TER General Board

Re: This "upper middle class" gent gets off on the "street cred" earned from pounding streetwalkers.
Skyfyre 1258 reads

Pst... pst... let me give you a secret tip: rich people, really rich people stays rich or getting richer because they keep a tight leash on their money and they demand the most in return for it.

You're welcome!

PS:  If Hugh Grant, in spite of already having plenty of money AND one of the most beautiful woman of the world, still finds VALUE and EXCITEMENT from a streetwalkers who am I to deny that reality:


Think about it. Makes perfect sense. The better looking and higher class a woman is, chances are the worse lay she is also. OTH a high-volume streetwalkers have the BEST game thanks to lot of practices and practices..

not read websites? I'm sure I'm not alone in receiving ample emails in which guys ask for same day appointments when I state very clearly that I need two days to do my screening. Not only that, but those same requests don't include any screening info! Lol! Sigh.

How many of you take the time to read a lady's website? Why or why not

First to see all her pix, then to check the fee.  If both of those motivate me, then I may look at the rest, but not necessarily.  I may go right to her reviews here.

"Do you do 30 mins? Can I see you today at noon? Do you do anal? Can you come to my place for an hour? [silence when asked for references]"

I feel you, Sarah!

Can I pick you up off the floor? Are you 100% certain your squirt isn't pee?  Can I ask for CG? What about vanilla sex,  do you do that? Would you be offended if I ask for sex

Makes me wonder when/if we'll see our little TurdMonster around here?

makes me laugh every time. Agh- the cluelessness! Bless 'em.

I read all of a lady's site if I'm considering seeing her, especially if I'm planning to see her. I like to get a small glimpse of "who" she is (in her appointments at least).

shopper! I think as WB pointed out, most men here would be much like you in that respect. (After all, being here requires reading after all- lol!)

Good on you! :)

If they aren't following directions, just ignore and delete. Don't sweat my pet! LOL!

I see the screening requirements and etiquette part of the website are a lot like foreplay for us. The guys see it as a cock blocking I am sure. I'm like the easier and smoother this screening goes, and if you take the time to READ what I am about the better time we will have. I feel like with a website, it's already established that she'll sleep with anyone that has that envelope of cash for, so guys stop giving such a hard time. LOL!

A post a while back, and while like prob a few years ago, discussed the simplicity of the website guys like to navigate. Pics, price, and how to contact. Anything else is filler, looks good, sounds good, might be important, but don't expect most guys to read it. Maybe put that same day is not available on your pics page or price page? Making the important stuff known or reiterated may be redundant, but obviously needed if it's giving you an issue.

unless they've written a particularly nice introduction. But even then the fact that they want to meet today or tomorrow means they probably don't plan ahead too well and probably won't be a good fit for me. I have had exactly two successful encounters with guys who write a nice introduction but want last-minute. The rest never resulted in meeting.

It comes down to respect and trust, really.  If you don't respect your date and the rules she puts forth, how can you expect her to trust you?  If you are incapable of a respectful interaction that builds trust, you're not getting all you can out of these lovely little rendezvous.  Save your donation and take care of your urges in the shower.  Just sayin'

I respect every gal's right to run her business as she sees fit.  But I may think she needs me to jump through too many hoops or give her personal info that makes me uncomfortable.  In that case, with all due respect, I'm on to the next one. Trust works both ways in this world. And there are plenty of reasonable options, so no need to take care of my urges in the shower.
Just sayin'.

inicky46, you've posted dozens of reviews on TER and I've posted one.  Given your experience, it's hard to argue with you, but I'm curious... do you really think it's "too many hoops" for you to read the rules she's posted on her website and do your best to abide?  Your point about trust going both ways is a certainly valid, but the hobbyist always has the upper hand over the provider because he's the one who initiates the contact.  A pretty girl putting herself out there for you (us) should be respected in the first contact without her client requiring her to bend and break the rules that allow her to run her business safely and efficiently.  That seems to be the entire point of this thread.

