you would not be the ugly type to punish a lady for adhering to her boundaries, should you not be a good fit for her. And yes Jack, we do like a a good fit, it makes the session that much better all round.

I like to know as closely as I can that I will ba able to deliver the kind of service a guy is after and will not waste his or my time on someone I know I cannot please

-- Modified on 3/6/2015 11:24:52 AM

JackDunphy779 reads

Personally I don't care what the business "prefers." I care about what I prefer, and since I am paying $$$-$$$$$ and hour, I get to make that determination.  

I read reviews. I bc the reviewers. I look at he menu options. I'll decide what I want. That's the upside to being the client. :)

Don't worry about wasting my time. If I did, its on me, not you.

I promise. I wont ask for a refund. LOL

We can agree to disagree. And as for you determining what actually goes on, well there is two people in that room and even if she sucked 6 cocks bare before you show up, she can still plop a cover on yours.  

As far as I am  concerned, EVERYTHING is YMMV until the guy gets near me and his health, attitude and hygiene say differently. So no Jack, a trick can hope for xy and z but the final word is mine.

So does no mean yes to you? After you have decided what you will already get before meeting her? And if she says no, how do you handle it?

JackDunphy871 reads

I am merely stating that a gal can not bitch about info that isn't provided to her if she didtn ask to begin with.

For example, I ask what your fav beverage is and what can I bring to the session. You tell me Champagne. I show up with Champagne. Then you bitch it isn't red wine. LOL

You can bitch if you want in that case, but it would be a BSC bitch.

I will respect any lady here who demands to see someones TER handle/review history. At least that girl is being honest.

But the ones that don't, and that is all of them I believe, LOL, cant bitch about something omitted they DONT require!

And read that you won't provide such info if asked.  

So are you not wanting a good fit with the beverage? Even though you are paying you still asked. Why is it so far fetched that a lady wants to know a little about the next tricks fucking style to make sure she can keep up, or even deal.

For the record Jack, I support any trick who does not want to give his review history if asked.  

And I was not even considering the hooker not asking. I thought that was the entire thread about a hooker who did ask and once read, decided the trick was not someone she wanted to see.

JackDunphy539 reads

It is just a question of semantics at this point. I don't get "asked" though HT, and that's the point.

The girls gives me verification options and I choose one. She NEVER gets back and says "Thanks John, but you forgot to give me your board handle." LOL

Some johns offer it up to make verification easier, in their mind I guess, but I still have never been turned down since I started not giving out any handles.

Life is just simpler. Who wouldn't choose simpler? LO

I'm not stupid, I know where bad reviews comes from - unhappy customers and unhappy ladies. One of the most important things I can do for not only the guys but myself and my business is to make sure that we are a good match, and that I am personally happy at the office.  

What works for each lady and gent will vary a LOT. That's what makes this good, and that's why most of us don't trust people who are only interested in having a time, not a good one.

I see it went well  LOL

Posted By: OhCharlie
I'm not stupid, I know where bad reviews comes from - unhappy customers and unhappy ladies. One of the most important things I can do for not only the guys but myself and my business is to make sure that we are a good match, and that I am personally happy at the office.  
 What works for each lady and gent will vary a LOT. That's what makes this good, and that's why most of us don't trust people who are only interested in having a time, not a good one.

JackDunphy791 reads

Wouldn't that be a "One-cott?" Or is it "No-cott?"  

That always confuses me. :D

But yes, women being so put off by you and others that they'll take their tits and go home is definitely worth a giggle or two. Forrrr suuuure.  

Personally, I hate that our community is judged on a few by the rest of the world. So I post. Otherwise we will never get past civilians pitying us enough to "protect" us from the extreme minority.

Well...most that I know don't ask for them.  But seems a few here think they somehow are meaningful so THEY can decide if it's a fit  LOL

WOW...I guess none of these hookers ever went to a restaurant.  Although I read here that they do

First of all, there's very little I'm not interested in trying. And, I honesty don't particularly care how we spend our time. You wanna look into my eyes? Oggle away, baby. You wanna talk about some filthy stuff? Go for it! Wanna snuggle? Do something high energy? I don't care. That variety is exactly why I'm here. So, a review isn't going to give me much of anything useful, as I prefer to work with what I'm given. Now, will I read them and take them into account? Sure. But if he wants something more than I can generally read from him when he walks in, something out of the norm, he's probably going to mention it.  

