TER General Board

Read her reviews, i think that ship has already sailed
GaGambler 664 reads

and why does it have to be "either/or"???

I am pretty sure that English is not her native language AND she is stupid to boot, just like her grandmother.

attaching the fee because not much people want to fuck them for free? Xo

Remind me why you're trolling here? Lol are you offended by the mature ladies?  Does our confidence bother you?  
AND I'd STILL fuck circles all around you. Your attitude really sucks.  
I definitely don't have any problems getting laid dear ;)
Your sorry ass attitude won't win you any brownie points with many here. Are you having a problem just doing you?  
Troll away dumbass ;

LasVegan595 reads

ALWAYS will be, and suckable as well, end-to-end!

Talk about "shots fired".  I need to get more popcorn, I see this thread becoming increasingly interesting.

...over 45 and sought after by men of all ages because of their confidence, knowledge, sex appeal and class. Perhaps when you mature, you will gain some of those characteristics as well.

...not ladies over 45 years old. If that's the case, who are the 45 companions that are just trolling? :):):

bigguy30473 reads

Posted By: Sexy Toni
...over 45 and sought after by men of all ages because of their confidence, knowledge, sex appeal and class. Perhaps when you mature, you will gain some of those characteristics as well.

Dear Toni,  
With respect to age an experience, what would you say would be the demand for the women over 35 versus the women under 35?  Also which age group over time would tend to have more repeat business? I was just asking this because there is no substitute for experience.  This is a big factor since we are in the world of pay for play and most of your clients for the compensation that they render are looking for a sure thing.  After all, whether it is sports, mainstream corporate America or pay for play, there is nothing wrong with a veteran.

Posted By: Sexy Toni
...over 45 and sought after by men of all ages because of their confidence, knowledge, sex appeal and class. Perhaps when you mature, you will gain some of those characteristics as well.

... definitely over 30/35. It is based on the hobbyists and their average age. Let's be realistic, the majority of hobbyists are over 45/50 years of age. No matter how hot, young and fresh the young girls are, there is a certain maturity that must also accompany. That is what is important. There has to be some connection. Hobbyists want to feel comfortable. When it comes down to reliability, responsibility, compatibility ... that is rare to find in a 20 year old girl. Don't get me wrong, I currently assist a 21 year old, who is beyond her years. She has repeat clients and is more responsible than some 50 year women I have worked with. It is on a case by case basis, but you asked in general.  

Many years ago when I first started in this wonderful world, a dear friend relayed that "age is relative." He stated that most companions may "fib" about their age anyhow. He said that "Hooker years are like dog years, you always add 7"... :)  :)  :)  

Some new young ladies who are 30 or 32 will come to me and say "Should I put 25?" or "I look 22, let's put that". I say NO WAY! It is what it is. The truth is always best. They could actually turn away clients for being too young. There are some gents that prefer thin blondes under 30, some that prefer athletic types over 40 and then there are most that just are all about the connection and experience.  

Always Sexy ~

the bar so high for the newer providers to attempt to emulate. The word "chemistry" comes to mind.

I for one will not seek a provider less than 30 any more unless I have met them previously at a M & G or they come highly recommended by another provider or hobbyist I trust.

... speaking of M&G, it was great to see you in Orlando last month. Looking good ;)

Always Sexy~

JakeFromStateFarm649 reads

Not quite as badly as your grandma, the almost incomprehensible Pav.  But very badly indeed.  And like her you don't know when to STFU.

Well, you do say you're from Russia, so I am assuming that you're a native Russian speaker...

Be that as it may, I really would like to know what you think the reaction is going to be when you make statements like this...are you just trying to be funny or do you really think this?

And if you really do feel this way, you may be well served to be reminded that you aren't going to be young for long...

GaGambler665 reads

and why does it have to be "either/or"???

I am pretty sure that English is not her native language AND she is stupid to boot, just like her grandmother.

To think like that is senseless and hypocritical...

JakeFromStateFarm695 reads

Nasty and stupid at the same time.  Quite a combination.  Savvy marketing, too!  I'll bet lots of guys reading your recent posts are beating a path to your door.  In case you didn't get it, that's sarcasm.
When you've gotten this nest of vipers to agree on anything it's quite an accomplishment so, Congrats!
I hope you do better in your next endeavor.

The mature ladies I've been fortunate enough to know are invariably the best (and sexiest) company--charming, witty, worldly and delightfully experienced.

LasVegan504 reads

getting to be pretty negative!  Are you feeling ok?  Have not read one positive comment in any of your recent posts.  You have my condolences.  Whoever is mistreating you, to make you feel so badly, will get theirs.

Try to be positive.  In time you will get over whatever is ailing you.

Your latest review would indicate your in or near that age group.  

I saw Sophia's ad on TER so I e-mailed her to see if she could see me a couple of days ahead.
She has a regular job so her availability is evenings and weekends.
We arranged a mid-day weekend rendevous.
She is a short stocky blonde Russian woman in her late 30s to 40s.
Se was friendly but businesslike.
Unfortunately our time was cut short.
Overall not a great session, would not repeat.

Posted By: sophiafun
attaching the fee because not much people want to fuck them for free? Xo

have higher ratings than the OP?  Why yes it is.  Maybe she could learn something from those with experience, looks, and skills.  Probably not as she may not be willing to learn.