There are rules and there are rules.  Not all of them are reasonable just because she thinks they are.  This is my entire point: she gets to decide what her rules are and I, respectfully, get to decide if I find them reasonable or acceptable.  I thought I was clear in my first post about this but I hope my clarification gets it across.
I've read dozens and dozens of gals' sites.  When you've read enough you'll perhaps know how many are off-the-wall unreasonable.  Where does it state I've got to accept an unreasonable request from anyone?  Especially one that would have me reveal personal information that could be misused?
Also, your statement that "the hobbyist always has the upper hand" is just flat-out wrong.  The "hobbyist" (gag) gets to decide whether he wants to meet her requirements.  The hooker gets to decide if the information he's willing to provide is sufficient.  It's called parity. Unless she's desperate.  Or he is.

Your two statements (with which I agree 100% by the way) are PRECISELY why the guy always has the upper hand.  SoftlySarah's original point was not that you are expected to adhere to unreasonable screening requests, her point was that many guys ask her to ignore requirements which are spelled out clearly on her page.

Posted By: inicky46
she gets to decide what her rules are and I, respectfully, get to decide if I find them reasonable or acceptable.
Posted By: inicky46
Where does it state I've got to accept an unreasonable request from anyone?  Especially one that would have me reveal personal information that could be misused?

So forget about her statement for a moment and take your statement separately as it stands.  That's the way I read it.  And I still disagree.

Senator.Blutarsky1433 reads

read instructions... or ask for directions... They already know it all and don't have time to be bothered with the details.

You'd think there would be one guy that said "hey Mo, should we get some directions?". Yep Kathleen Madagen, she's a riot.

Blind faith, it makes absolutely no sense to me, but hey, to each their own.

All the men were giving him directions at the same time when he didn't even ask! lol

Because I always want to get a sneak peek at the lady ;-)  for one and also because I look at the donation, and because Im still fairly new (about 2 years) and dont regularly hobby I havent seen alot of ladies so they need extra info on me.  I also like to know what the lady likes and what she's into so I can try and make the experience good for her as well.  Idk that seems pretty normal to me not sure why others dont also do so.  Its common courtesy to me.  Sorry you have had so many bad experiences :-(

Posted By: SoftlySarah
not read websites? I'm sure I'm not alone in receiving ample emails in which guys ask for same day appointments when I state very clearly that I need two days to do my screening. Not only that, but those same requests don't include any screening info! Lol! Sigh.  
 How many of you take the time to read a lady's website? Why or why not?  

But like common sense, it isn't really all that common. Lol!  

Research would definitely improve one's experience. This seems so simple to understand but clearly misses so many!  

I am fortunate that I don't have bad experiences. I just delete the thoughtlessly written emails and direct the nicely written ones to my RSVP page. :)

The literature on some ladies website is counterproductive of my wanting to secure a date with her.

Some websites read as if the lady is talking you out of seeing her. Which does not make sense from a marketing perspective. Unless that is the lady's prerogative to thin out her potential client pool. I can see the logic behind a lady doing this. However if the lady is actively marketing her self to new potential clients. I can no longer see the logic behind this passive selection process.


Posted By: SoftlySarah
not read websites? I'm sure I'm not alone in receiving ample emails in which guys ask for same day appointments when I state very clearly that I need two days to do my screening. Not only that, but those same requests don't include any screening info! Lol! Sigh.  
 How many of you take the time to read a lady's website? Why or why not?  

GaGambler1398 reads

You are going to lose tons of SPOTY points after that post, and I agree with you 100%. Some womens web site do look like she is trying to do everything her power to KEEP you from contacting her.