Secondly, I can say that I've developed a pretty good gut instinct. I haven't met anyone I didn't really like and hit it off with in almost a year based in large part on emailing back and forth with the guy. If they don't care about setting the thing up, they're probably not going to care that much in the appointment, and that is honestly boring for me. Some of my reviewers mostly give out 6s and 7s, but seemed like we would get along. And guess what? I'm their only 9 or 10. Not because I demanded a handle and only saw easy graders, but because I made sure that the session would be worth it for them because 1) that is my standard and 2) I understand that value comes from a lot more than acronyms. Like I said, I'm not interested in ripping anyone off, and going into something knowing there is no chemistry is a good way to do it.  

And lastly, yeah. I can find the reviews 4 out of 5 times, so there's no need for me to demand it, given the amount I care vs how often I can find them vs the bother of "no reeeeaally just gimme". I'm not afraid of reviews. My advertising is pretty clear, and all of my reviews came from the request "please be honest, because I don't ever want anyone to come and not get what they were looking for". So anyone who is contacting me is doing so after getting a pretty accurate description of me, and I trust that he knows what he likes. It's just up to me whether I like him too after talking a little bit, and we go from there.  

Either way, I'm not sure what this has to do with my post, other than proving that once again, it's the ladies choice in who she chooses to see and why. Just because I'm pretty wide open doesn't mean others aren't, and it also doesn't mean that they should defy their comfort zones to do this any other way.  

What do you have against practically placing an order? Or giving the lady a chance to save you hundreds of dollars? That's basically what you do when you show your reviews, right? "I like this, not that, and since I can't explicitly tell you, here is some fantasy fiction"? What is it about what you say and do that you make a point to hide it from the lady you're contacting?

No reason to share my "stories" with anyone else either.

I like what I like...as you do.  And if after we've bantered it is easy for guys like me to know if this is something I want to spend my time and money on.

Hasn't failed me yet  ;)

Posted By: OhCharlie
First of all, there's very little I'm not interested in trying. And, I honesty don't particularly care how we spend our time. You wanna look into my eyes? Oggle away, baby. You wanna talk about some filthy stuff? Go for it! Wanna snuggle? Do something high energy? I don't care. That variety is exactly why I'm here. So, a review isn't going to give me much of anything useful, as I prefer to work with what I'm given. Now, will I read them and take them into account? Sure. But if he wants something more than I can generally read from him when he walks in, something out of the norm, he's probably going to mention it.  
 Secondly, I can say that I've developed a pretty good gut instinct. I haven't met anyone I didn't really like and hit it off with in almost a year based in large part on emailing back and forth with the guy. If they don't care about setting the thing up, they're probably not going to care that much in the appointment, and that is honestly boring for me. Some of my reviewers mostly give out 6s and 7s, but seemed like we would get along. And guess what? I'm their only 9 or 10. Not because I demanded a handle and only saw easy graders, but because I made sure that the session would be worth it for them because 1) that is my standard and 2) I understand that value comes from a lot more than acronyms. Like I said, I'm not interested in ripping anyone off, and going into something knowing there is no chemistry is a good way to do it.  
 And lastly, yeah. I can find the reviews 4 out of 5 times, so there's no need for me to demand it, given the amount I care vs how often I can find them vs the bother of "no reeeeaally just gimme". I'm not afraid of reviews. My advertising is pretty clear, and all of my reviews came from the request "please be honest, because I don't ever want anyone to come and not get what they were looking for". So anyone who is contacting me is doing so after getting a pretty accurate description of me, and I trust that he knows what he likes. It's just up to me whether I like him too after talking a little bit, and we go from there.  
 Either way, I'm not sure what this has to do with my post, other than proving that once again, it's the ladies choice in who she chooses to see and why. Just because I'm pretty wide open doesn't mean others aren't, and it also doesn't mean that they should defy their comfort zones to do this any other way.  
 What do you have against practically placing an order? Or giving the lady a chance to save you hundreds of dollars? That's basically what you do when you show your reviews, right? "I like this, not that, and since I can't explicitly tell you, here is some fantasy fiction"? What is it about what you say and do that you make a point to hide it from the lady you're contacting?

JackDunphy739 reads

THATS what it had to do with your post.  

And I am glad I am in the 20% of johns that you cant find the reviews for. LOL.

