TER General Board

Re: wow, you're admitting that you do this as well.
London Rayne See my TER Reviews 735 reads

Yes, I admitted to blacklisting STALKERS like you... what's your point? Men like you are fit for a fkin straight jacket. You are deluded and disturbed to the point that I think every time you change your handle/alias you actually forget about all the other personalities in your damn brain. You've been blacklisted by FOUR different women, nut job so it was not just me. By the time I got there, your name (real one) had already been posted several times. Check Mate. FYI, in 8 years I have had to blacklist less than five guys, so that should tell you something. Only serious nutjobs and offenders belong there... like YOU!

Posted By: Epsilon_Eridani
your reputation precedes you as 'London "The Blacklister" Rayne'.  
 tell us something that we don't already know!  
Posted By: London Rayne
Re: Yes, all the time... Unless a guy is a SERIOUS problem (total rip off after service, stalker, outing info such as address etc.) I find it absurd to blacklist someone using their real name for not showing up. Far too many providers have taken advantage of something that was once a vital tool in avoiding the real problem guys. Now, more than half are total bs and I have seen many who were blacklisted for stupid shit they never even did.

As I understood it Blacklists were for dangerous clients  or rip-offs. Recently I've heard of tricks being blacklisted for writing bad reviews, walking out when the girl was heavier or older than her pictures and even because a girl did not want to lose a regular.  

Do blacklists still have validity or have they been abused to the point where they are useless

I found myself on a blacklist and I'm pretty sure it was for an average review.

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
As I understood it Blacklists were for dangerous clients  or rip-offs. Recently I've heard of tricks being blacklisted for writing bad reviews, walking out when the girl was heavier or older than her pictures and even because a girl did not want to lose a regular.  
 Do blacklists still have validity or have they been abused to the point where they are useless?  
An undeserved bad review would be something blacklist worthy, imo.
It's called being a "bad reviewer".... ya know, some men who NEVER give out scores over 6/7...  
(Yes, we avoid those fuckers.)
Why would I give someone 110% effort when they would only potentially give me a 7?

As far as a man walking out, I wonder did he actually TELL her WHY?
If he didn't, she is clueless, and he is a time-waster/walk-out. (A looky-loo.)
If he told her, fair enough. She should shoulder the blame & suck it up if she bit/switch/inaccurate pics.

And a chick blacklisting for losing a regular? That is bullshit. She should be reprimanded.
There's a nice little place & categories, for commentaries as to WHY.

I actually read them, myself. Make my own call on "to book or not to book."
If I smell bullshit, then I proceed.
If it is truly something ominous or potential problematic (like only getting a 6/7.... lol) why would I do something that would potentially HURT my own business?  
Men who do that (are impossible to please, and show this by scoring lowly) are not good men to do business with and need to find a new hobby.
The blacklist still keeps us informed, like it or not. But yeah some bitches do be abusin' it.
Welcome to the real world.
Nothing is perfect.

Some girls will only see guys they know always give high review scores. Other will demand personal information so they are guaranteed good reviews. I don't think a 7 is a bad score but some will blacklist for less than a 9.

Thanks to men's back channels and private forums countermeasures are rapidly gaining popularity. This means that men are getting the real scoop even if the ladies don't know about it. It also encourages men to have alt IDs in case they become a victim of unfair blacklisting.

Other guys will keep their mouth shut about a bad experience, pay up and quietly seek revenge. It's a shame it's come to this but blacklists are no longer being used for their intended purposes. This is self defeating for the ladies.

L.Guapo678 reads

That clicking sound you hear is hundreds of keyboards as guys put you on their "Do Not See" lists.

Bob.Sugar602 reads

I'd become a member if that's the case.  

I'm still waiting for my soloflex machine.

Posted By: L.Guapo
That clicking sound you hear is hundreds of keyboards as guys put you on their "Do Not See" lists.

