TER General Board

Re:Don't say "she does anal" if she didn't with you...
MysteryAdmin 77 Reviews 3470 reads

This is a good point.  One thing I've never understood were some of the "Don't Know" choices in the *Actual Services Provided* section.  I interpret this section to mean describe what happened and since I was there I should have a fairly good idea of what happened.

Or, maybe I just dreamed up the whole experience... :)


It always cracks me up when I see that a providers profile says she does anal, but none of the reviews mention it. or the closest they come is to say "She said she does anal, but not on the first visit, or after she gets to know you better."

Guys, if you didn't experience it, then don't say she offers it.  That's what "don't know" is for.

This goes for all activities, but this one is where I see it the most.

Malcolm SEX2883 reads

Marking it as available enables the reviewer to give her an extra point in her rating. This seems to be a loophole in the software.

It also drives the ladies nuts as well.  Please be as accurate as possible.

I think for the most part not a YMMV, if it's on the menu it'll be mentioned in reviews.

The problem is that when you write a review, you are required to answer a bunch of questions that you just don't know the answer to, and it won't even accept "Don't know" on some of the profile questions.  So you have to say either that she does it, or that she doesn't.  If I'm *required* to make up a nonsense answer and inject noise into the data (just the very thought of that premise, ought to make people's skin crawl), then I'm going to answer YES, since it relaxes the performance rating constraint, so that it is more capable of accurately reflecting perceived experience.  I'm sorry if that causes a problem, but answering NO would cause a problem too.

Don't blame the reviewers, blame TER.  It's a flaw in the system.

This is a good point.  One thing I've never understood were some of the "Don't Know" choices in the *Actual Services Provided* section.  I interpret this section to mean describe what happened and since I was there I should have a fairly good idea of what happened.

Or, maybe I just dreamed up the whole experience... :)


The Don't Know in Performance actually does have it's place.  If you didn't perform a certain act, but didn't ask to either, then you "don't know" whether the service is available or not.

Hey, trips to greece are probibly my second favorite thing.

just really depends on the size of a guy. I haven't done it that much but I will try, Doesn't mean it will work. I want it to be nice not to hurt me.  There are alot of guys that like it but some don't.  BE-GOOD-I-TRY-TO  sassy

MMMMMMM I wish you was a lot closer than you are, or I would take you up on that......I'm more than average, but not huge and not into going at it like a jackhammer.

Have seen your site......shame I am never out your way.

I couldn't resist.  Time for me to get some fresh air, I think.  :-)

I always fill out the blocks accurately but they don't change anything on the profile. The only way to change that is to go thru the proper channels. I believe its called the "problem report" section.  Believe me I agree with your frustration and I wish there was a better way to fix the problem.   I think that some providers know their profiles are technically wrong but rather than going through the excersize of changing them they leave it the way it is.  I also believe that some do it because those extra items which we are speaking of (greek, bi, bbbj, dfk, etc are the acctivities which allow a provider to receive "10" scores.  The rules do not say that you have to receive three of those special items in order to give a 10 score. The rules simply state they just have to be available. So if you had a good time and want to give a 10 you are free to even though she does not actually do anyone of those extra items.
So now you can see why a provider would be in no hurry to change her profile.  But those of us who are looking for those items and are SEARCHING based on those criteria are dissapointed when we have those dates!!!  So what we should all agree to do is to turn in the proper report when and if we find a discrepancy.  A few days ago we told that gent he was obliged to do an accurate review so that others could be informed.  Well the same obligation applies here. The strength of this community is its ability to provide accurate information.

If I know she does it even though we didn't, wouldn't saying she does help fellow Hobbyists who are actually looking for that service?

Would you accept "Don't say "she does anal" if she didn't offer it to you... "?  That's the only way you could really know that she does it anyway.

If you didn't experience it, then you don't know she offers it.  Even if she tells you that she does.  When I see a review that says "she says she does anal once she's seen a client a few times" I know that, most likely, none of the other reviews will confirm anal.

This site isn't for us to advertise what they claim they do.  It's for us to review the girls based on our personal experiences.

This is a good point but I'm not sure I fully agree with it since there is a "Services offered" section as well as the "actual" section.  I would think the two sections could be filled out to identify what's "on the menu" vs what dishes on the menu one actually experienced.

I do agree with with your statement about reviewing vs advertising.   This makes me wonder if the review form needs to be simplified a bit.


I'm talking about a scenario like this. 'She offered to switch to anal but I was having such a good time with RCG that I declined', or even 'Greek was $.5 extra so I passed'.

Acutally, I think I said that already in my previous post.  Disagree with that if you like, but don't distort it.

I think this is a fair position.


My reply was to someone majemi's message, not yours.  I never distorted what you said.

Of course, by the time I saw your message this was already on the 3rd page, so no one will ever read this.

If she offers something but I decline, then I KNOW she offers. Now if she tells me she does something but I don't ask for it and she doesn't ask me if I want to, then I don't really know. If that was the situation, I wouldn't mention that in a review. But if she asked me if I wanted to and I declined, I see no reason not to include that in a review.

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