TER General Board

Re: What $100 can do.
ZXboy 2110 reads
1 / 54

Am I imaging it or have the market rates for this hobby sky rocketed in the past 2-3 years?  Particularly at the higher end of the hobby. It does not seem concordant with the economy or consumer price index.

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 878 reads
2 / 54

yes prices have risen.

i wouldn't say they've risen faster than other prices.

many new women are starting high... too high for a rookie imo, but it is what it is.

there are still plenty of great deals to find.

just keep looking.

wrps07 674 reads
3 / 54

There is a lot of demand for high providers. Several things you can do. You can save up and/or invest so you can play on the side or quit and put the money in your 401K so you can retire one day.

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 852 reads
4 / 54

If we over priced ourselves and our looks and services don't match the price being asked for; with enough time you will see the rates go down. I found out that seeing less people and keep a relatively steady stream of income (slightly less than when I charged less, but not by a lot, and have more time to have a good balance between life, and work) that will allow me to be better at what I do and not become jaded. And frankly, while you may not see the benefits right away, this is also benefitial for the hobbyists who look for top notch performance and good attitude.  

For example I think Apple has very overpriced products. But guess what, they're the best out there IMO for phones and laptops. So if I don't agree with their price I just don't buy their products. Do an experiment. Try to book appts with girls who charge 100$ and then come back to tell us the experience. How easy was to get a hold of her, did she even screen you?, was she clean and well groomed, did she make you wait, was she rushy... Etc.  

I would imagine most hobbyists don't mind spending the money with high end providers, as long as they are 100% sure of the services they're getting are top notch, and accurately and clearly described either By the provider or reviews, and their experience will be a pleasant one since its after all; their hard earned money. I have nothing against high volume or charging less. God knows I come from BP and charming 150$ in my early days. But that sure comes with a lot of calls from time wasters and people who have no regard for grooming or cleanliness. So while I understand your observations on the hobby rates. I think there's a market which is exploding for providers who will show you a really good time.  

Hobby on :-)

-- Modified on 7/18/2016 12:36:14 AM

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 592 reads
5 / 54

but I think with TER, you're now more connected and aware of your environment.  

For me, just reviewing the Ad Board has exposed me to a wider range of pricing options than I'd been in the past.

wrps07 885 reads
6 / 54

It can go a long way. Lets see 2 lunch meals at chick fla,  chinese takeout for 2 (3 meals each), Golden Correl for 2, and famous daves for 1. Compared to the hobby one pop, lmfao.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 508 reads
8 / 54

That BP customers do not bathe regularly?  Maybe they just think it would be awkward to show up smelling nicer than the girl they"re seeing.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 584 reads
9 / 54

Lose an ounce rather than gaining 5 pounds eating all of that cheap fast food. Just sayin.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 405 reads
10 / 54

For a Mercedes. I just don't like paying for a Mercedes and getting a Chevy.  Price is what you pay.  Value is what you get.  As long as the price matches the value, I'm okay with whatever the price is.

bofia 23 Reviews 533 reads
11 / 54

The economy at my home is doing just fine.
Concordant - that's a pretty big word for a guy making minimum wage

Pavliena See my TER Reviews 606 reads
12 / 54

and social norm-wise - with the high-end escort you would not worry about LE or STD .

There be not services it would be  a date and you would be  not watching your time according to rate you paid  

There are gentlemen who do know all that  so there are and ladies who able to satisfy all levels of adult companionship  

In now days there seems all women in states started to sell themselves.

You are here and you have an access to the best nd safest- if you would follow rules - you do pay premium and you have a guarantee you are donating for
1 staying healthy
2.not be arrested
3. be entertained.
4. stay discreet  
5. Not be robbed
6. be greeted by woman in pictures
7.Do not deal with pimp
8.Have intimacy and connection
9. Feel yourself to be a man and not ajohn  

 Fo many men it is important part - self respect and respect to others  

and most important to be very special man for her that evening :)

I think all of above is not cheap

Of course, you are free take risks and safe the money.