As for Soloflex, how about Solosex?  That's your hand!

Did she really post that lol. I took her post to mean that a bs review from a guy she did not see or who was trying to manipulate her into doing say bbfs, giving a discount, letting him stay longer etc. and then giving her a low score because she did not do that, was what she meant. I do not think any provider with half a brain would openly post that she is going to blacklist any guy for a low score if it was only his opinion, but I have been wrong before lol. I mean duh... every review she has is not going to be worth shit after posting how she had to get them.

L.Guapo655 reads

So if, in her opinion, she felt she deserved better we must presume she'd BL someone.  And that, to me is totally beyond the pale and clearly NOT what BLs were legitimately meant to protect girls from.  Personally, I hope she clarifies that's not what she meant because I like her posts and would prefer not to think ill of her just because of this.
Meanwhile, all those guys who read her words are still typing away.

Now that would be something now wouldn't it?
It has NOT happened to ME before, but I also have heard of men threatening ladies into "certain acts" not on HER menu-  
again, a Blacklisting offense- and other non-sense.
A dishonest review is a dishonest review, is it not?
And when it is done to damage a girl....  that is abuse.

Total honesty here-  
I got ONE 7/7.
Did it piss me off? Yeah it did, considering my average was well near a high 8/ almost 9 range, yeah it brought my average down. :( (Did I mention he went over time, was hard to work with E.D. and more, but I TRIED MY BEST! Not only not tip, but a lower than average score.... but I digress...)

Did I complain?
Did I blacklist?
Did I contact him about it?
(Oddly enough, he used an alias to do THAT with ha. Still know who he is, cause I only see a handful of guys, if that, in a month. And it was in my first couple few months.... lol)

No retaliation. However, I feel the right to decline him should he want to book with me again.
Let him chase his 10/10 dream....
(And please don't assume that means I want all 10/10's... cause we all know how suspicious THAT is.)

I like to think I am a fair lady, everyone is entitled to their opinions, as are reviewers. (Actually, I think honesty is kind of essential for the whole "review system" to work as a reliable format for guys to know with whom they are dealing when making their selections.)

But what I did write is the truth. There are men who try to manipulate and skeem  on providers, try to threaten with low scores... And I know if I go into a session, looking my best, smelling my best, he has the glint of lust in his eye and a smile on his face before, during, and after... and that I twerked my ass, face, lips, and throat off...
And he would give me a 3/3?

Mkay, that is what the blacklist is intended for. Other than us Ladies being able to vent in the "locker room" (trust me, plenty of sob stories in there to go around) we do have the blacklist. That way, the next provider can read the commentaries on him and make her well informed decision.

We all have rights to information, it is a two way street.


One guy I met.... had one blacklist....
Some chick had put on it that he "liked to wear adult diapers, wtf, hahaha".... which when I casually asked him if he was into adult baby play or diapers, he was totally shocked (this was during a phone call, mind you)  I wanted to hear his reaction for myself, so I could figure out whether this guy was into that stuff (hehe) or if perhaps, as my gut said, some provider was being vindictive. As it turns, my gut was right.
He even sent me a deposit UPFRONT for a multi-hour, and was actually one of my most awesome clients EVER.

I would never and have never had to manipulate anyone into any score.
I don't give reviewer discounts, I don't offer free time or freebies for scores, I don't blacklist for a score not being as high as would "like"- but I will blacklist if I feel I have been abused wrongly, and there is NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT!

I'm a feisty country gal, and I can hold my own. I try to be kind, but damn if I will let anyone run the hell over me.
You know what I mean?

ANd if ya'll think I can't hold my own and have to resort to those measures, well your ASSumptions are wrong.

Just for the record.

Hope that's enough clarification!

And thanks for the kind words, I am glad you like my posts.
I could care less if the trolls wants to throw mud. That's what pigs do.


