TER General Board

Re:What is it with the whole faux provider thing?
DCprovider 4199 reads

I am also a "real provider" who chooses to post under an alias. However, I am quite sure that my posts do not support the "B-movie hooker" stereotype. I'm just a very private person.

Maybe this should go on one of the threads below, but I think it deserves a thread all to itself.  Since I've been reading this board, I've noticed the emergence of disturbing trend.  Posts are being made by attention seeking nutters claiming to be either current or past providers.  These posts invariably trot out and attempt to reinforce every tedious B Movie hooker stereotype.

So, on behalf of the women on this board, most of whom appear to be intelligent, sane and pretty together, can I just say that we are not a bunch of bitter, cynical, drug crazed, fiscally incompetent bitches who'd do anything as long as the money was good.  We have jobs, we have families, and most importantly, we have a life and the attributes we use and develop in these settings are also brought to 'work' with us.

And to my current bete noire, the appalling AnotherNYCProvider, I do hope you've managed to lower your 'standards' and find a tolerable shoe option for under $500 a pair, because after seeing the 'usual' quota of 100 clients a month, you probably should be swapping those Blahniks for gumboots.

Though, who knows what she's up to, even she can't keep track.  On June 14 she was "very very low volume as I only see 1-2 guys a day 6 days a week" and a mere 5 days later you explained that "…..after fucking a hundred men a month give or take a few, very few men stand out in my mind.  Its the money that I remember". Oh well, at least she remembers one thing.

-- Modified on 6/19/2005 11:21:41 PM

Bizzaro Superdude3339 reads

Most of my provider friends have lives.  I have been privadged enough to share parts of their lives and my life.  And I do agree, that with respect to the providers that I have met through the internet - there are no drug addicts, cynical bitches (with one possible exception) in over 2 years of this hobby!....  In fact, were I younger, there was one provider that I must admit, I would have pursued for a real GirlFriend (and not just the experience).

I felt tremeandously privaledged to have met her.  She is no longer a provider, but I can tell you that she is the sweetest, smartest, and probably one of the kindest individuals that I have ever met.  I wish her only the best and most fulfilling life - she deserves and has earned it!

But enough of this - are you into green!?

I think that actually was a very accurate translation. If I ever get lucky enough to visit Emma in her native land, I'm gonna bring your dictionary with me.

BILL183563451 reads

the way you follow Emma around

NoBrainer3890 reads

In the age of the internet, fast money, little or no  morality, there are plenty of women doing 5 or more per day and doing who knows what. The Faux Ho(s) are real EB, and they are collecting dicks for dollars. The meat grinder as new age internet prostitute. It's what the world has become since being a ho has gone hi-tech, 24-hour, oh very global. I believe it is a 100  trillion dollar business worldwide and its on a freight train straight to hell. The last of the really good ladies are retiring within 10 years or less. Good for them, because hoing is only getting worse.

-- Modified on 6/20/2005 10:17:18 AM

I don't see this happening that high volume will drive out the low volume provider.  Women in general don't desire this; men don't desire it.  Whether there's morality or no morality (a dubious assessment to begin with) there's not many women who do it, not many men who want it on that basis.  There will be a niche, possibly, for this practice, but this is market driven, and you can't separate the economics from the sexuality of prostitution.  

The courtesans have always existed simultaneously with the SW.  The internet will not change this.  If there's one thing to recommend the business to women at the higher level, that is that the women in it do have a lot of free time to do things like drive cross-country.

Firstly, the word is 'ho'.  A hoe is something one uses to remove weeds.  

No doubt high volume prostitution (HVP)is as alive and well as it has been since civilisation began.  I would like to see what evidence you can provide to support your assertion that there is a link between HVP and the uptake of technology.  I am also curious as to why you think it's on a 'freight train straight to hell'.  Are you saying that the presence of more women in the industry is likely to lower quality of product?  If so why? Also fascinated to know how you can be privy to the retirement aspirations of the 'really good ladies'.  

