TER General Board

Search the board, you've said that before. (eom)
JohnyComeAlready 927 reads


Do you have an ATF that you just click with in every way?? How do you know that's the person you call or consider you ATF? ATF=All Time Favorite....... Guys & gals tell me why that certain someone is you ATF!!!!  

Mine: OMG is how I would describe our sessions.... The sex is FUCKING INCREDIBLE....  I've never experienced sex like this.... He's sooo loyal, comes sees me on a regular weekly basis (when permit-table-due to travel schedules), give me life advices, assists me in problems I can solve..  Physically, intellectually, personably-we mesh very well....  

I just had an early morning session with him (he lives 4/5 doors down from me).... Met him when I first started, one of my first clients..... And I'll have a smile on my face for the rest of the day cuz the SEX I just had was FUCKING INCREDIBLE!!!  Oh and he just told me his company may hire Charlie Sheen or Jerry O'Connell to do a movie with Eva Longoria...  Lol....  

Have a fab weekend everyone, mines so far has been fabulous!!!  

-- Modified on 7/19/2014 7:59:21 AM

personally. Too bad it wasnt still the middle ages and they just wore aprons and fed the babies and s.t.f.u.
 Women , who needs to hear em right?
oh god spare me, Is this guy serious?  
 Many men get intimidated by intelligence in a women. ... Real men dont. It is obvious which are the ones that are intimidated by strong , intellegent women they are a few that seem to cyber stalk me on here and i realized yesterday they are intimidated by me, I feel sorry for men like that.......................They are missing out. They could learn a thing or too from me. If they didnt have such huge egos, Its also a geberational thing, Women werent accepted much as intellegent equals in the 50 's. Some the older older guys cant accept woman as equals and think they should cower and not share thier opinion or show a board presence for that matter, So they cyber stalk and haunt every post i do and post a bunch of b.s. under every thread I post or respond too. I am flattered i manage to to rent space in so many peoples heads i dont ecven know!
 Wether they like me or hate me, Regardless if they are cyber stalking me and flaming me under every word i speak on the boards I am STILL renting space in thier heads...............I win.................

I'm assuming the thing or two they could learn from you does not include spelling and grammar.

Of course, the "thing or too (sic)" we could learn from you does not include spelling and grammar.

No one probably would ever consider you an ATF w/ur NEGATIVITY!!!!  

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Ask and ye shall receive.

Posted By: Gemma Coreana
No one probably would ever consider you an ATF w/ur NEGATIVITY!!!!  
Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Ask and ye shall receive.

they are very responsive to me  -   I guess I'm lucky in that I've had a ton ATFs -   they leave me with many happy memories, but I rarely re-visit any of them.....

They seem to have fulfilling lives and don't blab about their faves discussing things like "he lives 4/5 doors down from me" or that "he just told me blah blah blah".

I find that discretion is a high priority in this world.

Glad you find drama and those involved with it to be your ATF's.

Posted By: Gemma Coreana
Do you have an ATF that you just click with in every way?? How do you know that's the person you call or consider you ATF? ATF=All Time Favorite....... Guys & gals tell me why that certain someone is you ATF!!!!  
 Mine: OMG is how I would describe our sessions.... The sex is FUCKING INCREDIBLE....  I've never experienced sex like this.... He's sooo loyal, comes sees me on a regular weekly basis (when permit-table-due to travel schedules), give me life advices, assists me in problems I can solve..  Physically, intellectually, personably-we mesh very well....  
 I just had an early morning session with him (he lives 4/5 doors down from me).... Met him when I first started, one of my first clients..... And I'll have a smile on my face for the rest of the day cuz the SEX I just had was FUCKING INCREDIBLE!!!  Oh and he just told me his company may hire Charlie Sheen or Jerry O'Connell to do a movie with Eva Longoria...  Lol....  
 Have a fab weekend everyone, mines so far has been fabulous!!!  

-- Modified on 7/19/2014 7:59:21 AM

Mr Grumpy,!!!  

Posted By: ChgoCPA
They seem to have fulfilling lives and don't blab about their faves discussing things like "he lives 4/5 doors down from me" or that "he just told me blah blah blah".  
 I find that discretion is a high priority in this world.  
 Glad you find drama and those involved with it to be your ATF's.  
Posted By: Gemma Coreana
Do you have an ATF that you just click with in every way?? How do you know that's the person you call or consider you ATF? ATF=All Time Favorite....... Guys & gals tell me why that certain someone is you ATF!!!!    
  Mine: OMG is how I would describe our sessions.... The sex is FUCKING INCREDIBLE....  I've never experienced sex like this.... He's sooo loyal, comes sees me on a regular weekly basis (when permit-table-due to travel schedules), give me life advices, assists me in problems I can solve..  Physically, intellectually, personably-we mesh very well....    
  I just had an early morning session with him (he lives 4/5 doors down from me).... Met him when I first started, one of my first clients..... And I'll have a smile on my face for the rest of the day cuz the SEX I just had was FUCKING INCREDIBLE!!!  Oh and he just told me his company may hire Charlie Sheen or Jerry O'Connell to do a movie with Eva Longoria...  Lol....    
  Have a fab weekend everyone, mines so far has been fabulous!!!    
 -- Modified on 7/19/2014 7:59:21 AM
-- Modified on 7/19/2014 10:26:42 AM

But I get why you just lurked...hope you found all of that entertaining....and informative.