P.S. Since you men are so curious about the blacklist, care to guess how many categories there are? Meaning how many types of offenses? lol  Betcha it's WAY MORE THAN A DOZEN.

Posted By: L.Guapo
So if, in her opinion, she felt she deserved better we must presume she'd BL someone.  And that, to me is totally beyond the pale and clearly NOT what BLs were legitimately meant to protect girls from.  Personally, I hope she clarifies that's not what she meant because I like her posts and would prefer not to think ill of her just because of this.  
 Meanwhile, all those guys who read her words are still typing away.

-- Modified on 7/22/2015 1:03:09 AM

L.Guapo541 reads

There is NO possible score over which a BL is justified.  BL is for guys who threaten, injure, steal, stalk, and that's it.  Just because gals don't limit themselves to that doesn't make it right.  Especially because you can put up the guy's real name and other info, potentially ruining his life.
Fact is, recent events have shown what a joke NBL is and that anyone -- even a non member -- can post anything they want there, including joke posts and posts meant to settle scores.  NBL is worse than useless but that doesn't mean it's justified to put stuff there that can hurt anybody when other means are available.
For example, if you get a really low score you can approach TER and explain why it should come down.  And that sometimes works.

Any type of abuse is what the blacklist is for.
The blacklist of 2015 isn't the blacklist of 2010- meaning, it is constantly evolving.
There are many different categories/offenses....
And furthermore-  
Let me explain this, the formatting is a "fill it in form"-  
SO it is up to each ladies discretion what information to put on it.

Let me say this cautiously- I do NOT firmly believe in the integrity of ANY online information system (due to hacks) and I would ONLY EVER put a mans full legal name up there for VIOLENCE.

Now, I have had a couple of NCNS's, I put their handles up.
In two years I have BL'd 3 guys I think.
(The other guy was stalkerish. I also only put email, handle, phone. ALL EASILY changable. No government name.)

You don't have to convince me of "not ruining a man's life"-- if a man wants to be violent with hookers, he deserves whatever karma he gets, the others? Well, the information is VITAL to other ladies, whether you men get your panties in a bunch or not.

NSNC is a category on the blacklist as well, like it or not.
(And when I say NSNC, I mean, I invested in a room, he failed to reply, went ghost mode that day, the next, and after a week... yeah blacklisted.) It is what it is. Perhaps I am the only hooker with the cajones to tell you Gent's how it really works, cause trust me when I say this, I learned this from the ladies.
But I'll let the other butter you guy's assholes & tell you what you WANT to hear.
"Nooooo baby I would never dooooooo thatttttt."



Posted By: FoxyNC
Any type of abuse is what the blacklist is for.  
 The blacklist of 2015 isn't the blacklist of 2010- meaning, it is constantly evolving.  
 There are many different categories/offenses....  

 NSNC is a category on the blacklist as well, like it or not.  
 (And when I say NSNC, I mean, I invested in a room, he failed to reply, went ghost mode that day, the next, and after a week... yeah blacklisted.) It is what it is. Perhaps I am the only hooker with the cajones to tell you Gent's how it really works, cause trust me when I say this, I learned this from the ladies.  
 But I'll let the other butter you guy's assholes & tell you what you WANT to hear.  
 "Nooooo baby I would never dooooooo thatttttt."  


Glad you are admitting you will blacklist guys for things other than violence and/or stalking. Don't forget less than stellar reviews.

I have not blacklisted for a bad review YET, but I am waiting for the day a guy gives me a 3/3 after I do

Why would I lie and say I wouldn't?
Some ladies will kiss ass and lie to gain customers, but not I.

If you don't like the way I roll (which I am VERY upfront about)  
Dueces! lmao

Sorry I don't get paid to kiss ass.
Tongue or lips on ass is a service I do NOT provide.



GaGambler635 reads

Oh, I think it was the sound of a thousand guys putting you on their own personal DNS list, all at the same time. Oops, there it goes again. Another thousand guys vowing to themselves to NEVER see you professionally.

