TER General Board

Re: Too close for comfort
Ace6788 1414 reads

good call. thank you

Ace67883979 reads

She lives in my building and I've always admired her, I randomly found her online and she's very well reviewed and costs $1000+ per hour.  should i contact her and if so how should i do it? I am more than capable of keeping it completely professional and private.

Seems to close for comfort. She's going know things about you that most other providers wouldn't. And vice versa. At the end of the day, I'd say don't shit where you eat.

Posted By: Ace6788
She lives in my building and I've always admired her, I randomly found her online and she's very well reviewed and costs $1000+ per hour.  should i contact her and if so how should i do it? I am more than capable of keeping it completely professional and private.

Ace67881415 reads

good call. thank you


The simple fact that you cannot see the obvious (her private & professional lives must never intersect) proves that you will not be able to keep it professional & private.

What is the matter with you? There is a whole world out there full of providers and you have to go for this one?

Maybe it's just me but that could make someone feel very vulnerable even though that is not your intent.   Remember, you know she's breaking the law and has a lifestyle not smiled upon in many circles.  

I would ask her out for a date.  Maybe you'll get luck.

Ace67881167 reads

I forgot to mention she's a famous porn star....

...  I would keep it on a civie basis... if she makes you an offer you can't refuse then let that be her doing.

hotplants1412 reads

pick someone else to contact.  

If you really feel you must, contact her through her website like any other potential client. What other option do you  think there is? A random convo in the hallway? The fact that the obvious method of contact seems to have eluded you suggests you may not be as interested in her privacy as you are in getting off on the idea that she lives in the same building.  

Surely you have other options than one of your neighbors

What kind of advice are you getting here?  This is pay for play.  Let's see if I understand this....Your a hobbyist and she is a well reviewed escort?  If so, read the reviews.  Does she provide the services that you require?  Are you OK with spending $1000/hour on an escort?  Why not see her?  Just remember this is a professional relationship.  I would just use normal channels to contact and for screening first.  I wouldn't approach her as she takes out the trash.   I have seen 100's of escorts in my life without incident or drama other than a few back-page girls....One question:  Do you think that you can handle a porn star living in your building without coughing up thousands of dollars?  Kind of like an ice cream bar in the freezer calling out your name.

-- Modified on 8/24/2014 8:39:06 PM

hotplants1113 reads

but..yes, I could handle a porn star living in my building without coughing up thousands of dollars.  

I assume you're actually responding to the OP. Your response does go to illustrate why this is the oldest profession in the world.

Only a man would pay $1000 for an ice cream bar.....lol....

I know what you're saying, but the rate does indicate something about the woman. Mostly it reveals how she feels about herself when it comes to making her body available to strangers. She sets a price on it, and that suggests how she feels about herself, not necessarily about how she feels about her skills.

This isn't a popular outlook, and might not always be the case--of course a shitload of hardcore hobbyists will insist that it's NEVER the case--but I feel that on some level it's true. By not low balling she'll get fewer contacts, so she'll bill herself as LV, Q not Q, Elite, and all that, but...I think it's more to do with esteem factors

whether it's a matter of self esteem or whatever....

but considering that you can do overnights with many recognizable starlets for a fraction of that rate....  

let alone the fact that the best appearance / performance in my market is priced at less than 1/3rd of that rate....

I am also happy for hobbyists to make any calculations that suit them.  They may feel that they are getting something special, something exclusive, by paying that rate....    I don't judge that....

however it has been my experience, uniformly, over quite a few years, that providers who price themselves at the high end of the scale are often the same type who don't want to give a lot of bang for the buck,  so we are not a match.....

GaGambler1116 reads

where it comes to service vs price per hour, with the higher priced ladies actually providing WORSE service than the more modestly priced women, but then once you get down below a certain level, typically around $200 hr in the states, I notice a significant downturn from there as well. My "sweet spot" for quality and value seem to be in that $200-400 range with service falling off above and below that price point. There are exceptions of course, I am saying this as a GENERAL observation only.

that does seem to vary a bit by market -

below 200 you get a lot of the gals who don't offer "gfe services" like dfk and bbbj -   around 250-300 or so I see a lot of very high service providers who are higher volume.

I *like* higher volume - they are not time wasters. They get down to business and the tushie stays in motion the whole time.   Most are happy to go for seconds with 15 minutes left.   I have found that I am very very rarely rushed by this type and if they don't have another booking they seem to not be in a hurry to rush you out the door.   A lot of them are all of the best of GFE without the time wasting choreography.....

over 350  I find mostly the type that feel that it is such an honor to be in their very presence that action is not much required :p     there are notable exceptions of course -   but over time this generalization has held for me....

GaGambler1067 reads

The HDH mentality that I should be honored just to be in her presence is the one that gets me.

and I don't mind "high volume" at all either as long as she doesn't get burnt out either mentally or physically. I had an LTR with a Thai agency girl that by almost all definitions was "high volume' she considered a day with only three to four customers a very slow day, but she ALWAYS had plenty of gas left in the tank for me, I can only imagine how much sexual energy she would have if she quit being a hooker? She probably would have fucked me to death. lmao

You would rather pay less for a session with a lady. Versus paying more for an appeareance by a more recognizable woman.

just look at the Washington DC market area -

do a review search on average 8.5 or better

a very high percentage of these providers will be k-girls or other agency girls at 260/hr  - $300/hr

I find them to be more attractive and higher performance than most of the higher priced ladies in the market.   As do a great number of my fellow mongers.

The pictures are usually more reliable and the service is usually higher.  Of course they are also younger on average which I also like.