Lots of way to play this little game Charlie.

Being the customer puts me at an advantage. I am not going to give up info that isn't even required that may put me in jeopardy of seeing anyone I choose.

Its called being a savvy and smart consumer.  

Sorry, Charlie. LOL

If a lady has a notion in her head that we will not be a good fit, and has made the determination that she doesn't want to meet, then so be it.  This hasn't happened to me yet, but if it did, I would just move along.  It doesn't even matter if I think her conclusion is brilliantly insightful or based on out-in-space nutty logic (if she gave me the full reason).  A big part of the enjoyment of dates for me is the vibe - and when there are so many great opportunities out there which can start off with a positive vibe, I don't "get" the idea of trying to twist a lady's arm to have sex with me if she doesn't want to.  And despite all the somewhat cold "this is just a business" speak that goes on - this really is A LOT different from all other service businesses.  Who a lady has sex with is always - and should always - be her decision based on comfort level, EVEN IF with things like TER and P411 we guys can be lulled into thinking of this as any other internet shopping we might do - like Amazon - and that this comes with all the same rights to not be refused service.  This just isn't the same thing as that.  Not at all.

If a guy is going to wear her out for a week and she knows it, it IS her business to protect her business and the customers she already has lined up from her being taken out of commission.  

If a guy is going to be degrading and make her feel like crap, it is absolutely her business to avoid him and continue on being a happy person, even if he's not.  

If a guy is clearly into something she doesn't provide, it IS her business to save him some money and her the grief of dealing with an unhappy customer.  

Even if she just doesn't like the way he writes all lovey dovey, it is STILL 100% her business and her decision who she is going to see.  

Did you still provide screening information? Did you still write in a different manner than you do here? Absolutely. Because you know that the final decision on what is good business lies with her. If you're embarrassed by what you've said under your handle and won't provide it, that just proves that, once again, it's her decision and she is more than capable of turning you away.  

Fortunately or unfortunately, until you guys can safely and legally walk in the front door and plop down some money like any other business, it is never going to be you guys making the final decision on whether or not you two (or more) are a good fit. Until then, this is still all based on whether we want to meet you or not. NOT the other way around. You may send the first email, but we send the last.  

Pretending any differently is just cock blocking yourself or any poor soul who thinks this is a good attitude to have towards a woman in this business. We do not like entitlement and we certainly don't like men who enjoy taking our autonomy away.

But this is also nonsense...on nearly every point you're trying to make.

If this is such a tough gig for you...get an education and give it a whirl IRL.

It's always going to be a customer driven business...deal with it already!

What time is the next meeting?  I'll send some food over for you and your pals to enjoy.  

Posted By: OhCharlie
If a guy is going to wear her out for a week and she knows it, it IS her business to protect her business and the customers she already has lined up from her being taken out of commission.  
 If a guy is going to be degrading and make her feel like crap, it is absolutely her business to avoid him and continue on being a happy person, even if he's not.  
 If a guy is clearly into something she doesn't provide, it IS her business to save him some money and her the grief of dealing with an unhappy customer.  
 Even if she just doesn't like the way he writes all lovey dovey, it is STILL 100% her business and her decision who she is going to see.  
 Did you still provide screening information? Did you still write in a different manner than you do here? Absolutely. Because you know that the final decision on what is good business lies with her. If you're embarrassed by what you've said under your handle and won't provide it, that just proves that, once again, it's her decision and she is more than capable of turning you away.  
 Fortunately or unfortunately, until you guys can safely and legally walk in the front door and plop down some money like any other business, it is never going to be you guys making the final decision on whether or not you two (or more) are a good fit. Until then, this is still all based on whether we want to meet you or not. NOT the other way around. You may send the first email, but we send the last.  
 Pretending any differently is just cock blocking yourself or any poor soul who thinks this is a good attitude to have towards a woman in this business. We do not like entitlement and we certainly don't like men who enjoy taking our autonomy away.

Or did I say that it is my duty, as a business woman, to provide a good service?

What do you say any time a woman says "oh, this guy just tore me up and I can't work for a week?", or "man, I've been seeing some jerks and I'm really sick of it"? Fix your screening and stick to your boundaries.  

There is no difference in our advice, just our attitudes.

I guess you'll just have to work on your attitude then  LOL

As far as what I say any time a woman says blah blah blah...I know better  ;)

Especially in this bizarre corner of society.