I don't agree with OTM that often, but he and I are in 100% agreement here, any woman who would use a blacklist in retaliation for a bad review is on my DNS list forever.

L.Guapo514 reads

Please see above.

-- Modified on 7/22/2015 10:16:39 PM

if it's just based on scores the provider didn't like.  I see providers (especially newer ones) worrying about out of line scores all the time.  Justified if there are just a few reviews I suppose, but I think most hobbyists now enough to filter out an outlier review here and there from the norm.  

 If it's based on something the reviewer said that is patently false or harmful (such as too much personal or locational info), that's a different story.

Let's say you're the hooker and I'm the client.
I want to book an appointment with you.
You start screening and "checking me out."
You see I have reviewed 100 girls. Good, right?
Then you start checking out all my reviews, out of 100 girls,  
90 of them got 6's or below.
7 had 7's.
and the other 3 had an 8 score.

No lady scored a 9 or 10.

Now let's say your average score over all your reviews was in the high 8's, almost at 9.

Would you book with this client based on this information alone, or not?

Hmmmmm   fun to be in my shoes, eh?


-- Modified on 7/22/2015 1:20:57 AM

bobs.sugar.baby775 reads

If someone seems hard to please, it is a no go. Those usually end up showing the guy doesn't research. I remember most I had request last minute had those types of scores. I.e. he just wants his dick in a hole, finds one, and oddly enough reviews them. That would never be a repeat client.

From what I read, that is what I got out of what you said. Just look them up and you see it all.

Epsilon_Eridani742 reads

let's see here...

Posted By: FoxyNC
 An undeserved bad review would be something blacklist worthy, imo.  
 It's called being a "bad reviewer".... ya know, some men who NEVER give out scores over 6/7...  
 (Yes, we avoid those fuckers.)  
 Why would I give someone 110% effort when they would only potentially give me a 7?  
Calling your potential future income "fuckers" is really a good way to muck up your business even without the benefit of reviews.

Why would someone give you a 7? Maybe you did deserve it!  

Maybe at that meeting, you mucked something up to get your scores to drop.  
It could be anything!  

Remember, reviews are SUBJECTIVE!

 If it is truly something ominous or potential problematic (like only getting a 6/7.... lol) why would I do something that would potentially HURT my own business?  
What an huge fookin' ego you have!! You think that all of those highly reviewed ladies that have gotten 7s are hurting their business? No! They go out and find out what had happened so that they can improve their service in the future.  

Blacklisting a reviewer for giving you a 7s is ludicrous!  

Instead of wasting your time blacklisting every single reviewer that doesn't meet your egotistical ideal of what your review should look like, why don't you take a look and reflect on that session and see what areas you may need to improve on.  

Why are you wasting your time and mine by blacklisting every reviewer that you don't like?

Nothing is perfect.
Neither are you! Remember that!

It was an "IF" situation. And it is explained. But please, feel free to rip me shreds... if you think you can.
I mean, since my ego is SO BIG and all..



Epsilon_Eridani475 reads

if you haven't figured it out by now... you never will.

good luck in getting more business with those 'fuckers'.

Posted By: FoxyNC
Re: I never have blacklisted a reviewer. See above. It was an "IF" situation. And it is explained. But please, feel free to rip me shreds... if you think you can.  
 I mean, since my ego is SO BIG and all..  

On here there is very little recourse if the review was a revenge review so the ladies do what they gotta do to deal.  

if a guy is fair and the hooker does her best, it sucks that there are assholes on both sides. But as you said...that's life. We could always do away with both...but nah, that'll never happen so on we go.

For the high quality of posting by you normally Foxy, I'd have to score this post of yours about a 4.  So sorry to have to put it to you like that, but please don't BL me for it.  I still love ya!

