TER General Board

Re: Just how bad is it?
Jensen36363 58 Reviews 225 reads

I think as far as posting things here you can always try -- you could even put a rating in the subject if you think some of the readers might be too sensitive to read it ;-) but clearly we're all old enough.

Another thought and again a bit of an extreme case. Change you number, email and web domain name if you have one. You probably know how to contact your regulars and certainly could warn any new clients the changes will be occurring -- and possibly share the changes if everything else is in place -- assuming you don't think the guy might be playing a game and also a client that has been behaving.
Especially with the email and phone number change, if you tend not to tour you might consider doing some traveling (sure there are some girls here that can help you out if that's a new thing for you).  

Hope you get things worked out and don't have a big problem doing so

Wondering if this same guy is harrasing other people. I don't know if he's really a racist just nuts or into some way too far role play but this same guy has been contacting me from different numbers and emails. Bothering me non stop saying nasty sexually charged racist things. I'm unsure of how to go about this.

ValuedCustomer343 reads

Do not feed the troll; Like any troll he will go away if he does not get a reaction.  Unfortunately, there really isn't much more you can do as a practical thing.

Then block the emails and numbers. Every time he tries a new number, block it. These guys crave attention. Don't give him any and chances are he faded away. If he's only an email and phone troll, that's about all you can do. Ignore until he disappears. If he is actually someone who knows you or where you are located physically, (i.e. Former client), that's different. Then you may need to get police involved  (TRO) or some big threatening friends to scare him off.

-- Modified on 1/29/2016 11:34:27 PM

LasVegan369 reads

he can NOT touch you from either his computer of phone.  He WILL run out of telephone numbers.  Block EVERY NUMBER he calls you from and send EVERY EMAIL he sends you to SPAM, no matter the email address.

DO NOT read every word of every email message he sends you..........as soon as you know it is from him SPAM it.  Once you mark it as SPAM no other email messages from the same address will ever reach your inbox.

Do not worry........sadly, there are more than a few ASSHOLES around.  Fortunately, the good far outnumber them............and know this has NOTHING to do with YOU and EVERYTHING to do with that ASSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

-- Modified on 1/29/2016 8:35:04 PM

I see you must really hate this asshole

LasVegan299 reads

who is disrespectful to providers.........considering all they go through to provide their service.  And....what's not to hate........this guy sounds like a very aggressive bully who deserves to have his head handed to him.  There are more than enough challenges in this world........without someone singling out a person for whatever..........

That's one LONG asshole there.

Just know that most of us think that behavior is deplorable.  
It's not indicative of most hobbyists and you have our full support.

soft_licks237 reads

That's what a woman who's being harrassed REALLY needs to hear... that it's not all men.

Wtf does that have to do with anything and how does that information help her? I'm sure she's awfully grateful that she has the "full support" of hobbyists and that you all find harrassment deplorable.

F: I'm being harrassed by a guy and it scares me...
M: Not all men harrass!!

Posted By: soft_licks
That's what a woman who's being harrassed REALLY needs to hear... that it's not all men.  
 Wtf does that have to do with anything and how does that information help her? I'm sure she's awfully grateful that she has the "full support" of hobbyists and that you all find harrassment deplorable.  
 F: I'm being harrassed by a guy and it scares me...  
 M: Not all men harrass!!
I am not totally dismissing you comment but had to lol on it a bit too. In just about every (what I call) touchy-feely seminar about these types of interpersonal interactions that point comes up about the person venting generally wanting to hear support that validates them and their position; they are not really asking for solutions.

I'm not sure if you're saying the "we support you" is some type of useless solution being offered or not giving any validation to the fear/frustration/annoyance expressed.

At the end of the day what can any of us offer here other than some sympathy, agreement that what's occurring is unacceptable and not something we'd do and perhaps suggesting about how each of us might deal with the situation if it were us getting the calls.

today's technology you can block anything.  

But before you block him please tell him I said to go fuck himself!

Posted By: JessicaHilson
Wondering if this same guy is harrasing other people. I don't know if he's really a racist just nuts or into some way too far role play but this same guy has been contacting me from different numbers and emails. Bothering me non stop saying nasty sexually charged racist things. I'm unsure of how to go about this.

bigguy30255 reads

Just block all the different emails and phone numbers from the nut job.


