TER General Board

Re: Yes, I am influenced by how providers refer to themselves.
RaqueldeMilo 989 reads

Posted By: WickedBrut
I suspect that terms like VIP Escort of Courtesan are largely marketing or legal disclaimers. Still, I pay attention to how they refer to themselves because it hints at their attitude and personality. Sometimes I'm misled, but usually it's valuable.  
 What I wish providers would be more exacting about are terms like "sensual" or "playful." It's really a drag when I expect someone sultry and sensual and find her cheerful and playful. Or-- another day, a different mood-- vice versa.  
I find myself in different moods on different days.

Have you ever tried mentioning to the provider what your mood is like?

make it any more or less likely to want to see them? For example, I see some ladies call themselves VIP escorts, some Elite VIP escorts, some Cortesans, etc you get the idea. It seems like it is done to distinguish between a certain class of provider. Does it derive from the negative stereotype that most of America has about street walkers? Is it only for marketing purposes? Do the ladies here feel like these labels help you attract new business or a certain type of more affluent client?

But I will keep my eye out for it. Btw, you have a typo on your rates I thought I would tell you about.

GaGambler1037 reads

But "Classy Ass Hooker"??? Now we are talking. lol

In all seriousness, the term "classy" in a hookers ad really is a turn off to me, but "classy ass hooker" is great. To me, it means that she probably doesn't take herself too seriously, and most likely is a lot of fun. kudos.

browneyes_940 reads

It doesn't matter how classy adult workers think they are, the clients will make damn sure they  
will treat them like street walker low life scum bags . There is not such thing like respectful behavior with a sex worker. If sex work is considered a bad job that doesn't mean that the sex workers are bad people. Of course the clients have their own values so they will continue to treat sex workers as badly as they feel like it just because they pay!  
80% of sex workers clients are abusive thinking that it is ok to do that as long as they paying for it! Then after the first session ends up with bruises, smashed makeup , sore private parts for the sex workers and they decide to deny a second session for that rough client a second date he is probably wondering what went wrong! Well if that rough client really needs a good standing relationship with his preferred adult worker then the solution is for him to  
2. Read a book about good manners and respectful behavior .  
3. Start respecting sex workers' boundaries and she might approve a second session with you!

Posted By: YourMysteryDate
I hear that's what's hot in marketing these days!

Vagazzle1169 reads

We determine our marketing and branding based on the clientele we target.

Do other guys use something other than this?

No, but different guys sure are willing to part with more or less of those dollars depending on who I'm marketing to. Come on. You don't market ford fiestas to people who can afford bmw's. And with my current marketing, I capture the in-between.  

It's about perceived value and correct ad copy. My ad copy wouldn't and shouldn't look like ad copy for a lady who charges more than i do or who has different specialties.  

Everyone has cash but getting people to part with it takes a certain level of savvy, wouldn't you agree?

The trick in this world is to figure out which gal is leasing a Ford Fiesta at a BMW 700 series rate.

I think that is what the reviews, back channel and other screening methods the guys use is for.

I can tell you that many gals cannot pull off the faux ads well.  But they try.

Not everyone has cash for this world.  Those that do tend to understand (after some trial and error) that paying high rates does not equate to value.

I'm under no illusion about what constitutes expensive and what constitutes a bargain.  When you're in the business of selling things (no matter what they are) the experience you're selling has to fit the price or else perceived value plummets.  And while anyone can charge whatever the hell they'd like to charge, if someone is selling a bad product fronted with exclusive marketing ploys, the product is still bad.  

I come at this from having sold booze for a long, long time; you can put shitty vodka in an awesome skull-shaped bottle and charge over $35 a bottle for it, but you'll soon find that a good product in a normal bottle at  $17.99 a bottle will hold far more market share.

and Stoli is a great example. Great vodka in a simple bottle. Not that Belvedere is bad, but it gives me no more pleasure than Stoli. Less, actually, 'cause I'd feel like an idiot for buying it.

Wait...great analogy!

There's always a sucker born, or in this case a newbie who doesn't know that pussy is still pussy no matter how glammed up photos are, or how vain words are on a site for a woman.

When I'm renting something like a car for a quick ride, I really have no interest in spending a nickel more than the bare minimum to get from point A to point Z.

Others however perceive a difference and would pay a higher rate for a GPS in the car.  

I also drink the cheapest vodka I can buy (and on sale).  I don't notice a difference in booze.  Pretty much the same ways that many guys see a pretty picture of a woman here, go see her, report that she's glammed her photos up and are disappointed.

Prior to the internet this was never a real problem.  Now the women realize they can sell the $ 17.99 bottle for $ 35.  And if too many complain (through reviews and email), she simply changes her name.  Maybe moves to another town.  Perhaps both.

I have noticed a significant abuse of photos and reviews over the past few years.  I also doubt it will cease any time soon.

hotplants986 reads

So I won’t say we disagree, again…lol…[cough]

If I’m renting a car to get from point A to B as quickly as possible I, as well, have no interest in paying a rental car Co the rate for a luxury car when a ford fiesta will get me there just fine.  

But, when I’m looking for a luxurious luxury experience, a Ford Fiesta ‘ain’t cuttin’ it.  

I DO notice the difference in Vodka. The cheap shit gives me a headache. And, I have absolutely “0” interest in hiring a sex worker who is going to usher me in the door, drop my pants, get me off and call it done.

You can scoff at the courtesan label if you like. Call it whatever you like. But all vodka is definitely NOT the same. I want to be pampered. I want to soak in a hot bubble bath and shoot the breeze. I want to take my time. I want to be relaxed and giggle and cuddle. I love having a glass of wine or a snack made available.  

This is just another one of those personal preference things. But my preference being different than yours does not make me a sucker. I just know what I like. And, what I like is not laser-focused on getting a nut.  

