TER General Board

Re: That was very stupid c-d-l. What if a guy posted the OP? Would you...
TSIvyAnders See my TER Reviews 390 reads

I ain't even mad.

Lol...I tried to ask this a little bit ago, but the thread got moved to the BDSM forum, as I guess it was geared a bit more toward that.

In general, though....do you like the sweet, girl-next-door type who plays demure but responsive?
Or do you prefer a woman who is more aggressive and controls the direction of the session?

a girl without a dick, its a good question, so I'll respond.  I usually like the girl to be a little aggressive from the outset, where she seems confident and self-assured with hungry DFK's and grabbing my junk, but if I'm feeling my oats that day and want to take over the direction of the session, she can shift gears, follow my lead, and become a little more passive, but still fully engaged in the action.

....aren't you even a little curious? Haha..

a little fun with you.  One of the guys in the group I go to clubs with is gay, so if there's anything I'm curious about, I will ask him or else read some reviews.  He's the best looking in our group of friends, so we use him as bait to get girls to come over to our table.  Then its bait and switch.   He's a good sport about it.

...have made any comment at all about his gender orientation?  WTF difference does it make who asked the question?  No comment was necessary.  Do you think you had to make that disclaimer because if you just answered the question without the "dick" comment, it would somehow have made you gay?  Totally unnecessary, stupid and homophobic.  I expect better of you.

From her response, you can see she knows me enough to know I was just pulling her chain.  If you think I'm homophobic, you REALLY have the wrong guy.  For years I worked in an industry where I was the token straight guy.  As a result, I probably know more about Broadway musicals than any straight man on the planet. lol

Besides, Lopaw likes her girls without a dick, too, and you're not beating her up over it!!!

-- Modified on 6/16/2016 2:21:58 PM

what if the op was a woman but black, would have said "even though i prefer white women...?"

what if was one of your beloved k-girls who posted that op, and i said, "even though i prefer caucasians..."

dude you know i usually love your stuff but seriously check yourself before you wreck yourself.

on almost all of the boards that I am not politically correct, and do not walk on egg shells because of race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, hairy pussy, or for any other reason.  I think people that feel these groups are disadvantaged in any way are the ones that have a problem, not me.  I do my share of ball-busting here just like many of the rest.  I'm not going to soft-peddle my satirical posts here because some seem to have deep-seeded guilt that certain groups of people are from a disadvantaged group and should be treated "special."  We are all equal and should be treated equally, and that's what I do.  I'm an equal-opportunity asshole.  The OP gets it.  She is obviously comfortable in her own skin and knows who she is.  Too bad some of the rest of you thinks she is different that the rest of us.

....who runs the session and who knows (and takes) what she wants! :)

I run the gamut from enjoying sweet GFE to balls to the wall sessions. Not only does it depend on my mood, but as a long time member of AARP, my energy level varies.  

Posted By: TSIvyAnders
Lol...I tried to ask this a little bit ago, but the thread got moved to the BDSM forum, as I guess it was geared a bit more toward that.  
 In general, though....do you like the sweet, girl-next-door type who plays demure but responsive?  
 Or do you prefer a woman who is more aggressive and controls the direction of the session?

In some ways we all want demure, but sleazy too.

chef1275243 reads

I most definitely prefer an aggressive lady!  My job is all about being a dominant force with staff, customers, purveyors,  etc.  Once I get out of work I'm a fat teddy bear that loves to not be in charge.

MsRising288 reads

This is generally the case for a lot of submissive guys......dominant in one area of life....but submissive behind closed doors.

The provider ask me to fuck her harder or stick it in for some greek. Well I guess I lam a sucker for dirty talk.

equal partners in lust. Waaayyyy better than a one-sided date.

As long as she wants to have fun, I am happy.

Most of the ladies I've known have been attractive to drop dead gorgeous, and exuded a degree of self confidence and self worth that endeared them to me.  Usually, you can tell this in her words on her website, meeting her in person at an M&G, and from some of her reviews.  Personally, I usually let the lady more or less pace things, but not always.

When I first see a provider, I let her run the show so she feels more comfortable.  As I get to know her better, I will start running the show more often, but I like to switch it up.  One date, I run the show, the next date, she runs the show.  For instance, the last time I saw my ATF, it was for my birthday, and I ran the show, starting with my request for one of those Princess Leia slave girl outfits.  The next time I see her, though, we have my first FMF threesome planned, and since I'm inexperienced at that sort of thing, I'll let her run the show.  Equality for all, I guess.

It is what  most gentlemen  preffer.

I think, personally - then more high on social level gentlemen is - as if he is very busy to make decisions on his every day profession life.
as - his  mind has to work always ,actions has to be taken BY HIM always  
( he is in charge on his work and world place - so to speak - he is a  business owners / high echelon managers / politicians .)
.- then more such man want to sub miss to a woman who may take him as he is not loose respect to him - so to love and understand his need to relax and be weak at times.
he also  needs time out( who can survive such stress as business environment now puts on males shoulders where they just MUST to perform and make decisions?  
 Where he can be just a baby?
  and have chance to relax and not to think and not to make any decisions ..- to submiss to her totally.
Such  assertive  well doing i life men do love dominant and assertive woman - who know all and would take care about time together and activities - those are very good followers  and when they do enter my chambers - they do have  naked souls already before I will strip his clothe.

That is very sexy to submiss yourself to hands of woman who knows what you missing and what kind pressure you are under in real life.
Why you would do work and make designs and submiss her yourself as if there is not enough submission to you at your work place.
 Snd i still truly believe that that is is power deprived in real life men  are those who want hard domination over a woman- those who did not satisfied their need to be in control in every day life- those do demonstrate this control on escorts and wives.

I am rather dominant and assertive and would decide all myself - even trips where we of and what we will do  and where we will dine out - ha to be ran by me. Then I just will spoil him and he just need forget all and give his naked soul and naked body to my hands:)  

Many men do admit that they are with their GF and wives BECAUSE exactly of that - that  she takes you as you are - she knows how weak you are .. how not really nice your humor is and that you are not really great lover - yet she stills around you - problem is she stops gave you sexual satisfaction  
 And it is why you are here.   yet and here not many do know your real needs   you need to submiss to woman. You still forced take charge. As man should :)  Stereotype.  
Relax and be yourself and let us , women , to take care about you - drive you around  while you are drunk.. listen your flat jokes and still want you.

-- Modified on 6/17/2016 12:02:43 PM

they fuck my eyes out and leave me gasping for breath.

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