-- Modified on 7/21/2015 7:55:06 PM

-- Modified on 7/21/2015 9:28:52 PM

It's okay. Long as it doesn't lower my average! Next time I will work harder to bring that score... I mean post.... up for yah!  

If I ever give a crappy performance, I will KNOW it.  
Women know when they slack.
How's that for honesty ;)

But here's more honesty for ya...
If I feel like pooh.... and even if it pissed a guy off- I'd rather cancel than NOT give it my all, you know what I mean?
I don't feel like being able to charge XXX an hour entitles any hooker to slack, it is great incentive to give it YOUR ALL.
I value my reputation.
I value my scores.
Enough to fight for them FAIRLY.
(That means, EARNING them, or disputing ones who are wrongfully abusive.)

Figgadeal me?


Posted By: wonderboy69
For the high quality of posting by you normally Foxy, I'd have to score this post of yours about a 4.  So sorry to have to put it to you like that, but please don't BL me for it.  I still love ya!  
 -- Modified on 7/21/2015 7:55:06 PM

-- Modified on 7/21/2015 9:28:52 PM

Unless a guy is a SERIOUS problem (total rip off after service, stalker, outing info such as address etc.) I find it absurd to blacklist someone using their real name for not showing up. Far too many providers have taken advantage of something that was once a vital tool in avoiding the real problem guys. Now, more than half are total bs and I have seen many who were blacklisted for stupid shit they never even did.

Epsilon_Eridani779 reads

your reputation precedes you as 'London "The Blacklister" Rayne'.  

tell us something that we don't already know!

Posted By: London Rayne
Re: Yes, all the time... Unless a guy is a SERIOUS problem (total rip off after service, stalker, outing info such as address etc.) I find it absurd to blacklist someone using their real name for not showing up. Far too many providers have taken advantage of something that was once a vital tool in avoiding the real problem guys. Now, more than half are total bs and I have seen many who were blacklisted for stupid shit they never even did.

Yes, I admitted to blacklisting STALKERS like you... what's your point? Men like you are fit for a fkin straight jacket. You are deluded and disturbed to the point that I think every time you change your handle/alias you actually forget about all the other personalities in your damn brain. You've been blacklisted by FOUR different women, nut job so it was not just me. By the time I got there, your name (real one) had already been posted several times. Check Mate. FYI, in 8 years I have had to blacklist less than five guys, so that should tell you something. Only serious nutjobs and offenders belong there... like YOU!

Posted By: Epsilon_Eridani
your reputation precedes you as 'London "The Blacklister" Rayne'.  
 tell us something that we don't already know!  
Posted By: London Rayne
Re: Yes, all the time... Unless a guy is a SERIOUS problem (total rip off after service, stalker, outing info such as address etc.) I find it absurd to blacklist someone using their real name for not showing up. Far too many providers have taken advantage of something that was once a vital tool in avoiding the real problem guys. Now, more than half are total bs and I have seen many who were blacklisted for stupid shit they never even did.

I think we have an Epsilon-Minus Semi-Moron on our hands!

Epsilon_Eridani552 reads

We never met in person.  

Never had a meeting with you.  

Never seen you in person.  

Nor do I know where you live.  

The point is... I do not know you at all!!  

That makes me a stalker? Your definition of insanity is you're blacklisting someone who posts in TER. Wow... that shows how fucked up you really are!

Nor, do I want to know someone who is fucked up as you are.

Go ahead and blacklist every single guy that has posted in TER. go ahead and see how much of a dumbass you look like when you do this.

Checkmate? Is this what it is? A game to you? You've got an inflated ego.

Posted By: London Rayne
Re: wow, you're admitting that you do this as well. Yes, I admitted to blacklisting STALKERS like you... what's your point?  
Posted By: Epsilon_Eridani
your reputation precedes you as 'London "The Blacklister" Rayne'.    
  tell us something that we don't already know!  
Posted By: London Rayne
Re: Yes, all the time... Unless a guy is a SERIOUS problem (total rip off after service, stalker, outing info such as address etc.) I find it absurd to blacklist someone using their real name for not showing up. Far too many providers have taken advantage of something that was once a vital tool in avoiding the real problem guys. Now, more than half are total bs and I have seen many who were blacklisted for stupid shit they never even did.