-- Modified on 2/5/2015 1:23:13 PM

Vagazzle1077 reads

She said something to the effect of: There aren't $300, $500, and $1000 providers.  There are $300, $500, $1000 customers.  We market ourselves to the clients we feel more comfortable entertaining.  Some girls are better at quickies, others are better at multi hours.  Others like to spend days with their clients.

All the women could be equally as hot and smart, but with different marketing, and vastly different price points.  

Not really sure why you feel so negative about this topic.

-- Modified on 2/5/2015 11:56:16 PM

I suspect that terms like VIP Escort of Courtesan are largely marketing or legal disclaimers. Still, I pay attention to how they refer to themselves because it hints at their attitude and personality. Sometimes I'm misled, but usually it's valuable.

What I wish providers would be more exacting about are terms like "sensual" or "playful." It's really a drag when I expect someone sultry and sensual and find her cheerful and playful. Or-- another day, a different mood-- vice versa

And other modes of back channel communication? Seems to me to ask the lady to describe herself in the manner you wish would be difficult, it not impossible, for her but much easier for the guys that have been in her company. Just my 2 cents Wicked.

But if the ad says, say, "sensual," then the reviewer says, "...met me with a LFK," I'm already imagining that kiss to be sensual in nature, whereas it might be giggly and playful.

It's like when I want to get some idea of the lady's attitude or the atmosphere of the incall temp, and the review says, "great," instead of a word or phrase that tells how it was great-- just me probably. Maybe I expect too much or need a better idea of what to look forward to than most.

But, choosing who to visit and who to pass on does, for me, result very much from what the provider says about herself.

Even things like "easy parking," "clean and safe apartment," and, "shower available" are things I take into consideration.

Vagazzle1052 reads

Or something to that effect.

My personality is different based on the time of day, the client, the time of the month.  All sessions are different!  Its very difficult to describe your personality or sexual style in one or two sentences, ya know?

You see, as a professional I always expect other professionals to be professional.

Being bi-polar is not professional.

But I guess if you can fake it really well, then some guys wouldn't care.

We are human beings, providing an intimate service.  It is up to the client to let us know before meeting if he is looking for a particular approach.  If he doesn't, he is going to get something more fluid, based on how we are feeling that day, how the chemistry flows together, etc.    

One can be professional, and have varying moods.  Playful and sultry are just different styles of approach, neither could be considered unprofessional, nor indicative of a mental health issue.  

If one asks for a particular approach, then is met with something else, then you know the limitations of that particular provider...but "unprofessional" might be an overly harsh way to describe it depending on to what degree her mood effected service. Let's keep it in perspective...

I posted about this on the FL board. I asked what types of boxes or choices might be added to the search feature for things like that. Didn't get a lot of traction so I presumed not many gents were interested in such a feature. Or they just got bored reading my novel of a post. Lol!!

But a question- what if someone is both playful and sensuous at the same time? They're not mutually exclusive. ;)

-- Modified on 2/6/2015 1:03:10 AM

nom_de_plume1098 reads

... is "sensual coach".  I've only seen one provider refer to herself as a coach... but there could be others out there. And it's not marketing fluff--she is a great coach (among other qualities).  

For example, I know she never would have had Wilson throw that last pass.  :D

RaqueldeMilo990 reads

Posted By: WickedBrut
I suspect that terms like VIP Escort of Courtesan are largely marketing or legal disclaimers. Still, I pay attention to how they refer to themselves because it hints at their attitude and personality. Sometimes I'm misled, but usually it's valuable.  
 What I wish providers would be more exacting about are terms like "sensual" or "playful." It's really a drag when I expect someone sultry and sensual and find her cheerful and playful. Or-- another day, a different mood-- vice versa.  
I find myself in different moods on different days.

Have you ever tried mentioning to the provider what your mood is like?

I couldn't agree more. I really hate write-ups and trying to come up with a title.  

It's nice to read that someone like to see the display of personality rather than skills, stats, or how wet their mouth is.

if it can be overdone.  I am sure that we have all had that experience, perhaps we are on vacation and not wearing our best clothes, may be the watches are off, the wife does not have the jewelry on and you walk into a high end shop and the help gives you that treatment that their shit don't stink and that you'd better move along because you could not possibly afford anything in the store (think that scene of Julia Roberts shopping in Beverly Hills in Pretty Woman).    Whenever I see too much of that, that is what it reminds me off.

Hell, I like brainy women and last year I was interested in seeing a provider who is what I consider expensive, I don't remember if it was $700 or $800 per hour.   Her site was plastered with phrases that included courtesan, high-class gentlemen, discerning gentlemen and she was well read.  In fact, she had a list of her top books of all time, two of which I would also put on my list.   Then I got to her contact page where she had a diatribe, not unlike those I write :) in which she stated that the request should have proper grammar, be well written, etc. etc. or she would not dignify the requesting party with a reply.    Now, I am all for education, use of proper English, etc. but I have to say that by the time I was through, I thought that paying $1,400 to $1,600 for a couple of hours was not really a good bet, because it was likely to come with some serious 'tude.   I may have missed out, but I was not willing to give it a whirl.

they are attracting exactly the kind of men they want with their copy: men who pay attention and are probably quite submissive.  

But you'd be amazed at the drivel we get that passes for an introduction these days. Think Mtdewking. Lol! (Bless his heart.) Most men can't be bothered to write two sentences. Here I've gone through the trouble of writing enough about myself that the guy can get a pretty good picture of whom he'll be spending time with, and all he can bother to write are two badly worded sentences that use texting language like ur and 2nite? Nah. I don't blame some of the ladies for trying to ward those dudes off.  