[email protected]

SultryCharlotte See my TER Reviews 701 reads
13 / 54
OldRanger 62 Reviews 417 reads
14 / 54

There are those can afford the rates that you  advertise and those that can in no way consider them.
More power to those that can afford your companionship but in my world I can not.
I though have found many Beautiful and fulfilling women in the $$$ to$$$$ range that can and do provide everything on your list which is very on point/
Maybe that it is that we are in a smaller non  Coastal market but see no reason beyond being able to say that I paid $1000 for a dinner date with a beautiful lady when there are other options in my price range/
More power who can and do afford your time.
Prosper in your vocation

Sex-Aeterna 549 reads
15 / 54

My experience: When I started in this business, it felt a lot more uniform. 300 or a little below was a standard rate for my area and the escorts far above or below existed as outliers. Much below was not exotic, but it typically connoted some sort of *bad situation*. That 300 did get clients more consistency in good looks, but less menu-wise than today.  

A couple of years after I started, the Great Recession occurred, and a lot shifted. The menus became a lot more permissive. Official Rates were mostly unchanged, but many started running ongoing specials. An unofficial price drop, effectively. Despite the changes, the bulk of providers adjusted in lockstep.

 Now, there is more price and menu diversity. It's tempting to focus on what we can't have, so a lot of hobbyists only see the increases. But the diversity has gone in both directions. With BP, the Sugar Bowl, and a bunch of other options, it's not hard getting pussy at low prices. And quality escorts can be found at good prices, it's just a matter of how much you are willing to research and sometimes travel.

-- Modified on 7/18/2016 5:16:52 AM

12pointbuck75 18 Reviews 622 reads
16 / 54

I see a lot of specials which tells me some are needing to adjust their prices.
Prices are high on everything.    The price of companionship adjusts like everything else.

ripmany 9 Reviews 449 reads
17 / 54

I see many of then off services below 80 but with Ter there have actually up mark the rate because good review that are stable just aint that many. If you have TER VIP you can rate surch to get better as well as good service. It something you need to shop for.

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 651 reads
18 / 54

Yes, the rates go up as so does the appetite of the hobbyist.

  Hobbyist know that the "Providers" put themselves at more risk for contract disease, getting killed then the hobbyist does. For the simple fact that a "Provider" deals with more "Hobbyist" then a "Hobbyist" deals with a "Provider" on a daily bases.  

  Think about it.  Providers deal with 5 to 30 clients per 12 hours(DAILY).

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 716 reads
19 / 54

I agree that some of the new providers come into this industry thinking that they are worth the high prices. Me......I have been doing this for 21 to 23 years. And I have proven that I am well worth the money.

YoMaMaDo 554 reads
20 / 54

If you do not like the pricing shop elsewhere.

Here is an example of what else you could do:

1) Bottle of Baby oil- $5.00

2) Box of 50 Surgical gloves- $20.00

3) Internet connection , which your Mom probably already pays for. $0.00

4) The ability to type in the search bar on Google for your favorite sex act, which I believe you have. $0.00.

5) Roll of paper towels from mom's pantry- $0.00

6) Wait for your mom to go to work and for your movies to load and bingo. For $25.00 and a little clean up you can be the stud you have always dreamed of being.

7) Then you can crawl out of your Mom's basement and still have $5.00 left over from your $30.00  weekly allowance. Then you can go play Pokémon Go with your friends. After you are worn out from walking around you will be able to get a Blue Raspberry or Bubble Gum Slurpee because you still have that $5.00.

Either pay the freight or find a different carrier. It works in all phases and situations in life

FatVern 581 reads
21 / 54

The only time I p2p is when they call me, and I feel like going through the motions.