So in my case at least, if it looks like she is trying to talk me out of contacting her, I let here win, and I don't contact her. lol

It's probably still on the first page here.  I almost congratulated him on it, but then I thought, "Nah!" This post by Johny is OK, but hardly better.  Thus the SPOTY race is still as it was.  And since Johny's volume of posts is much higher than Fungry's, I'd say JohnyPimpsAlot is still out front.  That is, unless Tidwit amassed so many points before being put on time out that he's still in the running.

giving him lifetime award. Him and his GF  Tiny Minnie :D

and some can come across as very patronizing - which makes my decision easy...

I often have specific clothing requests. This is often very easy to figure out that she can accommodate if the woman has many photos of the kinds of clothes I like. Also, I am very specific about my ladies. I am 6'1" tall and 200 pounds. I read all the stats on verification sites, or her website if listed, because its not always as much fun for me, or the lady if she is 5'1" tall and 100 pounds for example. That is not a hard rule, but a lady that size is very small for me no matter how cute she is. I tend to lean more towards a woman who is 5'6" -5'11" tall, 125-140 pounds with D cups or larger. Just my thing.  

I like to read thru the reviews to make sure other gents felt the incall was safe, that she did look like her photos and that her personality was pleasant and she made her clients feel good and not like it was a job, or mechanical. As far as a womans website, I always felt that the about me page and the welcome page was fluff. I dont pay attention to that. Photos are the first thing I look at obviously. Second it the etiquette page if there is one. I like to know what is off limits or a pet peeve. I want to know how she likes things to be handled. I look at the travel page to be sure they are actually in town if there is a travel page.  

I look at services offered if listed on the rates page, or its own page. Sometimes I am looking for something specific, like role play, PSE, or doubles. But to your initial point, I never ask for same day appointments anyway. I always book out 3-8 days. I know from experience that woman dont check their messages daily and I dont want a high volume provider who will see me with in 30 minutes of another guy in a dirty room. I want the provider to be comfortable and prepared to spend time with me. I will often E mail a provider with out using the contact form to ask availability as many are often traveling, possibly taking time off, asking her if my P411 references are adequate to set up some time with her etc. If she responds favourably, I send a request using my verification site as thats where my reference list is, giving her a chance to log in and check me out

gent. I'm willing to bet that your experiences tend to be more positive than not. Research pays off! :)

People who read each other's post probably also read the messages a woman puts on her website.

But just thought I'd see what the general consensus was as to why someone might not read sites, would request last-minute appointments, and set themselves up for disappointment.

... Basically  3 types of people in whatever activity is being done. Those that are meticulous about everything. Read it all and do it right. Those that are never meticulous, don't know what's up, don't read etc.  , and wonder why you think they should. Then the group in the middle. They may or may not check things out before jumping in based on what they are doing and how much it matters to them.  

Others that come in contact with these will enable whatever the method by how they respond. When a person says they won't do something and then does it they just taught the person they were dealing with that no actually means yes or at least maybe.  

The reason guys do what you asked about in your OP is it has worked for them before at least enough to encougage them to keep doing it that way. Think back to places you worked or to when you were in school. You'll remember the people you knew that fit what I stated above.

Woman are this way too.

-- Modified on 10/1/2014 1:46:21 PM

Women don't change their minds do they? Say it ain't so Joe, say it ain't so....lol

GaGambler1330 reads

I admit that I am spoiled by P411 and I do most of my booking through P 411, I also am NOT one of those guys that follow directions well. Case in point, I almost always send an inquiry through PM rather than the "appointment request form" Some ladies will chastise me over that, those women I do not see. Other women simply won't respond to my PM's that too makes it easy. If I don't hear back, I assume she doesn't want to see me, and I won't bother her again. Do you see a trend here? lol

The way I book my appointments is in it's own way  my way of screening overly "rules bound" providers. If a woman expects me to jump through hoops to see her, I don't want to see that woman. If a woman wants to get across the point that she has certain rules that MUST be followed, once again, I don't want to see that woman.