But there's also the chance that she'll be far too demanding as well, or just so full of herself that she barely notices you in the room. Ya never know! And like we do, it's good to go with your intuition on something like that. :)

-- Modified on 2/6/2015 1:04:49 AM

All things being equal, if the difference is the presentation, grammar, etc., I will choose the better presentation, because it tells me that the lady in question cares about the small details.   Of course, I also understand why a lady would want to see a coherent date request, but there is a point at which the intuition goes off, Danger Will Robinson! Danger!   (you must have seen that post in which a guy slapped me for saying men had no intuition, I was obviously kidding, but there is no question that our intuition is probably not as good as a woman's intuition).

it doesn't mean a better experience any more than "seared on iron" means I'm going to get a better piece of salmon at a restaurant. Ooh, "seared on iron," wow; you know what else is seared on iron? A nasty top sirloin at Denny's. Ditto "world traveler," "educated at the finest schools" or any of that other fluff.

Now, is there ad or site content that I do pay attention to? Well, pictures obviously, but also anything that feels real. I'm sure that many providers are good at this but the example I'm most familiar with is a frequent GD poster with a great website. No "courtesan" nonsense, just "Hi, I'm xxxx" and here's some stuff you might want to know about me. She has "rates," not "honorariums" or "benefactions" or some other "look how high class I am" label. She also describes what type of client she's a good fit for, and her blog is well written and interesting. I'd name her but I suspect it would be too "shilly"..just know I'm being quite Cincere. :-)

the more it makes me think that they are neither.

The way a person conducts themselves says a lot more than any label they attempt to wear.

So glad to see other hobbyists see these things the same way I do!

Hey you! Did I do something to you to blast my Honorarium page, lol!

I'm sure you're a nice gent Arovet, but I must tell you that the verbiage used on my pages is in no way an effort for me to say "look how high class I am". What it does equate to is the fact that I am educated, and as Mr. Fisher said, class is shown, not described, and I put my all into anything I choose to do, including my website. If I wanted to be like 80% of the sites out there, I'd have a "Rates" page. But I'm not like the rest. And I'm certainly not implying I'm better than anyone else, but I am very different.

You can take your restaurant analogy two different ways. Saying it the same way, you're right, doesn't mean you're guaranteed a better outcome. But at the same time, you can't then also assume if we all just called it a Rates page that we are all the same either. Personally, I'd rather stand out from before you ever meet me, with my website, and then blow you away in person, when all that becomes "fluff" is your knees ; )

I can't tell you how many gents take time out of their day just to say, "I'm in California and never get out your way, but well put together website!" or "I've been thinking about this for awhile but your site sealed the deal for me!". It shows I highly regard myself and take what I do seriously, and I put a tremendous amount of thought into it.

It does go back to Erin's point. I'm going to draw more dollars from someone that raised a brow to my Honorarium page, than I am from someone satisfied with a I've seen it 1,000 times Rates page. Yes, same stuff, just different lingo. As lovely as I'm sure the lady is that you speak of, it's only a matter of setting ourself apart, and in no way is with intent of being snobby or stuck up because we choose to take a different approach. My reviews seem to indicate I'm doing quite a lot correctly. But some, as yourself, prefer to keep it simple, and nothing wrong with that either!

I'm of the "simpler is better" school, and when I see "prelusion" instead of "about me" my first thought is that you got out a thesaurus and picked the most obscure word you could find in an effort to make your site stand out from the crowd; it's a perfectly natural instinct and certainly shows how much thought you're putting into your site, but in my opinion it's not the best way to go as it comes off a little pretentious. I think I recognize and am maybe overly sensitive to this sort of thing because I fight it myself; I'm very well read (see what I did there? :-)) and I tend to use hundred dollar words when five dollar words will do the job just fine. Unfortunately obscure, "fancy" words can cloud your message rather than enhance it. But again, just my opinion.

Now, on the other hand: "I own being thirty-seven years old. I have never looked or felt more incredible and content in my own skin." That's real. That's awesome. A provider in her thirties who not only prominently states her age on her site but she brags about it? That's intriguing as hell, piques my interest and makes me want to know more about you.

Anyway, bottom line is I wouldn't see "honorarium" and run for the hills, especially when other factors such as your pictures and reviews speak much more loudly.

than several here.  I completely agree with all you said.
Pretentiosness is SUCH a big turn-off to me.
If a lady's web site is full of it, then everything else has to REALLY come through with flying colors to overcome that and for me to consider her

Thank you, darling! That was very sweet of you to say.

You're right, it's tit for tat. Preferences.  I just don't ever want anyone to think I'm some stuck up, snobby girl that thinks she's in any way better than anyone else simply due to the verbiage on my site.  Those that have met me know I am probably surprisingly down to earth, sometimes too much so ; )  For me, that's maybe a little bit of the fun for me...when I first show up, you may indeed think "Pretentious Bitch" by the way I'm dressed and carry myself.  But I guarantee when that door closes I swing from the chandelier and you would almost swear you're on Spring Break, lol.  

One of my preferences, or rather, pet peeves, are those that market themselves at a completely different age than they really are.  That annoys me far greater than "big lingo" in any ad or website. I realize I will never get the attention of men that enjoy a 20-some lady.  And that's perfectly okay.  To each his own.  But I can say I look every bit as good at 37 as I did in my 20's AND I'm far better in the sack than I was then!

Kiss, kiss!

well, the better in bed than when I was my twenties part anyway. I look like shit. ;-)

-- Modified on 2/6/2015 3:21:13 PM

GaGambler1099 reads

but I don't find them "over the top" and/or enough for me to dismiss your ad as coming from someone "full of herself", but in all honesty, you are right at the very edge of "over the top" by my definition, which of course is only that. "My" definition.