Posted By: OhCharlie
Or did I say that it is my duty, as a business woman, to provide a good service?  
 What do you say any time a woman says "oh, this guy just tore me up and I can't work for a week?", or "man, I've been seeing some jerks and I'm really sick of it"? Fix your screening and stick to your boundaries.  
 There is no difference in our advice, just our attitudes.

Vagazzle813 reads

There are nuances that we know about ourselves that you cannot decipher simply by looking at our website or reviews.  For example, if a woman feels sexiest with a man larger than her, and a gentleman writes and says he's 5'4" and 110 lbs, she has every right to say "I don't think we're a good match".  She might feel totally self-conscious around a small guy and it would reflect on her performance.  I could come up with many more examples of incompatibility, but that is all for now.

JackDunphy814 reads

No gal I know of demands board posting/review history.  

Maybe you know girls I don't?

Vagazzle781 reads

I don't demand anything but references.

So you're saying that unless she explicitly requires board handles for screening, she's wrong to reject a request if she discovers his handle during the course of her screening?

But since you may not perform well when a munchkin shows up...perhaps take that accelerated class on "How to pretend to like someone".

Maybe take the first one over as well  ;)

Posted By: Vagazzle
There are nuances that we know about ourselves that you cannot decipher simply by looking at our website or reviews.  For example, if a woman feels sexiest with a man larger than her, and a gentleman writes and says he's 5'4" and 110 lbs, she has every right to say "I don't think we're a good match".  She might feel totally self-conscious around a small guy and it would reflect on her performance.  I could come up with many more examples of incompatibility, but that is all for now.

JackDunphy932 reads

The simplicity of the argument escapes them.  

I guess the fact that girls don't get info they don't require is very confusing. LOL

Gets an email/s from you and says the same thing just by the tone of your email/s? I have done that countless times as the "fit" in conversation was off and I did not want to be alone with them.

Do you feel she has no right to refuse on those grounds? Even if you think she is a good match for you? I think I see now how a trick might get all butt hurt being refused given your premise if that the john determines the fit, not the hooker and how a john is BCD is none of her business.  

And not every guy I have seen has given me his handle and I do ask if he is a reviewer and I make it perfectly clear that I want a good match. If he declines I am not worried. I have my boundaries and will enforce them. I think they get the message that I really want some level of compatibility. If not, then they get what they get.

I'm sure it's as creative and artistic as some of the glowing reviews written by johns for the benefit of women just like you.

I think you got the message...I hope.

I do despise when women here have problems when they are rejected.  It's almost as pitiful when the johns cry about it.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Gets an email/s from you and says the same thing just by the tone of your email/s? I have done that countless times as the "fit" in conversation was off and I did not want to be alone with them.  
 Do you feel she has no right to refuse on those grounds? Even if you think she is a good match for you? I think I see now how a trick might get all butt hurt being refused given your premise if that the john determines the fit, not the hooker and how a john is BCD is none of her business.  
 And not every guy I have seen has given me his handle and I do ask if he is a reviewer and I make it perfectly clear that I want a good match. If he declines I am not worried. I have my boundaries and will enforce them. I think they get the message that I really want some level of compatibility. If not, then they get what they get.

JackDunphy713 reads

But I have never had one turn me down for not providing a handle. EVER. So the point is moot HT.

The gal demands contact of some kind (i.e. your email example) and if she determines from that info she is not cool with me, of course its her call.

But you and CharlieGirl are REALLY missing the big picture. How can you exclude a guy for information that ISNT required? LOL

Silly when you think about it. LOL

Both of them do the same nonsense...."it's my way or the highway".

But as many of "us" know from others that is just not the reality.

Damn...rents are due again  ;)

Posted By: JackDunphy
But I have never had one turn me down for not providing a handle. EVER. So the point is moot HT.  
 The gal demands contact of some kind (i.e. your email example) and if she determines from that info she is not cool with me, of course its her call.  
 But you and CharlieGirl are REALLY missing the big picture. How can you exclude a guy for information that ISNT required? LOL  
 Silly when you think about it. LOL

No a review history is not required in order to get a date, but if a guy hands it over and she finds him unsuitable, then is it not her right to refuse him? If we agree on that fine.

