TER General Board

So, you would keep fkin a gal if you knew she had HIV?teeth_smile
London Rayne See my TER Reviews 369 reads

Idiot. I would care with a condom or not... no brainer. What if that fker turned like 8 colors, is what I am wondering lol.

The condom uses a built-in indicator that changes to a different color depending on the bacteria or infection it detects. The students said it may glow green for chlamydia, yellow for herpes, purple for human papillomavirus, or blue for syphilis.



So once you are actively in the act, and the condom starts reacting then what do you do? Awkward...  

For the target group this would be helpful too, I doubt they have the willpower or sense to pull out and stop, once you have already been exposed, what would be the point? Heck anyone of any age often ignore subtle warnings and dangers for the pursuit of pleasure. And I don't just mean sex, this goes for anything we indulge in. But that is none of my business... LOL!

Sounds like a cool science project, but very impractical.  How about false positives or false negatives?  

If you "test" positive, then who is the positive partner?  And you already did your thing, so what is it really preventing?

If you "test" negative, will it give people an excuse not to wear it?  False negatives, anyone

What would be the biological dynamics that would be critical in concatenating the diagnosis with the carrier?  Also what is the accuracy that the prophylactic has within a +/- range as well

the carrier of wearing a condom?

ragnar27251 reads

What if the people involved are color blind?  Were the students professional hookers and johns?

icebear332 reads

Posted By: OriginalK
The condom uses a built-in indicator that changes to a different color depending on the bacteria or infection it detects. The students said it may glow green for chlamydia, yellow for herpes, purple for human papillomavirus, or blue for syphilis.  
If your covered... why would you care if someone is infected? What would be the course of action if everything is in the clear? Take it off and continue bareback?

90% of the time we do that, if the john is infected we don't, or the smart ones don't

Bob.Sugar245 reads

How you know that any percentage of women do whatever they do is an amazing skill.

We are always looking for those people who can speak for the majority of the population.  You certainly seem well equipped for the position.

Can you confirm that you are in at least 90% of the sessions of every john and hooker in the world?  That is an important item if we were to hire you.  Otherwise I am afraid you are just spewing meaningless garbage (again).

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
90% of the time we do that, if the john is infected we don't, or the smart ones don't.  

I mean that message had some teeth and TRUTH to it. Don't get me wrong. But I would have liked to have seen that from an open handle! Give the lady a break. She as all of us can become overly consumed with our experiences alone. To the point that it becomes a BROAD perspective!

I know. I know. Fair game! Sooooooo many ppl use an alias. I know. I know!

;) You seem to be on 10 today Sugz. It's ok. I see you're just playing the matching game. It's all good!

Be easy Sugz!

Posted By: Bob.Sugar
How you know that any percentage of women do whatever they do is an amazing skill.  
 We are always looking for those people who can speak for the majority of the population.  You certainly seem well equipped for the position.  
 Can you confirm that you are in at least 90% of the sessions of every john and hooker in the world?  That is an important item if we were to hire you.  Otherwise I am afraid you are just spewing meaningless garbage (again).  
Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
90% of the time we do that, if the john is infected we don't, or the smart ones don't.  

Idiot. I would care with a condom or not... no brainer. What if that fker turned like 8 colors, is what I am wondering lol.

Bob.Sugar382 reads

I have many clients that are gay....and damn proud of it  ;)

It is science project which earned the pithy 1,000 pounds.  

May never see commercialization considering all the trials it has to go through to such claims. Trials and human tests will make is unaffordable considering the fact that you can get these test pretty cheap these day. Soon, there may be home kits which will be hell of lot cheaper and controlled.

By dorking infected people?  I can just see the ad for volunteers:  "Are you a syphilitic gnome? We will pay you $5 for your time and get you laid. On a stainless steel table in front of three scientists and four very bright school kids."

If they want to commercialize, someone will have to figure it out.

About the stainless steel table, anyway. :-)  Your point is well taken that testing would need to confirm any marketing claims.

...very small print on them.  Very funny!

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