TER General Board

Re:Would you marry for the Insurance?
Jimbomania 8 Reviews 4177 reads

No way. He/she could be a complete ass, treat you like shit and worse ... no 'thing' is worth enough to compromise yourself for.


Health Insurance is so high and hard to get these days. People marry for money so if someone had a good job and you needed Insurance,(and they asked you) Would you marry for that reason? I know I would. We are not getting any younger so when we get to that point it is always good to have Insurances. The people out there that have Ins are very lucky and for those of us that has had to pay a crazy amount are not that lucky. SO speak and I will listen. Smile and the world will smile back at you! sassy

No Way!  I would never marry for insurance or money, as those aren't the right reasons.  IMO

They say, if you marry for money, that you will earn every dime.
No, Thanks, thats not for me, I've already paid my dues! LOL

If I marry, it will be for Love :)


I'm 60 & my SO is 55, With all this gay business going on recently she checked if I could be covered under her health insurance and the answer was "no".  I pay $300 a month for health 1nsurance and I could be covered under her's, if it were possible as an SO, for about $100 more than she pays.  Guess what?  We decided not to get married and screw up a great relationship.  The decision took all of 15 seconds, maybe 10.  Take Care

and your relationship was already somewhat of a marriage anyway.

I (typical me) took the question more literally as in 'would you marry for money?', 'would you marry for insurance' meaning the relationship was not necessarily part of the equation.

My answer is still the same..but that's because of my circumstances. If the circumstances were like yours, then, yes, I probably would as it made better sense for the individuals as well as the partnership.

Tiffany C3610 reads

The increasing cost of Health Insurance is a major concern for most people. Some very poor folks probably would resort to marry for the insurance, it's a sad way to go.

well, OK, there is one 'perk' I like.. :)
but, I'm not the 'marrying kind', anyway, so wouldn't likely marry for any reason. (ye olde been there, done that, hated it).

'Tis my destiny to be a single woman, I do believe.

there's an exception for every rule.  There's a provider friend of mine who I'd marry in a minute if her cancer recurred and she couldn't get treatment otherwise.  Of course that's rather a special circumstance.

We are all part of an aging population and we are going to face increasing health care problems in the US.  There are social issues here that are probably addressed best by the government.  I think the US really needs to do a better job in this area.  I was glad to see the GOP start to address this issue even if I don't agree with some of the particulars.

I am lucky enough to have good H/C coverage.  The best thing I am doing in this area is working to stay very healthy and active so I won't have to use it.  I hope everyone else out there is doing the same.  

Lets all stay safe and active!! Harry

No way. He/she could be a complete ass, treat you like shit and worse ... no 'thing' is worth enough to compromise yourself for.


bank22535 reads

those who take care of their bodies and keep in great shape, pay lower premiums, just as the lower rates we pay for auto insurance for a good driving record...

I know, call my congressman..................

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