I do not require that a reviewer give me his handle. I prefer to to make sure of this fit we talk about. If he does not want to fine, he gets what he gets. I personally don't dismiss a guy if he refuses to tell me his handle. But there is nothing saying a hooker can't refuse on that alone. It is what it is.

I turn people down every day for information I didn't outright ask for. So do others. The only thing worse than making up random "rules" for each argument you try to have is making up random rules that are not and will clearly never be followed.

-- Modified on 3/6/2015 1:36:30 PM

This is not McDonald's. While this is just business, it is still extremely intimate. Both sides need to feel comfortable and can reject the other for any reason. Being rejected, while annoying, is a good thing as if one is not comfortable nether is likely happy.  

Now I no longer share my board information to avoid drama if I have to write a not so happy review. But if given it is legitimate to use it to screen. Even if it is to cherry pick her reviewers. Avoiding those ladies is the best thing that can happen. Learned that the hard way.  

And there is other more legitimate reasons, like if a guy is obsessed with anal play and the lady don't do that. Another is when a guy posts negative behaviors in his reviews, as an example one guy bragged how he pressured a lady into expanding her menu.

In the end anyone in this game has to have the right to say no thanks for any readon. If not we are not talking P4P we are talking a form of rape. No thank you.

-- Modified on 3/6/2015 3:26:46 PM

Up front, a lady markets to the clients she desires.

A client determines (based on that info) if he thinks she would be a good match to his desire.

The provider determines if she wants to see said gent.

The gent confirms if this is the case by scheduling an appointment.

A gent determines if the match was good enough to schedule a return visit to the provider based on his previous experience.

A provider determines if the match was good enough to accept said request for a return session.

*Round and round we go.*
EVERYONE gets to play this game.

ValuedCustomer767 reads

As far the OP is concerned - as usual - you are right in your inimitably tactless manner.   You really are good at that.  Yes - Your handle is none of her business if you don't want it to be.  

But that doesn't change the basic fact that she can decide to see you or not based on whether or not her dog  Fifi decided to fart when you called or whether she thinks you are just going to be too much of a pain in the ass to deal with.  Just as you can decide to not ever pick up the phone.   To state that the power in this transaction resides entirely with the consumer is laughable.  You have oft mentioned negotiating.  Why negotiate if you have all the power...

Probably at least one of these:

--Your scores are too low.

--Your narrative is a problem in some way:  too graphic, disrespectful, or something else.

--You're revealed something about yourself that she doesn't like: age, weight, race perhaps.

Don't worry about it.  Find someone else.  There are lots of options.

Its the content of some of your reviews, honestly.
While you're not too crass, you have certain verbiage in a few of the reviews I read that rub me the wrong way. You also discuss price in one of your reviews which I know from personal experience can be a major bummer because rates change.  

You also seem to have a pattern for specific types of women, and while its definitely fun to branch out, it can make it difficult for a provider outside of your pattern to make you happy due to your preferences.  

Personally, when I look at reviews, the numbers don't mean as much to me. It's the content. It's nice to have an idea about our compatibility in a session and see what your likes and dislikes are, and take that into account along with what type of session you're requesting.  It  helps.  

I'd move on and find someone else who either doesn't care too much about numbers or who falls more in line with your current provider pattern.

Good luck!

Posted By: MissErinBlack

 I'd move on and find someone else who either doesn't care too much about numbers or who falls more in line with your current provider pattern.  

Erin, I don't think clients should avoid contacting ladies just because they may be a little different from his usual pattern.  Attraction is a funny thing, and guys can be attracted to many different kinds of ladies, and this can change over time too.  If a lady captures his eye and imagination, that's all that matters on HIS end of things.  Of course you or any lady are absolutely free to refuse a date for ANY reason and that's 100% fine.  But that's completely on your end of things, and I just don't think guys need to worry about restricting themselves in who they contact.  It's fun to switch things up occasionally. If she's not interested, then so be it, and then he should move on to the next lady.  Just my opinion anyway...

If I notice that a potential playmate seems to prefer a certain type. I'm not going to reject the guy for this reason alone!   There's been many times I've responded with something like "Hey, I see you have a preference for some pretty luscious porn star types.  I am anything but voluptuous - are you sure I will meet your needs?"  Or "Hey, I got all excited reading your DT scenes, but if your member is any bigger than average, my little mouth might be a bit of a disappointment!"  Without exception, I've heard something back like "I've seen your pictures/read your reviews and I'm pretty sure you are exactly what I'm in the mood for."  However, if the response had been "Thanks for letting me know - I think I'll look elsewhere," that would have been great too.  The last thing I want is playtime plagued by disappointment, frustration, or even plain ol' awkwardness - on either side.