I am clueless as to what you mean by 'it' being a '100 trillion dollar business worldwide'.  Where did this figure come from?  How was it measured?  Is it simply an estimate of amount spent yearly by clients on prostitutes?  How does it define prostitution as opposed to pornography, lap dancing or whatever?  Does it take into count the costs associated with the industry, including externalities like policing, regulation, reduction in neighbourhood amenity and health care?  Does it include in the figures the direct expenses of prostitutes? What are the boundaries of the industry?  Does it include the value of associated services such as technology providers and sites such as TER?  In short, it's a big silly number of scant meaning.

You also entirely missed the point of my post, which is my concern that people are posing as providers and making posts containing very silly claims whose only purpose appears to be to paint all providers with a very dirty brush.

Bizzaro Superdude4244 reads

Right on Emma, the assertions made fail to take into account the historical perspective of this hobby.  If there is any doubt, all one has to do is read - anything with an accurate historical review of prostitution will lead to a conclusion that this is not new.  The advertising medium is new, but the existance of a spectrum of the quality and quantity of services is the same - EXACTLY THE SAME.  What some do not realize is that they did not invent human relations and sexuality.  

But I too share your concern concerning the faux posts.  Which is why this super dude chimes in from time to time.... to bring levity to what are somewhat baiting posts.

NoBrainer3956 reads

Ok, taking the thread in an entirely different position was my fault. The insertions sound a bit outrageous, but when one considers that this "hobby" of ours is not limited to these boards (e.g. TER), the reality is that pay for play is being played out all over this world and in many forms that most will agree are high volume and very under the radar. Now, no one is attacking all of the great people who do make this fun and a great diversion, but I would submit that we are in the minority. Let's not be shy about the fact that there are "sex clubs" for the rich that still are fueled by the wanton abuse of women and young girls that no one wants to talk about. And don't forget that legitimate porn (people not being forced) is estimated to be over 11 billion alone. Hell, street porn is alive an well too. 100 trillion is small potatoes when you add in every venue that leads women to sell their bodies. I ran with your phrase only to suggest that all of this is much bigger than the world of people that most of us know: hard working, god-fearing and certainly not high volume. But to suggest that some of my insertions are way off base is to limit yourself to the world as you understand and play ostrich to many phenomena that exist in the world that are "connected" to the thing we are discussing. Whether it's the internet or sex clubs or whatever venue, women are selling it like its no tomorrow. This is not a pristine profession that some of you are defending and the fact remains, it's all about the money, whether you are providing, pimping, being forced, etc, lots of cum is changing hands (pun intended). As to the great ladies retiring, pick any date, my point was women who make this a fun and decent to blow off steam are few and far between and by my estimation that number shrinks everyday as witnessed by the thousands and thousands of new pictures and sites being launched every day. I can point you to links and blogs that talk about this high volume world and its not as rare as some would have it, but why do it? If I take one lady on EROS and take her at her word that she sees "only seven a day" then I know she is not the exception; perhaps foolish or smart enough to lay it out there for what it is. So EB there are really no boundaries to this game and yes, we will continue to argue as to what constitutes what, but I like my analogy that its  on a freight train to hell, because the brakes have no padding.

-- Modified on 6/20/2005 7:07:36 AM

That's my guess, anyway.

As for the really high volume, I do know of some women who go high volume at times in their career and low at other times.

Yes, of course there are women who will fluctuate widely in level of activity, but that's not the issue here.  This person's posts and other similiar rubbishy posts attempt to portray as 'the norm' behaviours and attitudes which aren't representative of the women who post in this forum.  

ANYCP's inability to stay 'in character' long enough to avoid contradicting her/his own posts certainly doesn't add to her credibility.

Bizzaro Superdude4148 reads

I real...  me about 6'2" with a thick black wavey hair.  me like gals with interesting sounding names (louis lane, lana lane etc.) I reel literite and kan speek good tu.  

I have a green complexion with no piercings or body tatoos.  I smell with my nose... nad eat only natural food things.  

ME reel too.....   and I have feelings - just not connected to my bodie.

LOL emma about the shoes.. I thought it was only me !!!  

SHes such a nutter ( in a good sense )  and i love her ! Wonder if she will have me in Oz.. just find me in a tree with a Koala and we'll do lunch !

