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Re Posting / my poststeeth_smile
BarbieAlexa See my TER Reviews 30 reads

My Twitter X is for my clients to see pics of me & who I may work with. Not a lot of reposts of others, I’m posting  for clients.  Read my reviews - check the pics -for me  it’s a way to help new clients  make a decision & current clients see what shape I’m in etc. as I’m marketing by “brand” 😜🏋️‍♀️👿

I like to follow providers on Twitter as it gives me a peak into their personalities and can provide a chance to see current unedited pictures. Some have accounts and aren’t so active, so those are a waste. But one thing that gets me is a couple of the reposting habits.

They generally repost for three reasons. They’re sharing because it’s a friend. They are sharing because they like the post and want to share. They’re sharing because they want the favor returned.

It’s the last reason that leads to two behaviors I wish would stop. One is the rapid reposting. This is when provider reposts something in the 50+ neighborhood. They figure the high volume increases the chance of getting more return favors. Now my feed is littered with these reposts. They pay little mind to what they are reposting. Some of these are old/dated posts. I’m like chill on my feed.

The second that’s bothering me is these fake accounts, aka AI or virtual accounts. These are not real women. They always look smoking hot. But they are fake. I’m not interested in what basically amounts to art work.  

Please, if you are on Twitter, don’t repost 50+ and take a minute to look at what you are actually reposting. Do this for your followers. If you don’t, you may lose the quality followers, ones who are following you because they may book you, already did, or may even be your regular.

End rant.

Thank you for posting this! It's also important to note that the rapid fire reposts are the quickest and surest way of getting shadowbanned and/or having your accounts deleted!  

A good rule of thumb is to stick to 5 or fewer reposts/quote reposts per 24 hours! Higher quality interactions with other legitimate provider accounts seem to have greater reach. Check out their background (websites etc) and make sure they seem legit -before- you hit repost!  

Nothing is foolproof, but it's a small thing that I have found really helps! Remember- the more you interact with bot accounts, the more the algo thinks you are a bot! Wishing everyone health, happiness, and success in 2024!

Hi Zeel!

I am on twitter almost every day. When you talk about reposting are you talking about reposting another provider? There are some I will repost, but I don't really that often. I guess honestly I post and repost random stuff, news/politics/pets/SW rights/health.  
Yes on the AI bot account, they are driving me insane! If you do spot an obvious account report it as spam and block it. The more everyone does this the more bot accounts will be banned.  
Any who, if you aren't following me I am @WIMissScarlet  

Stay classy friends.....

Hi Scarlet. Yes, I am talking about reposting other providers. I see some that will post 50 or more reposts at a time, and it then takes over my thread. They don't seem to be paying attention to what they are reposting. There posts with dated tours, AI/Virtual accounts, and even picture posts that may be 1-2 years old because the provider is no longer actively posting.  

I don't mind a small number of reposts. You have a cute friend and you want to share her. Awesome. You see a hot picture of another provider, and want to share, and maybe even add your own comment. Great. You really like/agree with someone else's post and want to share. Cool. But choose a reasonable number and be selective.

But if you repost 50+ at a time just because you want to gain followers by getting the favor back, you risk losing quality followers who are following you because they are interested in you.

I follow a limited number of providers (and that includes our very own Miss Scarlet) and don't see the problem you are complaining about. I see re-posts that are reasonable and never excessive.

Maybe the answer is to stop following the worst offenders.

You're 100% correct. The answer is to unfollow them. At the end of the day, it's who you follow. And, I do unfollow them. Why did I follow them to begin with? 95% of those I follow on my "seeking providers" account are those with good reviews on TER. I liked what I read, thought I might want to see her some day, and thought maybe following her would allow me to learn more about her, maybe see recent picks, and in many cases see if she announces a tour in my area.

I would think, I'm the guy they want following them. I'm a potential client. But some get caught up in the numbers game. They do what I am talking about. In some cases, they have a really good amount of great reviews too. But what do I do? I unfollow them and they come off my list of providers I am interested in seeing. For me, they just cancelled out the good reviews that got me thinking I would see her.

My Twitter X is for my clients to see pics of me & who I may work with. Not a lot of reposts of others, I’m posting  for clients.  Read my reviews - check the pics -for me  it’s a way to help new clients  make a decision & current clients see what shape I’m in etc. as I’m marketing by “brand” 😜🏋️‍♀️👿

Reposting other providers helps your marketing, especially when you’re working with a RT 4 RT provider.

I have followed & reposted many, but you really need to pay attention. I do not follow people who post porn. I really do not like seeing some random drama co sucking on my feed. Sorry. But I unfollow those who choose to post totally free porn.

Oh yes the free porn ones can be a bit much too. But as a client, I actually do not mind a sneak peak view. I have some that might post a short snipet from their Onlyfans. But any reposting of other people's porn, or ones who are littering lots of porn, are out for me. But I get why you wouldn't even want to see the sneak peak variations. You're not a client.

I use lists to categorize the accounts I follow. Lists can be public or secret, and you don't even need to be following an account to addi it to a list. I have a (secret) main favorite provider list and just remove someone from that list if they do the 50+ repost thing.

I definitely limit my reposts —-providers should realize that by reposting you are associated your brand with that content ….this may be detrimental depending on your branding

on twitter I definitely reposted a lot more. I still always made sure whoever I was reposting was reputable and the content was something that I actually liked or caught my eye. I have slowed this down quite a bit and keep my feed updated with myself. I really think engagement isn't the same and all the reposting doesn't do what it used to. Liking and commenting seem to be best and I can see why this constant reposting can be a lot like spam feed and annoying.

Honestly twitter just isnt the best, what you see has changed, and if you dont constatly interact no one sees your post so theres a HIGH chance if they did not do this you would not see most their posts in the first place anymore.

Twitter goes off engagement now if you dont they hide your post under people you follow who engage more with other people. Making your own post does not count toward engagement

So yes it will seem spamming and they in fact have to spam to be seen

I was done when a girl i followed posted a picture of herself every hour the day before valantines desperatly trying to get one

Please excuse me if this is off subject but, this group seems like they have a lot of twitter knowledge. Do you have any search tips for non twitter users ?  I check it occasionally but have better success with P-411, TER and Tryst. Would following providers in my area be something to consider ? Any input welcome .    

I personally would never try to see a lady based on Twitter alone. I start with TER and look to see if they have a Twitter account if they have good reviews. Twitter is useful to see if they are active and provide a glimpse of their personality and to see if they share recent photos that are not touched up.

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