Communication.  It's fast.  It's free.  It's awesome.

I run on too long with what I say sometimes, so I didn't get into that part of it in my reply, but you are SPOT ON with communication being key.  Also, getting a little better feel for each other can really ramp-up the anticipation, and help ensure that the date kicks off with a great vibe right from the start.  And in cases where the lady is a little different from a guy's more typical type, it probably makes sense to proactively add an extra sentence or two (beyond the norm) in the first contact to say what particularly has peaked his interest in her.

No matter what the overall impression this thread might give, the vast majority of guys aren't in it to see X body on X day, they're in it to have a good time, and will appreciate if you let them know they won't

JackDunphy678 reads

You have been away for awhile so your posting "skills" are a bit rusty. LOL

You can no more speak for the vast majority of guys then you can speak for the vast majority of women here!

I see your lack of experience in this game coupled with your young age is leaving you to leap to conclusions.

Unless you have done a study I am unaware of?  

Please share the results and I will opine at that time.

I mean damn! You seem to nit pick on every little imperfection someone has and put it in your review and drop scores or have it hinder your overall experience because of it. Yeah your numerical scoring is OK, and seems fair, but leg veins and a butter face? WOW!!!  

Are we not humans? Are we not regular real women that happen to provide? What gives? You want a model or a porn star, well there are ladies that hook and are almost flawless, but are they in your price range? Hmmm... Time to reevaluate what you want and why you are here.  

Best bet, go to a local M&G, check out your potential girls, pick apart in your head what is physically wrong to you and take them off your list. At least that route, you aren't subjecting future ladies to your ideals of beauty and perfection that are obviously very high and aren't readily fixable without major plastic surgery.  

Never been so self conscious about my freckles and my two green leg veins until now... Geez!

Well now we know why she dodged this creature. Oh and he doesn't have to be good looking, he is possibly hideous. All he has to do is have  money and that should allow him full court access to whatever he wants right?

And said everything else was fine, just couldn't get over her face. C'mon! The chick made him cum at least twice and he had a great experience. He said he was into faces more than body. OK...  

The other one I read, he was attracted to the girl but couldn't get over her green veins. WTF!!! How are we supposed to help what color our veins are? Oh and she was too skinny, bummer.  

I stopped reading his reviews at that point. Checked back again and some are ok. Too picky and critical for my taste.

-- Modified on 3/6/2015 4:58:58 PM

Thanks for the feedbacks. I think my scores generally falls inline with the average of the provider so maybe that's not it? And i guess it is hard to say someone will give you a 10 just because he gives only 9/10? I guess like others said it could be anything and there's nothing i could do and am not gonna lose any sleep over it. However, it does help to know maybe i should fudge the scores a bit perhaps and make review less honest?

And scored as he saw fit he is now a pariah amongst would be highly rated providers?  What if he is trying to "up his game" and get away from the lower ratings?  What if he doesn't score 9's and 10's because none will see him? Granted, I didn't read the content of his reviews but perhaps he would score higher if he could see someone who deserved higher scores who wasn't so afraid of manipulating the system so they only get 10's.  Considering he has a few 9's and 10's in his list suggests that his candor is fairly honest by his own standards.

Rather than punish honesty we should foster it and strive to do our best and be judged/reviewed appropriately.  Take an average score of 7 and treat it as a learning experience about how to do better performancewise next time.  A provider with 10/10 for 50 reviews is either manipulating the system or seeing only selective people to maintain the average.  There's nothing wrong with 8's and 9's and a 7 to me isn't bad, its average.  A straight 10 gal while possible, is improbable over time.

"Granted, I didn't read the content of his reviews "
maybe you should read his reviews first.
either that or don't assume that it has a thing to do with the numbers. she didn't say that, you made it up.

erin black already commented how numbers do not bother her. numbers also do not bother me.

yes, numbers do bother some people, but thats life. not everyone READS (cough cough) and thats why numbers do bother some girls. you seem to be more fixated on numbers and not reading more than anyone else who has posted here.