Look for the girl in the tree with the payless shoes.

-- Modified on 6/20/2005 4:41:55 AM

AnotherNYCProvider3698 reads

So i splurged on a pair of $500 pair of shoes, so what?  Its not like I do it everyday.  I only do it every 2-3 months in fact.  So shoot me for loving a pair of Christian Louboutin (or other high designer) shoes.  Shoes are my weakness. And I do save around 5K a month for savings. And I AM low profile. I only see 1-2 guys a day sometimes just 6 days a weel.  I only said 100 men a month because im sure there are women who do see 100 men a month.  From what Ive heard anyway.  I was just trying to make a point.  Albeit I suppose not a very good one.  God, if you knew who I was you'd see im a very sweet girl and I do love what I do.  But I do it to make money when it comes down to it. Sure there are other factors.  I STAY because its fun and I love the men and the company.  But its the money thats going to pay my rent.  But dammit I am real! Im NOT a guy or a poser!  Thirsty can attest to it and other mods can attest to it!

The message below is why I said 100 a month.  I DO NOT see 100 a month, but there ARE women who do.  Like the one on this thread.

-- Modified on 6/20/2005 3:06:52 PM

Why bother... another nyc provider..

everyone knows who you are by now..

It doesnt make sense..

Men love women more that speak what is on their mind

that are real

that are no bullshit...

Aliases are for cowards..

however Garretts wife was a classic as of late.. LOL

Hope fully ter will do away with aliases one day.

AnotherNYCProvider5301 reads

then send me an email and prove it.  I dont think aliases are for cowards.  I use it to speak my mind.  Maybe some men like women who speak their mind, but there is a fine line.  Men also like mystery.  I also use it because I dont want attention to who I am which would mean even more calls. and I have more calls then I can handle already ( I am grateful btw).  Anyway, the men are anonymous whether they use an alias or not (we dont know who they are), so why cant I?

-- Modified on 6/21/2005 2:54:56 AM

GND pointed out to me that it allows providers to speak their minds on the boards without fear that they will alienate current or potential clients. In this light both Megatha and AnotherNYC use the ALIAS feature to perfection. Although I have never met either lady, I can verify that they are both beautiful, intelligent young women.


Ironically, the professional name Ciara you've chosen *is* an alias.  You choose to perform your services under this alias.  I won't call that cowardly, Ciara-- I'd call that practical.  Given the secrecy demanded in this profession and lifestyle, I'm surprised that you have any serious objection to a woman choosing to post secretly all the time.

I've had occassion to use an alias on this board(other than as a gag) five times.  Those were serious topics.  If I couldn't use aliases, I wouldn't have posted them.  Call that cowardly.  But between having a serious subject censored and using an alias, I would use the alias.  Usually, it was because I didn't want anybody to look at my reviews and guess who else may have been involved in the issue I raised.  In other words, protecting somebody else's privacy.  

I disagree with you, Ciara.  I think aliases are essential here.  I know that sometimes they are annoying, but becrecy of all sorts are needed with what we do, and what we talk about.

I think abusers should probably have alias rights revoked.  I wish that were in practice.

Megatha Christie4056 reads

Some of us don't like to advertise and I'd like to remain low key and behind the scenes.  I figure if a man is looking in my area he will find me by my reviews so there is no need to post a schedule (not that there is anything wrong with that, but this is my preference).  Not all the alias names are fake. Feel free to ask the Mod that I exist (just don't ask who I am).

And btw to me low volume is seeing 2-4 men a week. And lastly I only buy good shoes when they are on sale.  ha ha

:) Megatha

I use to be Junior4573977 reads

I enjoy the use of an alias as well. Even in this forum where this is a relative "anonymity" sometimes you want to post a feeling or opinion that may offend or hurt someone.

I find posting under my alias to be very liberating.

Megatha Christie3145 reads

Not everyone uses an alias to slam or make rude remarks. Nor do I fabricate escort stories like the gal who says she sees ten men a day. (I'm not even sure I believe that: ten 1 hour appointments plus time in between would have to be a 12 + hour day. And who could do that day after day)

Sorry I digress....