I prefer simple, and I think it's "your look" a lot more than your website that is responsible for your high marks. Let me add, You are not even "my type" as I much prefer "20 something brunettes, with much longer hair" that said, I find something very compelling about your pics. Without sounding like I am "sucking up" (and after my preface, I would be doing a horrible job of sucking up if that were my intention) there is something about your look. I don't know if it's your eyes, your smile, or exactly how to put my finger on it, that would still get me to possibly call you, despite everything I have said up to this point. lol

The one thing I think we can agree on, is that there is no "one size fits all" answer to all this. What you do works for you, you appeal to what a certain segment of the marketplace is looking for, but what I prefer is a bit different. It doesn't make either one of us right or wrong, just different, and what would life be without differences.

Hey baby, like I said, preferences : ) Deduct away, but again, like you admitted, doesn't completely drown out my allure, does it?

It's funny you mention the young, long-haired brunette (I prefer those too - you'd love my regular duo partner). I find so many times I've seen someone new say, "Don't take offense, you're not my type at all!" No offense taken. Now, let's not fuss over exactly what to put your finger on, instead what to put it in, and enjoy the ride ; )

At the end of the day anyone can screw their face up at my terms as much as they want, and then have fun taking out their frustration over my "thesaurus" use on me and have fun with every minute!

So let me have my "pretentious" terms, as long as I'm really not a cunty person and can back it up in person. For those that can't look past the verbiage as this is simply just a cool chick that likes big words and enjoys being creative, it's very likely only their loss.

You won't see me use "classy" or "elite". Played out.

You're correct, we can't all be the same. Different is good.

some words are less crass than others. Like, how would you feel about someone who uses the word "prices"?

my point was more that the fancy words don't impress me, but there are definitely very wrong ways to say things. Using my salmon example, I would prefer just "seared" to "seared on iron," but "salmon slapped on the grill" doesn't exactly sound appetizing.

Prices? Somehow worse than rates but not too bad. Bang Bucks, now that would be bad. :-)

Now that could appeal to the Senator/doctor/whatever types. :)

And you should try salmon on a cedar plank. Mmmmm.

That's real. That's awesome.

...which of the menu items will take you to rates and photos.
It really is misplaced creativity.
I'm a creative person myself - so I absolutely love and respect that in women too, and it means there is a good chance we will get along - BUT thesaurus use to find different words for menus hardly is an indictor of a truly creative person.  It's really a bit too much IMO.

TwoMints891 reads

Sometimes crass words are more effective. Gotta think like a guy, that is who is reading the review. I use them occasionally for effect.  Writing things like I inserted my turgid penis into her clenched vagina, just doesn't sound as appealing as I stuck my C#$% in her tight p@#$$.  

Posted By: SoftlySarah
some words are less crass than others. Like, how would you feel about someone who uses the word "prices"?

I once read something to the effect of "she had a huge orgasm as my fingers finished their ministrations" [shudder]. I still get a little throat vomit when I think of that one.

To be fair, my shit used to say "consideration," but my website format made it look all crammed (it was like this: AboutMeAboutYouConsiderationFAQContact). Knocking off those 8 characters made some space. :D

I think Jstgttngstrtd mentioned something to this effect below, but sometimes I'll look at a lady's website and have no idea what each of the headers mean until I go to that page. It'll say something like "temptation" instead of "contact" or "seduction" instead of "photos." That said, it could be a genius way of getting guys to actually read an entire website. If they have to visit each page just to discern which fluffy language equates to her rates or photo gallery, then that could force them to at least skim her etiquette page at some point.  

Posted By: Arovet
it doesn't mean a better experience any more than "seared on iron" means I'm going to get a better piece of salmon at a restaurant. Ooh, "seared on iron," wow; you know what else is seared on iron? A nasty top sirloin at Denny's. Ditto "world traveler," "educated at the finest schools" or any of that other fluff.  
 Now, is there ad or site content that I do pay attention to? Well, pictures obviously, but also anything that feels real. I'm sure that many providers are good at this but the example I'm most familiar with is a frequent GD poster with a great website. No "courtesan" nonsense, just "Hi, I'm xxxx" and here's some stuff you might want to know about me. She has "rates," not "honorariums" or "benefactions" or some other "look how high class I am" label. She also describes what type of client she's a good fit for, and her blog is well written and interesting. I'd name her but I suspect it would be too "shilly"..just know I'm being quite Cincere. :-)

And a shill is only a shill of everyone thinks he's unbiased. Pretty sure that train sailed awhile ago. :-)

I guess you could argue that obscurity forces the visitor to hunt around, but if I'm interested enough to have gone to the site I'm going to do that anyway. Besides, a better strategy to achieve that outcome would be to put a pic I can't see in the gallery on each page; we'll figure that out pretty quick and get mouse finger callouses clicking around for more, it's just how we're programmed. We're really just mice and tits are cheese so it's easy enough to take us through a maze (hey, how about "Who Moved My Tits" as a working title for Mr. Fisher's book?

A.Pismo.Clam994 reads

This ain't to say they Rn't.  Butt to me, if you hafta call yerself classy, well, you  prolly ain't.

Unfortunately there is no standard that people adhear to for "VIP" "high class" etc.
All to much I see girls describing themselves as high end or using a number of other phrases and their ad is poorly written (Grammer and spelling are definitely not my strong points but I at least try) and they will have selfies in a dirty room. I think looking at the overall impression all of their material (pics, ad's websites, etc) gives is a much better way to get an idea of the type of person. Too much of those key words IMO looks like you are trying too hard or an eleitest.

Posted By: HawkEyePierce
make it any more or less likely to want to see them? For example, I see some ladies call themselves VIP escorts, some Elite VIP escorts, some Cortesans, etc you get the idea. It seems like it is done to distinguish between a certain class of provider. Does it derive from the negative stereotype that most of America has about street walkers? Is it only for marketing purposes? Do the ladies here feel like these labels help you attract new business or a certain type of more affluent client?