He asked the question. My answer was to address the 'why' question. I'm not dogging him, just giving my opinion on why she passed based on his reviews. I do think he is nit picky after reading some of his reviews.

IMO she either said no thanks because of his scores or the content of his reviews, or both, lol.

Just one lady's opinion.

Steph xoxo

Now we have tricks telling us what criteria we can use to refuse a date. Does it matter if it was scores? It could have been his tone or one word he said, the bottom line is they both dodged a bullet for different reasons.  

I make my rules not a trick. They are more than welcome to make as many rules as they see fit for themselves.


Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Now we have tricks telling us what criteria we can use to refuse a date. Does it matter if it was scores? It could have been his tone or one word he said, the bottom line is they both dodged a bullet for different reasons.  
 I make my rules not a trick. They are more than welcome to make as many rules as they see fit for themselves.

I was told once that my reviews were all over the place.
I can only say that each review has to stand on it's own merit.
Some will be better and some worse if one tells the truth about each experience.
Just my 2...

A hooker can judge you on those reviews and do as she sees fit. If you don't want her to see your reviews, that is your right, just as it is a hookers right to refuse anything she feels uncomfortable with regardless of what said hooker did with the last 5 guys she saw.

This is way too personal of a thing to be telling others what to do. Not that you did.

JackDunphy995 reads

I see the gals I want to see.  

This isn't the providers fault, its YOURS.  

Now you know. ;

Just for shits and giggles.

There are some hookers/johns here who can't keep up with all the handle changes anyhow  LOL

Posted By: JackDunphy
I see the gals I want to see.  
 This isn't the providers fault, its YOURS.  
 Now you know. ;)  

Nothing...it's simply a P4P experience.

Why some of YOU nice folks need to make it more than what it is...is amazing.

John shows up...pays...leaves.

How fucking tough is this?

Posted By: MiMi
But not everyone comes off as unlikeable.  

And you are now heading into total WK territory.  Perhaps you should name a hooker or two so that they'll recognize your brave efforts on their behalf?

You can do this via PM if you're afraid of outing someone.

So...is this still P4P we're discussing?  Or are you in love with some hooker and she's still fucking strange and you're pissed about it?  Maybe you should pay her more money and she'll leave the biz for a while.  I've seen that work for a bit...usually 3-6 months

...rather than take on every offer they have time for. Sessions are objectively better when there's an easy rapport and mutual pleasure.  

I get the impression that you've fallen and been burned a few times. I recall an old thread where you were at a loss as to why your ATF dumped you after trying to negotiate more services at a lower rate. I can see how that experience would color your outlook on P4P.

That comment is quite the outlier.  Most women seem to bitch about the guys for a multitude of reasons.  But yet, need to see them so they aren't evicted.

I still maintain that you're a jilted john...I'm sorry about that.  Don't fall...and don't get burned.  Remember...this is P4P.  And also remember...negotiate negotiate and negotiate some more.

I recall that old thread...and the funny part is that...well, see my advice above  LOL

Trust me...they aren't going anywhere...and still want to see you (well...mostly the still want to see our best pal named Ben).  I'm sure they want to see you because you're just a great guy...right?  

But..I'm not you and don't take much of this seriously.  Hence, I can see just why you feel compelled to WK for them.  But guess what...they don't really need your help.  Although some like to play the "damsel in distress" card.  I only go along with that if she's willing to play it "all the way"  ;)

Posted By: cocktail-party
...rather than take on every offer they have time for. Sessions are objectively better when there's an easy rapport and mutual pleasure.  
 I get the impression that you've fallen and been burned a few times. I recall an old thread where you were at a loss as to why your ATF dumped you after trying to negotiate more services at a lower rate. I can see how that experience would color your outlook on P4P.  

JackDunphy689 reads

Do I need them to enjoy my dining experience too? :D :

In all of my years of whoring, the only once has a client "shown up...paid...and left".  (This particular gent had to cancel late and dropped the fee off anyways.

I see on your TER page that you have a one and two hour rate.

Perhaps you might spend a buck or two for a clock and when it hits an hour...have it go off?

Otherwise it seems (based on your reviews) that guys show up...pay...fuck...and leave.  If those reviews are incorrect you should let TER know that this isn't what happened  LOL

I'm sure that you and all the other hookers here can make a spiritual connection within moments.  I hope it doesn't get in the way of your initial orgasm when you open the door up.