Some guys treat "renting a hooker" as a luxury item that they do on special occasions and consequently they put a lot of thought and energy into the booking process. I OTOH do this on a very regular basis, usually several times a week, and the one thing I am certain of is that there are many fish in the sea. I don't stress a bit if a woman I reach out to doesn't respond, promptly or ever for that matter. There are plenty that do, and the way I do thing works just fine for me TYVM.

The way I look at it, you can only find out by asking and what's the worst thing that can happen? She can say no, no biggie in my world.

...moving on to next if she wants me to jump through hoops.

"too many rules" helps me to screen too.
I'm a down to earth guy, and I like down to earth ladies -  "lots of rules" doesn't exactly create a strong impression that the lady is laid back and fun - quite the opposite actually.

JackDunphy2042 reads

They say they wont negotiate (most will), they say you MUST fill out their form (very few actually mean it), they will say "money is for companionship ONLY" (lol), they say they don't do threesomes(many will), and on and on and on and on.

However for those of us that actually mean what we say, I guess the only thing to do is either give them one chance to get it right or just delete.  

Nice to see you posting...where have you been Jacko

JackDunphy1537 reads

BUT...they don't mean it for EVERY guy that contacts them. I have often stated that the johns "approach" is everything, or can be.  

Being professional, having a pristine rep and being straightforward with a reasonable request and awesome refs can often lead to a gal to bending her "list of rules" she may list on her website.  

Many of the softer johns here couldn't dare the risk of a girl telling them no about anything so they choose not to ever push the envelope. Their loss, imo.  

Busy season for me HT. Gotta pick my spots, posting wise. I am sure not all the hookers or idiotic johns were wondering where I have been though. lol

I agree that approach is key.  I must admit I have no issue being asked questions at all. As long as the johns don't mind a "no", I am more than happy to hear them.

Some websites are horrendously bad extensive narratives. Pages and pages of self promotion, the difficulty in finding the information, filling out web form only without an email, photos smaller than a postage stamp, use of language somewhere between a prima donna and bi†ch, and no rate information are all reasons for getting those emails you say.

One more thing, if a website takes an eternity (30 seconds) is time to move on.

not necessarily in this case. My site is easily navigable and the fact that I require two days is right thre on my RSVP page. I think these emails are coming from ad sites or my TER profile which gave my email address listed.

RSVP page? That would be the only way you can find out how to contact me on my site.  
It's the second sentence on that page- right at the top.  

As other ladies have said, perhaps I should put that little tidbit all over my site. Lol!!

You really need to get that GED, bro.  But I guess first you need to graduate from Charm School.

..and in return he stocks the Quickie Mart for me.. :D

Not much you can do about stupid. You can take pity on them, but then you'll soon find yourself driven to rant on TER discussion boards.  

As for your question, yes, I take the time to look at her website because I like to be prepared to have a good time. I can't tell you how many ladies have told me that I got bumped to the top of their reply queue simply because I know how to submit a proper appointment request

Same goes to how I participate on the boards too,  I only read select topics and select replies.  

I simply don't like reading 10 paragraphs of "rules",  many times the only thing I look at are the photos.  If interested,  I may look at her rates and schedules. It doesn't need to be so complicated when p411 gets me booked in a few min. Plenty of girls I want to see but I am limited by my time,  so I sometimes go with whoever is easiest to work with.

If the girls site is more simple and much less verbose,  does not contain long winding rants, then I will be more likely to read the FAA, the Rules of engagement,  etc.

So perhaps that explains some of it.

Incredibly, some people with white collar jobs manage to get by without knowing how to read by getting others to cover for them and advancing on their street smarts and verbal skills.

I do read the websites closely as the more I know about her, the better things should go.  I recall one gal had a secret word imbedded in her website, and if you recited it when you met her, you'd get a special "kiss".  So, I met her and told her the word.  She pressed a Hershey's kiss into my mouth.  Cute.

revisit my interest in volunteering to help adults to read. I think I can do this through my local library.  

Thanks for posting that- really fascinating!

just do it very badly, like a sadly high percentage of people who post on this board. Hence the need for Conan The Grammarian.

