TER General Board

Say, Court, whats with the accent?
JakeFromStateFarm 497 reads

When your handle shows up on a thread there's an ague over the "a" and "Ova."  What up with that?

he co-ed cutie gimmick. Make her a 22 year old coed. She stays a co-ed for 10 years!

After she's too old for the co-ed gimmick , go with the "hot grad school student " gimmick. This gimmick can work until she is 40.

The out of shape but has a spray on tan gimmick:

Tell the guys she tans at the beach or salon regularly. It makes her look thinner in her pictures.

The bikini model gimmick:  She bills herself as a bikini model. She once wore a bikini to one of her friend's beach parties when she was 19.  

The lingerie model gimmick: When she was 21 she modeled lingerie at a dive bar and sold raffle tickets.  

The fitness model gimmick: She joined a gym and used  HGH to lose weight. She now considers herself a fitness model.

The expanded dinner date gimmick:

Expand on the multi-hour gimmick in ways not yet imagined. Tell the guys it's best to do six hour dinner dates in case they get stuck in traffic!!

Another trick is the "lights down low" or "candlelight trick" gimmick. The room is so dark that by the time your eyes adjust to the light you've already put the envelope down. Then when you finally get in bed and your eyes adjust to the dim lights/candlelight you are looking at a 35 year old who advertised herself as 26.

Feel free to add to the gimmicks you have seen

NoYellowEnvelope947 reads

The "I really enjoy my job!" gimmick.  Then when you actually meet her, you find out... she really does enjoy her job!

The "It's me or it's free" gimmick. But when you see her, turns out the photos are not only real and current, but they don't do her justice.  

The "GFE" gimmick.  C'mon on, now!  How can a woman you're PAYING to have sex with you compare in any way to being with a GF?  But then, somehow... she does--but in some ways better than any GF you've ever dated.  

The "I'm not a provider or escort; I'm a Courtesan" gimmick.  LOL, like there's a difference.  Then you find out... there is!

Excellent!! I love parody.

There is the lady exec gimmick. Say that before you became a hooker she had a great job that paid 100K+ a year. Of course they did! They became hookers because sex was so much more fun than an executive position with benefits.

-- Modified on 5/9/2016 3:34:30 PM

NoYellowEnvelope662 reads

... almost every time.  

But making those kinds of experiences reality most of the time takes research. If you want to find real-life examples of all the gimmicks you listed, I'm sure that possible. I choose not to do that.  

Also I think having a positive attitude helps. I go into every date with a provider knowing I'm going to have a great time.  It's funny how what we think has a lot to do with what we experience.  

P.S. I knew a provider who was an executive and married, and did the escort gig part time for fun (with her hubby's ok). And oh man was she fun... a 10/10.  Too bad she returned full time to the business world.  :(

Yup. Do your homework, then come in with a clean slate, just have fun, and you'll have a better time than expected.

Posted By: NoYellowEnvelope
... almost every time.    
 But making those kinds of experiences reality most of the time takes research. If you want to find real-life examples of all the gimmicks you listed, I'm sure that possible. I choose not to do that.    
 Also I think having a positive attitude helps. I go into every date with a provider knowing I'm going to have a great time.  It's funny how what we think has a lot to do with what we experience.    
 P.S. I knew a provider who was an executive and married, and did the escort gig part time for fun (with her hubby's ok). And oh man was she fun... a 10/10.  Too bad she returned full time to the business world.  :(

LasVegan654 reads

Isn't it what we make it?  And if we go in with a shitty attitude, that negativity reflects right back at us?  If I had that kind of attitude I wouldn't even think of seeing a provider.  Would be a waste of time, energy, and money.

Think someone else should take that advice?

GaGambler651 reads

but yeah, in this one case you are absolutely correct.

There are a lot of trolls on the boards that make these kind of comments just to get a rise out of the other posters, but I honestly believe OTM did have to learn "the hard way" and now he really does hate hookers and probably hates himself to having to "lower" himself to consort with them. It really does sound like a complete waste of "time, energy and money" to me too.  

Now please go fuck yourself and quit making such reasonable posts that I have to agree with. It's bad for my reputation.