Sometimes I like to add my opinion and since I'm not one to offend I feel more comfortable using Megatha. Besides these names are all fake so does it really matter if someone uses her alias or her escort name.  

:) Megatha

junior4574010 reads

Now you see I have to be careful and moderate myself because who knows who I could or might offend.

I'm just so curious now to know who you really are!?!

BILL183565292 reads

are better served by using an alias when saying anything controversial. What I find humorous here is the thought that this might be man. Also what I find kinda funny is the class distinction presented by Emma as high volume girls may somehow be on a lower level than low volume providers and shouldn't even consider buying a higher end pair of shoes? The provider seeing 2 hobbyists a day is perfectly acceptable but the one seeing 4 a day is a slut?  wtf ? this is flat out funny!!

Crap if I were a provider I would never post under my real alias let alone tell you my taste in shoes. Holy crap this place needs an enema

and I think it odd how you could draw that inference.  Women who feel the need to churn through that many clients a day to make ends meet are to be supported, not denigrated.

My gumboots vs $500 a pair comment was in reference to a) the mental picture that the thought of servicing that many clients invoked - that it would be like working in a abbatoir with it's messy, constant flow of dead carcasses and a reference to the effluvia of so many encounters.  I was also referring to the reinforcement of the stereotype that these women NEED to work like this to survive yet they are so fiscally incompentent that they would blow ;) $500 on one pair of shoes.

AnotherNYCProvider3850 reads

as are everyone on here.  But please dont assume about my life.  I make a very good living seeing only 1-2 guys a day.  The whole issue of $500 shoes has totally been taken out of context.  I grew up dirt poor and have been working since I was 16 years old with my very first job being McDonalds just so I can afford to buy my own clothes since no one else was buying me my necessities.  I love shoes.  Yeah 500 is a lot. Im not saying its not. But its not like I go shopping everyday.  For me to be able to afford such shoes is a huge deal for me and Im proud to be able to do it.  And no I dont bust my ass just so I can buy such shoes.  I only do when I have extra money and when I do need new shoes. The first thing I do when I have money is to take out about 30% and put it into savings, after that I put some towards taxes and after that my bills and after that is my play money. And you know what those shoes are going to last me for years and years because they are good quality. So please try to understand before you assume. We all come from different backgrounds and have very different lives. and no one here knows how I grew up or how I deal with the money I make. And I do save my money and have a very nice amount and will soon be investing. so Im not dumb. I just have expensive taste.

Tig Ole Bitties3716 reads

and it seems both NYprovider and cleanest coochie are both insane. How the hell can cleanest coochie make that claim when she douches often?

AnotherNYCProvider3427 reads

someone take me to the psych ward at bellevue now! Now where is my straight jacket?

Hercule Poirot4742 reads


I still exist, and I'm still on the case.  Shine the "MC" spotlight and I will come to your aid.


Megatha Christie3966 reads

I still have your surprise here.  A few days ago I was cleaning out my nightstand drawer and came across it (There you go - a hint on it's size) so hopefully I will be able to show it to you someday soon. Hope you are well and enjoying your summer!

Kisses, Megatha

Hercule Poirot3748 reads

Thanks for thinking of me - you made my day.
Check your mail


Funny story...another TER mod contacted me recently because he was intrigued by Megatha's posts. Rather than reveal her ultra-secret identity, I passed his info onto her so they could correspond. This week another prominent TER poster mentioned to me that he'd love to know who Megatha Christie is because he enjoys her posts so much.

Megatha, you may be low key but your fan club is growing!

The last time I posted the following comment (on NYC) someone gave me grief but what the hell...



Megatha Christie4508 reads


I appreciate you keeping my secret. This alias name started as a silly joke (it was a slightly different name then) with a male poster here and then I just continued to use it.  It's just for fun, sometimes to exchange information, get an opinion, etc but I would never post anything mean spirited and probably would never post something that I wouldn't say to someone in person, face-to-face. But hey, that's just me, others are free to speak their minds and say what they will.

A fan club? Posters inquiring about me?  What that does for the old ego.  Very flattering to hear!

