TER General Board

Re: I see we have an uncut one right here.
Atlastood 5 Reviews 601 reads

Seems to me you need to start seeing a higher class of men; perhaps try those who know how to wash.

And you find them ugly because you have been culturally conditioned into considering a mutilated penis normal.  

Btw, based on all your posts I feel I must ask you, why don't you just get rid of the guy who keeps pissing in your Wheaties every morning?

Big guys (over 6') with big hands & big feet have big dicks =

BBW gives better head =

Athletic guys seem to take longer on getting a O =

Catholic girls take it up the ass because they don't believe in birth control =

Guys under 30 really don't know how to DATY properly =

Smaller/Petite ladies can take big dicks =

Once married all BJ's or allowing DATY seem to stop =

Please add any Fact/Myth that you can think of!

Ms. Leila Lovely

GaGambler1031 reads

I will confess, I wasn't any good at it until I was getting close to forty, and I am one hell of a lot better at in now than I was as forty.

Maybe some guys are good at it at an early age, but as much as I'd like to claim I was, the truth is, I sucked at it.

Of course in my defense, during most of those years many women had a full bush, even today I might get lost in the jungle. lol

I'll be honest, whenever I see that on a woman's website/ad it makes me wonder. There are a lot of guys over 35 who act like fools. Being a certain age doesn't mean that a guy will be respectful and have proper manners.

If you are getting a real experience & growing as a "lover"
than you can say it was truly all worth it! lol

& there is nothing wrong with that babe!  
You have what you prefer as a man!

Ms. Leila Lovely

GaGambler595 reads

I love sex, and I love being able to have sex with as many beautiful women as I could ever possibly desire. Some guys need to justify why they see hookers, I do it because I like it, no other reason is necessary.

I'll let you figure out if that's a "fact" or a "myth." LOL

The rest of us already know. ;)

And you don't strike me as anybodys dummy and seem like an honest soul so I am sure you know the real deal. Many of the hookers here know the real deal too they just don't like to admit certain things here ya know.

On an unrelated note, did you know that the money is for the gals time only? Yep! No sexy for that money....so....

...is that a fact or a fiction. Do tell.

Hooker is someone who solicits you for sex, the provider is who provides service for you. Money for time is a legal term for the entertainment.

those hookers now! lmbo ;-)

Ms. Leila Lovel

Don't you know that hookers are MUCH safer than civies girls re: STD's?

And how would I know that, you might ask?

The hookers tell me so, that's how.

Why would they lie

What he means is.......

Don't you know that "PROVIDERS" are MUCH safer than civies girls re: STD's?  
And how would I know that, you might ask?  
The "PROVIDERS" tell me so, that's how.  
Why would they lie

GaGambler599 reads

Trust me, when he said HOOKER, that's exactly what he meant.

If that offends you, you are free to call him (or me) a trick or a john if you think that will offend us enough not to use the "H" word

A girl can't just play along! lmbo

Now why would any of you be offended?
I mean I was not offended?

Ms. Leila Lovely

I've always been into running and last year I started marathons. When I'm in the hardest weeks of training I find that my sex drive drops off pretty significantly but once in the saddle everything works as usual, so maybe the drop on drive is how that one got started. And like GaG I am much better a DATY now, maybe because I have more patience and I enjoy it more now. And for me once married everything seemed to stop...not right away, but it sure as hell has now!

1) Myth. Not from what I've been told. Plus, it's just common sense from a scientific perspective.

2) Myth. Lol. Boy, you should meet some of the smaller women I've met. On a average? Nah. Not even then.

3) I'm athletic and have always taken what I think to be a longer time but don't know if it's bc I workout.

4) Myth. LOL. Oh, there are so many other reasons why they do ;)

5) ? Again, on an average. I wouldn't know. No va jay jay ova here.

6) Fact. So I've heard! ;)

7) Myth and Fact. I have never been married but again on the average. You know number one ceases. Not as much as number 2 though. Ha. Let's get real.

I don't mean to offend no one!

Things like this are just for jokes & fun! As we should all have every once in awhile.. lol

Ms. Leila Lovely

-- Modified on 6/23/2015 9:19:07 PM

It's allll good. U may have offended some Catholics. Lol. But...Take it from a man who has been around A LOT of them since I was a child. They can be a tad bit sensitive! Lol. Now that's some real talk there!  