LasVegan415 reads

you are becoming more civilized and somewhat (I said, somewhat) gentlemanly.  You are getting there Ga.  Thank you for the effort.  One day.........

GaGambler510 reads

so I suppose I need to put the GO FUCK YOURSELF!!! in caps from now on?

and I did double down on my BSU bet on you, while NYE is making a decent run at you, I have no doubt that in the end you will prevail. You may have to WK for BBBBB another time or two to seal the deal, but I have faith in your ability to "suck up" to even the likes of her.

LasVegan330 reads

on more than one count.  Try as you may, there is still a gentleman locked deep inside of that ornery demeanor.  Can not believe you are just that unhappy of a person.  So you can not fool me.

As far as your other comment goes, can not decipher it.  If you are talking about a certain Russian provider, have never met her and have no inclination to do so; I am in Las Vegas and she in N.Y.  Plus, if your senior citizen mind could recall, we have already revisited this subject and she has been the object of my strongest negative comments yet.

Let's get in sync.  If we are going to have an intelligent conservation, and in spite of the smoke screen you continue to throw out there, I know you can do it, so let's at least get on the same page.

It's obvious you're offended. I'm not his friend. Let'em go. I've often seen people hang themselves if ya giv'em some rope. One the other hand, he may have a bone to pick, small and narrow as it may be. This is supposed to be a place to learn a thing or two...

It is indeed a farce -- not because those experiences are unreal (far from it), but because you are indeed playing a spoof off the format of the OP

However, because you are using the spoof to make a point (and a good one), not just for humor, it is satire, not parody.

Re: the OP. Why not just stick to the hot escorts? Those are the ones I like myself

Right on NoYellow. Just like there are women who lie to say they enjoy what they do, there are women (like me) who actually enjoy what they do. There are also women who have well paying jobs (like me) but find this job much more fun:-). There are negative and positive experiences to every scenario. It is clear to see which perspective you have taken on. We are what we think. Cheers to you.

Bravo to your post  now we can see clear the difference between men who DO love women and men who DO HATE women.

You are the one who does love women.. Envelope. That means you are MAN.

And who are those who do hate women?  How to call them? johns?

so now we have, finally, an answer on what is different between upscale gentlemen ladies  do welcome on their adds and johns whom every sensible lady would avoid for any price.

You envelope helped us to to see the difference.  Bravo to your post.  

Nice to read who is who here and given it is easy to compare information . That helps a lot.

I would not stop post either.

I have to add the following  as to Provider, escort and Courtesan  

- there are other level of female company intelligent man may have - it is HETAERA and it is very different from PRNAI type of companionship  

For those who would argue it is the same - let me to pass this passage (and - of course it is human nature to choose a companion which fits better to your social, cultural and other style of life )

as it states  "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's

What gentlemen here need to understand about this hobby -  

THE  fact  that here EVERYBODY can be  Caesar..  

even for short time - just choose who and with whom you want to be just choose to be with HETAERA

TER is a place  for fantasy and living your dreams  - here you can be all what you desire.  

Why keep your dreams low?

You would not believe  how better you would feel, while you are Caesar :) -Just be with hetaera..

"Along with sexual services, women described as hetairai rather than pornai seem to have often been educated, and have provided companionship.[9] According to Kurke, the concept of hetairism was a product of the symposium, where hetairai were permitted as sexually-available companions of the male party-goers.[10] In Athenaeus' Deipnosophistai, hetairai are described as providing "flattering and skillful conversation": something which is, elsewhere in classical literature, seen as a significant part of the hetaira's role.[11] Particularly, being "witty" or "refined" (αστεία) were seen as attributes which distinguished hetairai from common pornai.[12] Hetairai are likely to have been musically educated, too"

[email protected]

Way turn this positive. Really awesome. Thanks for your post.