Nothing like bringing words that folks say to the forefront...and yet some still claim to be misunderstood.  I've found words don't lie....but people do!

Word to the wise...a secret is only a secret when you don't tell anyone.  And God forbid don't post shit on Twitter/TER/other social media and not expect to be called on that drivel.  

Discretion is paramount in this game we all play...exercise that right!

I'm a busy girl!! I don't have time .... Was it interesting??! Lmfao!!!  Discretion is always respected!!! There's nothing said on this board he doesn't know about!!! So please don't tell me how to do things!!! Lol. Kisses-my bestie!!!

You are a blabbermouth...own it.

And discretion is NOT something you practice...own that as well.

Posting you are "busy" and don't know what thread(s) I'm referring to is stupid as well...YOU waited till the fun was over to throw your bullshit on there.  Fucking own it!

And if you don't want replies to your insipid nonsense...don't fucking post.  I would think even YOU can understand how that works.

Now back up...slowly.  Quit while you're not too far behind.

Posted By: Gemma Coreana
I'm a busy girl!! I don't have time .... Was it interesting??! Lmfao!!!  Discretion is always respected!!! There's nothing said on this board he doesn't know about!!! So please don't tell me how to do things!!! Lol. Kisses-my bestie!!!  

You are the biggest blabber mouth if all... You have to get ur two cent into everything & Christ you have to be right!! Not everyone thinks like you...  Goodness gracious you enjoy being negative & do you wake up like this? The Smoty award should be your instead of Fungus's...,   Hunny I got no time for your crap.. Go pick an argument with someone your own age.. Lmfao!! I have to say you're very entertaining to the boards!!!   I do have to read your comments...  Lol...  Will you do my taxes???! Lol  

Posted By: ChgoCPA
You are a blabbermouth...own it.  
 And discretion is NOT something you practice...own that as well.  
 Posting you are "busy" and don't know what thread(s) I'm referring to is stupid as well...YOU waited till the fun was over to throw your bullshit on there.  Fucking own it!  
 And if you don't want replies to your insipid nonsense...don't fucking post.  I would think even YOU can understand how that works.  
 Now back up...slowly.  Quit while you're not too far behind.  
Posted By: Gemma Coreana
I'm a busy girl!! I don't have time .... Was it interesting??! Lmfao!!!  Discretion is always respected!!! There's nothing said on this board he doesn't know about!!! So please don't tell me how to do things!!! Lol. Kisses-my bestie!!!    

Or as Ben Franklin said, Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead!

But I understand with the shit that went down on the Chicago Board you are on heightened alert mode now!

But if Gemma sees guys at her static incall that comment was a tad irresponsible, or at least it sounds so at face value!

Steph :-)

-- Modified on 7/19/2014 5:12:57 PM

Like i am hooking up as i would in my personal life, Which means its invigorating and fun and enjoyable as opposed to serving and service providing where your well working.  
                     When you dont have to tell him how to do it he just knows. Every woman is different and every man been taught or thinks he knows to please a certain way, If i have to put an end to a certain sex act during an appointment because they are doing it so awful it is making me cringe and i cant even with stand it.
                         The ones that just know what they are doing some what, Its always i noticed the guys with a million and one reviews ALWAYS are good in bed. Some not so much, if they give alot of bad scores its obvious they arent in tune with thier bodies and know how to communicate to thier partner what direction to move in to please them, The ones that know thier bodies , know how to direct me.  
 I am not a mind reader and not every man is gonna be ectastic because i do an amazing prostate massage and bbj and have a nice lookin ass and pussy,
             Thats not enough for some people, Some them expect to really be doted on and want to pay the bar minimum. They get a 80 dollar massage then wail on ya because a red carpet wasnt rolled out for them, they forget this is revere it isnt the fucking hamptons. i am a rough italian irish boston bicth and I try to be as fuckin fancy as i godam can but  whatever.  
 i like the guys that are so horny they get hard easy and cum easy and are just in awe to be with me,  
 They love my quirks and think i am a great massuese and when i feel good about myself, i then can be confident enough to have a real orgasm, .
                         Its not a certain trait or behavior it deoends on if our personalities cliche and we get along, I tend to get along with the ones that are genrally optimistic, funny, positive,  
                                I had 4 in my brain i really couldnt stand out of all my reviews.
I seen guys that review low for most but yet with me we clicked, alot.  
 It cant be explained its like certain people hit it off others dont, If a guys thinks janus joplin is cool he would like me, I am powerful, rocker chic, msybe a tad rough at times,
 If a guy hates janus joplin and only likes pamela anderson he would hate me, I dot have fake tits I dont have bleach blonde hair {any more, with long extensions} like Pam.
                          If a guy is into the personality too and energy we will hit off, If he just wants a lady with bleach blonde hair and triple d's that can moan like they do in the porno and take it up the ass good, he wont like me, If i am not comfortable with the cutomer i cant pretend to be . .. So that disa points some of them....................
                                    My atf are the ones i have chemistry with which cant be set in certain requirements it just is, There isnt certain traits I guess its usually guys that are good looking and successful and well liked

that is what I look for in a provider as well -

someone who is not "servicing" me or going through the motions

someone who is open to the possibility of having a really good time, who is willing to be responsive  

my own preference is to treat every encounter as a mutually pleasurable erotic adventure, not bringing any specific expectations or canned "technique"   -    but rather paying attention to and following a lady's responses and seeing where they lead -

that is how I prefer to be treated as well....