Love you Catholics! As I love all believers and none despite all the "labels". Well, atheists are believers too. Whether they see it or not. Lol. Believing in nothing is still believing in something :) Lol. Oh yes it is.

You're all good Leila. Trust me! If you scroll and browse around, you will surely come to this conclusion. We are a band of the many round here!

Again, loved your thread. Thanks for something a tad bit different!

Posted By: MsLeilaLovely
I don't mean to offend no one!  
 Things like this are just for jokes & fun! As we should all have every once in awhile.. lol  
 Ms. Leila Lovely

-- Modified on 6/23/2015 9:19:07 PM

I am warming up to you and enjoy when you get playful. At first I thought you were doing ThreADS but now I am getting a kick out of your posts. (At least I am honest, right?)

Post away. I only start Threads to get the board jumping. Haven't had to lately with the trolls. lol

Posted By: MsLeilaLovely
I don't mean to offend no one!  
 Things like this are just for jokes & fun! As we should all have every once in awhile.. lol  
 Ms. Leila Lovely

-- Modified on 6/23/2015 9:19:07 PM

1. Define big dick.
2. Don't know. I don't stick my dick in anything that weights more than me
3. Don't ask about religious affiliation. They either take it in the ass or they don't.
4. Depends on their sexual experience. I was told I was a damn fine clit licker before 30. May have something to do with actually trying to please a woman and reading her body language and learning from experience.
5. See question 1
6. In my experience this is not true.

Fact/myth? All BP hookers are LE or being trafficked or just a lesser experience in general because they are drug addicts or unclean or high volume. Or is this just an ideology pushed by the "elite" ho's to keep business coming their way? My view point is well documented.

NewAgeZealot816 reads

I have big hands and feet, so does every man in my family. I'm fairly large (without bragging)

My top 3 best BJ's, have come from girls with a little 'extra', not necessarily BBW.  

What is a long time? Most likely a question meant for the women.  

Meh, catholic girls do a lot of things that may not be 'next to godliness'

what I learned in my 20's that I didn't know now is, if ain't her cup o'tea at daty then I move on.  

It's so true, for whatever reason I have had more luck with anal with women under 120 than a girl over 120. Sucks because I like a big butt 😔

Haven't been married wouldn't kno

not sure why.  But my theory is that they appreciate it way more than conventionally attractive ladies who believe they are doing you a favor by sucking your dick.  I mean they are but damn you don't have to act like it.

First BJ I ever got was from a BBW in high school in my parents dining room on a Saturday night.  This chick was so grateful to suck a dick and get fucked that I made her wait on my porch for like 20 minutes while I finished watching the OSU game with my buddies.  

Then I let her come in (didn't even offer her a drink of water).  Took her straight to the dining room, didn't even turn on the lights.  Laid down on floor, asked her if she would "do that for me".  She commenced to sucking and did a damn fine job!!!!!!!!!!

Later that year had a quasi girlfriend that was very athletic, pretty, blah, blah, blah.  First time she sucked my dick she barely wanted to put her mouth on it:(   Fucking cunt!!!!!!!!!

But it's cool because I stuck my dick in her ass (raw dog).  No lube, no condom for that bitch. RT just plowed my dick right in there and started pumping away.  Funny thing about it was that as I was pumping away she farted.  Now that's funny.  That'll learn bitches not to take the opportunity to suck my fucking dick.

Man I got women issues


of U.S. currency in my Hobby bank account.  

It is an online bank account that I transfer $$$ into the joint checking account when I want to fuck a woman other than my wife.  Trust me the $$$ it takes to fuck my wife is a lot more than $6,800 dollars:(

You think I give a fuck what a bunch of losers and whores think about me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As long as I show up wid a big wad o money I can fuck 99% of the women on this board.  

You got it twisted this ain't a board for charity.  It's a board for fucking women who charge for that service.

If I thought being nice and fake on this board would feed hungry kids in China.  Then I would do that.  But it won't so I aint going to do that.

I will just keep spreading the money around for wet pussy.

See the thing an asshole like me has an common with whores is that we are both honest.  I will tell you I AM ASSHOLE.  And a whore will tell you that to.  (try not paying her and see how nice/sweet will turn to CUNTY CRAZY real quick).