Panthera121391 reads

With only two reviews in the last 10 months they may think that you are hungry. I am sure that a lot of those gents want to be charitable.  

Yes, I look at the websites, but photos first so I don't waste too much of my time reading something that I don't have any interest in.

Posted By: Panthera12
With only two reviews in the last 10 months they may think that you are hungry. I am sure that a lot of those gents want to be charitable.  
 Yes, I look at the websites, but photos first so I don't waste too much of my time reading something that I don't have any interest in.    
I think that the guy is the one desperate for business LOL. Sitting in front of the computer spanking it wanting a quick fix!

Panthera121435 reads

One can spank without the time and effort to contact a hooker. I don't think that's the reason. There is more free porn on line that a man can handle in a lifetime.  
Of course anything is possible when one has too much time on their hands.

Is why are you so damn far away from me?!?!?!?!?!  

Should have never sold that place in Pasco County.  :(

Too dumb (or feels it does not apply to him) to read a few pertinent bits of info, I am not interested being alone with that.  

Sarah, for those that ignore your booking needs, simply delete. I know I am not in the mood for being alone with anyone that cannot follow simple direction. I often wonder when alone, what else will they ignore to get what they feel they are entitled to.

Just wondered what reasons people here might give for not reading websites. I agree- it's an excellent screening mechanism! Lol!

you have improperly used the word "that" instead of "who" in two consecutive sentences.  Conan spank.

Skyfyre1172 reads

"... when alone, what else will they ignore to get what they feel they are entitled to"

Sorry to interrupt your fantasy but there's a saying "Cash is king" which can be translated into "He who has the cash is king".

I don't think any guy who has cash, greenback, mulah, benjamins etc... is stuck with being alone unless he wants to.

Or to put it another way for every lady who turns down his ca$h there are two or three or four who will happily jump on it.

But if said hooker does not want you or your cash, well next. And as much as you say next, we can say the same thing so sorry to burst your "I have the money I therefore I am king" bubble. Not all money from a trick is worth the trouble.

And I must have hit a nerve...you've been knocked back by some hookers I see.  

I never said a guy has to be alone if he has money. My reference to ALONE was to point out I don't want to be alone with a trick that can't follow simple directions

Skyfyre1259 reads

Pst... pst... let me give you a secret tip: rich people, really rich people stays rich or getting richer because they keep a tight leash on their money and they demand the most in return for it.

You're welcome!

PS:  If Hugh Grant, in spite of already having plenty of money AND one of the most beautiful woman of the world, still finds VALUE and EXCITEMENT from a streetwalkers who am I to deny that reality:


Think about it. Makes perfect sense. The better looking and higher class a woman is, chances are the worse lay she is also. OTH a high-volume streetwalkers have the BEST game thanks to lot of practices and practices..

A lady's web site is a useful screening tool. I weeded out many potential drama queens that way. Yes, I follow the instructions on the site except I don't like those website forms. I skip the lady if that is her only approved booking method.

natural to wish to know as much as you can about someone with whom you'll be spending some very intimate time. I get that- and it makes far more sense to me than the guys who don't bother reading anything. Diligence is sexy!

There are certain patterns of behavior (both positive and negative) that seem to correlate with each advertising venue. It's quite fascinating. 99.9% of the guys who find me via this site actually bother to read, which is nice. Personally, I can't fathom why anyone would partake in such a high-stakes activity and NOT bother to do their homework. To me, it seems much more tedious and time-consuming to text every hooker on Eros with "r u avail" than to take ten minutes to do the minimal research that it takes to find out which lady meets one's specific criteria.  

At least twice per day, I'm contacted by someone who wants a same-day appointment, is unwilling to provide screening info, doesn't meet my age restrictions, wants a date for $200, or all of the above. I accept the timewasters as a hazard of the trade, but what I don't understand is why they themselves don't recognize that they're wasting their own time as well.  