VIP and Elite seem to be directly related to a higher rate structure but unfortunately not so when it comes to quality of service.

89Springer1112 reads

I might pay more attention. Terms such as VIP, distinguished, gentlemen, elite, classy, etc, are thrown about so loosely that they've lost all meaning. I'm reminded of the quote from Groucho Marx: "I would not want to be a member of any club that would have me as a member."  When I submit my name, email, and some other info to a provider, and--bing!--I'm accepted, that's not a very exclusive club, no matter what the labels.

I really wonder how many guys here fit the description of the clientele (using the pronunciation "clee-un-tel' ") that many providers say they serve. I know I don't.  

A provider I saw billed herself as a "wild child", and that was accurate. There's another who bills herself similarly, but many of her reviews describe her as a cold fish

The only club that is here is the one where you show up with your BFF Ben Franklin.

He's the key, always has been and always will be.

This nonsense of creating faux elitist websites is an oxymoron.  And there's not a woman here who will convince many of the reverse.  

But they keep on trying.

So my question to you then, is this.  

Who would you be more likely to see (both of these scenarios assume that both of these ladies have reviews and that their reviews are similar in nature):

-The "stereotypical" backpage gal with no to low ad copy skill and either no website or a shitty one (this means no professional photos)


-The lady who advertises on various platforms and has good ad copy, an easy-to-understand and well-written website, and professional photos?

Let's also assume, for funzies, that they're charging the same rate (i know this isn't realistic, but humor me here).

Who is going to convince you to part with your money more quickly?

While I agree with you that terms like "VIP" and such don't really account to much, there is something to be said for being able to market oneself appropriately.  There are more creative ways to convey exclusivity than "VIP", but using words like "courtesan", "libertine", or "companion" markets to a clientele that is smart enough to know what those words mean and apply them to the situation at hand.

-- Modified on 2/5/2015 4:30:41 PM

"Companion" I get but I dont get "cortesan" and libertine is a new one I hadnt heard before. And your reference to "a clientele that is smart enough to know what those words mean" does come off as condescending a bit. Please dont take that personally as I mean no disrepect but thats the way it comes across, not necessarily the way you meant it. Can you help define those two words I mention? I am sure I am not the only gent here who doesnt know what they mean. Thank you.

...and I didn't mean for my mention of them to come off as condescending.  

Honestly, I'm just going to pull their definitions and tell you how i apply them to myself (although I don't use the term "courtesan" in my marketing, but i do use "libertine").

courtesan- "a woman who has sex with rich or important men in exchange for money; a prostitute who has sex with wealthy and powerful men."  This is just a fancy term for VIP, i guess.  I don't fuck the POTUS, any CEO at AIG, and I've never had sex with a monarch, so I don't think this term applies to me. Courtesan also brings up an air of the old-school; when i think of it, i think French, Louis XIII, floofy skirts, and the like.  I think it can have a place in marketing if used well.  

libertine-" noun: 1.
a person, especially a man, who behaves without moral principles or a sense of responsibility, especially in sexual matters.
synonyms: philanderer, playboy, rake, roué, Don Juan, Lothario, Casanova, Romeo; More
a person who rejects accepted opinions in matters of religion; a freethinker."

This definition is basically how i live my life, so I use it in my marketing.  I am a modern libertine. I do a lot of scoffing and have a very different code of ethics and morals. ;)

I hope this helped

I would 100% agree with this, Erin. While I'm sure some gents may think I'm uppity because I use certain phrases and charge XYZ, I will always say you must back it up with actions! If someone assumes I'm a bitch simply by my creativity and thought that I put into my ads and website, then what I did worked for me, because that's someone I highly doubt I'd want to spend my time with anyway.

Service is not service. You indeed get what you pay for. The hard part is determining out of all of the ladies that use the same words, or fancy words, which ones can stand behind it in person, and which ones are far different from the rest.

I find the ladies on backpage more drama free if there legit. I have found more review management, photo shopping, and other issues in the more polished providers. Note if there isn't a long history of reviews I likely would take the lady with the web site as it reduces risk of LE, but with adequate screening info, I will see the backpage lady first if ever thing else is even.

TwoMints912 reads

Yes you should tailor your ad to your desired clientele but also know most guys aren't reading it anyway. Its almost always about pictures, price and services.  

If searching TER's new reviews. The first things I look at is location and rates, I'll go down the entire page and right click everyone that is in an area that is doable for me. I open each one, eliminating anyone with low scores. At least a 7 average to even get me to read further. I'll look at anyone with much higher performance rating. Yes a 6.5 on looks but 8+ performance will get me to read on. Then I'll look at built. It is says anything "bigger' then baby fat, I'll discard it. Not my thing. Then I'll look at cum in mouth, greek and kissing at roughly the same time. Anyone without kissing and at least one of the other two is closed. So kissing and cum in mouth, or kissing an greek will get me to read on. Not that I expect it to actually happen during the date, I do like the option. I'll likely open their ad page and website. Take a look at her photos, if acceptable, (I'm color blind when choosing) I'll then read the reviews looking at the worst ones first. If she has a 4 or lower review from an experienced hobbyist she's likely to get excluded. If its from someone that has written one or two reviews or has a lot of low ratings I'll ignore it. I'm looking for details about built and specific services. You'll note, I've never even looked at their "get to know me" page. Once I really narrow it down, I'll read it, but its usually just a bunch of fluff.  Up sellers get removed, and in most cases those that charge extra for certain sexual services will as well. (100 extra for greek) I probably don't want that service anyway but I find it distasteful. After all that, I'll add them to the watch list, and short of a exceptionally reasonable rate, I'll wait.  