Posted By: JessicaHilson
Wondering if this same guy is harrasing other people. I don't know if he's really a racist just nuts or into some way too far role play but this same guy has been contacting me from different numbers and emails. Bothering me non stop saying nasty sexually charged racist things. I'm unsure of how to go about this.

as much as i abhor politics on this board,.... + 1!

As others say, just ignore. Not sure if you recognize most numbers or not but if so let the one's you don't just go to VM. Email's a bit easier to deal with -- delete, mark address as spam....

That said, if he's getting really bad it's very likely a complaint to LE/FCC could expose the guy to some pretty major felony charges. Would see this as a last resort but if you start thinking he's possibly dangerous for you I seriously doubt that LE would care too much if he started claiming you're an escort or prostitute when they check things out. Similarly you can probably find a way to recover just the text from him to provide LE rather than give them full access to your records -- might want to keep track of the numbers he's using (probably Burner so will tie back to a common one somewhere).

Of course, if you're really worried about charges against you (perhaps some priors that change the picture a bit) then you're kidda struck with the option everyone else suggests and just ignore the crap. It will likely end at some point.

I appreciate this reply. He contacts me at least twice a day by email and phone I don't know if I'm allowed to post the nasty things he's said to me and the harrasing emails but I feel like he might escalate and actually try to see me.

I think as far as posting things here you can always try -- you could even put a rating in the subject if you think some of the readers might be too sensitive to read it ;-) but clearly we're all old enough.

Another thought and again a bit of an extreme case. Change you number, email and web domain name if you have one. You probably know how to contact your regulars and certainly could warn any new clients the changes will be occurring -- and possibly share the changes if everything else is in place -- assuming you don't think the guy might be playing a game and also a client that has been behaving.
Especially with the email and phone number change, if you tend not to tour you might consider doing some traveling (sure there are some girls here that can help you out if that's a new thing for you).  

Hope you get things worked out and don't have a big problem doing so

Thanks for the support I guess. I've been blocking his emails and numbers he has. I was trying to see if anyone knew this creep so he could be stopped for good...

LasVegan253 reads

does he have a TER profile?  Otherwise, how would one "know" him?

Not in the same sense as the providers but the mongers on this board clearly have accounts and possibly a review history.

In any case I don't think the ask was based entirely on the idea the guy is on the board but rather the hope that maybe some other providers are having the same problem  and they can then compare notes.  I suspect it would be more comforting to find it's not something just for her, or possibly personal.

This has made me think of another angle here. What if the guy isn't a monger but does know her and found out what she does? Perhaps he's got a secret crush on her and is lashing out. Not sure if that thought crossed anyone's mind here.

Afro-desiac274 reads

And while mongers have accounts, no other members can look at them the way they can a provider's profile. Besides, not all mongers review.  In fact, most don't.  So I think Las Vegan was either being sloppy or talking out of his ass.
Only Ace Ventura gets to do that


I honestly don't know how many with accounts review or don't review. I certainly see most posts with a number to click on so... Those without accounts don't get to post or review that's true and I suspect there are a lot more that don't have VIP than do so if that's your claim okay. For the most part I don't pay attention to the non-VIP group (they have nothing to add to the forum).

In terms of mongers, the only thing anyone should care about is their review -- that is what defies us to the providers at the end of the day I suspect.

In any case I think it's better to give a favorable read of a post where possible.

Yes,  you could change your ads, web site addres, phones.  Screen all calls & messages. Or leave the old up but get new & tell your trusted clients your new address is your "private line".   Only give out your Private line after screening...  & you must screen more heavily.    

I get India SPAM calls frequently...  I don't hang up...  I just set the phone down & walk away.  I never engage in conversation.  And I block the numbers.  

There is advise on the legal Board.  I would go to your own lawyer before I went to the Police so things do not get turned against you.  
A lawyer might use a PI or internet investigator to track WHO this is & it is traceable with the right incentive.  A cease & decist order on a legal letter head to HIS real ID will likely send him for the hills...  but there's the chance they might become violent when cornered by their own acts.  Stalkers are brave when they think they can't be identified.    
This person thinks they can harrass you anonymously...   It could well be a SO or former BF or client turned stalker... or the SO of a client who's been caught or a do-gooder.    

You don't deserve this & it seems to happen to a lot of gals.

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