LadyOpium See my TER Reviews 313 reads
22 / 54

And so has everything else in this world! NICE ONE.

scb19 10 Reviews 561 reads
25 / 54

but I can only relate to my own experience and I think that, yes, prices have gone up significantly.  For example a $300 rate just a couple of years ago is now a $350 rate which translates to a 16+% increase.  However, we have to remember that in this industry rates don't move linearly with the cost of living, but rather in steps.  Hopefully this rate increase will hold for several more years.  Can't speak to the higher end ($1000?) as I don't swim in that end of the pool.

Posted By: ZXboy
Am I imaging it or have the market rates for this hobby sky rocketed in the past 2-3 years?  Particularly at the higher end of the hobby. It does not seem concordant with the economy or consumer price index.

YoMaMaDo 281 reads
26 / 54


#1- It will feel like a stranger is touching him and not just him wacking off in his panties again.

#2- His hands won't be all slippery so he won't drop his phone while playing Pokémon Go.


NaomiGrey See my TER Reviews 290 reads
27 / 54
GaGambler 422 reads
28 / 54

and for a "hundredaire" like Chicken Little, he must be a real big tipper to spend a hundred bucks at a Golden Corral. You can feed a family of six at a Golden Corral and still have change left from a hundred.

I guess Chicken Little won't be quite so little after gorging himself on all this cheap, crappy fast food.

-- Modified on 7/18/2016 1:58:53 PM

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 369 reads
30 / 54
BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 277 reads
31 / 54

you have to establish a reputation that makes it clear your services are worth the price.  

a lot of these young girls are like a kid just out of chef's school opening a 5 star restaurant and charging $100 a plate with no experience or reputation... i don't think so!!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 411 reads
32 / 54

you've got your dick in some closet queer's ass.  The blood rushes from your head and makes you seem stupid.  


You were referencing customers on BP and said they had little regard for grooming or cleanliness.  My brain cells are fine.  Its yours that seem fucked up.

PRS2005 546 reads
33 / 54
vantheman666 10 Reviews 355 reads
34 / 54

I remember when I could fill a huge gas tank for $20.  I remember when I could get a pack of smokes for $2.  I remember when I could rent a one bedroom apartment for $400.  Blah blah blah, wah wah wah.

I have to set aside $20 per week for my hobbying.  If I'm lucky, that comes out to getting laid once every other month.  And I'm a horny motherfucker who could get it on multiple times each day.  My solution?  I don't complain, I'm aiming for that goddamn promotion every time I go to work.

GaGambler 567 reads
35 / 54

I'm 57 and I remember 25 cent a pack cigs, a dollar a carton at the PX when I was in the service, 25 cent gasoline and rents well under a hundred bucks a month.  

Since you are obviously rather young, have you considered either a second job or perhaps additional schooling to create more income for yourself? I am not judging, just asking.

I will give you credit for not whining though. I am sure the ladies do as well.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 348 reads
36 / 54

that deserved crowd-funding for pussy, its you.  You have a great attitude, but I join in GaG's thoughts about doing something to acquire more skills while you're still young enough to put in extra hours without killing yourself.

bofia 23 Reviews 390 reads
37 / 54

Market yourself  for 2x or 3x the average with some sexy pictures and a nice tagline and see what happens. If it doesn't draw the appropriate attention, "specials" start to appear.

Probably no way to conclude if starting low and working your way up vs. starting high and lowering donation is more successful unless the ladies are willing to share, but I certainly don't see too many providers offering this info.  

Whether services are worth the price is up to the individual. Some go almost strictly by performance, others by visual appeal

mrblond68 4 Reviews 340 reads
38 / 54

Whine about it or decide to be more open to the type of provider you hire. Instead of trying for a perfect 10 and paying ten times the price, go for a 7 to 9 or go for the minimum time offered if it is in your price range.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 312 reads
39 / 54

high rent areas charge more, partially because the cost of living is much higher.