I have a long enough list of "to see" anyway. I'm not a fetish guy, I find seeing those girls for "normal" sex is often fantastic. They don't have to be kinky and get the whips out, they usually enjoy the change of pace but that is more of a guessing game. Hopefully they'll have read my profile or read some of my reviews to understand what I'm like. Most ladies do. Honestly kissing is generally the most important thing to me. So there is no chance I'd see someone that doesn't. After that the sexual position isn't very important I can and do finish in all of them.  

So the wording could only hurt, not really help. Strong, or aggressive phasing might get a lady moved off the list but not much she writes is going to get me to call them immediately. After reading a few 1000 of them, they all read pretty much the same. Yeah, the VIP and courtesan bs is a turn off and won't get them moved off the list unless they sound to high brow. Most of those that use those terms are full of shit anyway. To me, VIP means overpriced, Courtesan means MILF or older. Only the older gentlemen or guys shopping at the high end are likely to care about it.  If that is your market you should use those words, just understand that it does turn some guys off.

I find far to many ladies are overpriced in my local market to me but that is their business model, obviously it works for them or their rates will be adjusted. If they manage to get regulars, who are likely paying a lower/grandfathered rate, they can afford to charge a new guy more. Its also why the traveling ladies get more business, because their rates are the same or lower and they are usually younger with better/equal ratings.


Posted By: MissErinBlack
So my question to you then, is this.  
 Who would you be more likely to see (both of these scenarios assume that both of these ladies have reviews and that their reviews are similar in nature):  
 -The "stereotypical" backpage gal with no to low ad copy skill and either no website or a shitty one (this means no professional photos)  
 -The lady who advertises on various platforms and has good ad copy, an easy-to-understand and well-written website, and professional photos?  
 Let's also assume, for funzies, that they're charging the same rate (i know this isn't realistic, but humor me here).  
 Who is going to convince you to part with your money more quickly?  
 While I agree with you that terms like "VIP" and such don't really account to much, there is something to be said for being able to market oneself appropriately.  There are more creative ways to convey exclusivity than "VIP", but using words like "courtesan", "libertine", or "companion" markets to a clientele that is smart enough to know what those words mean and apply them to the situation at hand.  

-- Modified on 2/5/2015 4:30:41 PM

But one desribes herself as a "lady"' the other describes herself as a "courtesan."
I will go with the "lady" every time (all other things being equal).
Pretentiousness is such a huge turn-off to me.
While I love smart, independent, creative, strong, sexy ladies - those things are revealed to me in a million different ways by how a lady carries herself and communicates - not by her telling me she is "elite" or a "courtesan."  To me, those qualities (or what they mean to ME anyway) are just as likely to be possessed by a lady in a straw hut in Tanzenia as they are by a lady in the penthouse suite of a 5 star hotel.

The qualities that best increase the chance of a great hobby time for me:  Down-to-earth, real, fun, sweet, friendly, high energy, fully engaged, sense of humor, pleaser, beautiful smile, relaxed - with a nice little dose of sensuality thrown in.  If a lady has that type of vibe on her web page, AND her reviews back it up, then I AM SOLD!

Just my opinion anyway.

GaGambler984 reads

and I almost needed to copy and paste the very word just to make sure I even spelled it right. lol

I further have to say that when reading the ad/s of a provider, there is very little that she can say that will make me want to call her, but there are many things that will make me NOT call her. I go by pics/reviews/overall attitude when going through my decision making process. There is NOTHING an ugly provider can do to stir an interest from me, but there are many things an otherwise attractive woman can do to turn me off.

One of the things that will put a woman on my "must miss" list the fasted is a sense of "pretentiousness", others are words like "classy" which is one of those terms that the moment you claim to have it, you have just proven that you don't. Novelettes that try to put on an air of "worldliness" also turn me off as they are usually an excuse to charge more money.

OTOH, I do like a woman to have certain minimums where it comes to the written word. Unless she is an ESOL student, being able to compose a simple sentence without butchering the English language is also important. Ghetto textspeak will turn me off just as quickly as the female version of Dupey.

I guess my point is, it's a balancing act. I don't want over an over the top ad, trying to justify an over the top rate, and OTOH I don't want an $80 hr BP ad either.

sometimes I settle for just "Union" or "10 Gauge".

that are a big negative to me and I will basically put that provider on the " never gonna happen" list. But I can't think of any wording (other than her being very inclusive in her ad or website) that would sway me one way or another.

I really have no idea what that means. I am sure, well mostly sure, that a provider isnt intentionally being condescending with that word but it just comes off as such. I mean she is till going to f*** and s*** me lopaw? Isnt that what escorts/providers/prostitutes/street walkers do? lol. It seems like that specific word should mean something to somebody but it gives the impression that "I am above all those lower class women/escorts." But I could be wrong. Maybe a lady here that uses that description can enlighten me?

89Springer951 reads

You'll be able to find the meaning using that spelling. ;)

They are all synonymous.

In this world the reason sites like TER exist is to find a woman that is selling sex.

Words are just words.  The reviews discuss why all of the names here are synonymous.

Sorry, I'm not a lady.  But I certainly understand why the ladies want to misdirect newbies like yourself with misinformation.  All it'll cost you is money to learn that there is no differences here.

As far as hooker spectrum is concerned, a courtesan (by definition) and a street walker are on opposite ends and each has, for the most part, completely different clientele by their very definitions alone. They both also have different economics; oftentimes, as soon as they can afford to, women who do sex work outside move indoors because it's safer and there's less chance of getting busted.  