Thank you for putting a positive spin on a somewhat negative post  :-)

Posted By: NoYellowEnvelope
The "I really enjoy my job!" gimmick.  Then when you actually meet her, you find out... she really does enjoy her job!  
 The "It's me or it's free" gimmick. But when you see her, turns out the photos are not only real and current, but they don't do her justice.    
 The "GFE" gimmick.  C'mon on, now!  How can a woman you're PAYING to have sex with you compare in any way to being with a GF?  But then, somehow... she does--but in some ways better than any GF you've ever dated.    
 The "I'm not a provider or escort; I'm a Courtesan" gimmick.  LOL, like there's a difference.  Then you find out... there is!

This is the cutest thing I've read all day. The hottest dates are respectful!


I know of one woman that has retired at least 8 times over the past 8 years.

hotplants649 reads

so....you thought so much of your previous post on the same subject that you posted the same thing, again,  including a link to your previous post?


Are you feeling a loss of trust after paying [good fucking money| to see sex workers' who try to create a [professional] pleasurable fantasy environment for you? Has it not been realistic enough? Or, are you fighting all of your own internal voices, worried that you may have had some genuine feelings? gasp.  

What, exactly, are you trying to say? I'll refrain from my interpretation of what I think you're trying to say.  

But, you clearly want to say something. So just say it.

When was the previous post you refer to posted?

Posted By: hotplants
so....you thought so much of your previous post on the same subject that you posted the same thing, again,  including a link to your previous post?  
 Are you feeling a loss of trust after paying [good fucking money| to see sex workers' who try to create a [professional] pleasurable fantasy environment for you? Has it not been realistic enough? Or, are you fighting all of your own internal voices, worried that you may have had some genuine feelings? gasp.  
 What, exactly, are you trying to say? I'll refrain from my interpretation of what I think you're trying to say.  
 But, you clearly want to say something. So just say it.

I met sex workers behind the scenes in the 80's. Seeing how they operate BTS was enough to get me to never trust one. I enjoy it like a stage play I get to act in. It's fun to participate for a few hours but I know it's not real.

After what I've seen it would be impossible to have "genuine" feelings. I'm just glad I was behind the scenes before I ever participated. Otherwise I might have ended up like some of the saps and lapdogs around here.

The other post did NOT have the same things as this post. Best of all people (certainly not you) are adding to it in a positive way.

hotplants493 reads

and your own post, that you  linked to this OP, was just a continuation of that advice. I see.  

Would that be all sex workers? or just the ones you met in the 80's

Posted By: hotplants
and your own post, that you  linked to this OP, was just a continuation of that advice. I see.  
 Would that be all sex workers? or just the ones you met in the 80's?  
After hearing 100's of horror stories on the internet " He fell in love with his hooker and hooker took him for a ride," it definitely applies to today's sex workers. It's a business based on lies and deception. The nature of the business won't change unless it becomes both legal and socially acceptable.

"Lies and deception" are a part of it, of course, but that is because those traits are imbedded in humanity, not just sex workers.

LasVegan399 reads

Could that (lies and deception) be more apparent, when the poor provider has an appointment with someone, they would not even remotely consider being with (for any number of reasons) if it were not P4P?

hotplants567 reads

no guy will ever fall in love with the fantasy ( or.. for the glass half empty sorts---the lies and deception). The whole nature of the business will change.  

Seriously. Fuck those hookers who provide such a good experience that some poor guy believes she means it

JakeFromStateFarm464 reads

I'm all for that but it's got ZERO to do with the deceptions that take place here + the "I've fallen for a hooker and I can't get up" syndrome.
Even if it was legal and socially acceptable there will still be saps begging to be fleeced.  A mark is a mark.

LasVegan382 reads

exactly how would making it legal change the specific points "of the business" you refer to in your post

Posted By: LasVegan
exactly how would making it legal change the specific points "of the business" you refer to in your post?  
That's easy. If the girls engaged in false or deceptive advertising you could sue them! If the performance was not up to par service wise, take them to court. The same thing you do with any legally licensed contractor.

Sure you could. "Your honor, this woman sitting here promised me a bbbj and made me put on a raincoat! Plus she didn't swallow like she advertised" I'm requesting she pay me back my $2000 for false advertising"  

Stupid Troll


Posted By: Oldtimemonger
Posted By: LasVegan
exactly how would making it legal change the specific points "of the business" you refer to in your post?  
 That's easy. If the girls engaged in false or deceptive advertising you could sue them! If the performance was not up to par service wise, take them to court. The same thing you do with any legally licensed contractor.