In any event, an auto-responder will do you wonders. It's also what enables me to have a phone number listed on my ads (since Google Voice hooks up to email). I don't know how I kept my sanity without it.

if a guy is here, he "gets" it more often than not. :)

Hmmm... Auto responder... I'll have to give that some consideration!

Very astute.  Acceptance of things we don't control really does make it easier to go through life.  Whining and complaining?  Only makes us more miserable I think.
And really, who WANTS to be around people who complain all the time?
If I get that vibe from a lady on her site, it's "next..." without a second thought.

.....and more importantly FAQs pages. And I usually DON'T find what I'm looking for and ultimately have to email the provider to ask. So both parties are guilty of either not reading or omitting info

I see on ladies' sites is their location.  

What else should we include that you don't find as often as you'd like?

listing in their FAQ page whether or not they see women. Most providers do not mention it, tho it seems that more are starting to. Some do mention whether or not they entertain couples. So rather than just going ahead and submitting all of my references on a providers form, I have to email her to ask.

I'm hoping that any new versions of TER will include that info in the provider profiles section.

Hmmm... I don't actually have a FAQ page. You make an excellent point of why I should include one. :) Thanks!

Posted By: lopaw
listing in their FAQ page whether or not they see women. Most providers do not mention it, tho it seems that more are starting to. Some do mention whether or not they entertain couples. So rather than just going ahead and submitting all of my references on a providers form, I have to email her to ask.  
 I'm hoping that any new versions of TER will include that info in the provider profiles section.

I have a female friend who's bi and also has reviewed.  It's a unique and valuable perspective.

Your email address is listed in your TER profile, so one may think that is usually the best and easiest way to contact you. Personally, I go to a website for photos - that's it. Unless of course I'm redirected back by the lady in question.

Now instead of getting all bitchy about it, kindly and professionally remind or instruct the gentlemen that they need to fill out the form on your website. That is all.  

I saw an ISO port the other night where the OP was looking for someone THAT night. One of the ladies who responded also had the same 2 day screening process. Why even respond?

we get those hurried emails is just that- the guys just click on our email addresses and email. If a guy writes a sweet email intro, even if he wants me in an hour, I will always politely respond and kindly direct them to my website. But if it's just a one-liner or not a well thought-out note (one which doesn't include any info about him) that could have been sent to a million ladies, I don't bother. We definitely wouldn't be well suited to each other.

The websites are just a splattering of SEO clearly not written by the girl. If not SCO sometimes it is just written by marketing person. I could see that's why some guys wouldn't read them.
I took a lot of time and effort in writing every word on my site. A lot of times I see the same terms and phrases I used for the reasons I just mentioned, though. It's frustrating when you mean the things you say and they're just saying them then

Skyfyre1315 reads

"Shotgun approach".  Oops technically that's two sorry LOL.

I have a secret to tell you ladies: many guys do just like I, we compile a list of candidates then start dialing/texting/emailing our plan A, then plan B, then plan C, etc... whoever responds first with the best terms get our business.

We're simply too busy to dwell deeply into one and one particular provider. Imagine having to go through each ad and read each words THEN maybe even go to the web sites and do some more reading!  

Think of it as we're skimming through resumes looking out for keywords such as "BBBJ" or "DFK" (LOL

All the information is there, my screening and booking page, all screening information that I need.  
Also they email me are you available now? HELLO!!! read my website, unless I meet you already that's a NO.
You do 30 minutes? My website say one hour... if you want to stay for 10 minutes that's okay with me, but the rate for my company is the same as stated on MY WEBSITE

Yes, there are clowns out there who don't read and ask stupid questions. Yes, the world is full of assholes. But if you come on here and hyperventilate about it? Well, draw your own conclusions. Personally, I don't book with people yell in all caps

Whenever I overhear my customer service rep explaining to someone something that is both clearly stated in product description AND self explanatory ... I just praise all the gods I can possibly think of that I don't have to do HER job.