Some clients want to have an experience, want to sit and have a beer, want to have a dinner companion, or want some company, and then cum. That's far from invalid. Just like it's far from invalid for someone to just want to cum.  Those two are going to be paying different rates from ladies who advertise very differently.  None of that is invalid, as long as a lady isn't advertising an experience and delivering nothing more than a 20-minute bang-a-thon.

I'm also not quite sure as to why you think everyone here is trying to be deceptive. Seeing as a lot of ladies here gain business from good reviews, why falsely advertise? It makes little to no sense unless you're in the business of selling fuck for a very short period of time.  Anyone who is doing this for the long haul knows this and knows that success is based on selling a product that actually exists.  

Let's be clear: false advertising is not a successful, long-term business plan, and that false advertising will be reviewed to the detriment of the advertiser at one point or another

hotplants1001 reads

But I got a pretty serious lady-boner going' on right now.  

Very well articulated + 1

And I think you are right, I guess that they are synonymous but Erin makes a valid point that there is differences as well? Maybe it is not a black and white thing (i dont mean race, I mean as in "clearcut") But it seems like some use the terms to make them feel better about the fact that they have to work as prostitutes and self esteem is important, I think we would all agree no matter what career path we choose in life.

nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission. It's true. Confidence loves confidence.

Typically someone who uses the term courtesan will be more interested in longer engagements than a quickie. Think fine dining vs. take-out. Almost everyone has dined in both ways, and both ways of dining are valuable and serve their purpose in their places. But you're not gonna go to Denny's when you want to linger over a good steak, right? Just like you're not going to pop into Per Se for a quick burger and fries on your lunch break.  

My friends who love hour-long engagements couldn't bear to spend hours with someone, nor do they much care to engage with the guys much beyond the engagement. But my friends who have higher time-minimums don't enjoy the quickies very much, and love developing lasting friendships, including a lot of correspondence between engagements.

limited to those who qualify.  Given that ad copy is meant to catch attention, it's not what I'd call accurate.  But if the content of the site, and her communications quality, and even the production values of the photos align to indicate a higher standard, then perhaps the ad copy is justified.

In any case, it takes more than a website label to capture my attention and funds.  I go for a whole package, not just a single aspect.

Posted By: HawkEyePierce
make it any more or less likely to want to see them? For example, I see some ladies call themselves VIP escorts, some Elite VIP escorts, some Cortesans, etc you get the idea. It seems like it is done to distinguish between a certain class of provider. Does it derive from the negative stereotype that most of America has about street walkers? Is it only for marketing purposes? Do the ladies here feel like these labels help you attract new business or a certain type of more affluent client?

bonordonor934 reads

I have three holes...Will you fill them. Love those ladies!

I look for terms like: girl next door, friendly, funny, casual, Spontaneous, etc. Yes they are all marketing terms, and truthfully I look at pictures, rates, and reviews, more to make decisions, but ad campaigns do work. Certain words or phrases in ads may make me look for those pics, rates and reviews, and others may make me lose interest. The ones that claim "elite" "vip" etc., usually come with higher rates.

Posted By: HawkEyePierce
make it any more or less likely to want to see them? For example, I see some ladies call themselves VIP escorts, some Elite VIP escorts, some Cortesans, etc you get the idea. It seems like it is done to distinguish between a certain class of provider. Does it derive from the negative stereotype that most of America has about street walkers? Is it only for marketing purposes? Do the ladies here feel like these labels help you attract new business or a certain type of more affluent client?
-- Modified on 2/5/2015 3:56:36 PM

Skyfyre869 reads

Those terms are just another way to say GPS!  

Bring up thoughts of elaborate screening, difficult to please personality, rules upon rules upon rules, overpriced pussies etc... all instant turn-offs.

As it is as much a turn off for a potential friend to say such things as contained in your post.

My elaborate screening is not a device to steal your identity. It's what I need to feel safe and comfortable seeing a new friend. Obviously I've never abused the process, or I wouldn't be so highly regarded. You should be more worried if I was willing to see anyone and everyone.

Overpriced is a matter of your personal opinion only. I can flip that and say I'm not overpriced, I'm just out of your affordability range. And that's okay. No one's price indicates they think they're better than anyone else because pussy is not pussy. I don't sell sex, I provide an experience. So yes, there is a huge difference between what you get with me and a $40 B&G backpage meth head. It's a matter of the fact that the provider has identified her own self-worth. No one should ever be chastised for her rates, high or low. If you can't afford her, don't accuse her of being overpriced, she's just not in YOUR range, and move on. I fail to see how that makes her a bitch with golden pussy syndrome.

Rules upon rules? Sorry, lover, your dollar doesn't throw my personal limitations out the window. Boundaries are necessary.

Cheap and rude are not my style. Did you ever stop to think that perhaps my elaborate screening and pricing structure and rules eliminate a lot of the element I don't want to see? Because, we have just as much choice as you do with who we see ; )

hotplants1048 reads

Women who advertise themselves as VIP, elite, or courtesans et al... are just trying to market themselves.  

And, some people are better than others at clearly defining a market they want to attract and/or writing copy that will attract their desired audience. Some of these labels are wildly overused, hence making them somewhat useless, sure.  

But, not being great at correctly targeting an audience, or mimicking a general trend in advertising, doesn't make her an uppity bitch.

hotplants933 reads

huh. Ya know...sometimes there is so much BS on threads like this it's hard parse it all out. I will say I was surprised though. And, very happy to hear I was wrong :)

I was taking direction from an older provider who schooled me a bit. Like I mentioned all over this thread, I'm horrible with write-ups. Thinking of how to describe myself while remaining in confidence and not out of cockiness has a thin line.

I wish just my name and a smiley face could work, but it just may not.

I look for all these types of descriptions in her reviews too.
And actually, if the reviews indicate those winning characteristics - that might be enough to overcome the dreaded "courtesan" terminology that repels me like nothing else can.