LasVegan712 reads

"women" issues?  Are you sure there is nothing else going on up there?

Still laugh when I read your posts........not sure why.   Difficult to take you seriously........no offense intended, truly.

Senator.Blutarsky796 reads

Now that doesn't mean that they are wrong, just that there is a lack of evidence to say they are "facts"  

Big guys (over 6') with big hands & big feet have big dicks = I'm sure some percentage do, but is it any different than the average male population?  
BBW gives better head = again, I'm sure some do, but is it significantly more the the female population as a whole?  
Athletic guys seem to take longer on getting a O = never heard this one and in my case I can say it is NOT true.  
Catholic girls take it up the ass because they don't believe in birth control = LOL... Maybe some do, but I wouldn't say that they do at a higher percentage than other gals.
Guys under 30 really don't know how to DATY properly = hmm... I disagree with this assessment... All my GFs in college begged for it, so I must have been doing something right.  
Smaller/Petite ladies can take big dicks = sure, some can, and some can't. In my experience the size of the gal does not correlate to the size of the VJ.
Once married all BJ's or allowing DATY seem to stop = maybe, my ex never gave BJ's but she always asked for DATY.  

Solo mis dos centavos...

College educated = intelligence.

Must be a AA = big booty.

Skinny gals = no boobs.

Better sex = big dick.

A gal squirting = pee.

Lots of sex or being an escort = loose pussy (ie not tight)


As far as what you mentioned... Seems athletic guys do take longer (overall). I can only speak for myself in that I am slender and sure can't take big dicks. Just depends on each lady what her pussy decides to handle lol,

Posted By: MsLeilaLovely
Big guys (over 6') with big hands & big feet have big dicks =  
 BBW gives better head =  
 Athletic guys seem to take longer on getting a O =  
 Catholic girls take it up the ass because they don't believe in birth control =  
 Guys under 30 really don't know how to DATY properly =  
 Smaller/Petite ladies can take big dicks =  
 Once married all BJ's or allowing DATY seem to stop =  
 Please add any Fact/Myth that you can think of!  
 Ms. Leila Lovely

1) A Supa Dupa Damn MYTH right there. Can I get a mutherfreakin AMEN! Anyone who has been to any university in this world knows that. Shit, even if you haven't, PLEASE know that!!! Lol. Muuuuthafuuuukas!  

Shout out to Hank Moody!

As I told a little birdy, my degrees didn't give me half the knowledge required to become an intelligent being. This after said Birdy tried to say his/her degrees meant they had intelligence and made sense all the time. Like WTF were they drinking? Stupid Juice. Lol.

-- Modified on 6/23/2015 5:26:22 PM

Sorry to any guys that aren't circumcised, but you can't tell me otherwise on this one.

-- Modified on 6/23/2015 11:40:28 PM

To make that assertion you'd need to have a lot of experience with dicks. If not, your confidence in it would have to come from feeling rather bitter that mommy and daddy took one look at your infant penis and decided "we've got to chop that shit off."

Bottom line is that a man's penis is as clean as he keeps it. If you think that having your genitals mutilated is a reason not to clean yourself properly you might want to rethink some things in life.

By the knee jerk reaction that you might smell.  

I find uncut penis just plain ugly and they do smell, pull that foreskin back and there is a special odor whether just washed or not. How about you wipe your finger under that foreskin and stick up your nose and see.  

I see one and out comes that condom.

Seems to me you need to start seeing a higher class of men; perhaps try those who know how to wash.

And you find them ugly because you have been culturally conditioned into considering a mutilated penis normal.  

Btw, based on all your posts I feel I must ask you, why don't you just get rid of the guy who keeps pissing in your Wheaties every morning?

Bob.Sugar453 reads

She's not interested in men.  That's the problem with this bifurcation.  She has no other skills to offer society, so she's stuck fucking men so she can at least survive.  It's a shame that there isn't a market for women seeking her services.  

I feel bad for anyone who is forced into servitude like this.  

I discussed with my fellow gazillionaires if they'd pony up some money to help this gal on a path to happiness.  I hope they come back with a positive reply soon.  