GaGambler494 reads

Not until now that is. Yeah, that was a REALLY fucking dumb statement on his part.

So now we have angry, bitter AND stupid on his resume. Not a really great trifecta if you ask me.

Agreed! Eom.

Posted By: GaGambler
Not until now that is. Yeah, that was a REALLY fucking dumb statement on his part.  
 So now we have angry, bitter AND stupid on his resume. Not a really great trifecta if you ask me.

You're in favor of putting sex workers at even more harm than we already are... You realize that, right?  
Dudes would be suing us left and right under a system that already does absolutely nothing to protect us in the first place. You didn't like the BJ you got?! SUE! Didn't like the extra 5-10lbs that the photos didn't show?! SUE!
Men already abuse the system that hates us, how much further would you like to take that abuse, OTM?

Say it with me: DECRIMINALIZATION, not legalization.  

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
Posted By: LasVegan
exactly how would making it legal change the specific points "of the business" you refer to in your post?  
 That's easy. If the girls engaged in false or deceptive advertising you could sue them! If the performance was not up to par service wise, take them to court. The same thing you do with any legally licensed contractor.

GaGambler573 reads

I am often labeled a misogynist for calling out individual BSC hookers for dumb posts or bad behavior. Without guys like OTM around who would I have to point to to show the board what a real "angry and bitter misogynist" looks like.  

Somewhere in between the real lapdogs like the LasVegan who bends over backwards (and forwards I imagine) to excuse even the worst behavior exhibited by any hooker, anywhere, anytime, and the real hooker haters like OTM who don't see hookers as even human beings, only as evil little money grubbers suitable only for use as cum receptacles, there is a happy middle ground where most of us reside. A middle ground where we don't worship hookers, nor do we despise them. but instead look at them simply as women who happen to sell sex for a living, no better (ok, maybe a little bit better) and no worse than any other group of women.

hotplants591 reads

I have to wonder if the only person who doesn't see it is him.

I like a little cynicism even in a civie gal.  You can usually laugh together at the foibles of mankind without too much fear of offending her delicate sensibilities.  I expect escorts have a slightly more jaded view of mankind than your typical Pollyanna.

Posted By: GaGambler
there is a happy middle ground where most of us reside. A middle ground where we don't worship hookers, nor do we despise them. but instead look at them simply as women who happen to sell sex for a living, no better (ok, maybe a little bit better) and no worse than any other group of women.

LasVegan404 reads

can see you are trying to flatter me, but truly that is not necessary.  You see, I am just trying to help bring out the gentleman in you.  You have no idea how vocal I can be especially when someone is being rude or disingenuous, even a provider.  Have made a very good professional reputation for standing up to bullies and being skillful enough to give them a dose of their own medicine.

But unlike you, I choose to do it in a gentlemanly way.  As a matter of fact, a year ago, when I first began posting here, you were one angry, abrasive, rude person.  You would have made OTM seem like someone with manners.  Since, you have drastically softened your tone.  You are almost civilized.  I do not want to take all the credit but believe I definitely have something to do with that.

You are on your way to learning how to make friends and influence people and I have not even charged you what I would charge my business school students.

There is indeed a middle way and it can be approached with manners.  You are getting there but you still have a long way to go.  Thank you for the effort, it is apparent and appreciated.

P.S.  Show me a provider who exhibits bad behavior and you won't ever find me bending over any way at all.  But I will choose a gentlemanly way to address what I feel may be relevant to me, unless she communicates her point in a rude, disrespectful way, like you occasionally do.  Then, watch out!

Many girls deserve credit for doing a great job.  They have my reviews.

There are other girls who live and fly on the other side of the tracks.  Always on the wrong side, no matter which side they are on.  I do not book them but do find humor in the tricks they play.

I think I have posted this link before...or something similar.

I'm not sure OTM has really ever enjoyed the company of an escort. Maybe someone off the streets but not too sure about that.
You're definitely out of his league ........at least I don't think you've started offering 15 minute sessions.