What some of these providers fail to realize is that if a (for example) provider from NYC travels to St. Louis (just picking a mid-price location) and doesn't lower her rates to meet the area she is visiting, her dance card may not be very full.

Likewise, if a provider from St. Louis travels to NYC, she should raise her rates accordingly.

Location, location, location is the mantra of real estate.

BellaMaytress See my TER Reviews 466 reads
40 / 54

How the fuck was THAT necessary?? I don't expect much from board posts besides nausea, headache, and ... Loss of hope in humanity..  

But dude..DUDE. A little tiff over a maybe/maybe-not misread comment and you go directly to violent hate-speech? WTF is wrong with you?

Can't imagine where you'd go if someone actually personally insulted you. I'm imagining you've already experienced white-hot rage, yes? Ringing in the ears?

Fucking unnecessary and ridiculous dude. Get a fucking grip. The state of your brain cells are the least of your problems.

1256849 23 Reviews 498 reads
41 / 54

I may miss the gist of your quote, but a lady who sells herself inexpensively does not say much about her or those who take it. I know what you may argue, selling and buying oneself may not say a lot about who we are, but there is something to be said for some class and companionship.  

If one is looking for a $40 -$80 specials stick to backpage and street walkers.  If a 25 dollar blow and go is one's thing cool. We all have a sandbox to play in.  

I agree some do charge a lot, over 600 an hour. Wish I could do it, but does not mean all are worth it. It takes a lot for a woman to share herself with us guys. Over 90% of the ladies I have seen were well worth the price of admission that I paid.

Posted By: wrps07
It can go a long way. Lets see 2 lunch meals at chick fla,  chinese takeout for 2 (3 meals each), Golden Correl for 2, and famous daves for 1. Compared to the hobby one pop, lmfao.
-- Modified on 7/18/2016 11:50:37 PM

Iheartsports 403 reads
42 / 54

Just because a lady is new doesn't mean she has to limit herself.  
She can charge whatever rate she likes as long as as she provides a good experience for her clientele but that's how I see it.

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 409 reads
43 / 54

People like him don't care to sound ignorant or illiterate. Every time I post something he usually finds something he can put out of context to demonize me. And when one highlights his bigotry or lack of intelligence, he usually jumps to attacks. I was gonna reply to his ignorant post but honestly... I'm more disappointed in Ter for allowing his message to post.  

The only thing I respect about him is that he doesn't hide under an alias. Hey Cour-de-lion I have a great alias for you: Cour de lion braincell. 😃. Thanks for calling his bigotry out. I wish the girls he intends to see come here and see the type of bigot he is.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 532 reads
44 / 54

IDEAS and OPINIONS.  Those are fair game.  But telling me I have no brain cells when I am QUOTING her post is a PERSONAL attack, for which I will attack back.  She did insult me, and if she escalates, I will do the same.  She's not smart enough to keep up with me, so each time she posts another attack, I will make her look even more stupid in my response.  

So Ms. Mattress (an appropriate name to be sure), tell me what I said that is inconsistent with the facts that we all know about her from her reviews?  Why does it constitute violent hate speech to talk about what she does for a living.  If I said some guy was balls-deep in your pussy, would that also be violent hate speech?  You are the one that needs to get a grip  . . . on reality.  THIS IS A FUCK BOARD.  If you want it to be Disneyland, then tell TER you want to start a new board.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 509 reads
45 / 54

I will leave that to you.  Please point out in my post what I said that is not factual?  Do you stick your dick in customer's asses?  If you do, then I did not accuse you of anything that is not factual.  Are any of your customers guys that can be considered homosexuals that have not come out yet?  If yes, then that is also factual.  The part you said you didn't say, about grooming and cleanliness, is already part of your earlier post, so that is factual as well.  

TER allowed the message because it contained nothing that wasn't true.  Truth is not slander.  Read the rules.  