Posted By: Atlastood
Seems to me you need to start seeing a higher class of men; perhaps try those who know how to wash.  
 And you find them ugly because you have been culturally conditioned into considering a mutilated penis normal.  
 Btw, based on all your posts I feel I must ask you, why don't you just get rid of the guy who keeps pissing in your Wheaties every morning?

You bullshit on here about your wealth and status and I see zero proof. Hah! everyone's an internet genius and gazillionaire.  

In actuality Mary Poppins, the real gazillionaire don't come on here trying to convince everyone they are in fact gazillionaires. You shot yourself in your foot by the constant reminders of your brilliance and wealth...all in your own mind. You have taken your fantasy world literally there sunshine.

Bob.Sugar594 reads

You must be the only one here that tells the truth?

I've just checked with our BOD and they've approved your one way trip to Saturn.  No need to pack anything, I've arranged for my friends to make sure that all you'll need is in the capsule.  

Have a great trip.  It's good to be the rich, powerful and extremely good looking capitalist that I am.  Don't be jealous...now you'll be famous.  But no one can hear you scream in space.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
You bullshit on here about your wealth and status and I see zero proof. Hah! everyone's an internet genius and gazillionaire.  
 In actuality Mary Poppins, the real gazillionaire don't come on here trying to convince everyone they are in fact gazillionaires. You shot yourself in your foot by the constant reminders of your brilliance and wealth...all in your own mind. You have taken your fantasy world literally there sunshine.

The attention whore has struck again...look at me I am insignificant but if I can post about my fantasy life on a fuck board someone might believe me and I might even convince myself.  

Well only one way to deal with your addiction and that is to cut it off.

Ugly is ugly dude. Sorry you can't deal with a non-sugar coated  approach. I actually have fun on here, try it sometime.

Get over the fact that some women find uncut dicks ugly and smelly.

-- Modified on 6/24/2015 2:44:18 PM

Bob.Sugar701 reads

At least you're not back to some asinine percentage based on more nonsense.

Just to confirm, all pussy's are not created equal either.  I personally like the little slit type, while others like the roast beef look.

Too bad you find ugliness in the human anatomy.  I think that reflects a lot of your disdain for the world you live in.

I'm really sorry that life has tossed you the shits, but if you pull up your britches, work hard and look at life as an optimist, perhaps one day you'll like yourself.  Or for a nominal fee, I can set you up with one of my staff to send you daily texts/emails telling you that you're not an asshole, and that damn it...people actually like you.

And that's the truth!

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Ugly is ugly dude. Sorry you can't deal with a non-sugar coated  approach. I actually have fun on here, try it sometime.  
 Get over the fact that some women find uncut dicks ugly and smelly.

-- Modified on 6/24/2015 2:44:18 PM

Wow what a stretch, I find uncut dicks ugly and that, in your mind, translates into I have disdain for the world I live in? I am not a fan of asparagus, so what does that tell you?

How about you worry about your fantasy life and let others do what they want. Or better yet, climb out of your parents basement and get a small studio for yourself...it will show independence and I am sure your parents will welcome the extra space.

Bob.Sugar511 reads

The fact of the matter is that my parents do live in my palatial estate.  I have the great privilege of giving back to the greatest people who matter to me.  My parents lived in shanty shit as I grew up.  I knew that with hard work I could make it in life.  And god damnit, I not only made it...I am now the most powerful entertainment and sports agent on the fucking planet.

I love watching my folks play croquet in my 25 acre garden.  I even gave Jimmy Dugan a job a few years back.

Try asparagus wrapped in bacon cooked on the grill.  It's excellent.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Wow what a stretch, I find uncut dicks ugly and that, in your mind, translates into I have disdain for the world I live in? I am not a fan of asparagus, so what does that tell you?  
 How about you worry about your fantasy life and let others do what they want. Or better yet, climb out of your parents basement and get a small studio for yourself...it will show independence and I am sure your parents will welcome the extra space.

Is your reading comprehension always so terrible or is it only when you're upset like this? "Ugly" is subjective and as I mentioned you think it's ugly because you've had so many circumcised dicks in your face that you're conditioned to think as you do. But, again, if you think a normal penis smells bad due to your experience then clearly your clientele has hygiene issues completely unrelated to their intact penis.