And she can't do the escort mantra "X hundreds per hour X hundreds  per hour X hundreds  per hour"

It's a double edged sword. For a while I had no website listed but following an inquiry would direct them to it…(someone just informed ter…ah well) unless of course they were awesome and provided everything upfront. That said I see gals' websites and am almost envious at how rad and informative and professional they are…but I have a single paragraph and it seems to do little good.

I still get "hey are you around tonight, my name's jim" or…well you get it, no need to drivel on. So every once in a while a lady says "maybe if your site were more professional…" and I say what are you a lesbian? Have you encountered the other specie yet? Reading and comprehension are two different things and some bonors feel "ain't nobody got time fo dat!!!" The stupid will always be around.

Posted By: SoftlySarah
not read websites? I'm sure I'm not alone in receiving ample emails in which guys ask for same day appointments when I state very clearly that I need two days to do my screening. Not only that, but those same requests don't include any screening info! Lol! Sigh.  
 How many of you take the time to read a lady's website? Why or why not?  

I hear you, and your right. Your feelings regarding that are one hundred percent valid. The ONLY thing I ignore on that site  is when the guy says he doesn't like perfume. Be cause he can peck, shower, bowchicawowowow, then shower again before leaving. I can't pack enough things for casual vs lingerie vs costume vs no scents vs perfume please vs heels, stockings wait jeans wait school girl... humanhumanahumana… It's a lot to shuffle through airports. Other than that, yes we should take note and accommodate to the best of our ability… sexy beast you.

Often it isn't until after we meet a great client like yourself that we develop "I want to please you and will pack and wear and do everything!!!" emotions.  :)

damn, just when I'm trying to settle down and get to sleep - I'm on east coast time you know! ;o)
You are truly a cut above...

To avoid this, go the burka route in your shots (could attract a whole new client base, who knows?!).
If not fully "committed" here is a nice starting point!  Hmmm, might not be as "helpful" as I first thought..

"So every once in a while a lady says "maybe if your site were more professional…" and I say what are you a lesbian? "

As an actual lesbian I have no idea what you were trying to say here.

-- Modified on 10/2/2014 8:05:32 AM

I'm a lesbian too (I only like pussy), and I understood her perfectly....

.....I never see you at the monthly lesbian meetings, so I'm calling bullshit! :D

is how many ladies don't bother to read MY profile, which is on P411! (we are alerted when a provider has looked at it).
Perhaps 20% of the time they don't bother at all.
I have all my preferences in there (yes/no replies to standard questions) and talk about myself a bit!  I feel so ignored and only like an ATM machine when that happens.  All I want is a little love, don't you care!  Okay, I'd better stop, but I do find it a little funny (and a little sad), when it's become such old hat that a lady has even lost any curiosity about who might be walking through her door next! (beyond the basic sreening of ensuring that I am not an ax murderer)

takes the time to write a good, informative profile. It's rare on there to be fair. But I read every single profile of someone who contacts me. I can't imagine not doing so.

who ask stupid or repetitive questions as much as some ladies in this hobby do...
I'd really be a miserable SOB.
Learning to accept certain things with grace and charm really does make it easier to go through life.

Epsilon_Eridani1233 reads

... a lady's website. why do I do this?

it's one of my methods to see if the lady might be compatible with me. some people call it reverse screening. maybe so, but it's one of my ways to check out ladies.

since I develop websites, I know what to look for and even offer suggestions for website improvements regardless if I see the lady or not.

of course, if I want to see the lady, then I would initiate the screening process as per the lady's screening methodology.

why do other guys not bother checking out the lady's website? The best answer that I can give is that most guys are too lazy to take a few extra steps to see a lady.

Posted By: SoftlySarah
not read websites? I'm sure I'm not alone in receiving ample emails in which guys ask for same day appointments when I state very clearly that I need two days to do my screening. Not only that, but those same requests don't include any screening info! Lol! Sigh.  
 How many of you take the time to read a lady's website? Why or why not?  

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