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Re:Who is the most popular CURRENTLY active escort in the U.S. or on T.E.R.?
mr.man 29 Reviews 2403 reads

The popularity criteria, I find extremely difficult to judge in terms of success. To the best of my knowledge and experience, at least with the local ladies in my own region, better service tends to create a business of mostly repeat clients. Therefore, she is able to maintain a substantial income without constantly advertising and does not necessarily rely on too many reviews. Additionally, quality service yields a higher hourly rate; so therefore, one could potentially maintain a substantial income while only serving a low volume or even limited number of clients. So, follow my logic on this: the "best" escort may just possibly be one of the "least" popular, if that makes any sense at all.
great topic though Vicki
best regards, mr.man

Vicki Nicole6595 reads

I was just watching the Jenna Jameson: Confessions on VH-1 and she mentioned how at one point she decided she wanted to be THE BEST and MOST famous PORNSTAR EVER
and it got me wondering if there is a ESCORT version of Jenna Jameson
someone who is currently ESCORTING and is considered THE BEST and MOST POPULAR and who makes more money than all the other escorts?
I don't mean who is YOUR favorite or who is your ATF, that is not the question.

I mean who has the combination of awesome HOTT looks, body, attitude and gives amazing service to the point that they can have their pick of clients rather than the other way around.



Thanks Yall
(seeking to learn from the best;-)

-- Modified on 8/20/2004 10:54:44 PM

Obviously this is a loaded question. The best cannot be defined by the highest earner. I mean Donald Trump could be considered popular but as an escort, well, if he can't make a casino work, I doubt he would be successful. He would have good ads though. How do you know who is good? Forget reviews for a moment. You know who is who by media. Heidi Fleiss was nobody until she was arrested and had her face plastered everywhere. There are one or two escorts that have ads on every site that is escort related. Costly but effective so that is why they do it. A few escorts have requested to have their reviews pulled from sites. They are wary of le, friends/family, and the juicy details. (There is only so much humanly possible to be achieved. I wonder how I can top the last one. Pull a bunny out of the hat? Cartwheels?)

I think the best is the one that tries it for the first time and has a real orgasm. She won't be on the Mathesar Report though.

Vicki Nicole5118 reads

youre right
it is a loaded question and quite subjective
so i guess I would like to know who is the most popular escort in the U.S. who is considered both extremely attractive and a great provider, but popularity being the final defining charactaristic?

-- Modified on 8/21/2004 1:14:19 AM

Crush Fetish3829 reads

umm you forgot a crucial item....   value

Vicki Nicole3307 reads

what does value mean?
in this context?
I want to hear about the girls who financially command in the upper range of escorts ($500+ per hour) but who also is considered very popular, attractive, great personality and provides a great service.

Actually now that I think about it, that is a pretty good value.


Crush Fetish4705 reads

I guess what I mean is:

Is a provider who genuinely enjoys it for 500 a better one than one who genuinely enjoys it for 300?

Sort of crass, but real.


Vicki Nicole2931 reads

business wise i would look up to the one who makes $500 and Hour and is great at what she does and enjoys it more than the one who makes $300 an hour and is great at what she does and enjoys it
I guess I haven't really been able to express my question in a way to recieve the feedback/knowledge I'm seeking
let me try this
for example:
if i was VERY ambitious and wanted to be the NEW most popular and richest PORN STAR over Jenna Jameson I would probably follow in her footsteps since she is considered the best and makes THE MOST money of all the pornstars I know, (most pornstars I know are not millionaires like she is)

so say I decided I wanted to be THE BEST in MY industry as an ESCORT
whose business model would I take a look at

who would be considered the best?

-- Modified on 8/21/2004 12:43:13 AM

Crush Fetish3193 reads

Victoria von Helkine?

Vicki Nicole2870 reads

for naming names,
this is what I was looking for,
an actual name, lol
she's gorgeous
I will look up more on her

out here on the West coast two names that come to mind...

Victoria VonHelkine...Niki Avalon...

Vicki Nicole3618 reads

I love how Nikki gives discounts to educators and political activists, she has some really great ideas

-- Modified on 8/21/2004 11:15:11 PM

DickBead2887 reads

This kind of question reminds of some primetime entertainment show that will go nameless. I guess any woman or man can aspire to that and he or she is lucky if they  manage the money well, perhaps they can walk away from the life with their minds and bodies intact. The cold reality is that most providers like athletes stay too long and plan too little for the time in their lives when the looks, the money, and the game catches up to them and they know how to do little else. There will always be horny men who will pay for almost anything and that makes this life all the more seductive. That common street walkers are cleaning up just enough to rent nice hotel rooms and make several thousand a night; well that must feel like a dream. Well, for most, this ends in a nightmare of broken dreams, lost emotions, and little more than a few memories of the guys who wanted to "take you away' from the life. If after all the days of your life and all your cards are played, will you say it was a fair game or will you feel cheated? That is a better question to ponder.

