TER General Board

Re:Question about e-mailing ladies
vannessa 2658 reads

You made a very generous effort and you should disregard the SP for now.
Perhaps she has no access to email at this time.
I suggest you find someone who is more responsive.
Best wishes,

I am looking for advice from fellow hobbiests and perhaps a ladies view as well.

I recently contacted a sp about the possibility of getting together. I promptly received a response thanking me for writing and inquiring about what time on this certain day I would like to meet. I responded that evening with the time I would be interested in meeting. I waited four days with no response, and sent another message saying that perhaps you didn't get the first and provided my time requirements again. Now its three days later and I still have no response. I had polietley asked the lady to let me know if she could not make a meeting so I could make other plans. Let me say that nothing in my messages could have been construde as graphic, threatening, or out of the usual. I have been e-mailing ladies in this hobby for a few years and know the correct procedure.

I know  the ladies have busy lives, but I think I have been patient in the matter. I have seen posts by this lady on other sites so I know she has been online.

So here is the question, do I move on and write it off as a lady to avoid, or do I send another message and ask for an explanation? Also, this is a highly regarded and well reviewed lady. Would that impact your decision on e-mailing again? Any and all thought welcome.

-- Modified on 7/8/2005 6:08:13 AM

As someone who deals with lots of emails due to touring, I can understand if she missed the FIRST one.  Sometimes we mean to respond a little later (if we aren't available etc) and it gets lost in the shuffle because we are dealing with several boards, messaging systems emails etc (or an assistant the is on vacatioh uuuugh).

If you sent her a second email and she didn't respond, I would make other plans.  I usually respond to emails (unless they are rude, graphic etc) in a timely manner.  I can understand her losing one email but not two or three.

Use the three strike system.  If she doesn't respond to the last email....contact another fine lady on this board.
Happy Hobbying

I always try to return phone messages for business within 1 business day (24 hours)and I expect the same.

If after 24 hours, I don't get a response, I try once again and chalk it up to a potential oversight or misunderstanding and reset the clock for another 24 hours.  After that, I would look elsewhere....

how really "highly regarded and well reviewed lady" she truly is.

In most cases for me anyway, move on. Life is way to short for the grief. She may have issues, but then so do I... and that's taking care of the the little head.

karmacoma3021 reads

IMO- I will not chase anyone around to spend my $$$.  Too many other quality women in business to go through that.  I'm not just talking about here; that has to do with any business.  Don't take it personal, and if she ever gets back you then you can decide if you are still interested (as long as you have not made new plans).  The only time I feel that they OWE us an explanation is if they pull a no-show.  I would make new plans!

I am so sorry I havent been able to get to your messages.

With my new site/new email, i ve been getting everything confused. I had email diffuculties with [email protected], and then had a virus at [email protected] .

I just saw that the last time you emailed me was July 4th. ( was still in my deleted mail ) I had emailed you back 2x from june 29th and 30th. Due to the holiday weekend, I was not at home, nor at any computer devices. I was with family and my s/o.

I came home to to 550 spam emails or so, got disgusted and deleted everything from 4 days I was not at computer.

If it were anyone else you were writing about, id say move on. But it is me, so I still say move on.

My bad
things happen unfortunately.
good luck and sorry for the mishap.

-- Modified on 7/7/2005 9:30:58 PM

ftian692128 reads

If its Ciara you are talking about, avoiding her would be your loss.

I thought I was the most impatient person on the planet but you take the cake.

The ladies don't have busy 'lifes', they have busy 'lives'. You've got to appreciate that my friend. I have learnt to be patient and you need to do that too.

-- Modified on 7/8/2005 5:14:48 AM

Ftian69 you say that I am the most impatient person in the world. Let me put it this way. If you contacted your doctor, lawyer, or any other highly paid professional and it took them more than a week to respond would you find that acceptable? I truly believe I have been more than patient in this matter.

Most of the messages have told me to move on, I guess that is the best thing to do, It just disappoints me because I think I would have had a very nice time meeting this lady.

As far as who the lady is. I never mentioned it in my post and won't name names, not my style. I was looking for advice and have received it.


Pumping Irony2033 reads

that every provider wouldn't have a blackberry and would take chances of losing business or pissing off regulars for a lousy $400 investment.

Sorry girls but there simply aren't any good excuses for poor communication anymore.

Damn, I knew I should have studied to be a doctor or lawyer. Golfing in Brazil, that sounds better than what I do for work, lol.

vannessa2659 reads

You made a very generous effort and you should disregard the SP for now.
Perhaps she has no access to email at this time.
I suggest you find someone who is more responsive.
Best wishes,

Agreed ,,, "Stuff happens " to everyone, so move on ... Based on all of this back and forth, you're not going to have a good time, even if you do meet up because it's clear that your feelings are hurt ,,, Save yourself and the lady the disappointment ,,,

...About a third of the responses I get back from providers are along the lines of...

"Oh piss off, your ridiculous wanker!"

The other 2/3s are usually rude brush-offs.

erbslydcw2407 reads

I'd say not everyone connects as we hope. I've only not answered once...due to rudeness of his approach.
Then again, when I travel with my best bud, or he's in town, I don't answer my phone, nor emails.
I have a laptop connection at my business only, so am away from it alot. I do list my phone number on my site though.
Lot's of choices, and I'd say no answer speaks just as loudly as a prompt one...

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