YOU are telling ME to have fun on here? LOL, sweetie I'm not the one with a vagina full of sand throwing a hissy-fit over the looks and smells of other men's genitalia.

I don't care how many cut dicks I have seen...an uncut dick is still ugly TO ME.

Get the fuck over it and walk away. Nothing you are going to say is going to change my mind.  

And you started the hissy fit with your reply to a guy who said uncut dicks are unclean, or did you forget that? I just chimed in saying I think they are ugly and have a smell even when washed. You got offended because someone said what you have dangling between your legs is unappealing...no downright ugly.

You don't seem to realize that I'm not disagreeing with your personal perception of what is ugly or not. Yet you keep repeating it over and over again, and then tell me to get over it, LMAO!

Correction, I didn't throw a hissy-fit, I merely made an accurate observation. For a man to know, with such certainty no less, what certain types of penises smell like, or how clean they are, he'd either have to be abundantly experienced with them after constant exposure, or bitter that he's been shorted (pun intended) a complete anatomy and merely trying to rationalize his forced amputation. I also corrected him with the fact that cleanliness, rather than foreskin, is the key factor here.

Then you came along to tell us, and repeat, and continue repeating, what your personal, subjective (purposeful redundancy used) feelings about them are.

We get it, you don't like normal penises. Good for you. How about you share your provider info with us so we normal people know to stay away from you? No? Fine, then put it on your website. Or in your ads. You know, like some say "sorry, no AA men" you can say "sorry, no normal penises." Oh, but wait, you'd still accept a client with an uncircumcised penis wouldn't you? I guess as long as the cash is green nothing else matters anymore, huh? So much for that pesky little "truth" part of your username. :-(

Bob.Sugar673 reads

She's actually a petite fitness nut who doesn't look bad in her pics.  But she's about 50 now, and her reviews discuss that as well.

It's the hookers who hear that tick tock running out on their hooker income that post as she does.  And with no other skills, you really need to ask why she's so negative on life?

Posted By: Atlastood
You don't seem to realize that I'm not disagreeing with your personal perception of what is ugly or not. Yet you keep repeating it over and over again, and then tell me to get over it, LMAO!  
 Correction, I didn't throw a hissy-fit, I merely made an accurate observation. For a man to know, with such certainty no less, what certain types of penises smell like, or how clean they are, he'd either have to be abundantly experienced with them after constant exposure, or bitter that he's been shorted (pun intended) a complete anatomy and merely trying to rationalize his forced amputation. I also corrected him with the fact that cleanliness, rather than foreskin, is the key factor here.  
 Then you came along to tell us, and repeat, and continue repeating, what your personal, subjective (purposeful redundancy used) feelings about them are.  
 We get it, you don't like normal penises. Good for you. How about you share your provider info with us so we normal people know to stay away from you? No? Fine, then put it on your website. Or in your ads. You know, like some say "sorry, no AA men" you can say "sorry, no normal penises." Oh, but wait, you'd still accept a client with an uncircumcised penis wouldn't you? I guess as long as the cash is green nothing else matters anymore, huh? So much for that pesky little "truth" part of your username. :-(

You blather on about genital mutilation, yah you are speaking to a woman who, if was born in parts of Africa, would have her clit hacked off...you get a nice trim not your entire organ removed so stop with the mutilation exaggeration. We get it, you don't like circumcision. And you keep repeating your side.  

I have no problem seeing a guy with a dangly foreskin and that particular smell. I will use a condom for EVERYTHING. And that is the truth. I also accept obese guys, hairy guys, bald guys, so what is your point?  

But thanks for the unsolicited "how to run your business" advice from a trick( I see no need to alter any  wording on my website or how I conduct business) because you are offended.

Grasping at straws now are we? You may not like the connotations of my wording, but you can't disagree with the meaning. It's by definition mutilation. Calling it a "nice trim" suggests you're just another victim of your culture and, by the way, sounds eerily similar to the perception of FGM by those who force it on girls.

Of course I keep repeating my side, you're still here bitching about your dislike for a normal penis. How do you see conversations going in your head? I say something, you give me the (your) "truth" and I'm supposed to just agree with you? LOL.

"I have no problem seeing a guy with a dangly foreskin and that particular smell." Haha, make that your trademarked logo so filthy men will know just how nonexistent your standards are.

