TER General Board

Re: I've had the same thought but
lewemoc 10 Reviews 270 reads

At the risk of being labeled a pathetic loser it is always nice to express appreciation.  

Waiting outside her IC all day is another matter.  ;)

Please note I haven't had a drink (yet) but I got to thinking tonight

I got to thinking about all the courtesans I've known over the years.  From Prague to Bancock, Buenos Aires to Paris, New York to San Francisco.  And with only two exceptions (the one who I almost married and the one who charged dinner to my room after we met), the women who I've met are some of my fondest memories.  You gave some much and took so little.  You tried so hard to be pretty and charming and warm, and you were without even trying. Even at the end, after pleasantries were exchanged, and we said good bye you were gentile and glowing and beautiful.    

I never said that to you.  You deserved it.  

You've been more therapeutic than my therapist, better for my body image than my trainer, better for my back than my chiropractor and better for my heart than my cardiologist.  

So now I'm going to go have that drink.  But
For all the lovely ladies who have brightened my life; and for all the ones who still will:    

Thank you

There are courtesans in TERland?

Aren't they hookers too?

Have you considered going to SugarLand?  Plenty of young pussy there.

Posted By: lewemoc
Please note I haven't had a drink (yet) but I got to thinking tonight  
 I got to thinking about all the courtesans I've known over the years.  From Prague to Bancock, Buenos Aires to Paris, New York to San Francisco.  And with only two exceptions (the one who I almost married and the one who charged dinner to my room after we met), the women who I've met are some of my fondest memories.  You gave some much and took so little.  You tried so hard to be pretty and charming and warm, and you were without even trying. Even at the end, after pleasantries were exchanged, and we said good bye you were gentile and glowing and beautiful.    
 I never said that to you.  You deserved it.  
 You've been more therapeutic than my therapist, better for my body image than my trainer, better for my back than my chiropractor and better for my heart than my cardiologist.    
 So now I'm going to go have that drink.  But  
 For all the lovely ladies who have brightened my life; and for all the ones who still will:    
 Thank you.    

It takes thinking about your partner first before thinking about your own benefits

They say love is when other person UNDERSTANDS you fully and able to accept you as you are.  

I think women here love you gentlemen even more then your wives.  
Making you happy, taking you without trying to change you.  
Giving you all yourself for very little.  
Just enjoying your compnay and cherish dreams..  
I think women are are hopeless romantics - even seems as an opposite.
We dream with you about what we can have and how, we bringing this dreams and fantasies in life.. Keeping fantasize with you.   Many of you do not believe any more that it is possible to have woman to be all - and stunning and porno star and love you  
You come here gentleman and then you are back to your non romantic harsh and dark reality..  
Many used to think that women escorts are very unhappy people and criminal and committing sin before God..  
What I truly believe - women in adult companionship - when they are WOMEN already - when their souls and ways of life already defined - such women are serving God and fullfelling purpose of the woman - give love to man.. care about others. And be a WOMAN
If love is a sin - then I am sinner. I want to satisfy my need in sin - my need in love.  
If God is love then I his lover. Have you made a love to Goddess?  
Darling.. you met just two of those remarkable women - trust me - we are most are THAT way  
Just many women are abused by life and simply gave up on men. And then money is somewhat satisfaction!  
But I would not be just one who would say - how it is empty have 3 ' in pocket and go alone to concert. Sharing is so natural for living human being.. all all all what we know all what we feel how we feel what we hope for what we have what troubles us.. what makes us happy and then lost each other in stars in bedroom..

not love. Love in a hooker/john relationship is just plain foolish? Hooker are serving the will of god? Now that is just fucking hilarious.

and explain to this lost and primitive soul  the ways of life.

And what is love, what is lust.. what is a woman and fantasy.

 We are chasing  a fantasy in every step  of our life ..
when we get married ..or when we seek for love and warm of woman in other places...
. a fantasy to be happy and understood and satisfied..
You are seeking for that in all wrong places...  
But seems as TER not soo wrong? At the  end?

Please check a porno star to which I am compared - Sandra Romain.
 she not screaming  
 F my brains off  how possibly would say many here.
 She, riding his face , or giving him anal moans  
 Make LOVE to me.

Is that possible to explain the difference to such poster as above?


-- Modified on 9/19/2016 10:33:08 PM

GaGambler385 reads

What she means is that she is nuts, totally BSC fucking nuts.