:) Megatha

Doing a quick search on NYC board, AnotherNYCProvider has been posting since January under that alias with posts that look legit to me (posts on UTR, favorite condoms, etc.) at least on an initial scan.  Her posts here don't set off my skeptic-dar either.  She sounds legit to me.

If you're really concerned about misrepresentation, ask the mod on NYC board if ANP is the alias of a known provider.  I'm sure since ANP invited the inquiry in her latest post, thirsty wouldn't mind verifying her status while still maintaining her confidentiality.  Thirsty tends to be active on a daily basis, so you should get a response quickly.

As an aside, I don't know what went on last night with all these posts in the last few threads.  Looks like everyone's been popping Judy's pissy pills.

AnotherNYCProvider4235 reads

Damn, Im never going to post again when Im tired,  hence maybe some
"contradictions" according to Emma.

Some will always question your legitimacy when they disagree with your opinions.  I personally took the 100 figure in the context of your post and that thread, as a bit of a hyperbole.

Rest assured though, even if your status as a legitimate provider is established, Emma Bond will have no qualms about criticizing your opinions directly.  This is simply one less argument she can make about you.

Congrats, you get to go from the rock to the hard place.  Welcome to drama TER.

AnotherNYCProvider4447 reads

I actually have reviews going back a year, when i first started.  I choose to use an alias because I like being low profile.  I dont advertise much, my rep precedes me and i get more calls than I can handle.  I do post under my real escort name also.  oy, I never thought this drama would happen when I posted last night. And I was trying to agree with emma! Unfortunately, this just highlights my thoughts that I should stay away from the girls. Which is unfortunate, Id love to make friends with some of the girls, and we should really stick together.... but life is too hard for such drama.  Im here for the men and thats it.

I use to be Junior4573796 reads

I'm going to use my alias so no-one gets mad at me for agreeing with you. I don't think you should hang around those mean girls either!! Look at all the grief you have been through the past two days, sometimes girls can be so mean!! shame, shame, shame on all of you meanies...!!!

I would like to officially offer myself for your comforting. I would be glad to be your confidant, to be your "special friend" perhaps with benefits!?! We can discuss that aspect later.

So come here poor AnotherNYCProvider climb up on uncle Junior lap and lay your head up my shoulder, Uncle Junior will protect you.

BILL183564490 reads

as some of these girls just don't work and play well with others.

Imagine ??? All this over a $500 dollar pair of shoes? How many clients you see?? Whether you're a woman or a man?

Good thing she hasn't taken a severe disliking to you yet. roflmao

So what information have we gleaned from this thread.

ANNYCP has clarified that despite saying "after fucking a hundred men a month give or take a few, very few men stand out in my mind" she was not actually basing this on her own experience. I have to say, that's a relief, given that we can now presumably take her 'it's all about the money and nothing else' comments with a big grain of salt.  My point is this, yes, it is about money, but my hypothesis is that for the women on this board (the population sample that I am interested in) it's not quite that simple.

Yes, you could possibly apply those attributes to a big percentage of prostitutes, possibly even the majority, but I don't believe it applies here and the information I've gathered to date certainly doesn't support that assertion.  

The relationships that providers within this population have with their clients, and the complex matrix of emotional responses it invokes can't be, and doesn't deserve to be, described by resorting to tired cliches such as 'it's all about the money and nothing else'.  It's not about nothing else. There seems to be a huge 'something else', but what it comprises, and how to measure it proves to be an extraordinary complex issue.

So to ANYCP, I do apologise as you do appear to be a real live working girlie, and if you feel you can bring yourself to do so, I would like to speak with you.  Perhaps even meet for a coffee, as I will be in NYC in a few weeks.

NoBrainer bases his figures, and sadly his beliefs, on one provider he spoke to on Eros who does 'no more than 7 a day'  I would love to speak to this lady, so NoBrainer, please pass on my contact details.  No, I'm not being facetious, I would really like to talk with her or any others you know of in her situation.

junior4574714 reads

Dammit, just when things start getting good, someone always has to come to their senses and bring the fun to a screeching halt.

