TER General Board

Silly me... you're right, if she had used it...
Senator.Blutarsky 565 reads

then she wouldn't have anything to post a threAD about.

Client: Good Day London, you've been on my list of providers to see for a while now. I visited your website and love you photos. I also read your reviews and see that everyone had nice things to say about you. I'm interested in meeting but want to know if you can please send me some sexy photos of you just to clarify that the photos are really of you and not another girl? By the way, I'm a TER member.
Me: WTF??? *Scratches head while looking confused* and says, Hello (anonymous) and I hope your day is going well. After you've viewed both my site AND reviews, no, I will not send you any photos of me because you will not get off by staring at them.
I've had weird emails but this one is, well I have no words to explain. I literally went back to the email and read it again because I really found this hilarious. Lol

The original email might have pics of his penis. Erect of Flaccid.. Penis is Penis... :D

This guy sounds like someone who would at least attach picture of penis...If not he is not real..

-- Modified on 10/22/2014 4:21:53 PM

Of the numerous ways tricks show their stupidity, this one's pretty tame.  We should devote the rest of the thread to other "Stupid Trick Tricks," a la Letterman.  I bet lots of gals can top this one. Just a guess.

At least it makes for some entertainment.

Wonder if he also wanted to negotiate?  Probably not...the gals here (based on today's babble) can't seem to make up their minds on that topic.  


Posted By: inicky46
Of the numerous ways tricks show their stupidity, this one's pretty tame.  We should devote the rest of the thread to other "Stupid Trick Tricks," a la Letterman.  I bet lots of gals can top this one. Just a guess.

Dr.Ewe again..everybody listen up..he is fucking revived again..

Posted By: Dr Who revived
At least it makes for some entertainment.  
 Wonder if he also wanted to negotiate?  Probably not...the gals here (based on today's babble) can't seem to make up their minds on that topic.    
Posted By: inicky46
Of the numerous ways tricks show their stupidity, this one's pretty tame.  We should devote the rest of the thread to other "Stupid Trick Tricks," a la Letterman.  I bet lots of gals can top this one. Just a guess.
-- Modified on 10/22/2014 3:55:42 PM

I hear that old farts are the in thing at the M&G.

You'll do it proud.

And for Gods sake don't drool all over the place again.  Farting is expected from you however.

Posted By: macdaddy1944
Dr.Ewe again..everybody listen up..he is fucking revived again..  
Posted By: Dr Who revived
At least it makes for some entertainment.  
  Wonder if he also wanted to negotiate?  Probably not...the gals here (based on today's babble) can't seem to make up their minds on that topic.    
Posted By: inicky46
Of the numerous ways tricks show their stupidity, this one's pretty tame.  We should devote the rest of the thread to other "Stupid Trick Tricks," a la Letterman.  I bet lots of gals can top this one. Just a guess.
-- Modified on 10/22/2014 3:55:42 PM

I had a man who called and asked for a session and then went into a sex act that he wanted.  I said "You'll have to find another provider" and saved the number. One day the phone rang and he went into his spiel again, it had been about  six months and I thought he had wised up...nope, same scenario different day. Boy did he lay it out there, what he wanted to do to me and for how long, and how much. None of it was what I offered mind you. So at the end of this I told him "sorry, still not the provider you're looking for". Oh and to put the cherry on top he says "If you are ever in a bind and need the extra cash save my number!"... I couldn't contain the laughter. Sorry I will work with lots of people, lots of different ways because I know times are rough. To play that card with someone like me was laughable.  

I no longer spend any significant amount of time on the phone anymore, regardless of text or call. Want to see me, book a session. At least I have my stories I can sit back and have a good belly laugh. I'm sure it works on some, but the thought of working out of desperation just doesn't get me turned on, and I love getting lost in my sessions. ;)

Posted By: inicky46
Of the numerous ways tricks show their stupidity, this one's pretty tame.  We should devote the rest of the thread to other "Stupid Trick Tricks," a la Letterman.  I bet lots of gals can top this one. Just a guess.

Senator.Blutarsky566 reads

then she wouldn't have anything to post a threAD about.

JackDunphy466 reads

I'll bet she can differentiate between "sticker" price and "negotiated" price.  

But the Doctor is right. The Windy City hookers have been acting like BSC Taylor lately so all bets are off.

Of course but I had to read it before I deleted it. Again, I found it funny so that's why I shared the story. Is there a problem?

JackDunphy560 reads

Let us know what your closing percentage is on all those session requests from this threAD, will ya?

Maybe you can ask Jessica for a chart of pre and post website hits too?

You're such an ass. Apparently you only paid attention to one part of the story and started assuming but that's not my problem. I'm going to assume assholes like you need help. Lol

JackDunphy497 reads

It takes most people here 2-3 threads to figure out I am an asshole.  

As for needing help...nah, I can be an asshole without any help at all. And a damn good one too!

You have no history of reviewing providers so what the hell are you on this site for? You're just another creep who spends all of his time on escort review boards, looking to start some shit. You're mighty tough on the keyboard I see. Lol I dare you to attend a Chicago M&G.