That's the short version, I could give a lengthier explanation, but what would be the point?

JakeFromStateFarm412 reads

A:  When it is incomprehensible.

Don't you just hate it when "they try so hard to be pretty" and it just doesn't work out?

-- Modified on 9/19/2016 6:33:42 PM

You express the feelings of so many of us.

...You describe the ones you've seen as "gentile and glowing and beautiful."  Try seeing some Jewish hookers - you'll be whistling a different tune.

Just because I once married a Jewish gal and she took me to the cleaners is no reason to suspect all Jewish hookers are the same way.

I've actually been with a handful of Jewish providers and for the most part I was able to get off with only owing under 5 figures annually for the next 20 years.

Maybe I got off easily because I had a good Jewish lawyer

Consider Phallus, who once was tall as you

JakeFromStateFarm359 reads

it's called Priapism.  All the blood rushes from your brain to your penis.  If it happens enough, brain death ensues.

and I hope a smile.

See you up in hobby heaven Fuzzy

I never eat kosher.  It's against my lack of religion.  

Ok. genteel.

when  I tried to communicate that to the lady by email or in person  I have received no response or  blank stares (like they wanted to change the subject)

So, now I just keep it to myself.

Posted By: lewemoc
Please note I haven't had a drink (yet) but I got to thinking tonight  
 I got to thinking about all the courtesans I've known over the years.  From Prague to Bancock, Buenos Aires to Paris, New York to San Francisco.  And with only two exceptions (the one who I almost married and the one who charged dinner to my room after we met), the women who I've met are some of my fondest memories.  You gave some much and took so little.  You tried so hard to be pretty and charming and warm, and you were without even trying. Even at the end, after pleasantries were exchanged, and we said good bye you were gentile and glowing and beautiful.    
 I never said that to you.  You deserved it.  
 You've been more therapeutic than my therapist, better for my body image than my trainer, better for my back than my chiropractor and better for my heart than my cardiologist.    
 So now I'm going to go have that drink.  But  
 For all the lovely ladies who have brightened my life; and for all the ones who still will:    
 Thank you.    

At the risk of being labeled a pathetic loser it is always nice to express appreciation.  

Waiting outside her IC all day is another matter.  ;)

they just aren't used to someone thanking them.  

Posted By: earthshined
when  I tried to communicate that to the lady by email or in person  I have received no response or  blank stares (like they wanted to change the subject)  
 So, now I just keep it to myself.  
Posted By: lewemoc
Please note I haven't had a drink (yet) but I got to thinking tonight  
  I got to thinking about all the courtesans I've known over the years.  From Prague to Bancock, Buenos Aires to Paris, New York to San Francisco.  And with only two exceptions (the one who I almost married and the one who charged dinner to my room after we met), the women who I've met are some of my fondest memories.  You gave some much and took so little.  You tried so hard to be pretty and charming and warm, and you were without even trying. Even at the end, after pleasantries were exchanged, and we said good bye you were gentile and glowing and beautiful.      
  I never said that to you.  You deserved it.    
  You've been more therapeutic than my therapist, better for my body image than my trainer, better for my back than my chiropractor and better for my heart than my cardiologist.    
  So now I'm going to go have that drink.  But  
  For all the lovely ladies who have brightened my life; and for all the ones who still will:      
  Thank you.    

You get twice the services for the same fee and I smile a lot too :)
Seriously though it's so refreshing to read a post from a gent who appreciates that coming to see a lady is about so much more than just a quick bonk, and that those of us who take this work seriously and are professional truly take pride in making sure gents have a memorable time.
I've read a few things on here lately about women turning up for dates fall down drunk, or not showing up for dates at all, or missing flights to weekend bookings with no concern or apology and it makes me angry and sad because you guys are paying, sometimes large sums of your hard earned money to have a good experience.
So thanks for the appreciation of the good ones!!

But I do agree with the OP. The delightful ladies we meet can be wonderful!

It's lovely to know we are appreciated. :) I know most people we meet do indeed appreciate us, but it is really nice to read on a board like this. And it's really nice to see so many gents agreeing.  

Thank you. A big kiss!!

we get to enjoy with wonderful providers who are exceptional courtesans as well.

to say.It is always nice to see a thank you every now and then here.You'd be surprised how many ask for advice or recommendations here and never say thank you.

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