Posted By: Gemma Coreana
Do you have an ATF that you just click with in every way?? How do you know that's the person you call or consider you ATF? ATF=All Time Favorite....... Guys & gals tell me why that certain someone is you ATF!!!!  
 Mine: OMG is how I would describe our sessions.... The sex is FUCKING INCREDIBLE....  I've never experienced sex like this.... He's sooo loyal, comes sees me on a regular weekly basis (when permit-table-due to travel schedules), give me life advices, assists me in problems I can solve..  Physically, intellectually, personably-we mesh very well....  
 I just had an early morning session with him (he lives 4/5 doors down from me).... Met him when I first started, one of my first clients..... And I'll have a smile on my face for the rest of the day cuz the SEX I just had was FUCKING INCREDIBLE!!!  Oh and he just told me his company may hire Charlie Sheen or Jerry O'Connell to do a movie with Eva Longoria...  Lol....  
 Have a fab weekend everyone, mines so far has been fabulous!!!  

-- Modified on 7/19/2014 7:59:21 AM

I traveled to 5 different cities to see her 9 times total, she is the most beautiful woman I've ever met in person. She is possibly the sweetest woman I have ever met, and I can tell the sweet because he's a client and the real sweet, even with her. She knocked my socks off, rocked my world. She did so each and everytime I saw her, never a decline in action as some guys have indicated with regulars. Once, she waited until 1 am for me, I was flying in to see her and my flight was delayed for weather, our appointment was at 9pm and I didn't get to the hotel until 1 am(I kept in touch with her from the moment I knew my flight would be delayed, hours before our appointment until I finally arrived), she had an early flight 6 am and she still saw me because she knew the only reason why I was there was to see her. She is just an amazing woman, in every way. That's my definition.

these fucking guys already ran my ATF off the boards..or was she my ATF? ..FUCK..now i am confused..

You sound like Tobi's pimp. I'm not saying you are, or that she has one.

... but you do sound like her puppettere. Do you post under the influence of opioid rage?

sounds like you have a hard-on for our Tobi..i am sure she minds..

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
You sound like Tobi's pimp. I'm not saying you are, or that she has one.  
 ... but you do sound like her puppettere. Do you post under the influence of opioid rage?

When I contact her, because you sure sound silly.

He didn't even mention me. Why do you keep bringing me up at random times, anyway? You are by far the creepiest maggot on the internet.  

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
You sound like Tobi's pimp. I'm not saying you are, or that she has one.  
 ... but you do sound like her puppettere. Do you post under the influence of opioid rage?

Ask him to share it with you, if you want? He has my permission.

What does a PM between you and some dude I don't know have anything to do with me? God you're creepy.  

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Ask him to share it with you, if you want? He has my permission.

but I asked about that non sequitur on the local board. Then I got the linked response over here on this board. That and you both seem to be OTL.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
What does a PM between you and some dude I don't know have anything to do with me? God you're creepy.  
Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Ask him to share it with you, if you want? He has my permission.

...your inability to form anything even resembling a cohesive sentence. It's like when a 3-year-old tries to tell a story and it just comes out as some weird stream of consciousness.  

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
but I asked about that non sequitur on the local board. Then I got the linked response over here on this board. That and you both seem to be OTL.  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
What does a PM between you and some dude I don't know have anything to do with me? God you're creepy.    
Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Ask him to share it with you, if you want? He has my permission.

a congenital inability to write two coherent sentences in a row. He's got some sort of mental deficit.

I haven't met Tobi yet, operative word being yet. You keep digging your hole deeper every day, you should be encroaching China by now.

Instead I have many favorites.
Each has a unique quality that keeps me coming back, in many cases for years and even decades.
Sometimes I think the world would be better off without the word favorite.

A typo leads to one of those eureka moments; of course, an ATF is someone who resembles and ATM

Robert_BadenPowell1075 reads

... goes something like this:  I am completely comfortable when I'm with her, and I trust her completely.  I believe she feels the same way about me (e.g., she introduced me to her SO, and I've been to her home for reasons other than P4P).  We have told each other "I love you", but we are not IN love with each other.  It's the love of two people who know each other very well, respect each other, and greatly enjoy each other's company... and know that's all our relationship ever can be and will be.  When we chat, it can be about anything and everything.  We help each other outside the hobby in various ways, including giving each other "life advices."  Personality-wise, we are alike in some ways but much different in others--which makes our dates all the more interesting.  

Oh, yes... she's beautiful, hot, smart, witty, fun and... the sex is FUCKING INCREDIBLE.  :)

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