PussyLipGloss774 reads

1. Pay up no matter what. Because BBHMM.  
2. Don't be an asshole.  
3. Don't act like an asshole.  
4. Don't smell like an asshole.  

Been doing this over 7 years and no BL. How do I know? She (they) tell me so.  
Despite occasions of drama.
Despite converting P2P to real life shit. And having that blow up.  
Despite pissing a bitch or two off royally.  
Despite having been pissed off royally by 1-2 and telling them so loudly.  

Dudes: It's not that hard. All this. Really.

Want hard? Try marriage

GaGambler550 reads

I can't even remember who is a distant second in this category.

Please tell me how you even get it up considering your balls were removed years ago?

Your rule number one is Bullshit, B&S= no money. Shitty attitude on the way in = no money. Lying to me in any way to get me to book an appointment in the hopes I will stay anyhow= no money.

In short it's saps like you who are mainly responsible for ROB's in the first place. Rewarding bad behavior only encourages more of the same. Please turn in your man card, and do it NOW!!!

Where do you find this blacklist information? I know where the whitelists are found. Is it the same tab?

L.Guapo716 reads

And lots of it is semantic.  BL is NOT a girl's personal "do not see" list.  And it's NOT what goes on inside the Providers Only Board.  There are a number of Black List sites, including the useless joke called National Black List but also Verify Him and Safe Office.  They are separate sites.  The latter two require membership but NBL does not and anyone can put up whatever they want there.

Posted By: L.Guapo
And lots of it is semantic.  BL is NOT a girl's personal "do not see" list.  And it's NOT what goes on inside the Providers Only Board.  There are a number of Black List sites, including the useless joke called National Black List but also Verify Him and Safe Office.  They are separate sites.  The latter two require membership but NBL does not and anyone can put up whatever they want there.
It's very easy to get membership in any of them. Regardless of which one is used all are filled with girls who abuse the system. Most of us won't bitch unless it's a new girl who is a complete ROB. Some of the biggest disappointments are the "Top 100" girls. It's not worth it to get blacklisted over a few 100 bucks. That's the nature of an illegal business.

 What's needed is for the men to have our own place to list girls who fail to even come close to their ratings. The biggest obstacle are the lapdogs and guys who are getting discounts and freebies to cover up for them. It's quite common in all the regional groups. It looks like it's being done in TER too.

GaGambler596 reads

I am getting sick and tired of agreeing with you, but once again, you nailed it. TER most definitely has both men and women who abuse the system. Some out of fear, some are simply lapdogs like PussyLipGloss, on the men's side and then there are those women who guard their spots on the top lists as zealously as junk yard dogs who haven't been fed for a week.

Epsilon_Eridani325 reads

Very good post!

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
Posted By: L.Guapo
And lots of it is semantic.  BL is NOT a girl's personal "do not see" list.  And it's NOT what goes on inside the Providers Only Board.  There are a number of Black List sites, including the useless joke called National Black List but also Verify Him and Safe Office.  They are separate sites.  The latter two require membership but NBL does not and anyone can put up whatever they want there.
 It's very easy to get membership in any of them. Regardless of which one is used all are filled with girls who abuse the system. Most of us won't bitch unless it's a new girl who is a complete ROB. Some of the biggest disappointments are the "Top 100" girls. It's not worth it to get blacklisted over a few 100 bucks. That's the nature of an illegal business.  
  What's needed is for the men to have our own place to list girls who fail to even come close to their ratings. The biggest obstacle are the lapdogs and guys who are getting discounts and freebies to cover up for them. It's quite common in all the regional groups. It looks like it's being done in TER too.

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