I have no problem with your rates but I normally only book for an hour. Maybe I'll have to go two hours if I'm in your area to get the proper Courtney Ova "mind fuck."

Well, maybe it is, but some people keep coming back for more. Guess what the mind-fuck is?

Shhhh.... Don't tell anyone I told you.

I don't take myself so fucking seriously, and I don't take you so seriously. Life is only what you make of it. Sure, there are ups and downs, but then there is that breaking point where you go "Oh. Fuck it - even if I were perfect and better than everybody at everything, would it really make life any more blissful?"

The answer is no. Do your best, and then sit down and stop taking yourself too seriously. One way to do that is to say "fuck my one hour rule. I'm going to do a 4 hour dinner date."

Why not? ;)

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
I have no problem with your rates but I normally only book for an hour. Maybe I'll have to go two hours if I'm in your area to get the proper Courtney Ova "mind fuck."

JakeFromStateFarm498 reads

When your handle shows up on a thread there's an ague over the "a" and "Ova."  What up with that?

Eastern European surname. Courtney - All american, Ová Looks like a Euro.

So yeah, Bohemian/Czech and then there's the French Canadian. Otherwise it means Egg. And that's probably not good for a P4P situation lmao!

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
When your handle shows up on a thread there's an ague over the "a" and "Ova."  What up with that?

Maybe bend the rules for a two hour session. Dinner date? That's one thing I've never paid for. Do you cause men to lose their minds?

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
Well, maybe it is, but some people keep coming back for more. Guess what the mind-fuck is?  
 Shhhh.... Don't tell anyone I told you.  
 I don't take myself so fucking seriously, and I don't take you so seriously. Life is only what you make of it. Sure, there are ups and downs, but then there is that breaking point where you go "Oh. Fuck it - even if I were perfect and better than everybody at everything, would it really make life any more blissful?"  
 The answer is no. Do your best, and then sit down and stop taking yourself too seriously. One way to do that is to say "fuck my one hour rule. I'm going to do a 4 hour dinner date."  
 Why not? ;)  
Posted By: Oldtimemonger
I have no problem with your rates but I normally only book for an hour. Maybe I'll have to go two hours if I'm in your area to get the proper Courtney Ova "mind fuck."

LasVegan284 reads

every provider who has ever read an OTM post or has spent at least 5 minutes dealing with him?

Ok it's funny, lol. It's not the 80s anymore though and now there is a more diverse group of ladies from many different backgrounds in this little world.

You forgot one though. Ladies who say their pics aren't edited when they are! ;-)  


PS...I've got to try that spray tan thing out! At my "advanced age", I've got to try anything that helps with my smoke and mirrors routine!  :-)

-- Modified on 5/9/2016 12:59:28 PM

Apparently the gimmicks are a lil much for you Mr.Monger lol. No reviews?

Who have you seen then. If any lucky lady...

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
 The co-ed cutie gimmick. Make her a 22 year old coed. She stays a co-ed for 10 years!  
 After she's too old for the co-ed gimmick , go with the "hot grad school student " gimmick. This gimmick can work until she is 40.  
 The out of shape but has a spray on tan gimmick:  
 Tell the guys she tans at the beach or salon regularly. It makes her look thinner in her pictures.  
 The bikini model gimmick:  She bills herself as a bikini model. She once wore a bikini to one of her friend's beach parties when she was 19.  
 The lingerie model gimmick: When she was 21 she modeled lingerie at a dive bar and sold raffle tickets.  
 The fitness model gimmick: She joined a gym and used  HGH to lose weight. She now considers herself a fitness model.  
 The expanded dinner date gimmick:  
 Expand on the multi-hour gimmick in ways not yet imagined. Tell the guys it's best to do six hour dinner dates in case they get stuck in traffic!!  
 Another trick is the "lights down low" or "candlelight trick" gimmick. The room is so dark that by the time your eyes adjust to the light you've already put the envelope down. Then when you finally get in bed and your eyes adjust to the dim lights/candlelight you are looking at a 35 year old who advertised herself as 26.  
 Feel free to add to the gimmicks you have seen.  