Posted By: MiMi
In all of my years of whoring, the only once has a client "shown up...paid...and left".  (This particular gent had to cancel late and dropped the fee off anyways.)  

So fierce, you!  But you left out the "fuck" part in your initial analysis.  

All of your moaning and gnashing of teeth somehow overlooks the obvious: When working in a lively market that allows the picking and choosing of one's own clients, a service provider is likely to shuffle douchebags to the "Only When Desperate" column of her client list

ValuedCustomer894 reads

I have never before observed anyone with your talent to state true things and really piss everybody off.  There's a radio talk show or a column in the Times in your future....

This is probably not going to go over well, and I want to be clear - I never, ever judge a provider's business model.  It works for them, like mine works for me.

But I don't get half hour sessions.  It seems ripe for men who try to get extra time 'to finish' and I have seen too many reviews saying they were 'rushed' and 'I didn't get to connect with her.'  It's 30 minutes.  I can't imagine it being anything other than a wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am' situation.  And if I see a review where someone is incredibly snotty about a half hour session, I pass on him.  Because really, I know what that is.    

It's not about him getting blamed for writing honest reviews.  It's just that someone who does half hour sessions at a low price point and complains gives all kinds of red flags to me, and maybe other providers as well.  If you read his reviews, not just his scores, there are comments like "She should charge by 15 minutes, cause I paid for a half hour".  And out of principle, I don't see clients who use the phrasing he does to express his unhappiness that for $150.00/half hour that a supermodel didn't open the door and 'connect' with him.    Not out of a fear of a bad review, but because of my personal standards.

Just like there are several different types of providers, there are several  different types of clients.  Reviews not only help gentlemen find the perfect provider, it helps us connect with clients who match our needs for what we consider an optimal client.   It's a two way street.

Vagazzle769 reads

Gentlemen who write positive reviews are often enjoyable clients.

Some people think that guys who write positive reviews are ass-kissers or promoting the girl, but often, the guy is just FUN, has a great PERSONALITY, and is a great FUCK.

Some (not all) guys who write mean reviews are very undesirable themselves.  When you're a crappy person, you tend to not have a very good time with ANYONE, so it reflects poorly on the provider.  This is why providers have to be selective.  If there's any indication that they slam or denigrate providers in reviews, chances are they are not going to be a fun client.

Got to love the cherry pickers. She did you  favor. Move on and count your blessings.

I will ask if the guy is a reviewer and then if he minds if I take look to make sure we are going to be a good fit. If he refuses, well he gets whatever I serve up within my boundaries. If that is not what he looking for, oh well. He had his chance. I don't like my time wasted nor do I want to waste a johns time and money on me if I am not going to satisfy him.

Regardless of her other reviews, she saw something in your reviews or the way you wrote them that set off a red flag so much so, she declined your money. Good thing you moved on.  

I did read further down that you mentioned butterface in regards to a hooker you had seen. Well, that right there shows a blatant disrespect for that hooker and to some of us, your entire view of women, to use a slang and disrespectful term like that. I am sure there are more respectful ways to enlighten fellow mongers of her facial features without using such a foul term. Who wants to see a guy who talks like that? I would  not and by the looks of it, many more hookers would pass too.  

If you did not use that term, then disregard this paragraph. But that still leaves the fact that something you said or the tone was not right for her. Rarely do people who say inappropriate things feel they do.

-- Modified on 3/6/2015 2:51:45 PM

...I also think you are far from being able to definitively say whether the guy would enjoy the session with you based on the scraps of information you have to go on.  I mean, I enjoy different kinds of service, so when I contact a lady it will always indicate that I am interested in the type of service that is described in her reviews, regardless of what services I may have enjoyed with others in the past.  Now if YOUR REVIEWS do not present an accurate picture of your services and personality, then that's another issue altogether.  Also, if a lady goes into a date thinking it won't go well, I could see that being a self-fulfilling prophesy.

Having said all that, I realize that it's all just about making best guesses in this hobby (ladies and gents alike), and we all research and then just do what our gut tells us to do - so I don't begrudge a lady at all for sticking with her instincts.

Hobbyists use reviews to select providers, why not provider using reviews to select hobbyists? Fair to me.  

You have to agree, some of the reviews do tell a lot about the reviewer.  

Looks like a smart move on her part

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