I was under the impression we were comparing ladies who have a recognizable name in the porn industry, to those that don not. Price wasn't included in my observation until this particular comparison was made.

Once price becomes the determining factor of the equation. The better investment of one's time becomes the deciding factor. Does the customer want an appearance by the provider?  or does the customer want an experience with the provider?

This would all depend on what the customer wants.

Posted By: MarkusKetterman
just look at the Washington DC market area -  
 do a review search on average 8.5 or better  
 a very high percentage of these providers will be k-girls or other agency girls at 260/hr  - $300/hr  
 I find them to be more attractive and higher performance than most of the higher priced ladies in the market.   As do a great number of my fellow mongers.  
 The pictures are usually more reliable and the service is usually higher.  Of course they are also younger on average which I also like.

Ace67881407 reads

Appreciate the advice everyone. I think I'm just going to avoid shitting where i eat lol.  

We like to imagine that people who see us day to day will never bump into our advertising.  Possibly not reasonable, but please don't call attention to it...

Where does her rate enter the equation when deciding whether or not this would be a tactful option for yourself to engage in

If you keep posting stuff like this, I may lose my bet I made with Gambler.  You wouldn't want me to lose would you? rofl

GaGambler1146 reads

My moron OTOH rarely makes any sense, and in his case it's not from lack of trying, I think unlike fatvern/pimples/JCA who trolls intentionally, I think Fungy is just a moron, incapable of even acting any smarter than he does.

You can always move to another place. :D  

That way you don't sleep where you play or shit where you eat, etc. Avoid all the potential drama but still fulfill your fantasy.  Last thing you want to do is to come off creepy so I'd really avoid seeing her when you're living in the same building. It just seems like disaster in the making if you ask me.

Also, if you hadn't "recognized" her as your neighbor, would she have been your type? Would you have contacted her off the strength of her ad?

And, lastly, how do you know for certain that the person you pass in the hallway is the blurred or airbrushed image in the photo? This could all be wishful thinking on your part.

If you've lived in the same building and never said more than hi to each other, I don't think you're going to want this discovery to be the icebreaker.

Why not try chatting her up and having an affair

lickhermonger1026 reads

offer a couple of cups of coffee.

...go ahead and book an outcall to a hotel. Keep it to yourself that you live in the same building. Do your best not to run into her in your building and if you do, just give her the nod or act like you don't know each other. Then you can book again and bring up the "was that you I spotted in _____? What a small world!" Then, be cool. If you're cool, you might get lucky having a hookup down the hall.  

OTOH, if you have any stalker-ish tendencies, then please please please disregard the advice above and move far far away.

I think the not-a-weirdo ship has already set sail. The OP is asking advice from the public on how to not be a weirdo.

Posted By: cocktail-party
...go ahead and book an outcall to a hotel. Keep it to yourself that you live in the same building. Do your best not to run into her in your building and if you do, just give her the nod or act like you don't know each other. Then you can book again and bring up the "was that you I spotted in _____? What a small world!" Then, be cool. If you're cool, you might get lucky having a hookup down the hall.  
 OTOH, if you have any stalker-ish tendencies, then please please please disregard the advice above and move far far away.

GaGambler1107 reads

DA is going to be pissed if you keep making posts that make total sense.

but I OTOH, I can smell victory already, even though it's only late August. lol

I like betting on myself, that is of course only when I want to win

Or can you recognize her from her body? Because if she has her face for everyone to see, well, what does she expect. Sooner or later someone from the building she lives in is surely going to recognize her and possibly want to to see her, or worse, let everyone know she is a hooker

Then went and searched to see if she may also work as an escort.

... if I may interject another argument - not directly related to a PS living in your building.


What if the OP does "let everyone know she is a hooker" before having any evidence to prove that his assumption is correct?  


I see women all the time, and think she "could" be a hooker.  

Can someone confirm a fact which they do not know to be true?

is no doubt what she does...it is on her hooker website. All he has to do is print off the page her face is on and add the url to the image if he wanted to. Not hard. Plenty of proof there.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
is no doubt what she does...it is on her hooker website. All he has to do is print off the page her face is on and add the url to the image if he wanted to. Not hard. Plenty of proof there.
Why exactly would the OP be doing what is stated above?

That doesn't mean they deserve less discretion or have to put up with every psycho stalker in the neighborhood. I'd agree that it's harder to stay low when your video is all over the net. It's even harder to lay low when it's a very hot young girl in her 20s driving an expensive car worth 100k and lives in an apartment.

ATLDAWG1167 reads

You don't need to tell her you live in the same building-you may never run into her or if you do she may not recognize you.  I say go for it!  I have a gal I see that lives in my subdivision-Convenient-Just wish I could identify another one or two-I think there may be more !

Posted By: Ace6788
She lives in my building and I've always admired her, I randomly found her online and she's very well reviewed and costs $1000+ per hour.  should i contact her and if so how should i do it? I am more than capable of keeping it completely professional and private.

She will probably not want to share her secret life with anyone outside the hobby. So, either approach her as an interested neighbor looking for a civvy date OR book a session with her as a hobbyist; but do not let her know you are a neighbor booking a session. If she goes out with you as the interested neighbor, don't assume she will immediately sleep with you either. Once you get to know each other, you can sort it all out.  Just one man's opinion

question11152 reads

I met a provider and was not sure she was one.   She acted really interested and I asked her for a date.  She accepted but never was available.  Eventually, we lost contact.  I still know her address and pass by often.  She also has a personal blog.  

I have never contacted her as a provider.  Would probably be freaky for her.

She might be more freaked out and uncomfortable than you.

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