I don't review but I've seen escorts in price ranges of 250-2K. It cost me a lot of money to find out that past the going rate of 3-500 (depending on area) that you quickly reach diminishing returns.  

Somebody already mentioned the "courtesan" gimmick.

Because I think the "alias" gimmick is a lil "old" here too Mr.Monger lol.  

Now those kind of Johns quickly reach diminishing returns in my eyes as well lol.  

Don't ya just hate that. ;)

...but changing your handle as often as you shower is bad. LOL

Check! :D

JakeFromStateFarm570 reads

Can she really do that?  Why would TER let someone abuse the system like that?
Edited:  OK, I went back and checked her reviews.  She's on her fourth stage name/handle.  Why?  Only she can say.  But has she had others?  Aliases?  Curious.

-- Modified on 5/9/2016 10:17:57 PM

Because they know how much you personally adore me ... "Jake" lol

Ok. That'll take some getting used to  ;)


(edited after "Jake" edited lol)

PS. Why are you checking up on me.......again (rolling eyes) Jake.

-- Modified on 5/9/2016 10:28:46 PM

JakeFromStateFarm345 reads

And who cares?  I await Mr. Dunphy's clarification. Not yours.
PS: Adorable?  I think not.  I've seen your pictures.

Btw I don't believe I used the word "adorable" either.  

Good night Jake. No 3am calls please  ;)

-- Modified on 5/9/2016 11:01:39 PM

JakeFromStateFarm498 reads

You are sounding increasingly desperate. And deluded. Oh, well, who cares.  You'll be gone again soon.  You always do that.

But I'd much prefer getting a jingle from this guy  ;)
He's witty, sharp, and much cuter and that accent gets me every time lol

I forgot the multi-name, multi-price gimmick. Early on when I did not know any better, I saw a few high priced girls who were outed as also being FBSM girls for 200 bucks. I heard one of the Ter girls of the month was caught doing that.

JakeFromStateFarm384 reads

LMAO!  I've never, ever been fleeced like that and I've played the game for decades. I guess if i was in your shoes I'd be angry too.
Perhaps you should just retire and turn in your penis?

GaGambler420 reads

I am too lazy to look for the post, but he said something about having spent up to $2,000 hour before figuring out how dumb he was. No wonder he is "angry and bitter" about the way hookers have taken advantage of him.  

Have you ever been dumb enough to pay two grand an hour for "time and companionship"??? lmao

JakeFromStateFarm425 reads

Which is exactly my point.  I spend in the $300-$500 range when I play. It didn't take me long to figure that out.  Seems like it cost him many years and dollars to figure that out.  No wonder he's bitter.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Which is exactly my point.  I spend in the $300-$500 range when I play. It didn't take me long to figure that out.  Seems like it cost him many years and dollars to figure that out.  No wonder he's bitter.
It took less than a year. I'm not bitter. I can laugh at my pratfalls.

GaGambler538 reads

Yes, "angry and bitter" fits you to a tee.

and don't worry, the rest of us are laughing at you too. Not laughing "with you" of course, but laughing "at you" as the bitter old man you have become.

I make fun of the spineless BSU's that frequent this board on a pretty regular basis, but say what you want about the BSU crowd, at least they are having fun. You OTOH don't seem to happy about the hookers you see, not to mention you see it as an adversarial type of relationship where they are "out to get you" when in fact most hookers just want to get paid whatever their asking rate is and not get robbed, stabbed, shot or beaten in the process. I suppose they probably prefer not to be degraded either, but if they all stuck to their guns on that point I suppose you'd never be able to book another session.

It is me who is laughing. You are the guy who has devoted his life to TER and its hookers. It really is just a hobby to me. There is no reason for me to be bitter or angry. I was new to the internet and did not know how fake some people are in the internet world. I'm glad you figured it out in a week. I guess I'm a little slow but I look back and laugh about it now

Posted By: GaGambler
I am too lazy to look for the post, but he said something about having spent up to $2,000 hour before figuring out how dumb he was. No wonder he is "angry and bitter" about the way hookers have taken advantage of him.  
 Have you ever been dumb enough to pay two grand an hour for "time and companionship"??? lmao
Not angry or bitter. I was new to the internet and got sucked in to the marketing and advertising. I could afford to piss away the money. I will admit that I felt foolish. That happened in the first year of my internet mongering. It won't happen again.  