C'mon someone Flame, Flame loud, Flame large, Flame proud!!

I was working some angles in this thread they need more time to cultivate........Dam you cold cruel world.

Well now that's we've made peace, let's make love!!

congrats on taking the high road in the end Emma...stay well everyone

-- Modified on 6/20/2005 6:00:42 PM

junior4574148 reads

that's it make fun of my spelling call me names we can continue to perpetrate this thread a little while longer.

Ingnore AnotherNYC's "Thank You" she's not sincere you can see through that. Anger Emma, anger that's what we need a little more of.

If AnotherNYC reads this don't forget Uncle Junior is still here for you poor baby.

stay well everyone.

(this thread has been spelled to the best of my limited ability, BTW what is a dolt?)

Which means they are calling you a "dullard" or a "blockhead" or an "idiot" or "stupid" or something along those lines.
If what they're saying about you is true... you'll actually forget the whole terrible experience after a few minutes.

AnotherNYCProvider4905 reads

I was generalizing and I see now wrongly so.  There are many many factors in this biz.  I didnt mean to come across as a money grubbing whore. Thats not what I am.  I also made the original post late last night, I was tired and I wasnt thinking through clearly how I wanted to say things.  Can you see now I never was in debate club in high school?  ;) I love most of the men I am with and I do believe in what I do.  I could not do it well if I didnt.

after fucking a hundred men a month give or take a few, very few men stand out in my mind"

what I meant by this statement was that there are women who do see 100 men a month (mostly agency girls and perhaps some independents) I am NOT one of them.  But when it comes down to it, its the men who make a big impact on my life that I remember.  Do you think a doctor remembers every single patient he sees?  no. For me its not just about the money, but to be honest if I won the lottery tomorrow,  would I be doing this? NO.  I would definately see a select few that have become very dear friends but I wouldnt escort.  I would date and have real relationships with men. Again, I apologize for not being clear initially.

NoBrainer3196 reads

Thank you for acknowledging that high volume women exist and though you are not one of them, it's funny to me how this board gets more holy than the pontiff when it comes to this biz. Yes, a good number of women who frequent this board are not turnstyle whores, I agree, but to think that none of this exists is foolhardy. BTW, it's really okay to say you do it for the money only. If I could sling dick for money, I would and for no other reason. You don't have to cower to this board to say you like something when you don't. Sure, you are going to meet many great guys if you have standards and take care of yourself and perhaps there is some mutual admiration going. I have met several and we are great friends, but in lighter moments they will tell you, working like this sucks (no pun intended) and given a choice, they would rather experience true intimacy even if it is with mutiple partners.

-- Modified on 6/20/2005 9:18:52 AM

-- Modified on 6/20/2005 9:33:13 AM

AnotherNYCProvider2956 reads

100 men a month isnt beyond the realm of reality.   It comes down to about 4 men a day.  Im sure plenty of women do that.  100 just sounds like a lot.

BILL183564649 reads

we now know, you're a woman(Emma said so), you don't see 100 men(I still think its doable) , you like good shoes(who doesn't?) you don't enjoy debating (thank God)and you're no different than every other provider (they don't remember me either) :D

NoBrainer3117 reads

Come now. So my opinion and beliefs are less valid than yours? Me thinks you are the one who needs to go through some analysis. The fact remains whether the numbers reflect true activity, that someone is willing to put their bodies and souls through this abuse is for me very much real and to turn a blind eye to the fact this and worse goes on...ever heard of "white slavery?" Unfortunately, some of these girls get "turned out" when you are not playing mother hen. That someone's belief and or values are different than you own, what a shocker?  The attached "Lil Tara" works out of WS and IL. Does she make the seven and more? Sure, most days. But the reviews point to the fact she's not working very hard for the $$$. There are many others who operate this way and maybe are not going to lay it out like she does. It's not that I think lesser of anyone for doing what they want to do with their bodies, my rant is point out that is more common than you want to believe. Whether she worked for an AMP before breaking away is debateable (they work hard; 7 or 8 is common as is my understanding. So yes most courtesans would not  go for being prolific, but clean your glasses. $hit happens. So while seven may turn off most men, there are lines at her incall. Believe it.

