TER General Board

Re: I don't understand that score
VincenzoG91 5 Reviews 287 reads

In Russia, escort screws you.

Posted By: darmody
From what he writes, it sounds like at least half a rip-off. Unless she has posted somewhere that sessions end after the first--and only--pop. But he says she rushed him out the door because she had another engagement. Which she didn't clear with him ahead of time.  
 So he gives her a 5, which translates as "average?" Reviewers really do their fellow hobbyists a disservice with that sort of thing.  

-- Modified on 2/22/2017 4:23:29 PM

It seems that this term is already coined. Can someone explain what is that? Thanks. Xo

It is basically a women who will wear only one colored dress in all her hooker photos and then has a hissy when this is pointed out to her.

You couldn't relate but this 'tude does exist. ;)

GaGambler704 reads

We haven't heard from BBBBB for months now. I guess she finally made good on her promise to leave this place. I wonder if she is still claiming to NOT be a hooker too?

GaGambler462 reads

I almost hate to do this, but Sophia is just about as fun to pick on as her mother before her.

Dick_Enormis635 reads

Cold, aloof, all-business, non-GFE.  Lays there like a starfish with zero enthusiasm.  Just wants to get the session over.  

Then why in the States so many agencies and independents with "russian" word in it. Why Russian brides are sought by Americans? Or ( I hope ) not anymore?

triage453 reads

because they're considered attractive

On the Russian hooker phenomenon. I think it's because people are looking for something foreign and exotic, like with the Asians, except in this case Caucasian. Also, there are people specifically attracted to the Second World-type. Finally, I think a certain Eastern European look is played up in the world of High Fashion, which some men are into.

As for Russian brides, there's the fantasy of them being subservient and malleable. Certainly there's a better chance of thawing your Ice Princess bride than an Ice Princess provider, which is pretty much zero.

-- Modified on 2/22/2017 4:26:04 PM

FakawiTribe545 reads

It usually means she's clinical, business-like and not gfe at all.
Aloof and distant with money as the only consideration.
They often work for agencies and circle thru the USA before heading back to Mother Russia.

GaGambler425 reads

why am I not surprised you were hungover?

I know many people hate stereotypes, but many of them start for good reason. I mean what are the chances of finding a Russian hooker hungover or drunk? lol

So now we have linked 33.33% of your reviews. I think I am beginning to see a pattern.

BTW, are you REALLY 26-30? Be honest now.

We see many hungover clients, so why once in a while can I? And you pointed out to another review with low scores ( but not bad, but pretty good). That is this, your mission is to pick on me and not to reply to the original questions. The question was simple - what means Russian attitude from a point of view of American. That's it.

GaGambler433 reads

Too many, a "Russian Attitude" is "All Business" and very little passion.

Speaking for myself, I have had some very enjoyable sessions with Russian women, and have found some VERY beautiful women, both in and out of the hobby. That said, most stereotypes have at least some basis in fact.

Now that I have answered your question, will you answer mine? Are you really still in your twenties?

and it's ok for me as the paying party to be hungover, when I pay someone hundreds of dollars an hour, I expect their best. The only time a hungover hooker is acceptable is when I had a hand in getting her drunk in the first place.

he just gave me low scores. I am 32. And I doubt you pay someone for the party, you just fart on the GD board.

GaGambler446 reads

Did you learn to speak English from your lunatic mother?

He says "you are not his type" he also left only half way through the session. That doesn't sound like a satisfying session to me.

and you can bet, I would NEVER pay for the likes of you. If this was meant to be a threAD, it is turning out to be the most unsuccessful threAD in quite some time, almost as bad as those made by your departed mother.

... and what it means to an American. That's all. If with every my post you are going to cite my reviews, that's not answer my question. And you find particularly unlucky once.

GaGambler355 reads

I wasn't the one who started linking your reviews, but since you complained so much about the first example I decided to offer up another one to substantiate the first one.

and I already answered your question. I can't help it if you don't like the answers you are getting.  

So, just how much vodka did you drink the night before that session? And are you really Russian? I thought Russians didn't get hangovers due to simply staying drunk, or was that the Irish? lmao

FakawiTribe344 reads

until someone eventually tells them what they want to hear.

I don't think that will happen for her here.