Actually it was a girl who had a two hour minimum. I left early. :)

OldmanMonger getting defensive and making excuses. Hahahahaha  

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
Posted By: GaGambler
I am too lazy to look for the post, but he said something about having spent up to $2,000 hour before figuring out how dumb he was. No wonder he is "angry and bitter" about the way hookers have taken advantage of him.    
  Have you ever been dumb enough to pay two grand an hour for "time and companionship"??? lmao
 Not angry or bitter. I was new to the internet and got sucked in to the marketing and advertising. I could afford to piss away the money. I will admit that I felt foolish. That happened in the first year of my internet mongering. It won't happen again.  
 Actually it was a girl who had a two hour minimum. I left early. :)

Thanks for the sweet PM this weekend  ;)

Ahem, now if you'll excuse me I have to go shower ...

The reason guys use an alias for reviews is because of the "If I don't get 9/10 in the review I will have you blacklisted" gimmick.

Okey dokey... I guess you proved your point. At least with those ladies who do that sorta thing lol

But that's not really what I meant ;)

Think it's time for OTM to leave these ladies to those of us more satisfied, more trusting and - - - yes,  more polite. Ladies,  I apologize for my ex-comrade.  

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
 The co-ed cutie gimmick. Make her a 22 year old coed. She stays a co-ed for 10 years!  
 After she's too old for the co-ed gimmick , go with the "hot grad school student " gimmick. This gimmick can work until she is 40.  
 The out of shape but has a spray on tan gimmick:  
 Tell the guys she tans at the beach or salon regularly. It makes her look thinner in her pictures.  
 The bikini model gimmick:  She bills herself as a bikini model. She once wore a bikini to one of her friend's beach parties when she was 19.  
 The lingerie model gimmick: When she was 21 she modeled lingerie at a dive bar and sold raffle tickets.  
 The fitness model gimmick: She joined a gym and used  HGH to lose weight. She now considers herself a fitness model.  
 The expanded dinner date gimmick:  
 Expand on the multi-hour gimmick in ways not yet imagined. Tell the guys it's best to do six hour dinner dates in case they get stuck in traffic!!  
 Another trick is the "lights down low" or "candlelight trick" gimmick. The room is so dark that by the time your eyes adjust to the light you've already put the envelope down. Then when you finally get in bed and your eyes adjust to the dim lights/candlelight you are looking at a 35 year old who advertised herself as 26.  
 Feel free to add to the gimmicks you have seen.  

And I might suggest the ladies add a NEW gimmick to their ads: "Price inflated so as to weed out the grumpy old timer mongers!!!!"

Why do I get the feeling that you're trying to pull our ying-yangs here?  Or, as we say in our neck of the woods here in Jersey...dis guy here, he's jerking you off!

Anyone who's been around in this hobby long enough knows how to the read through the BS, and find the right ladies who are worth your time, effort, and $$.   I bit last week...not this time.

Fake pics. Old pics. Angled pics. While I’ve scheduled many bbws in my time, I like to know the type I’m getting. Some bbws are very attractive, while others are not. Stop angling your pics. I've been on these sites since the turn, and some ladies are still using the same pics.  

Certain words are marketing gimmicks. The ad says upscale, or elite, and you go there, and the place is trashy. The word grandfather is a gimmick. Certain service words are marketing gimmicks. gfe for example. You go there, and she won’t kiss you. Or she covers your cock for what you thought was bbbj. Or she covers her pussy with saran wrap. Another fun marketing word(s) is low volume.  

Upselling. The second thing one looks for in an ad is the rate. Some ads say 300/hr. When you scroll down, there’s an array of added prices for extra services. Add 50 for greek. Add 100 for real gfe. So the initial 300/hr is the gimmick.  

Shilled reviews are marketing gimmicks. Or any other type of altered review.  