-- Modified on 6/20/2005 9:30:08 AM

1) I don't think anyone is going to deny that high volume happens - we are all familiar with stories about overworked AMP and sex slave trafficking.  You can't pick up a newspaper down here without reading about yet another horror story about conditions in these place.  It's also pretty clear from some of the reviews you read on TER that some of these women must be churning clients over every hour on the hour for 8-10 hour stretches.

2) I am not surprised that this happens, nor am I turning a blind eye.  In fact, very far from it.  As I said, I am very interested in talking to women who work like this and I will contact her.  Thank you for her contact details.

3) That kind of volume does not appear to be the norm for the group I am, and was consistently, referring to throughout this thread.  This group is the women who use these boards on a regular basis.

If you claim to be responding to my posts can you at least refer to statements I have made and their inferences rather than simply responding to some imaginary post of your own.

-- Modified on 6/20/2005 6:45:27 PM

NoBrainer4384 reads

And you accuse me of lacking comprehension. This thread is all over the place and as Bill notes, you hate true debate, your tactic is to browbeat people who do not  agree with your POV, hence the ridiculous notion that ANYCP was a man pretending to be as escort when if you read these boards, she posts from what I consider a female perspective. The few people on here that you claim you speak for or that you want to understand couldn't care less that you are on some crusade to stop people from sinking lower than need be to make a buck. How preposterous. Get off your soapbox and beat on somebody who cares what you think.

-- Modified on 6/20/2005 7:24:29 PM

The phrase is 'couldn't care less'.  'Could care less' implies that you DO care.  But hey, no big deal, ANYCP made exactly the same error.  Gosh, do you guys know each other?

NoBrainer7252 reads

Sure, start by being a good egg and leave it alone. I know you have an incessant need to get the last word in, but heck, suffice to say you don't intimidate me and I for one will not kiss your ass.

BILL183563762 reads

Don't go getting me in trouble with Emma, I'm afraid of that lady :D

No my note was about Anothernycprovider and it was said in a complimentary way.

2 guys a day..= 14 a week..

Thats a lot of men a month.. dont say low volume-  50 or so men a month is a lot of fucking LOL
we are providers.. who cares how many men we see..

Minus Saturday and sunday i see  3-4 a day between 8 am 3pm. .who cares ? Its why I call myself, provider.

ANd I dont need an alias to post it..

Off to an outcall for number 5 of the day !
Crazy board lately.. you people need some central air installed ( LOLOL )

-- Modified on 6/20/2005 5:04:59 PM

aliasalias4611 reads

Emma you're just a pain in the ass! Arrogant, obnoxious and many other adjectives I won't mention here. Who the hell would want to see a bitch like you anyway ? Besides you're not even attractive and way overpriced too. Yep, another alias here. I luv em, we can say exactly how we feel without some pompous bitch like you blacklisting us. Go away , just go away.......back to your land of exiled convict inbreds.

Can you at least be creative or even vaguely entertaining. This kind of ignorant angry vent is way boring.  I mean really, what next, "your mother wears army pants"?  

Do you even know what 'blacklisting' means?  It's not a synonym for criticising, which is the context in which you've used it.  

Big big yawn.  Could you even find Australia on the map?  Convict inbreds you say?  Hmm, think you need a little geography lesson there.
Australia's population is one of the most culturally and ethnically diverse of any country.  Although the majority of the population are Australian born, about three quarters of Australians identify with an ancestry other than Australian. About 2% of Australians come from Indigenous backgrounds and about 41% have at least one parent who has born overseas. 22% of the population were born in another country. Of the overseas born, the major countries of birth are the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Italy. About 13% of Australians were born in non-English speaking countries. In all, Australians come from over 200 birthplaces.

So there.  NaNaNaNaNa

Bizzaro Superdude4030 reads

While elegantly misguided, cutely ignorant of US customs and procedures, the ever effervescent Miss Bond is delightfully entertaining!  SO PISS OFF callin her an inbreed! Or we’ll let the exiled inmates have their ways with ye!

aliasalias3809 reads

-- Modified on 6/21/2005 10:54:18 PM

BILL183564558 reads

and in this case I dont agree at all but say what you will she does make an attempt to back up her opinions. She does correct herself when she's proven wrong and she has the intestinal fortitude to post under her real alias when she has an opposing opinion which is more than I can say for you.