For me the key words and key term "EXOTIC EAST INDIAN" seems to be whats brings "all the boys to the yard of Sitara Devi".
Because its such a unique thing to be in this industry and to be an authentic Indian female with something I consider "cultural capital" and there are only a few Indian ladies in North America in this line of work I think EAST INDIAN really reflects something that the general mass of men gravitate towards.


I imagine your clients are initially only thinking one thing... Kama Sutra!

Unless it's a label given to a lady by a gentleman. It's even better if several gentlemen concur. Until I've seen her several times, and have grown to trust her a little bit, I really don't believe what a lady says about herself. How many ladies alter pics? How many claim to be younger than they are? How many say they are low volume? What makes a lady elite, or vip? I'll take the word of the gentlemen who've seen her.  

The reverse is also true. How can any lady believe what I say about myself? I could call myself elite. I could say I'm an experienced, safe gentleman. Can I write an intro to Stephanie, and ask if she'll see me based only on what I say about myself? No, I need references. The ladies won't believe what I say, but they'll take the word of another lady or two. The non belief cuts both ways. Funny thing is, in real life I have to lie and cheat. But here in the hobby world, I'm as honest as the day.

a lady's recent reviews as well as the information on her website.

What I do get tired of reading is how many providers want to see "affluent, upscale, generous, etc." men.  I have no problem with minimum age requirements.

I honestly hate writing write-ups and thinking of a title. As much as I like to write this is such a pain in the ass. Whichever name we choose, to me, doesn't state whether your time with us will be any better than with the next...LOL I guess the fancier the name the higher the price

Give me a down-to-earth, sexy, savvy, fun lady who is comfortable in her own skin.
If the words and self-description don't hint at this, but are up in the clouds somewhere - then yeah, that doesn't work in the lady's favor with me and would have to be overcome with strong reviews that DO reveal that she has the qualities that I am looking for.

Anyone can say they're classy, but they don't know what it means to be classy.  It's the funniest when an ad proclaims the author to be "classy", but the ad is poorly written and the pics feature laundry strewn everywhere in the background, lol. Instead of appearing classy, the ad screams, "I'm a liar who pretends to be something I'm not to try and fool guys, who I think are too dumb to notice!" Lol
Instead of calling myself a word, I prefer to explain why I consider myself as such. For instance, I give specific examples of what exactly is classy or elite about me when writing my ad.
 Then of course when new clients meet me, they'll see for themselves how I am, and that speaks volumes.

TaylorSteele1208 reads


It's an essential tool used daily to promote business everywhere around the world. And it's sole purpose is to differentiate, classify and compete with it's competition. This world is no different. Marketing has and always will be a huge role in the advertising industry. How else could you possibly learn about something without Marketing and Advertising... you wouldn't. But I don't think you're supposed to take most of it literally. Again, it's to differentiate and classify itself as to it's placement with its competitors.  

For instance, here, I'd like to personally believe, we all offer something a lil unique in our own way with the thousands of ladies that adorn this world. It's ultimately up to us to gauge just what that unique quality is about us to use as our selling point, no matter what label or marketing gimmick we bestow upon ourselves. We market our strong points or what we think they are to capture the attn of a gentleman suitor to our own liking. That's simply called target marketing. Nothing wrong with that, that's just good business practice in my opinion. Good business practice makes for great business for the owner and the buyer. And like any savvy buyer, it's then up to them to do their homework to ensure that positive purchase is one they will be satisfied with.  

All in all, I would take marketing at face value. Which is funny, cause here in most cases, you can't even see that much lol. And for those of you who don't or choose not to buy into any kind of marketing, well then I guess you will view us all the same any way, no matter what face we have or try to sell you.  

Differentiating one green apple from another on the same tree is not rocket science. But with the right light, shape and perception of it's abound sweetness once you take that first bite lol, can make the whole world of difference if picked at the right time.

But again ...a green apple is still just a green apple.  

xx kisses

-- Modified on 2/6/2015 4:45:45 AM

Thank you Stevie. Lots of smart women here who seem to know business. Do you consider yourself a courtesan Stevie? If so, how would you define it? Thank you again.

Women are not fungible, heck, for that matter their vaginas are not fungible.   I appreciate the marketing efforts, including posting on this site, because my to-do list grows ever larger because of it - it is great to have such a list, one that holds such promise ;)   So yes, all of you do offer something a little different, something unique and part of the fun for me is finding what it is for me, something that strikes me, something that interests me and I think that you gals, at least some of you, enjoy doing the same thing with your clients, a dick is not a dick is a dick (probably effed that one up).      If all I wanted was a friction aid, well, I do have a right hand that is well acquainted with mini-me, they do have a respectful on and off relationship that goes a long way back

is preferred over the rather crass term "cheap".

89Springer852 reads

-- Modified on 2/6/2015 8:48:19 AM

But it is up to guys to distinguish between them. I look at the pictures and can tell if someone looks 'classy' enough to be "VIP," or "Elite" or any other label. There are tons of ladies asking for a certain price range, but their pictures tell a different story. Even the neighborhood that they work out of tells me what kind of ladies they are (or the likelihood of them being a type). To me titles like VIP requires looks and service, not looks or service. I have met quite a number of girls that had the looks, but their hygiene and service was less than sub par. And then you meet girls who are willing to offer good service, but you don't care, because their looks are just not doing it for you.

I'm not trying to get everyone to contact me.  I want to attract the people that appreciate the type of service I am choosing to offer, verses the variety of other approaches available.  I write ad copy to support that intent.  IMO, you have to back up what you write, but not all clients have the ability to make those distinctions.  Repeat business and loyal clientele is only built on integrity and consistency

"spermanator" and "straight-up guy". I think this draws the ladies to me.

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