By the way, just like before, this last statement was sarcasm, not business advice. Sad, and telling, that I have explain this to you. Oh well, another morning, another bowl of pissed on Wheaties for you, huh?

That is her preference, why analyze it up and down and all around?  Skinny blondes with big fake titties generally can demand more than other providers, and flat-chested brunnettes can certainly whine about the cultural conditioning that leads to that.  But why would they bother?  There are millions of reasons why folks find aspects of others attractive or not.  Some might seem more reasonable to you, while others might seem silly or culturally based.  But why spend more than half a second concerned with why others think the way they think?  And in her case, her dick preference is based on her own experience of servicing many many dicks - so to argue against her preference seems kinda silly to me.

Go ahead and show me where I argued against her preference. Find me that post where I tried to argue that a normal penis is beautiful despite what she says.

Having trouble finding it, aren't you? In fact . . . hold on, didn't I already make this point clear? Why, yes, yes I did.

No wonder this country is in such trouble, reading comprehension just doesn't seem to be a priority in schools anymore. People just see what they want to see, how they want to see it despite what's actually there.  

At least on these insignificant topics it makes for good amusement. Thank you for that.

All I said is I find them ugly and that they have a smell...my perception from my experiences. You went all crazy going on about normal penises...I don't give a rats ass about normal penises. If I have to go suck one, I will suck whatever type I see fit and I will not BBBJ an uncut dick.  

My statements are about my choice, not about normal or not normal. From experience I find cut dicks cleaner and without that weird smell. Does that mean all cut dicks are clean, no but cleaner than the same unwashed uncut dick.  

Was it the fact that the guy before all this said that uncut dicks were unclean that has got you so riled up? Must be because that is when you chimed in. So really what was your issue with my choice? I was not arguing culture, I was simply commenting on my preference as a hooker and of course my opinion of them.  

I find it doubtful that you were not insulted because your reaction just seemed so over the top.  

Kind of like fat hookers going ballistic when  trick doesn't like them.  

I think I found where you feel my likes came from...being culturally conditioned. Sorry but no. I have eyes and I know what is aesthetically pleasing to me. I do not like hairy men and wish they shaved their armpits. There is no cultural conditioning around this. It is something I just prefer because aesthetically I do not like hairy armpits. Hairy pits smell worse.

Another thing that I feel you might have taken umbrage to, was that uncut dicks are dirty. And that all cut dicks are clean. No I don't believe that at all. Sadly many uncut men are not overly good with under foreskin hygiene. Please do a search on this board and you will find more than this hooker who has had to deal with that. It is not just like a regular smelly crotch, it is amplified because everything is trapped under there. If you have ever had your nose that close you would know.  

You may have exemplary hygiene and good for you but that still does not alter one bit my personal preference and that has zero to do with culture, conditioning or anything else.  

And I am sorry if some woman has said something to you in the past to make you feel bad. If you are happy with your uncut dick, then great BUT just leave it at that and accept that not everyone shares your viewpoint.

-- Modified on 6/25/2015 12:23:21 PM

Hopefully for the last time: I did not, have not, and will not take a stance against your personal preference. How much more clear can I make this? As the other guy said that would be just silly. There's nothing for me to get over as I am not insulted in the least. Nor am I insulted that you think normal penises smell bad. Mine doesn't because I bathe, regularly, as all people should.

Furthermore, my reaction to your initial comment was merely a statement of fact. You can disagree with it based on your feelings, biases, or whatever, but not factually. If you were born and raised in a culture that didn't circumcise you would hold the exact opposite opinion; just like women in those cultures constantly mock men with amputated penises and I've met more than a few who simply refuse to sleep with a man with no foreskin because, they claim, it just looks too disgusting. Like you, they think their preference has nothing to do with their culture. Like you, if you alter your exposure long enough you'll look back at your current preferences and disagree with them.

I'm neither mad, nor insulted, by your, or Blaze's, or that other guy's comments. Blaze made that initial comment and left himself wide open for that comeback (a dude making a broad claim about all penises . . . come on, that shit just can't be passed up). Then you came along to tell us how you feel. I pointed out the obvious, you took issue, and . . . well, I'm not going to lie it's been pretty fun pissing you off.

For the record, I agree with you about the looks, but that's probably because I think all penises look disgusting, foreskin or not.