AnotherNYCprovider and Megatha Christie are two good examples of why an alias in some cases can be necessary. Its the way you use the alias that I have nothing but contempt for

aliasalias3592 reads

I just deleted a reply to Emma. No.. it's not what you're thinking, but there wasn't any point in posting it other than to try to exuse my bad behavior. You're right, an alias shouldn't be used in the manner I posted. I wouldn't have even considered such a post a year ago. The ladies and gents who know me would be shocked and dissapointed in my attitude (or maybe not). So why do I do it? One word..JADED. Yep,I've been around these boards a bit too long I suppose. I know the hobby a little too well. There are other dynamics in play her too that bother me, but I won't get into that. My appologies to Emma for the foolish insults.

-- Modified on 6/21/2005 11:17:15 PM

BILL183564233 reads

there's some hope here after all. Its encouraging to see someone using a false alias actually be big enough to admit its the wrong form of expression. Who knows, you may have just set an example some others might follow.

You kids go outside and enjoy this beautiful day and stop your bickering.
If NYC Provider wants to buy $500 shoes and Ciara wants to buy from Payless who cares.
And if CleanCoochie wants to see multiple men a day that's no one elses business.

Move along...nothing to see here!


Bizzaro Superdude4076 reads

Soooooo The truth is mine at last... aha!  you will be in the NYC area... will you be touring - can a green guy find a use for his green cash!?    what I would not give for just one single snip from miss bond in person!

Thank you gods of escort heaven - Miss Bond cums to the US!????

-- Modified on 6/20/2005 3:15:41 PM

Bizzaro Superdude3587 reads

Actually, all of the providers who take the time to "match wits" with us on these discussion boards are by far and large, quite fun and clearly intelligent!  I would much rather see these types of providers than those that are "not up to these standards -as suggested in the post above concerning the stereotypical "call girl."

While I may often disagree with Miss Bond's perspective on the human condition, I respect her vatage point - after all, she is on the other end of the business and has a valid membership in this "club."  

With respect to the other routine contributors of this board, they too, often make me think - and I post trying to be humor providing...   but I gotta admit - that Miss Bond can dish it out with the best of 'em!   Maybe one day I would meet her in person.... but then again - my ATF and others keep me pretty happy!

BILL183564315 reads

but I think you're beginning to break through the ice with Emma. Keep up the good work :D

...are faux providers that much cheaper than real ones? If so, are they obviously fake, or does it take a trained eye to spot one?

DCprovider4200 reads

I am also a "real provider" who chooses to post under an alias. However, I am quite sure that my posts do not support the "B-movie hooker" stereotype. I'm just a very private person.

You criticize people for their spelling, well take a look here:


Your second sentence has the word "ready."  We assume you meant "reading."

And in an earlier message:


after the word "abbatoir," you said "with it's messy..."  Again, a typo, I assume.  You meant to use "its."  

People make typos.  We are human.  We err.  So quit playing the mean, petty school marm.

Bizzaro Superdude3883 reads

Emma Bond make mistakes.... ?   No!  But we all do!  That is why I must agree with the posts that argue content over form. (Except where the spelling and grammatical usage is so bad that it is difficult to sort out the meaning.)  For the most part this has been a very interesting thread!  

But I digress, Miss Bond, is coming to the US, Miss Bond, is coming to the US, Miss Bond, is coming to the US, Miss Bond, is coming to the US, Miss Bond, is coming to the US, Miss Bond, is coming to the US, Miss Bond, is coming to the US, Miss Bond, is coming to the US, Miss Bond, is coming to the US, Miss Bond, is coming to the US, Miss Bond, is coming to the US, Miss Bond, is coming to the US, Miss Bond, is coming to the US, Miss Bond, is coming to the US, Yea!

Tony Souprano4263 reads

2 at one time was the most...and that was more than enuff.


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