Vicki Nicole3360 reads

and i'm sure there are some nights i will ponder that, but tonight I would just like one person to be brave enough to say a specific name


I don't think people are ducking your question.  I think that most people don't know.  First of all if I had the time, energy and money to sleep with a different provider each day for the next year I would have seen 365 different providers.  There are several thousand providers reviewed on TER alone.  Also I don't think most providers tell their clients how much money they are making and if they do how do we know they are being truthful.

-- Modified on 8/21/2004 2:35:35 AM

A returning Commander, victorious in battle, would come home to a hero's welcome and ride through town. A servent would be added to the cart, to wisper in the General's ear.....

" remember sir....that all glory....is fleeting...."

An oft told tale, but an important one.  This is true for all of us, no matter what we do.

How is a life well lived?  It is not for glory, but what we have done for other people that is of real value.

There has been much in the media on Julia Child recently.  Not a victorius general, but there was a life well lived.

"It is said an Eastern monarch once charged his wise men to invent him a sentence to be ever in view, and which should be true and appropriate in all times and situations. They presented him the words: 'And this, too, shall pass away.' How much it expresses! How chastening in the hour of pride! How consoling in the depths of affliction!"
-Abraham Lincoln

Melanie Love.

There, I gave you one.

Now, watch the fur fly!


Vicki Nicole2490 reads

I'd have to agree with that one, specifically for Boston
but she is not in the $500+ range yet (although she is worth more than that)
any more names?
but specifically someone who is well known across the U.S. and is in the $500+ range

She lives in Chicago and consistently gets great reviews and fees above what you say is your standard. She's not the most gorgeous woman on the planet, but I'd have to say from experience, she can rock the worlds of most and does everything with a little more class than most.

For, I consider myself just an average woman out here, who really loves to please:) Vicki, I wouldn't worry so much about who is the best in this or that, for all of us ladies have a quality we bring about us to a session.  Just concentrate on pleasing whomever you are with, and in the end, he will keep coming back for more! ;)

Also, kisses to you, Loarthan ;)

lets face it...so many hotttttt woman...soooooooo little time....what is a indiana boy to do?????????

(evil grin)

Big Foo4522 reads

Oh come on! You damn well know you are in the team picture Michelle, especially with so many guys slobbering after each and every post you provide. Not all of us are so easily enchanted though, are we?  lol
But you are definitely upper echelon, and you know it

I think that  Jenna Jameson could claim be best porn star of 2000. But there will always be another best porn star of 2007 or 2008. Jenna also said on TV that when she gets a baby, she will retire and quite forever.

For male actors, Johnny Wadd was well known in the 1980s until his star faded. Then, came Peter North and Rocco ...  But there's Ron Jeremy .. hehe

Vicki Nicole4605 reads

I think that Jenna is by far STILL the MOST popular and richest Pornstar in the world

I can't even think of another pornstar who nearly reaches her level of FAME and MONEY

I was just wondering if there was an escort who reaches that level of infamy

First, remove everyone that is a rip-off from contention.

Next, drop everyone not currently providing.

Finally, drop anyone that does not average 6 or better on their overall rating.

What you have left are the BEST DAMN PROVIDERS on TER.

What a woman does for a man that makes her great depends completely on the woman and the man.

Just my opinion and I could be wrong.

Price .vs. value is totally subjective and require a common context.  A rich man doesn't care about price, so the value for him may be high regardless.

-- Modified on 8/21/2004 6:06:11 AM

Regardless of the who gets what and how(we are talking about pussy here), the provider that pours her heart into her work, cultivates long-term 'relationship' with a few suitors, and plucks her share of newbies is usually in the best position to create value. Those women who can make each session seem like the very first time and make you cum harder than you thought you could are the ones she should aspire to be like. Because no one escapes the price or the payment and value is created solely in the mind.

"Fame is like ice, and sooner or later the sun will come out"
This question has too many variables to answer with just a single name, and who has the time or for some the incentive to take this on. You have to remember that reviews are personal opinions of a limited amount of individuals that have reasons for who they review and why. It's all a choice here and not like the porno industry where they can base the popularity of an individual on sales or rentals. If you truly want a given name you may have to specify exactly what you are seeking. Income, popularity, best service, percentage of repeat business : The list is quite lengthy, good luck in your quest.