Dear London:
I think a big loud bell should of went off in your head.  It Screams Stalker.  The minute that he asked for those pictures the hair should of raised off your head.

I'm no rookie.....been in the business for quite a while, even though my reviews started in 2013 (which was my choice). I just found this funny and decided to share. That's it, that's all people.

-- Modified on 10/22/2014 2:18:02 PM

JackDunphy567 reads

You'll have well over 100 reads shortly and direct mail has a success ratio of 1-2% so you should already have a few johns in you inbox looking to fill your box.  

Well done.

ChiTownHeaux623 reads

Why do you guys give soooooo many phucks about girls posting threAds? Get over it already.  
Let the woman do what they do, are they taking time, money or food out your mouth boys?  
NO?! I didn't think so. You see a threAd don't read it, don't respond move on.  
BUT you somehow feel like big shots calling out threAD threAd threAd like the shit is gonna fucken bite you!  

Comical! Why don't you boys post some good shit to read? Nothing but dudes vs heauxs is the best you can come up with? I don't pick sides, if  heaux's phuck up I'll point it out, if the dudes an idiot I'll call him out too. Not always, because I laugh too hard and move on.  

And yes, I haven't been here posting much I know I'm newish to it but I've read quite a lot throughout the years. I also realize that shit hasn't and won't change, not that naive but I just wanted to bitch you phuckers out. Bwahahaha  

Sex is fun, phucking strangers is erotic, why does the board have to be so negative?  
Phucken A.  

-- Modified on 10/23/2014 1:07:00 AM

ChiTownHeaux.....Idiots like him is exactly why I've always stayed away from these boards. Regardless of this profession and the internet, I think people still should act mature. I wouldn't say something to someone over the internet that I wouldn't dare say to them in person. Dude is fucking sick in the head and is starving for some attention.

Hey, you know I tried running with it. Obviously tripped and fell and the hobbyist's team raced right by us, it happens. Nice playing, think I'll go be productive now, darn it! *walks away sniveling!

Posted By: londonofchicago
I'm no rookie.....been in the business for quite a while, even though my reviews started in 2013 (which was my choice). I just found this funny and decided to share. That's it, that's all people.

-- Modified on 10/22/2014 2:18:02 PM

I'm a TER member, like that is supposed to make her drop whatever and rush and put up more images for this dick. And he read the reviews so if she were B&S would it not be mentioned in the reviews?  

Just send an image of an orangutan and say you changed your hair color from blond to red.  

I once sent an image of a giraffe.

!_!529 reads

I can write a review of you when we meet but the score will depend on your performance. I can't lie in a review ya know? I have a feeling it will go something like "hbyist+truth kept wanting to see me so I finally obliged. This is one persistent girl. She kept saying she wants to be alone with me and that she would show me a great time, so who am I to argue? When I opened my door, she laid down the donation and she literally threw herself at me. We made out and she was all over me as if I was the last man on earth. Wow, this girl must really like me. I got the best BBBJ ever, even though my last 50 reviews all say I got the best BBBJ ever. She had issues with my well endowed tool so we had to use a lot of lube. Treat her right. I say "treat her right" only because I see this phrase used in every other review I read. Dump her on the next block for all I care." LOL ;)

A few shades of red ought to make that session a lot more enjoyable. How about the addition of some blue hues and even a little black thrown in?  

Nothing like some skin to skin contact, my skin hitting your skin. Like some toys? I have a cool one, it has piano wire and some handles.  

Oh to be alone with you, the fantasies it is conjuring. Hope you're not squeamish.

Skyfyre484 reads

First off I believe that everyone has every right NOT to send their pics to some stranger.

I'm curious though if it is really true or an urban tale among providers that men get off with the pics so they don't have to pay to see the ladies in person?

I mean if I really want to get off there are plenty of free porns on the internet. Not to mention my own little collection that cover pretty much all races, age groups, body types, kinks etc...

Does any dude out there REALLY go around asking for a provider's pics for the purpose of getting off

ChiTownHeaux619 reads

She has pictures on her ads, website etc. So I believe it's the excitement that the GIRL really read their email and sent pics JUST for them that gets them off. Just like some lonely boys really have no real ntentions of booking an appointment but go on and on about what they want to do. Even getting a pissed off reply to those two gets them excited. They are thrilled to have some attention even if negative. Off can be uou know ejaculating or off could (to me) also mean mental stimuli. Kind of how some bad kids who act out because they are wanting attention from mommy.  Also, how some guys here are trolls for a reaction. You feed trolls they never go away. Don't email a response they will go away.  

I don't send pics, I don't negotiate, I don't tell them shit when they say they want to do X or X to me I know what it's about..... TIME WASTERS. I just do not deal with it. I rather have less money to blow than getting bent out of shape by some idiot.  

Since it keeps coming up I am adding a signature to my posts!

ChiTownHeaux = Chicago Ho
I am a Heaux from the Windy City, my home town CHICAGO!  
What up?!

Skyfyre517 reads

Hm so is Heaux a French-sophisticated version of Ho? or Hoe? LOL

I like that!

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