Posted By: Foodyguy
have higher ratings than the OP?  Why yes it is.  Maybe she could learn something from those with experience, looks, and skills.  Probably not as she may not be willing to learn.
Good way to promote business. All level escorts trolling boards to get paid Biz.

GaGambler516 reads

"Damn, I need to go get me some of that"??? lol

I think everyone is thinking more along the lines of "what a crazy fucking bitch, I wouldn't fuck her with Fat Vern's dick"

You'd be surprised. Some people like them feisty and even BSC. Remember what crazy Donald says: "bad press is better then no press". I'm with him on that 100%.  

I'm just thinking that from now on all providers that are trying to get themselves noticed are gonna start something nutty that prompts a long thread of people calling them BSC.

if one were to see you on right day, but frankly, the odds of getting the Sophia that is posting here instead are just too great to even warrant the effort.

That if they were not providers they would not be having sex. They were in the age 25 to 35. They told me that men today don't want commitment. They also told me they consider the hobby as a form of dating. They enjoy repeat business.

did they just get tired of hearing about your expertise on penny stocks?

Can't believe that you have all this info from ladies when all you ever see or review are skanks from Back Page.

Posted By: DaveMogal
That if they were not providers they would not be having sex. They were in the age 25 to 35. They told me that men today don't want commitment. They also told me they consider the hobby as a form of dating. They enjoy repeat business.

Posted By: sophiafun
attaching the fee because not much people want to fuck them for free? Xo
-- Modified on 10/11/2016 8:35:33 AM

Posted By: sasha2cute
No escorts not working or promoting for free.Clients show up without cash see what happen with all escorts.That why you start shit  with me.and jump on others bandwagon shit talking me.

Free-to homeless, convicts and escaped mental patients. No one is going to pay for sex for you. Closed for business.

Posted By: sexybrietaylor
Free-to homeless, convicts and escaped mental patients. No one is going to pay for sex for you. Closed for business.
Everybody pay for it sweetie.Promoting business not working boards for free.

LasVegan572 reads

please show some respect for the "homeless," "violent convicts," and "escaped mental patients."  Surely they would know better, than to get involved with HER!  Don't you think?????

Posted By: LasVegan
please show some respect for the "homeless," "violent convicts," and "escaped mental patients."  Surely they would know better, than to get involved with HER!  Don't you think?????
This f*** up  for prostitution board..

-- Modified on 10/11/2016 9:52:14 AM

there were SOOOO many people wanting to fuck me for free I thought this would be a good way to have a fun, pay bills, and pursue an interesting career.  I was correct about that, by the way. :)  

Posted By: sophiafun
attaching the fee because not much people want to fuck them for free? Xo

Mr.M.Johnson479 reads

who said "That if they were not providers they would not be having sex. They were in the age 25 to 35. They told me that men today don't want commitment. They also told me they consider the hobby as a form of dating. They enjoy repeat business."

So, some providers 25-35 wouldn't be having sex because men don't want commitment....Why wouldn't they have casual sex whether it's a one-timer or a repeater w/o commitment? Maybe they really don't like sex!  And/but being a Provider "is a form of dating"?  

Conclusion: sex for money is better than casual se

Many providers tell me that hobbyists treat them better than regular civilian guys from a range of all types of stuff, not just the money.

MyphonyTERalias715 reads

Before you start throwing stones at other providers based on age alone, you might want to look for ways to improve your own review scores. I suspect insecurity over review scores may have prompted this silly attack.

β€œThe years teach us much that the days never knew.”
I try to remember that quote before the arrogance of youth has me saying something stupid.

You’re welcome to borrow the book

Senator.Blutarsky450 reads

It's not an age thing...there are plenty of women on here of all ages who I am amazed that anyone would pay, and who I wouldn't fuck for free. It just proves that there is a market for just about anything. One man's junk is another man's treasure.

If it has a vagina and it's Free, someone will fuck it.   No need to go "trolling".

To believe that fairytale that you have the Holy Grail of Vagina, is a lie you start believing,  
because you've been told it so many times by the guy who has his dick buried in you.

Older girls go deeper into connecting with a guy than the obvious long blonde hair and an accent.
Their value is in their experience, skill, and intuition at making another human being feel Loved.

They attach a fee,    
              because they can.

Han.Shot.First491 reads

They have higher scores and higher rates. With a bit more money, you may even be able to buy yourself a second dress one day.

JakeFromStateFarm535 reads

I just know it won't be me.  For example, you couldn't PAY ME enough money to fuck either Fancy or Pavliena for free.  I guess the OP is now on that list, too.

You can read a man better as you go along. it's been 3-ish years for me, and I'm already noticing this back and forth that most definitely increases wth time and experience. I've seen it first hand with more experienced women.

Your intuition grows not only sexually, but the mental stimulation they need. Yup yup yup!

I would prefer a 40+ over a 20+ any day.  Not that 20+ are bad.  Its just nice to be with someone closer to my age and easier to relate to.  Plus older woman are just more secure and fun.

Mr.M.Johnson456 reads

I rarely see gals under 30 - this is just-m

Hahahahahahahahahahaha.............. ;)

I deleted the content. Why talk to a wall? lol!

-- Modified on 10/12/2016 7:55:09 AM

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