Who is he? What kind of reviews he writes? Can you post a link to your reviews?

I can't remember if was a personal website or an ad link. This isn't her first rodeo on the GDB. Maybe this will refresh your memory! And there are MANY more...

Steph xoxo

Posted By: MatureGFE
I can't remember if was a personal website or an ad link. This isn't her first rodeo on the GDB. Maybe this will refresh your memory! And there are MANY more...  
 Steph xoxo

GaGambler218 reads

and it was the reason for the earlier comment about her having only one dress, but here it is

From what he writes, it sounds like at least half a rip-off. Unless she has posted somewhere that sessions end after the first--and only--pop. But he says she rushed him out the door because she had another engagement. Which she didn't clear with him ahead of time.

So he gives her a 5, which translates as "average?" Reviewers really do their fellow hobbyists a disservice with that sort of thing.

-- Modified on 2/22/2017 4:23:29 PM

GaGambler295 reads

Five, for either appearance or performance is a horrible score on TER. No experienced reader of reviews believes that five is "average", Having several five is pretty much the kiss of death for a hooker on TER, unless she is in the $200 hr or below price point. If a hooker is going to charge $300 or more per hour, 7's better be her lowest scores.  

Many of us claim not to pay attention to the numerical scores, but for me at least that only refers to the "high numerical scores" IMO if a hooker has nothing but 9s and 10's that is no guarantee she is really "all that", but I will concede it's a good start. OTOH, if a hooker has multiple reviews below 7 for either looks or performance, it's an almost sure bet I won't be seeing her. Unless of course she has three or four bad reviews sandwiched in between a hundred glowing ones. BBBBB's dumber daughter  has one third of her reviews with scores below a 7. Most guys with any sense wouldn't book with her on a bet with scores like that.

I agree with everything you've said. 5 definitely is a horrible score on TER. That's the grading curve you have to take into account, and that's part of what I'm complaining about.  

Because it's one thing if it was a crap session, she wasn't an active participant, the room was dirty, she smelled bad, etc. It's another thing when, like I said, it's at least half a rip-off. I expect to get, if not 60 minutes of action, at least close to a full hour in the girl's presence if I'm paying for an hour. Rushing me out the door after less than a half hour, even if I've finished once, is a rip-off to me. I want that sort of thing shouted from the rooftops in reviews. Certainly it doesn't deserve a 5, even if 5s don't mean what they say.

-- Modified on 2/22/2017 4:34:46 PM

In Russia, escort screws you.

Posted By: darmody
From what he writes, it sounds like at least half a rip-off. Unless she has posted somewhere that sessions end after the first--and only--pop. But he says she rushed him out the door because she had another engagement. Which she didn't clear with him ahead of time.  
 So he gives her a 5, which translates as "average?" Reviewers really do their fellow hobbyists a disservice with that sort of thing.  

-- Modified on 2/22/2017 4:23:29 PM

VOO-doo233 reads

I worked with a bunch when I was new.  

They were far more businesslike, possessing a brutally cut and dry manner that I personally could never get away with. I liked working with them, because they kept the drunks (and cokeheads) in line, and the sessions always ran more smoothly. Plus, they were a lot of fun, once they let their hair down. Guys liked them because they knew how to party (they liked me because I was "sweet").  

'As soon as we take care of the money we can have some fun!' sounded kind of like 'Geev us zeee money or we veel keeeeeellll you!!!'  

But there was something sexy about it that was hard to explain.  

'Do not dooooo that honey, that HURTS me. Vyyyyyy do men think women like zat? Weeeemen are like theeees.'  

I'd NEVER be able to get away with it, but the guys LOVED them.

... She was very pretty but far too business like. To be honest I was surprised that she agreed to a date in the first place. It was only recently that any Russian providers would even answer emails. Not sure what changed but I have shied away from them for a while now. I might try one again some day, but I'm not in any hurry.

The Russian strippers that I see regularly seem to be the same way. Many are gorgeous, but their all-business, no-nonsense lap-n-go approach in the clubs leaves me cold. The one positive thing I can say is that they do hustle in the clubs, unlike many of their coworkers. Guess they have to consistently make the big bucks to satisfy the agencies that ship them here.

GaGambler309 reads

I think it's more like .5% of Russian females that are that attractive.  