As for being pissed off, neither am I. I guess we are just as passionate about our POV and that's fine. And for what it is worth I was raised with a more European flavor where circumcision was not all that popular. I saw about equal growing up.

Everything you are saying in this thread is arguing against her preference.  Silly to say otherwise.  And no, I'm not anal enough (or care enough) to go back and start clipping quotes, because it's so abundentally obvious that... oh hell nevermind, it's just not worth it.  And I imagine your next step will be parsing the meaning of "arguing against her preference" lol - go for it if that get's you off!!  Personally though, I recommend getting off in other ways...  May be time for you to set up a date.  Just sayin...  Seriously, just relax.

Well Mr ugly smelly penis, you just called yourself filthy...you have the dangly bit and that smell. And honey my standards always take a hit in this job...lol. I get paid to overlook so much already, there are just some things I won't and USUD is one of them.  

This is hilarious, you just can't stop can you. You really cannot deal with a hooker thinking your junk is gross. This is too easy, you keep getting madder and crazier.  

Me thinks you have been rejected a few times over your "normal" penis.  

Well as a joke, why not announce to the hookers you pay to suck it, that you have an uncut dick so that they can opt out if they feel the same way I do or they can simply just add the condom to place a barrier between that and that odd taste and smell.

You have yourself a wonderful day...don't forget to shower now and pull back that floppy bit of skin and get that soap alllllll the way under there....

LMAO! Is that what you think? That I'm sitting here getting angrier and angrier? Nice of you to project so forthcomingly for us, but, sweetie, you're entertaining me, not aggravating me.

It's clear to me that you're completely incapable of accepting the fact that not everything you say is objectively true. I'm actually contemplating disagreeing with you on other issues just to see your head explode again. :D

Uh, uh, I'm gonna . . . I'm gonna . . . cry? Oops, so close, but not quite. I'm just going to sit back and briefly enjoy the thought that someday you will realize that every time you say a normal penis smells bad you're humiliating yourself, not me. LOL, I bet you still don't even understand why, do you? I've already spelled it out for you, perhaps a box of crayons is in order.

You and yours don't matter. I am the one sucking dick, that is unless you do it too, then by all means, suck as many uncut stinky dicks as you want

Bob.Sugar405 reads

You continuously point out that percentages of whatever pulled from your ass post after post is "important"  LOL

You still can't see the hypocrisy in all your venting here.

I'll let you have the last word...it seems that's also very important to you.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
You and yours don't matter. I am the one sucking dick, that is unless you do it too, then by all means, suck as many uncut stinky dicks as you want.  

I've had good ones and bad ones on both sides of this issue. The worst guy ever was uncut. And I've seen some beautiful uncut cock.

Posted By: Blaze81
Sorry to any guys that aren't circumcised, but you can't tell me otherwise on this one.  

-- Modified on 6/23/2015 11:40:28 PM

In the hobby, I've tended to do best with the tall ladies, those above 5-9.  And I'm 5-4.  Just an observation...

I've never thought about my height vs hers.  I'm 6'2 and I seriously don't think I've been with any girl taller than 5'4-5'5! Since I started hobbying.


Good service isn't cheap, and cheap service isn't good.

I believe this is a myth, but on average true

All black. men got big dicks....( rolling eyeballs)  its some weeners out there.

This myth is. my personal favorite. White men got little dick. FALSE...whoever started that fucking lie..........may you rot....



On the first, I'm not sure, but in my case....under 6', freakishly small hands and feet...well I guess you know the rest.  LOL.

As to the last, yes there is truth as to why a Bride is smiling on her wedding day....she knows she has given her last BJ.  Oh and what I hate is they don't TELL YOU they don't enjoy these things until AFTER you say "I do".  

Posted By: MsLeilaLovely
Big guys (over 6') with big hands & big feet have big dicks =  
 BBW gives better head =  
 Athletic guys seem to take longer on getting a O =  
 Catholic girls take it up the ass because they don't believe in birth control =  
 Guys under 30 really don't know how to DATY properly =  
 Smaller/Petite ladies can take big dicks =  
 Once married all BJ's or allowing DATY seem to stop =  
 Please add any Fact/Myth that you can think of!  
 Ms. Leila Lovely

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