TER General Board

run of the mill = ordinary, humdrum
bofia 23 Reviews 404 reads

and who wants that in P4P or RL?
Some hobbyists are ok with run of the mill looks if service is standout. Others just the opposite.  
Personally, I want both in order to repeat, so conversely, if either is missing, the search continues.

that would make you go as a free agent looking for a new provider?

mean a session that will make you NOT want to repeat, or a session that is average, all things considered.   I think most of us are free to see new providers whether we liked the last session we had or not, so this is where I'm uncertain what you're asking.

and who wants that in P4P or RL?
Some hobbyists are ok with run of the mill looks if service is standout. Others just the opposite.  
Personally, I want both in order to repeat, so conversely, if either is missing, the search continues.

Maybe but in this world it seems the usual definitions have new meanings sometimes...so I was wondering if maybe it's a special S&M service/game.  :-

I have many lady friends, that usually have priority.  Two contacted me today just to say hi.  I will be seeing them both before the end of July, and there are others as well.  This is what happens after you've learned how to hobby over a dozen years, appreciate those ladies you've built a relationship with within the boundaries of the game, and concentrate your energy towards them.  Simple, really.

...Two providers contacted you today just to say "hi" and you will be seeing both before the end of July.  I guess they did more than just say "hi," didn't they?  They twisted you around their little fingers and got an appointment out of you.

Actually, a third contacted me today, and proposed a date and time mid-month.  I am going to say yes.  BTW.

So maybe you're right, I usually play within my circle of friends, but that has served me well for many years as a hobbyist.  And there are many more that I meet/have met at M&G's and through contact on the boards that I may be willing to see if I wish.  All I have to do is ask.  Hope you have it as easy as I do

Posted By: sasha2cute
that would make you go as a free agent looking for a new provider?

even if you do most the same things each time.

I only see people that excite me each time.

The things we do vary from person to person as well.

Guys should always be a free agent, signing a contract can be quite expensive

NoYellowEnvelope341 reads

Which is I think more to the point, as most mongers are "free agents" as mentioned above.  

* significant deception
* a "going through the motions" attitude, vs engaged and fun
* shorting of time, eg saying "I need to get ready for my next appointment now!" 40 minutes into an hour session  
* hygiene problem. Nuff said.  
* performance that's significantly worse than depicted in her reviews
* NCNS without a really good excuse, sincere apology, and offer to make it right
* other behavior that shows she doesn't respect my time or respect me as a client in general.

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