I really have no issues with the rest of your post. lol except perhaps to remind you on behalf of the more pedantic members of the board that it's hard "core" cunts, not hard "corp"

I thought it was an observation that I'm tall and blonde.

Turns out it's more because I travel alone so they think I'm a hooker.  Six of one, half dozen of the other. Lol

...Pre-TER, 1990's  Los Angeles.  So many and each one prettier than the one before.  I once went to an apt. and had my choice of FIFTEEN women.  And if that wasn't enough...it was $100/hr.

Posted By: sophiafun
It seems that this term is already coined. Can someone explain what is that? Thanks. Xo
Just think of all the trouble a Russian Attitude causes for Mooze and Skvirrel. For me, it's been worse.

Boris and Natasha weren't Russian. They were Pottsylvanians.

Posted By: lester_prairie
Boris and Natasha weren't Russian. They were Pottsylvanians.
They were spies for Pottsylvania and perhaps even citizens of Pottsylvania but I hold the belief that they were ethnic Russians.  

Besides, have you ever heard anyone, in the hobby or elsewhere, complain about a "Pottsylvanian Attitude"?

June Foray, the voice of Natasha (and Rocky and just about every other female or child voice of the era) says she was asked to provide a Eastern European voice, kind of Russian, but not Russian Russian.

Foray, often called the female Mel Blanc, is still alive, though in her 90's, and was providing some voices as late as two years ago (according to wikipedia.)

Posted By: impposter
Posted By: lester_prairie
Boris and Natasha weren't Russian. They were Pottsylvanians.
They were spies for Pottsylvania and perhaps even citizens of Pottsylvania but I hold the belief that they were ethnic Russians.  
 Besides, have you ever heard anyone, in the hobby or elsewhere, complain about a "Pottsylvanian Attitude"?

Posted By: lester_prairie
June Foray, the voice of Natasha (and Rocky and just about every other female or child voice of the era) says she was asked to provide a Eastern European voice, kind of Russian, but not Russian Russian.
But of course! An ethnic Russian or German or Japanese who lives for many years in the US or Pottsylvania will lose their native accents. I've known foreigners who learned their English in a third country. When they come to the US they aren't speaking English with a Russian-Russian accent but English with a Russian-Spanish (or Cuban) accent!  And when they went back home overseas to visit their country of origin, the local natives could no longer understand their first-language lingo anymore. Foreigners in their own country!

I guess the message should be to be wary of Russian Attitude AND Pottsylvanian Attitude.

I suppose its because they love Russia and all things Russian, they will admit they're only here for making money and that nothing comes close to Russia and Russians, Russian food is better, the art, the men etc, etc.... I suppose that is why they are so businesslike, they despise all that is not Russian. The funny thing is that Russian men, hate Russian women, and pay thousands to be with foreign women.  I know one that pays me lot of money just to spend most of our time just hearing me talk, laugh and giggle...very lonely, rich men.
Sweet naughty kisses,

I want our paths to cross so badly, what an amazingly hot woman you are Frederica (muah)

Posted By: Naughtyfrederica
I suppose its because they love Russia and all things Russian, they will admit they're only here for making money and that nothing comes close to Russia and Russians, Russian food is better, the art, the men etc, etc.... I suppose that is why they are so businesslike, they despise all that is not Russian. The funny thing is that Russian men, hate Russian women, and pay thousands to be with foreign women.  I know one that pays me lot of money just to spend most of our time just hearing me talk, laugh and giggle...very lonely, rich men.  
 Sweet naughty kisses,  

There's a midwest agency that has a lot of really, really attractive young ladies. The agency seems to have a winning formula with the girls: young, slender, long legs, long hair, shapely waist and hips, nice natural breasts or well-done man-made, and apparently attractive faces (reading "through" the blur). None of them have very good performance reviews, though. Almost all are Russian.

my most recent experience was hot but for some strange reason we didn't connect like I thought we would

my first, about 10 years ago was a knocked out of the park experience. Granted I was younger but her oral was among the best ... 3 orgasms in 30 minutes. As for the sex, she was so tight, we didn't fuck the first 3 times, the third session being an hour just to ensure penetration. And she was just as good a lay as a BBBJ'er.  

I guess I'm a bit biased ...

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