Stating your race and age can be gimmicks. Many ladies advertise way younger than they are, while some ladies have fun ways of saying they’re whatever race. I love partying with all races. Different cultures add to the spice of sexual life. Yeah, I understand that some people are racist, but most of us guys here are fairly progressive in our thinking. Most of our cocks are fairly progressive in their thinking too. Just tell us. We love all of you.  

Truthfully, if she no shows you, her whole ad is a marketing gimmick. While you didn’t spend the 300 plus add ons, it did cost you time and money getting there.  

And then the worst type of marketing gimmick, other than the fact that she might be a guy, or an altered guy, is that she might be a deek.  

So wow, that’s a lot of false information one has to sift through. With experience, one learns to read in between the lines, and in between the pics

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
 The co-ed cutie gimmick. Make her a 22 year old coed. She stays a co-ed for 10 years!  
 After she's too old for the co-ed gimmick , go with the "hot grad school student " gimmick. This gimmick can work until she is 40.  
 The out of shape but has a spray on tan gimmick:  
 Tell the guys she tans at the beach or salon regularly. It makes her look thinner in her pictures.  
 The bikini model gimmick:  She bills herself as a bikini model. She once wore a bikini to one of her friend's beach parties when she was 19.  
 The lingerie model gimmick: When she was 21 she modeled lingerie at a dive bar and sold raffle tickets.  
 The fitness model gimmick: She joined a gym and used  HGH to lose weight. She now considers herself a fitness model.  
 The expanded dinner date gimmick:  
 Expand on the multi-hour gimmick in ways not yet imagined. Tell the guys it's best to do six hour dinner dates in case they get stuck in traffic!!  
 Another trick is the "lights down low" or "candlelight trick" gimmick. The room is so dark that by the time your eyes adjust to the light you've already put the envelope down. Then when you finally get in bed and your eyes adjust to the dim lights/candlelight you are looking at a 35 year old who advertised herself as 26.  
 Feel free to add to the gimmicks you have seen.  

I spend time on my appearance so when I walk in the door, he's not disappointed but pleasantly surprised.  

I give great service and leave him extremely happy.

Basically, I am "As Advertised" as one of my gentlemen told me.

So, being who I am is my gimmick.

This post is hilarious. Loving the satire! And it begets reflection on "authenticity".  
I put authenticity in quotation marks because of course, this is a business, there is acting and storytelling involved, for various reasons (including obscuring true identity for safety). Intimate time together cannot truly be faked, unless one is faking orgasms, then that's another story haha. To be honest, I personally have a hard time acting. A lot of what I've written about myself is a mixture of fantasy and reality. However, my words are a reflection of most aspects of my personal reality.  
A gentleman recently told me he didn't like the acting-aspect of seeing providers in the industry. He complimented feeling connected to me because I feel more real than other women he has seen. It was a "breaking the 3rd wall" moment in our time together, which I appreciated. It made me feel I don't have to be a good actor in order to secure sessions, to be successful in this business. The heart of who I am, expressed in my language and energy (albeit some embellishments), is extremely valuable to my ideal clients.  
Do other providers have this experience, as well? Or something similiar? Where is the line between fantasy and reality for us? Haha I know hobbyists in the other thread mentioned a gentleman is a fool if he truly believes what a provider says. That's real! And what's behind that desire for connection and as authentic of an experience as possible?

urn the damn thermostat down to subzero just as the session is starting.  Once he gets off, all he wants to do is find his damn clothes....

That some of these dudes blame US (the people they PAY for a service) for when THEY are the ones that "fall in love" or get "taken for a ride", like... My dude that is your fault and yours alone. If you're dumb enough to let that happen to you then that is in no way the SW's fault. These girls are out here doing their jobs to make a living for themselves and their families, I don't understand why you take it so personally.

Are you going to get pissed at the waitress down the street because she was super nice to you a smiled a lot with some cleavage showing just to get some tips? I certainly hope not. She, like us, is working her ass off for the same reason. She's out here hustling and doing what she has to. I respect women looking out for themselves.  

OP seems to have some pent up aggression towards SW's, I think.

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