The only thing I'm bigoted against is stupidity.  I have many gay friends, but they don't hide it.  One at work even says I'm turning "queer" when I wear a pink shirt with a gray suit.  

Finally, Coeur has an "e" in it.  I'm not saying you're necessary COMPLETELY illiterate, just pointing it out for future reference.

ABC1234qq 23 Reviews 496 reads
46 / 54

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
IDEAS and OPINIONS.  Those are fair game.  But telling me I have no brain cells when I am QUOTING her post is a PERSONAL attack, for which I will attack back.  She did insult me, and if she escalates, I will do the same.  She's not smart enough to keep up with me, so each time she posts another attack, I will make her look even more stupid in my response.    
 So Ms. Mattress (an appropriate name to be sure), tell me what I said that is inconsistent with the facts that we all know about her from her reviews?  Why does it constitute violent hate speech to talk about what she does for a living.  If I said some guy was balls-deep in your pussy, would that also be violent hate speech?  You are the one that needs to get a grip  . . . on reality.  THIS IS A FUCK BOARD.  If you want it to be Disneyland, then tell TER you want to start a new board.  
Dude, you're a douche. Period.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 320 reads
47 / 54

stimulate conversation.  It brought you back after a six-week absence from this board.  

I will offer you the same challenge.  What did I post that was not true and factual?  How does posting the truth make me a douche?  Are you one of the PC police?

vantheman666 10 Reviews 439 reads
48 / 54

Because of my ex-wife's spending habits, and her refusal to leave the savings account alone, I have no extra money to fall back on, not to mention that I'm about $20,000 in debt.  On top of that, I have to pay spousal support.  Oh, and it gets even better.  Because of my fucked up financial situation, I am still living with my ex-wife and mother in law.  So right now, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.  I managed to get my college degree on grants, and I don't relish the thought of going back and possibly having student loan debt on top of the crap that I already have.  I'm thinking about getting a second job, but I have to get off graveyard shift first; I would need a schedule that allows me to sleep sometime.

So, obviously, I could theoretically afford more hobbying if I could get out of this hole.  However, first I'll have to either do a debt consolidation, or file bankruptcy.  It would also help if I had my own place to live, then the ex could only get her hands on the support crap, and not all the extra money.  It's going to be a tough haul for a few years here.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 512 reads
49 / 54
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 300 reads
51 / 54

you thirteen year old?  Adults would say, "Because you . . ."   Does your mom know you're dressing up in her clothes and getting on a fuck board?

Its apparent you don't really have a rational response to my question about identifying something I said about you that wasn't true. So I take it you are conceding the point?

-- Modified on 7/19/2016 10:53:11 AM

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 461 reads
52 / 54

"What some of these providers fail to realize is ..."

Many providers are well aware of the different markets, and simply do not care to adjust their rates or to have a "full" dance card when they travel.  Maybe they want to do some sight seeing, visit local family or friends, etc.  

Even if the local market is lower - traveling for work tends to increase expenses, not lower them.  Maybe it only takes one extra session in a day to cover that variable, maybe it takes three.  The variables are different for every provider and the pricing decision is individual to circumstance.  

Many of us have a good sense of our business, even if you cannot fathom the pricing decisions that we make.  Please, when you find yourself saying "providers should...", consider that you are likely working off assumptions that have no basis in actual experience.

Aaaaand, I am not real estate.  If we were, you would be seeing some insane price increases in many parts of the country!  (I'm in Seattle.  Would love to price myself according to increases in the housing values!)


BellaMaytress See my TER Reviews 461 reads
54 / 54

Ooohh... Yeah, sorry I have a life...

Lol and my stage name is not Bella Mattress, fool! But I love that you think that. ❤️❤️❤️  And that it would be "appropriate" because...? As an escort I spend most of my time.. On a mattress?  

Sick burn! Lololol... If you want me to stick around, you HAVE TO elevate the conversation, man!  

-- Modified on 7/21/2016 10:25:05 PM

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