TER General Board

Someone with more medical knowledge than I will have to clarify
cashorcredit 924 reads

While it's possible it's highly unlikely to get hiv from eating pussy.  

Hypothetically speaking she would have to have hiv, if a guy has a cut on his gums or tongue and he eats her pussy while she's on her period... then a blood transfer will occur putting the guy at risk.  

That's just an example, I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to do such a thing.  

-- Modified on 10/7/2014 3:24:51 PM

-- Modified on 10/7/2014 3:36:03 PM

WTF???  Don't even know what to say... Fortunately I have never seen these two.  But it makes me want to be selfish and only receive oral, not provide.  

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whether you are more or less likely to get HIV while giving or receiving oral from another female.  I honestly don't know if an HIV-positive female has the virus in both her saliva and her vaginal fluids.  But if she has it in both, it may not matter if you're giving or receiving from her.
As you know, I am far too lazy to look this up but hope someone can clarify.

-- Modified on 10/7/2014 10:56:20 PM

I don't think you can get HIV from saliva.  Honestly this just provides me with an excuse to enjoy without feeling guilty for not reciprocating.  I'm ok with that.

Personally, l love to eat pussy.  If I had to give it up I'd be devastated.

But would you want to as much if you could selfishly have one orgasm after another?

cashorcredit925 reads

While it's possible it's highly unlikely to get hiv from eating pussy.  

Hypothetically speaking she would have to have hiv, if a guy has a cut on his gums or tongue and he eats her pussy while she's on her period... then a blood transfer will occur putting the guy at risk.  

That's just an example, I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to do such a thing.  

-- Modified on 10/7/2014 3:24:51 PM

-- Modified on 10/7/2014 3:36:03 PM

HIV or no HIV the young lady isn't physically appealing to my eyes.

cashorcredit598 reads

That's the first mistake those guys made seeing someone who's looks to be a 3 at best.

Before she can receive an appearance rating.

My scale starts at zero and only goes up.

cashorcredit1685 reads

According to TER 1, I was scared, 2 ugly, 3s homely. By default I had to rate a 3 if I'm going by the TER rating scale.  


-- Modified on 10/7/2014 4:07:51 PM

cashorcredit659 reads

The OP can correct me if I'm wrong I think she was a Craigslist broad from St Louis, not sure if she had any reviews.

I did see the craigslist mentioned in the report. Wouldn't be surprised if she did have a BP ad out there.

Obviously having a BP ad doesn't guarantee she would have a active profile here.

You are correct, she was a Craigslist provider from STL.  I fully expected the links to be removed for "outing."  But you can google.  

Just a reminder as to why BBFS is a bad idea.

Whether a female is a 3...4....6 or a 10 doesn't matter. Even the hottest female can make a mistake a get a client who has HIV/Aids and catch it.

cashorcredit609 reads

Someone who looks that bad, there's no remote chance of a mistake with me because I would have no intentions of seeing her in the first place.  

However I get what you're trying to say.

The woman is not attractive and looks like an IV drug user.

Would you want your mouth that?

NewEnglandGangsta707 reads

Dey be wut I would call "Stank ass NASTY ASS HOES!" all that nasty virus positive and shit and not giving a shit about other people and shit. Dayum, dat's some messed up fucked up shit

I'm certainly no expert, but I believe that the risks of contracting HIV thru DATY is vastly lower than contracting something like herpes. Like inicky46 I am also a great lover of giving (as well as receiving) and don't plan on quitting anytime soon, altho there will always be that little nagging doubt while happily slurping away - is this clam safe to munch??

I have sometimes thought about bringing dental dams to sessions, but it just somehow doesn't seem quite right. And when would you whip one out? Talk about a mood killer.  
Yeah, yeah I know.....better a mood killer than a viral gift that keeps on giving.

I wasn't aware of what was going on... and I didn't swallow.

What kind of fagtard thinks that's a respectable way to conduct business anyhow?

cashorcredit737 reads

To purposely try to give someone a disease is fucked up.

Amazing what gals will do to keep the clients calling.  

Hey Nick, she wants you to eat it! are you down for the mission?

SBW were you searching for Missouri political news?

Diseased ridden hookers or johns are disgusting!!!!  

Posted By: swingsbothways
WTF???  Don't even know what to say... Fortunately I have never seen these two.  But it makes me want to be selfish and only receive oral, not provide.    
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