TER General Board

Re: New Provider looking for a good agency
Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 1439 reads

I can't speak for other parts of the country but all of the reputable Boston agencies would want to take their own pictures of you to post on their site. I've never heard of an agency that wouldn't want you to be exclusive, at least in their home city.
I agree that you should post on the regional board of your city but, depending on how closely your screen name is to your agency name, you may want to use an alias in this case.

Danica772806 reads

I belong to an agency now and I haven't worked in three days. I know I don't have pictures but I don't have the money to do it. I have the looks for the job but is this normal for someone new to an agency?

Also, is it acceptable to belong to two angencies until I can catch up financially or is that a major no-no? I keep seeing ads on Craigslist but I don't know if I can trust them. All I am looking for is steady work and a good agency.

I would suggest that you post an ad on the board in the city you live and I'm sure that you would get more responses there.

Hope this helps,

I can't speak for other parts of the country but all of the reputable Boston agencies would want to take their own pictures of you to post on their site. I've never heard of an agency that wouldn't want you to be exclusive, at least in their home city.
I agree that you should post on the regional board of your city but, depending on how closely your screen name is to your agency name, you may want to use an alias in this case.

I'm not recommending them or anything, but I've noticed several ladies have started with Miami Companions, and many have gone out on their own. There's also Taylor Elite, and an Aphrodite Companions.

Where are you??? Can't reccomend unless know what city you are in or near....If you don't want to say..pm me..

Hi, Danica.  To answer your question, yes, this is normal if there are lots of other girls working the same shift with you.  Realistically, if there are more than ten girls working during one shift at your agency, the well will probably run dry.  Obviously, there are other factors to consider -- are you working in Midtown Manhattan or rural Nebraska?  Day-shift or night-shift?  What kind of clientele does your agency cultivate?  Where do they advertise?  They haven't taken pictures of you yet, so I gather that they don't advertise on the internet, and they are therefore missing out on a major marketing tool.  You may want to seek out a more tech-savvy agency, especially if you are a beautiful woman with assets to flaunt.  Ideally, you want an agency that advertises in the Yellowpages or regional phonebook as well as on the net.  I would start my search in the phonebook, however, as these agencies seem to have the greatest exposure -- I had my first hobbying experience with a lady whose agency advertised in the phone book.  You can narrow it down by eliminating the agencies that don't have websites, and then try to choose the agency that has the fewest girls working each shift (within reason, of course -- an agency that has only one or two employees may either have a bad reputation or they might be just as new to this as you are).  

Although you seem to be in need of money quickly, I wouldn't advocate becoming an independent just yet.  This is a business, just like any other.  You will make mistakes, and this is a particularly unforgiving industry.  If you were starting any other type of business, you would want to work for someone else first, to get a feel for it before striking out on your own.  That way you can at least make your mistakes at someone else's expense, rather than yours.  In the long-run, being an independent is the way to go for the majority of providers, but I would work for an agency for a year or so first just to see what it’s like, if I were you.  I wouldn't even moonlight on the side until I had built up a lot of confidence and experience.

I guess there’s no problem with working for two different agencies at first – that way you can learn which one gets more calls and choose accordingly.  Long-term it’s probably a bad idea, though – too many potential complications could arise.
And I'm not going to knock Craigslist -- I met my personal ATF there recently, and I have no complaints.  Just exercise caution, and you'll probably be fine.  

PS – At least you’ve already found TER, so you’re on the right track.

Aug5 has made some very good points.  I would only add a few points from what I know as a longtime hobbyist.

- If you are going to work for 2 agencies, don't try to do it behind their back.  They will find out.  Sometimes agencies that work locally will also allow you to be listed by one that manages traveling providers.

- In addition to not revealing where you are located, you did not say whether you can travel or not.  If you are attractive and willing to travel, it is possible to make a good deal of money quickly - potentially more than you could make by staying in the same city.  Make no mistake, this is hard work, as you will be expected to see 5-10 clients per day.

- Craigslist has both legitimate providers/agencies and scams, as all listings do.  However, the main issue that both hobbyists and providers have with CL is that Law Enforcement (LE) often targets providers listed there. This seems to be because those providers tend to use the cheaper motels (where comings and goings are noticeable) or apartments in areas where the extra traffic can be seen by the neighbors.  Don't think that the cops are ignorant of what is going on on CL or this board, for that matter.  However, they tend to go after people who are visible. Providers who advertise on Eros and/or TER, and stay in 4-star hotels in the city for a few days and then leave, aren't as noticeable and are rarely targeted.

Stay safe.


Hanky Panky653 reads

Sex sells, however with no pictures you are like a girl with a social security number: most men don't find social security numbers that interesting! :-(

Even if these pictures are not professional, it is a way to start and the best marketing tool...once you make some money, you can invest in professional ones.


-- Modified on 8/23/2007 7:10:16 AM

pics.  That will get you started on the pic front.

Those here have made great points.  

My agency here in Madison WI deals exclusively with Independents and Agency ladies who travel.  No one who decides to work with even lives here.  They all tour.

Even for a decent one, digital cameras are no longer expensive.  Take more than a few and over the the next 3-4 months, rotate them.

A really good agency works for you and will not hire 3-4 ladies who have 'your look'.  A variety is great but overkill doesn't help it's workers.

Again, as they said here, find an Agency who is online.  Eros is a huge factor as is RoomService2000 (if you're in the Midwest...)

I too am not sure what market you are in, let me know.  I've been in the referral business for awhile.

Here is the link of the phone service I use to conduct my business.
Any questions and information they listen and there to help in any way.
Hope this helps… Good Luck…

I'm not an expert, but one advice I would give is to avoid Craigslist. I'm not putting it down, but from what I've read on TER, a lot of hobbyists (myself included) avoid Craigslist because of the LE issue. As someone mentioned above, LE does target Craigslist. If you do go on Craigslist, be extremely, extremely careful.

Also, try sending PM to other ladies who post on your local board and ask their opinions.

Safety first.


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