Vicki Nicole2566 reads

got a name?

Most likely it is a porn star/escort. They can command 1000 to 1500 an hour an probably get that kind of clientele. If one of those tycoons wants a 3 hour appt, well, do the math.
I often see their posts and wonder what a typical daily sdchedule is for them, after all, not all of us will drop a dime (slang for a grand) on a 1 hour appt.

Vicki Nicole3897 reads

i was best friends for several years with a porn star escort who although is quite popular and famous, she makes most of her money from escorting and is no where near in the financial range of Jenna Jameson. I think she would have done amazing if she followed Jenna as a role model. Anyway yes she commands $1500 a hour but has nothing to show for it, does not own a home, a car, terrible credit etc... She does have great looks, but is not the best "provider" so I don't want to look up to her as a business model.

The following is copied from the website for this provider -

Natalia is the highest rated girl in the history of TheEroticReview.com; the world's largest and most respected escort review website!

She is number one out of over 75,000 girls reviewed over the last 5 years. She has 17 perfect 10/10 reviews, and 2 - 9/10 reviews.

Natalia has been featured in 3 independant films, and has been offered roles in several major motion pictures. She is breathtakingly beautiful with a body any man would die for. If you are a world-class gentleman who deserves nothing but the very best, there is simply no substitute for Natalia.

What is the value of the number one sensual experience of your entire life?

Please read the most compelling reviews of all time!

PS - Natalia's dream is to play the greatest escort of the modern world beside Robert Downy Jr. to launch the next chapter of her life as an explosive movie star.

Yes, for the last 8 weeks (she started two months ago) she has been researching this role.

OnlyInAmerica4060 reads

You do realize, don't you, that the majority of those reviews were either written by or paid for by Jason??

Vicki Nicole4769 reads

this is what i was looking for

Hobbywhore2784 reads

believe it or not Bi-Juliet. She has been around is on all the major sites, her reviews well although not the best on looks do show a good service, she has been around since the begining... LOL and she accomidates you completely... Just a thought... some of my personal favorites. Would be either Taylor James or Taylor Li. look em up both have excellent scores show up on time are independants, etc.

So, I felt challenged by this, and I searched the whole country for perfect 10's.  Nobody with more than two review is a perfect 10.  However, using the criteria 9-10 overall with at least 10 reviews revealed over 40 ladies.  I only looked at a few, but wow, beautiful women, incredible reviews, and prices to match.  Value?  You be the judge.

as there always had to be 'the Mark' for me, whether in 'other' business or THIS one. What did we all strive for, what was the Standard, the Goal???

In SD, there is/was a woman who was under the radar, did a great DEAL of business, had a horrendous repeat business, barely advertised, and had been in the business a long time so she became, for a number of us, the Model. How did she do it? How did she keep the business over so many years, under the radar, and without advertising? (And guess what girls - no anal? Yeah, a lot of ladies offer anal because they feel they HAVE to in order to enter and KEEP the market! BS!)

I'd love to know what the STATS say about your inquiry, but bottom line is what do YOU admire, whose business is where you'd like to be, and on what principles?
And THAT, is who would be my target MODEL.

Only you can put a name to that..

Sedona, you, my dear, are the model.  You enjoy what you are doing and you do well financially as well.  AND, according to your web site, your prices are within the reach of the upper middle class and not just the rich and famous.

The popularity criteria, I find extremely difficult to judge in terms of success. To the best of my knowledge and experience, at least with the local ladies in my own region, better service tends to create a business of mostly repeat clients. Therefore, she is able to maintain a substantial income without constantly advertising and does not necessarily rely on too many reviews. Additionally, quality service yields a higher hourly rate; so therefore, one could potentially maintain a substantial income while only serving a low volume or even limited number of clients. So, follow my logic on this: the "best" escort may just possibly be one of the "least" popular, if that makes any sense at all.
great topic though Vicki
best regards, mr.man

Aww, thanks sweetie, and I don't know.
I guess you've rubbed off on me,     ... but I'd rather you be rubbing on me.

The BEST provider...

works like she don't need the money, luvs like she's never been hurt,dances like no one is watching, and boinks to the same beat as her last client and takes chances on new slutful erotic antics with repeaters...

....and if she's the best...Lord knows that there will be repeaters!

VonRyan's met the best.


-- Modified on 8/21/2004 7:21:52 PM

-- Modified on 8/22/2004 4:43:18 AM

Whoever I happen to be seeing at the time.

You do mean "popular" by my standards...right?

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